SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church Celebrating 92 Years 1923 - 2015 Drawing from the treasures of the Gospel and Roman Catholic Church teaching, we commit ourselves to be living examples of a community rich in faith, seeking the Kingdom of God. Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 22, 2015 I WAS THINKING… The sixth window on the west side of our church, top part to the left, depicts Saint John Cantius (Święty Jan Kanty). Saint John was born on June 24, 1390 in Kęty, near Oświecim, Diocese of Kraków, Poland. He was the son of Stanisław and Anna Kanty who were pious country people. He received his primary education at his native town, and then being sent by his parents to the Academy of Kraków, he soon impressed his professors and colleagues with his pleasant and kind disposition. He was always happy, but serious, humble, and pious. John won the hearts of all who came in contact with him. Having made excellent progress in the study of philosophical and theological sciences, he was graduated first as bachelor, then as master and doctor. He was ordained a priest and then appointed professor of theology at the Academy of Kraków, from where he was sent, after a short time, by his superiors to Olkusz, Diocese of Kraków, to be parish priest. Having the great responsibility of parish work and overwhelming amount of university work, Saint John decided to put his whole energy into teaching. He very soon left the parish, and was again appointed professor of Sacred Theology at the Academy of Krakow, which position he held without interruption until his death. Extreme humility and charity were evident in Saint John’s life. He distributed to the poor all the money and clothes he had, retaining only what was absolutely necessary to support himself. He slept very little, on the floor, and ate very little. Saint John died on December 24, 1473 in Kraków, and was buried in the church of St. Anne. The faithful were so assured of his sainthood that they buried him under the ambo. During his life he performed various miracles, which were multiplied after his death at his tomb. He was canonized by Clement XIII July 16, 1767. Saint John Cantius is the patron saint of Poland, Archdiocese of Kraków, the City of Kraków, professors, teachers, students, Catholic schools and “CARITAS” of Poland. The Papal Bull of Canonization tells us about miracles of Saint John Cantius: “By the power of God the integrity of his life and teachings was shown in a special way. For when a fire broke out in Cracow, and it seemed that the whole city was about to be consumed in the raging conflagration, so that there was no longer any hope of rescue by human means, John, engrossed in prayer, saw the figure of a man venerable by age and countenance standing by him, some said it was St. Stanislaus, Bishop of Cracow, and from him he learned that the fire would go no further. Moreover, he admonished the inhabitants of the city to abandon their sinful ways, if they did not want to bring far more severe punishment upon themselves; and verily, when, unmindful of the warning they relapsed into their old ways and habits, again a fire devastated a large part of the city.” Every day John would celebrate Holy Mass with such ardor and manifest such piety that he would kindle the very highest reverence for God in those present. When the enemy of humankind could no longer suffer this, he took on the SS. Peter and Paul News Page 2 shape of a swallow and, flying around in the church, tried będzie dla ciebie panem albo panią i odwrócisz się od to distract the congregation, drawing their attention away. jedynego Pana? Gdy tylko wyrazisz wolę uczynienia Jezusa Therefore, to make known to all the people what he Panem, siły ciemności upomną się o swoje wpływy. Jezus himself had learned by the power of God, he caught the może cię zbawić całkowicie, gdy całkowicie Mu się oddasz. bird and cast it down to the ground, whereupon it turned Gdy oddasz tylko trochę, czyż trochę miałoby być into a snake and with a horrible hiss immediately zbawione? Apokalipsa jest zrozumiała tylko dla sług Boga. disappeared from sight.” Gdy Baltazar ujrzał na ścianie swego pałacu rękę piszącą The top part of our stained glass window reminds prorocze słowa, żaden mędrzec babiloński nie potrafił us of these two miracles under the symbols of burning city wyjaśnić tego przesłania. Dopiero Daniel odczytał i of Kraków, and a snake. wytłumaczył Baltazarowi, że jego królestwo zostanie The center on the window shows Saint John zniszczone. Tylko ci, którzy są sługami Boga, mają dostęp Cantius in a professor's gown, holding a book in his hands do tajemniczych Jego wyroków. Kto niczego nie ukrywa and looking up towards Heaven. przed Bogiem, przed tym też Bóg niczego nie ukrywa. The Feast Day of Saint John Cantius is celebrated Apokalipsa zaadresowana jest do siedmiu on December 23rd. Kościołów, które są w Azji. Słowo AZJA w języku greckim Saint John Cantius, pray for us! (he asija) to mniej więcej tyle co kraj błotnisty. Podobnie May the Lord Jesus Christ and His Mom bless and hebrajski nazywa tę część świata: JAWAN, czyli błoto, protect you always! bagno, kałuża, dół zagłady, muł. Po prostu śmiertelne Fr. Jerry niebezpieczeństwo. W Starym Testamencie słowo „Jawan” było synonimem ugrzęźnięcia w niewolę kulturową. W Z TĘSKNOTY ZA BOSKOŚCIĄ Apokalipsie odnajdujemy więc odsłonięcie i wyjaśnienie Ciekawe, nie napisano w Apokalipsie, że Jezus tego, co się dzieje: Kościół jest obrzucany błotem z powodu przyjdzie, tylko że przychodzi. Przychodzi nieustannie. ateizmu wobec idoli tego świata. Przyszedł też do Piłata, a ten, choć nie znalazł w Nim winy, O. Augustyn Pelanowski OSPPE nie odkrył w Nim kogoś, kto od win uwalnia. Na samym końcu roku liturgicznego Kościół odsłania przed nami Meditation on the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, ostatnią księgę Biblii, by dać nam do zrozumienia King of the Universe - “My kingship is not of this world” nieuchronny finisz świata, który jest teatrem opowiadania Do you recognize that the Lord Jesus have been się za lub przeciw Bogu. W teatrze ludzie siadają na given all authority and power to reign over heaven and widowni i czekają, aż podniesie się kurtyna i odsłoni się earth? Jesus was crucified for his claim to be the Messiah scena. Przyglądając się aktorom, widzowie coraz bardziej King (John 18:37) who would rule not only over his people rozpoznają samych siebie, swój osobisty dramat, Israel but ultimately over all the nations as well (Daniel najgłębsze motywy, ukryte wspomnienia, 7:13-14). nieuświadomione myśli i przekonania. Jakże szybko God is King and Ruler over all poznajemy siebie, wpatrując się w kogoś! What is the significance or meaning of Jesus' Coś takiego powinno się pojawić w czasie kingship for us? Kingship today seems antiquated, rozważań apokaliptycznych. Księga powstała especially in democratic societies where everyone is prawdopodobnie około 96 r., pod koniec panowania treated equal and free. God at first did not want to give his cesarza Domicjana. Miał on obsesję doznawania boskiej people Israel a king. Why? Because God alone was their czci: chciał być panem bogiem dla swych poddanych. Ci, King and they needed no other. Nonetheless, God relented którzy temu się nie podporządkowali, byli oskarżani o and promised his people that through David's line he ateizm. Pierwsi chrześcijanie byli prześladowani za ateizm! would establish a Ruler and a Kingdom that would last for Domicjan zabił w 95 r. swego kuzyna Klemensa Flawiusza i eternity (Psalm 89:29). wygnał jego siostrzenicę Flawię Domityllę właśnie z powodu ateizmu. Jan zapewne znalazł się na Patmos za The Jews understood that the Messiah ("Anointed odmowę uznania Domicjana za boga! Ostatecznie One") would come as God's anointed King to restore Domicjan padł ofiarą spisku i został zamordowany. paradise and establish God's reign of everlasting peace for Ludzie tęsknią za boskością, pragną uwielbiać them. They wanted a Messianic King who would free them kogoś albo samych siebie. Przed jakim cesarzem albo from strife and division and from foreign oppression. Many Piłatem staniemy? Przed jakimi bożkami staniemy oko w had high hopes that Jesus would be the Messiah and Ruler oko, gdy będą domagały się kultu? Przed seksualnością? for Israel. Little did they understand what kind of kingship Przed chciwością? Przed pychą? A może drugi człowiek Jesus claimed to possess. SS. Peter and Paul News Page 3 Jesus' claim to kingship which is governed by God's righteousness, peace, and love. Jesus came to deliver his people, and the whole Is your life submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ? world, from the worst kind of tyranny possible - from "Lord Jesus Christ, you are my King and there is no bondage to sin, condemnation and death, and to free us other. Be the Lord and Master of my heart, mind, body, from Satan's kingdom of deception, oppression, and and soul. May I always seek to do your will and to serve destruction. Jesus came to conquer hearts and souls for an your kingdom above all else." (Copyright 2015, Don unshakeable kingdom - a kingdom ruled not by force or Schwager) fear - but by the power of God's righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). When Satan tempted Jesus during his forty day fast in the wilderness, he offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world (Matthew 4:8-9) Jesus knew that the world was in Satan's power. And this was precisely why Jesus came - to overthrow Satan's power and deception over the earth.
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