The Zip Code Your Want Ad for Mountainside is Is Easy To Place- just Phone 686 7700 An Official Newspaper For The Borough Of Mountainside 7 1 usd Each Thursday by Trumor Publlihing Carp, Subieriptlsn Rai. 15 Cents Per Copy Second Clo.i Psilag* MOUNTAiNSIDE, N.J. THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1967 i VOU, 9-No. 30 Paid at Mountain.Id., N,j 3 N«» PmvMtncii Haad, Meuntainiide, N,J, 07092 today for ddditioff qt-Beerfrelcl Ceremonies Plans store delayed until i way, completion Wilson says Appointees seated by School Board Discount establishment Ground breaWnj for the new addition to Deer field School is scheduled today. "Repre- may locate on property sentatives of the Board of Education, the ' Arttiur A. Wilson, owner of the much-dis- architects and the contractori will take part puted "Wilson Tract" which fronts on the in the aymboUc rite of turning the first spades weifljound lane of Rt. 22, will shortly submit of dirt, but formal eer«nonl»s will be post- to tile borough, plans for a two-itory building poned until me dedication of tiie completed which will Include a retail furrUture store on addition. the first floor and offices on the second, Wilson Robert Britton, president of me school board, said Monday night that the store would be laid Tu»sday night that Ae board's main "a discount type -- a typical highway opera- aim is to get construction underway as quickly tion." as possible so the new wing will be completed Wilson made that statement to representa- by die target date of September, 1968. Planning tives of the press immediately after the Board a eeramony would have delayed start of con- of Adjustment voted unanimously to turn down struction, he said. his application for a two-story office building —-Contracts jotalling over $721,000 were to be consttucted, at an estimated cost of signed Friday forTnlT0=rBonndditioni $600,000 to $700,000 on the front 3.07 acres * * • of his 12-aere holdings. TWO NEW APPOINTEESto me school board, Wilson already holds a variance for 2.5 Mrs. Gloria Johnson and Donald jeka, were acres and, in accordance with a decision sworn in at Tuesday night's meeting of the handed down early last year by Superior school board, Mrs. Mary K, Rosenquest, a Court Judge Milton Feller, may construct en resigning member, was presented with that portion TO" the land a~~reiatt stow With a plaque. In making the presentation to Mrs, offices for insurance and real estate. Rosenquest, Britton cited her for almost three In reading the Board of Adjusonent's finding years of "devoted service" on me board, of facts, the chairman, Thomas Ricciardi, Mri. Roienqueit, a Mountainside resident for stated that the applicant had failed-to show any 17 years, is moving to Ne& Canarm, Conn,, special reason why the board should grant the because of a transfer in her husband's work, variance which would allow the^consB-uction Mrs. Johnson wai appointed to replace her. of the'office building. Jeka.succeeds.Rlchtrd Krebi who has already • * • . moved to Illinois. IN TESTIMONY presented at last month's Britton appointed Mrs..Johnson as chair- meeting, It" was brought out that Honeywell man of administration and education and rep- Co., now located on Rt. 22 in Union, proposed resentative to me Recreation Commission, to take a 20-year lease on the office building, Jeka was named chairman 6f public relations moving Its operation from the Union site. and the legislative committee and representa- Nicholas DeMiro, a Verona attorney who tive to the Federated State Boards of Educa- represented Wilson at the June meeting, urged Instructor Barry Bistis supervises tryouts for..ffie pool's newly organized swim teams, (ECho.photo by Bob tion. the zoning board at that time to take the 1966 • * * : court decision into consideration /In studying ACTION ON AWARDING of bus contracts diJp^^plre new application. The board's attorneyo , for the 1967-68 year, was postponed when claim that the court decision should be con- No ticket ready board •aeeretary'Johii'McQoBOiighreportedfta*5 - sidered la' the new action, end he stated that the -only bid submitted by me deadline Monday this application wouldi "have.:-to stand or fall teams afternoon was a figure of $29,500 from the Sterne Bus Co, — • • DeMiro then- -urged—the' board to "take for Democrats; A 30-daydeadliflft^M«Sjst..foft.thfeJinalT'- cognizance" of the court decision, Stating • • --awarding of the con&aetir- — -•.- — tiiat WUion's new proposal for the use of his by narrow margin; win 26 ribbons GOP trio Britton and McDonough explained they hoped land should be .more acceptable to the com- to receive other bids oh the buiOfaniportatipn munity than the court-approved project. girls aged 15-17. Chip won the butterfly race after the Union County Regional School Board Although tiiey lost melr first swim meet, Lelst, Chip Bilder, Richard Coe and Raymond With the filing date for the September, A few residents of the area, who turned out for boys aged 11 and 12. Another Mountainside primary only three weeks away, the Mount- awardi its contact!. (The , regional. board ar the" June meeting to voice objection to die the newly organized swim teams of Mountain- DeRosa; girls freestyle 11-12, Kathy Fischer, swimmer,'Janet Sproul, came In second behind was expected to award contrscts at a meeting Evelyn Coe, Barbara Ludd and Sue Schmidt. ainside Democrats have not yet announced .new application, said after Monday night's side's municipal pool eaptured.26 ribbons in the Sue. Tuesday night.) meeting that Wilson was attempting to "throw first meet of the Union County Summer Swim Two of the borough swimmers, 10-year- their candidates for the three open posts The Lion Bus Co. supplied bus service to a scare" into the objectors and so force Club League held lost Saturday at.Manor Park old" Chip Bilder and 12-year-old Sue Schmidt, • • • on die borough's governing body. me bprough schools last year for approximately distinguished themselves by taking first place TER R g g Karl Helnze, president of fte local Pem- approval on an" alternate to the furniture Swim Club, Westfield. The borough contestants andOTHE classificatioR RIBBOnN were winneri freestyls accordine boyg st oeigh agte •fl'8,000 through coordinating runs for the local store. ._•.,, . - rolled up aJfttal of °O points to Manor Part's in eyentalor.older.contestanis.Suecapair.ed die l b ih"• ocratie Club, said recentlly "that candidates , system with thereaonalsehQolj-uns.^Blmlljr aUd "unllrr~Gary T^vItirflrBtrJeff-C are BtitillU bbeing intervirviewei a T It was also pointed out that the existing 130 in the first-ila "series' of meets which are first place ribbon in ttie backaa-oke event for third- freestyle girls eight and under, Kattiy arrangement may be worked out with the suo- scheduled for the new. league. The iwlm league ty is not yet ready to announce its slate. • cessful bidder on^ the new regional transpor- zoning ordinance limits construction of busi- Picut, first;boyslUJtMreeftyle,KeithKorley, The three outgoing members of the all- ness and commercial buildings to 55 percent includes Mountainside, Manor Park, the Cran- third; girls 11-12 breaststroke, Dawn Rapp. tation oona-acts, Britton indicated. ford Swim Club and Beacon Hill Swim Club, Republiean govenUng body. Mayor Freder- - • • * of the lot area, exclusive of the front yard. Storm washes out third; girls 13-14 breaststroke, Jill, Rosen- ick Wiihelms Jr. and Councllmen Donald The ordinance also calls for buffer zones Plamfield. Meets are scheduled each Saturday quest, third; boys 15-17freeBtyle,KevinLeist, Rofeerison and Charles Irwin, announced some THREE NEW TEACHERS, Gerald Samsky, • • and In eases of non-conforming use, such the flirouih Aug. 12. first; Seth Brown, third; girls 1S-17 breast- months ago they would seek reelection. Their Mrs. Judim Apfelhaum and Mrs, Gloria M, Wilson property, requires off-street parking Robert Anderson, manager of the local pool first diving meet stroke, Evelyn Cron, first, Chris Winans, petitions will be filed, well before |he dead- Wachsman, were appointed on the reeom- foRRqccupanti»iieniployeei .and, pattonSiOf .the---. and- Bwimscoachtf atsThomasirjeffersoftiHiih;--,, mendatlon of Dr. Levin B. Hanigan,_B&ool business. " ii . r<\—i_<iH_»_i .,™Ji,i«i.ii-i|ls«A- _-•• " . •• - --- • - —- superin^ndent. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^L^i^^^^i^i^Ls^ School, Elizabeth, describedibd d bihi s team't' s hshow- ineet scheduled in- first, Qhris Winans, second! prls ll-12b" It looks as though the tiiree can count on These rtstrtetions, one resident pointed out, ing as "very good," An even better showing " Samsky, who has had 12 years teaching pool. The meet, the first of sUem which juven- stroke, Evelyn Coe, third; boys 13-14 butter- no opposition on the GOP ticket in the Sept- experience plus four years in service, will would undoubtedly limit the extent of any such would have been made, Anderson feels, if flie ile members of the local pool wUl participate, fly, Mark Keating, second; girls 13-14 back- '•discount*' operation as Wilson specified, ember primary. No other candidate has yet teach "physical education at Eohobrook and local teams had had stronger representation was rescheduled for last evening. No results stroke, Janet Herrgott, second, announced his intention of entering the race Beechweod Schools. He will also serve as on the 15 to 17 age level. were available at press time. Also: boys 9-10 freestyle, Mike Lelst,first, (Continued on page 6) 1 and there have, as yet, 'been no discern- soccer, basketball and spftball coach for the "We hurt In tiiat division. ' Aiderson said. The meets are conducted under the aegis Raymond DeRosa, second-girls 9-10 freestyle, ible rumors of any opposition, fourih and fifm-grade boys.
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