Application Number MO/2020/0160 (Detailed) and Registration Date 21-Jan-2020 Applicant Greene King Pub Partners Case Officer Mark Brodie Amendments /amplifications Committee Date 3 June 2020 Ward(s) Charlwood Proposal Erection of single storey rear extension, covered pergola, extension to patio area, new cycle parking and alterations to car park and yard. Site Description The Charlwood (PH), 12, The Street, Charlwood, Horley, Surrey, RH6 0BY RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions Summary The site lies within the large rural village of Charlwood. Planning permission is sought for a proposed single-storey rear extension to provide a new dining area providing 20 covers; the retrospective enclosure of the former oak framed smoking shelter to provide additional dining area and removal of glazed doors on the south elevation and for their installation on the north elevation facing the extended patio; a new widened gable ended pitched roof entrance leading to a covered (polycarbonate roof) walkway; repositioning of the patio area, new secured covered parking for four bicycles; alterations to the car park reducing the number of car parking spaces from 29 to 26 car parking space with two disabled spaces close to the new patio area. When assessed against the policies in the NPPF taken as a whole, it is considered that the development would simultaneously achieve the social, economic and environmental dimensions necessary to be considered as sustainable development as defined and sought by the NPPF. Noting that the proposal also accords with development plan policies. Taking all of these factors into account it is considered that planning permission should be granted 1. Development Plan 1.1 Large rural village 2. Relevant Planning History MO/85/1142 Front, side and rear extensions totalling 128 sq m (1,373 Approved sq ft) to public house, formation of rear patio of 24 sq m (256 sq ft) and use of part of rear garden to provide 13 10/01/1986 extra car parking spaces following demolition of existing rear outbuildings totalling 27 sq m (294 sq ft). MO/94/0334 Bay window to front elevation, amended front entrance, Approved enclosure of area adjacent to toilets on west elevation, enlarged seating area and car park to rear. 06/06/1994 MO/97/1689 Erection of ground floor dining area and kitchen extension Approved of 44.5sqm. First floor extension of 33.4sqm to create assistant managers flat. Alterations to car park to create 04/03/1998 extra spaces. MO/2008/0506 Erection of oak framed smoking shelter to rear. Approved 15/05/2008 MO/2019/1164 Erection of single storey rear extension and Withdrawn alterations/extension of rear garden area. 29/08/2019 3. Description of Development 3.1. The application site is a two-storey detached public house positioned on the north side of ‘The Street’ within the inset rural village of Charlwood. The two-storey Public House, ‘The Charlwood’ (formerly named ‘The Greyhound’), fronts the main road and has vehicular accesses either side To the east of the pub are two white –painted interconnected two-storey buildings, one of which is brick built and the other timber framed and weather boarded. The buildings are in a mixed use as a restaurant (Class A3) and offices (Class B1) on the ground floor (Limes Bistro is now closed) with offices above. The surrounding area comprises small scale, two storey, residential development in a linear pattern along The Street with a mixture of predominately Victorian detached and semi-detached dwellings, varied in style and character, set within modest plots. The properties within Perrylands, to the east and north of the application site, comprises well spaced 1960’s semi-detached and terraced dwellings. Figure 1. Site Location Plan 3.2. The current application seeks planning permission for a proposed single-storey rear extension to provide a new dining area providing 20 covers; the retrospective enclosure of the former oak framed smoking shelter to provide additional dining area and removal of glazed doors on the south elevation and install them on the north elevation facing the extended patio; a new widened gable ended pitched roof entrance leading to a covered (polycarbonate roof) walkway; repositioning of the patio area, new secured covered parking for four bicycles; alterations to the car park reducing the number of car parking spaces from 29 to 26 car parking space with two disabled spaces close to the new patio area. The proposals would increase the number of existing covers from 92 to 112. Figure 2. Proposed Layout Figure 3. Proposed elevations. Figure 4. Photograph of rear of public house 4. Consultations Responses Officer comment Relevant condition SCC Highways - Having looked at the .A condition has 7 Transport Statement which accompanied this been imposed to application, the County Highways Authority provide secure have no concerns regarding highway safety. bicycle storage (7) The loss of three parking spaces is not considered detrimental to the highway safety in this location. The Transport Consultants did a parking survey of the existing pub car park, which shows that full capacity is only reached for half an hour during peak hours. They then analysed the local on street parking within 200 metres of the site, which showed available on street parking of around 129 spaces. The reduction in 3 car parking spaces can therefore be accommodated on the local streets in peak times. Therefore, the loss of parking will not cause a highway safety issue. It is recommended that a condition be imposed to provide secure bicycle storage. MVDC Scientific Officer:- I can confirm that I Conditions 4, 5, 6 & 8 have considered the noise impacts from the preventing music proposed patio. The noise level of a raised being played beyond loud voice is circa 80db (this is not shouting). 2300 (4); no music Allowing for the attenuation over distance of recorded or around 25m and 35m to the nearest residential otherwise shall be properties i.e respectively 14 the street and 17 played within the and 19 Perrylands; we would calculate the outside patio area typical peak noise levels at these residential ever (8); the patio properties to be circa 50db at the facade. area shall not be Allowing for the attenuation of an open window used for the purpose this would then equate to circa 40db which in eating or drinking our opinion will not be sufficiently to be outside the hours noticeable to be considered “intrusive”. 1000 and 2200 (5);a However, this can only be said during the day lighting scheme for or late evening, when background noise levels the car parking and and internal noise levels within the property are patio area shall be higher. We would therefore consider that submitted for during day time and late evening the impacts approval (6) from the proposal from patron noise will be acceptable provided they are properly managed and there is no other associated activity on the patio such as live and amplified music. As per our previous comments we would consider the main issue here is the increase in noise from the increased capacity of the patio and the location closer to the residents. We recognise that the current premises has an existing permission as a public house but we would contend this presents a material change to the local area that is required to be mitigated by the LPA under both the NPPF and the Noise Policy for England. On this basis we would recommend the planning authority and the applicant can adopt either of the following approaches: The applicant could chose to add a management plan to the planning record advising us on how the patio area will be managed to minimise impacts on residents or specific conditions are used to ensure that residents are protected from unacceptable disturbance in the late evening and night time period. Our suggested conditions would be: Restriction of hours Their shall be no use of the external space of the Public house for drinking or eating outside the hours of 1000 to 2200 hours Music Other than background music there shall be no playing of amplified or live music at any time on the patio area herby approved. Lighting Prior to occupation of the development hereby approved a scheme of external lighting for the car park and patio area shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. The scheme shall also include a survey and description of all existing lights used to illuminate the area and where necessary existing lighting will be mitigated to reduce impacts on the local environment in accordance with the principles of the institute of lighting professional guidance Gatwick Airport Ltd:- The proposed Noted development has been examined from an aerodrome safeguarding perspective and does not conflict with safeguarding criteria. We therefore have no objection to this proposal. Mole Valley Access Group:- ‘Are all the new The proposed areas accessible by wheelchairs? Is there a extension and hearing loop in place? Are those with outdoor dining poor/blind catered for? I note that although structure is there are two disabled parking spaces near the accessible by building this is all they appear to cater for. I am wheelchairs. No sure there is a disabled toilet within the new changes to the build. I am hoping that they will be installing a existing internal changing table within it so that those rather facilities are larger children out with their parents don't have proposed as part of to be changed on the floor of the toilet this application . 5. Representations 5.1. 9 representations (inclusive of representation from Charlwood Parish Council) were received raising the following summarised concerns: In addition a letter of support was received from the current operator of The Charlwood.
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