■( ■ ____ _ , , . ■ . .. ■ ’ ' ' . : . .. .. .. ^ , '- .r ', PAGE f IXTEEir . I. Upel^' —X—' fliyB^Ay, FEBRU^Y *1, 19n .......... The office of the Oonaecticut Mr. and Mra. James Bafmla Help Support Manchester Heatt Clinic- Give Today A boutTow n Power Company will be dosed all Tuttle announea the birth o f « son day tomorrow;. Washington's named. James Bemia Tuttle. Jr. Cites Pope’s birthday. Mrs. Tuttle ts the former' Jean Th« Onter Coi»»re*atlon*I Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Averayu Dully Nut P t s m Ran Church office wfll be dosed all day ■ The same program planned for Recent Call , .4 tomorrow for the holiday. Mrs. Joseph Thompson of' lOl te r Um WaaU BMtag the alt-group W8C8 meeting, Hemlock street. The paternal t Vbneiry IS T b e W t o lb e r postponed because of the Storm grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. !aCO.a The marriSKe of Mlaa Janet M Monday evening, will be presented Louis Tuttle of 21 Hudson street. Rev. aatindn; Says Per* Hammond of Pet-klna street to Monday evening. Feb. 2S, at the James Tuttle, stationed at South. 1 0 ,5 1 0 Pfc. Ronald E. Miner of St. John South Methodist Church. s o n a l Sanctification Fair, eeld tlUiiglit, aMutawMi U. Csrollns. Is leaving with the 'At­ lAeamar aC the AadH •treet. will take place Saturday lantic fleet Monday. ^ Muadajr 4Ulr, fea ewed by clantH* momlnir, Eeb. 23 at l l o'clock In 'hie office of the Manchester Cryifig Need in W orld Bmewi e( aiwMuttuaa’ aeaat HIgk St. St. James' Church. Water Company. 34# North Main Maitche$ter— A City o f Village Charm street'. Ei'lll be dosed all day to­ Mrs. Bessie. Baldwin of 33 Cor­ Rev. John F. Hannon, rector of m / / K Edavard L. Hobron, son of Mr. morrow. nell str^ t will grant the use of St. Jam *a' Church, who la chaplain ____ _ V her .holhs for a cgrd party - for VOL. LXXI. NO. 122 (CMMlflM AdvertMug aa Paga-14) and Mrs. D. Lloyd Hobron of 94 8Uniet Council, No. 45, Degree of of/ Clbbops Assembly, Catholic MANCHESTER. CONNn PTUDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1952 JFoatac-itmt.^Jiaa enlistedjn. the King David Lteige No. 31, lOOF,. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE eSNTR^ U.8. Navy and Is now stationed mir hold Tts “regular meeting lo^ Pocahontas,-tomorrow evening at ^,t:adlew-ef-Oalumbua,-iipoke at-the at the IT.S. Navy Recniitlhg Cen­ morrow evening at '7:3(> In Odd 8:13. Members, their friends and' meeting of the organisation Tuaa- ter, Bainbrldgre, Md. Fellows Hall..The first degree will the public are cordially Invited. day evening In the K. of C. Home be exemplified on'a class of candi­ Wenoneh Bessie Farris and /her on the'crying rieed, for personal Do Your Food Shopping At dates. Refreshments will be served committee are In charge.^ Ises I sanctification In the world today.. Differences rnllowln'g the meeting. Members U'lll be awarded the vvinngfs and i He cited the Holy Father's re­ South Koreans are urged to attend this meeting.. refreshments served. cent call for aii "awakening to reality, a return to principle, mo­ N arrow at rality, trust In God, obedience to HAtE’l SELF SERVE and MEAT J)EET Cynthia Hlllery, hter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. lllerv of 23t God." Then, after an explanation Porter street, hss/.-r.^.. -...r.,.™elected re- of the first steps- in_ . the way- of^ WANTED: Chfmhg irecrmiy'^dr Bets-nnTiernn t'S^rv T r u c e T a l t Chsptcr'of Alpha Delta PI social rMr'VhWtHan^ Sh ‘ M Y-T-FINE sorority at ffl. Lawrence Unlver-j , I* ^ToU< h o m e c o m f o r t Seoul, Korea, Feb. 22—<AV-South Korean Marines beat Munaan, Korea, Feb. 22— . sHv. CantonfN. Y.. where she Is a ‘"A'],' ^ . COMBINATION , Pakistan Riots o ff A Communist amphibious invasion of an AlHedvheliHslaml; (ffV-AW ed and GorntnanlsL CLERK pitilor. Mrta Htllerr WTt. E^^-Ptaal' 1 PKG. LEMON to Alpha Delta Pi In the fall of 7 3 R oH o ff the northeast coast of Kprea in a 33 hour battle, the Allies truce negotiators, offered MORIARTY Bros. 1049. lion of a class of five new mem 4 PKG. CHOCOLATE FOR OINIRAL , hers, after which, each chairman Flare; 3 Dead announced today. The Korean army said its Marines sank 13 each other compromise pack­ 3 1 S CENTER ST / of the 20 invasion boats. Seventy^'---------------------------------------- ^------- age deals on troop rotation gave an explanation of the work Invaders were reported killed and I E I S 1 3 5 O m C E W O R K hapman Coiirt. No, 10. Order of her committee. raimtta, Indta, Prh. t t r - il T ) and ports of entry today. • Amaranth, announces a aeHea six captured. Prisoners Included / , Miss Mary Fraher. chairman of —Rlotlag flared agala today the commander of the amphihioua “ :h side said “ No!” |of military whists, under auspices the Catholic bookshelf which the la Pakintan'n rant Bnigal capi­ their differences were nar- W rit* Ifox Y ^ ! of the WayWays and Means commit- •■.pinhiv malntaina at ih« M.i-i, attack. s'U.S. Troops Forced Out / assembly maintains at the Mary tal of Dsren. For thn ■moad Nine South Korean Marines ^ rawed— to only ona port of enJry Says Chiefs COKE tee. The first card party Is Cheney Library, reported seven and 5,000 men in the monthly Iro- W est Reich c«o TIm H « ro M / scheduled for Friday evening, day polira oprurd fliw oa riot- were killed and six wounded, the. IvKiks purchased for the bookshelf hig •tiidrat*, kllllag thiwa Navy said. tstlon ceiling. Originally the dif­ Feb. 29, In the Masonic. Temple. in recognition of Book Week. bmash Ked T omie-of them and briaglag the The aaaault waa made by a Red ___ ____ ___ , ference was nine porta of entry Rushed Air Mrs. Ermsno Oaraventa. Mrs «« 2n<«.39c and 70,000 men. 7 ^ CAMPBELL’S tatal death toll for the two battalion—about 800 or 1.000 men.' M B / " V R V J I U • ■ Troops W m Paul Ryan and M.isa Mary Reilly dbyx ,tn nix, dlnpatchea frtmi I{t waa not indicated whether they ' I I \U r C 1 ^ f Once agsin the UN rejected the I] were appointed a committee to Dreea xald.'— :— ---- - ■ wewi Chinese pKN oi^ Koreanv,^^^ ” ” Reds’- nomination -of Soviet Rus-- ' chhlacf the metflhershrp on dohiit “The rioMng rteim^from ihid^ The battle began about 1 a.m sis aa a member .of the neutral in­ Base W ork ing blood at the next "Islt of the KINGAN'S eat protenU over aa attempt to Wednesday and . iaateO until 10* „ — . „ „ spection commission. Joifi Forpe Mnodmoblle. Several have alrea{ly FRANOO-aMERIOaN make I'rdn. an old Moalem a.m. Thuraday wheii the last of the Pusan. Korea, Feb. 22— (/P) Repercussions of the Commu­ Wkshington; Feb. 22—<A*) volunteered. VEGETABLE BEEF language, the offlrial- atate attackera fled back to the Red I— Combat-hardened troops of nist-led riot which left 69 Koreans Mrs. Cornelius P'oley will aerve —An Air Force official told Lisbon, Portugal, Feb. 22— LuRcheoli Meat CHICKEN NOODLE laagimge. The xtudent* My mMnland In their remaining boats. I the U. S. 27th W olfhound dead and 143 wounded In an Al­ (^P)— The 14 Atlantic Allies i as chairman of the hostesaes for twa-lhlrds nt the populatlea The asMult was directed against lied compound for civilian prison- Senators toda.v that the Joint ■ the meetTng on Tuesday evening. MUSHROOM regiment smashed a Comma forrnally endorsed today the 12 Oz. Tin SPAGHETTI SAUCE want to retain Bengali, their Yang laland. about 18 air milea era were expected In the truce Chiefs of Staff ordered rush your friMid next .March 4. Following Tuesday eustomary tongue. from the Communist east coast nist-led riot in a Korean talks on, prisoner exchange. creation of a European de­ j night's hu.aintss sc.salon Mrs. John construction of air bases in deer, tlie'N t*N yee East Bengal Is aeparated port of SongJIn. civilian prison compound Bee PropBgBBdB Move fense army including German ! Hsrti and her committee served 2 Cans > Yang la believed to be the north­ North Africa soon after the refre.ahments at a table centered WITH MEAT from the rest of Paklataa by Monday. The fi'xht left 70 Observers said Red delegates Holaiers. The ■vote was unani­ Htet "there is a dHPer*| India. The decialon to make ernmost island held by the Alllra. Communist attack in North I with red and whUe carnations and It Ilea midway between the 40tk dead and 165 injured. probably would try to use the mous in a historic full dress Vrdn the official alate lan­ Atnerlcan authorities said toda^ Korea. ence in Hie quofity of I patriotic der-nratiorta In recognl- *H hittiiM‘‘ and 41st parallel and servca as a Koje island incident aa s lever to Assistant Secretary of the Air North Atlantic council meet- I tion of Washington's Birthday. JMTtllMlM guage wax apparently taken 750 ,U. 8. troops and 1,500 get their own way in the delicate the eaat Bengal aaaembly. lookout poat off the Red coast Force Edwin V. Huggins offered ing. Finehurst meets . The Island presumably la one that terned Koreans were, involved. Tm negotlationa for exchanging fight lasted three hours. prisoners and displaced civilians. this e'xplanatlon for the hurried By this action the council the Allies would give hark to the aspects .
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