The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus ALUMNUS r- *The question f a~ced by the worid is quite men be able to submit the use of science",and>tlie'^ power of technique to wisdom?' DIRECTORY of Clubs and Their Presidents ARIZONA—PAotnit—Thomas E. O'Mallcy, '39, 320 MARYLAND—Bof/fmorc-Franklj-n C. Hochreiter, ri^ii-Fred J. Wagner, '29, 84!4 S. Washington W. Virsinia. '35, 1327 Pemwood Rd. St. Tucson—Ted W. Witz, '29, Box 628. Toledo—John R. Malone, '42, 4805 Summit St. MASSACHUSETTS—Boj/on— John V. Moran, '30, CALIFORNIA—LoJ Aneeles—Vernon E. Rickard, Costello, Moran & Mahan, 31 State St. Fornicitoun—Clarence T. Sheehan, '40, "The Vindicator." •24, 1620 N. VUta St., Holh^vood 46. A'orlAfrn-Donald L. .Allen, '37, Federal Bldg., MICHIGAN—Berrien Coun<3>—William H. Downey, OKLAHOMA—ra/M-William B. Padon, '42, 9 Civic Conference, San Francisco. '28, 60 N. St. Joseph Ave., NUes. Woodland Dr., Box 1589. Blue Water BiUricJ-William L. Wilson, '42, San CiVeo—W. Albert Stewart, '36, 728 San Oklahoma Ci/)--HaskeU Askew, '31, 1000 Per- Diego Tr. & Savings BanV Bldg. P.O. Box 295. Port Huron. Central—Dr. Edgar J. Hermes, '18, 828 N. rine Bldg. COLORADO—Binrfr-Jamcs F. Hanlon, '18, 1652 Logan St., Lansing. Glencoe St. OREGON—Peter F. Sandrock, '39, 6334 NE Grand ZJe/roi/-Thomas J. Moran, '35, 1329 Bucking­ AiT., Portland. CONNECTICUT—Conntc/iVBi X'^allty—WMhxm J. ham Rd., Grosse Pointe 30. Reid, '26, 7 May St., Hartford. Grand Rapids and Western Michigan—Robert PENNSYLVANIA—Bir/ern—Leo R. Mclntyxe, '28, Naugatuck Valley—D. Frank Murnane, '32, N. Alt, cx-29, 901 Plymouth Rd., S.E. 3004 Turner St., Allentown. Summit Rd., Prospect. Hiawathaland—Paul Krcuz, '33, 1215 Alichigan Erie—Joseph C. Barber, '36, 705 Ariel Bldg. SoulhmtsUrn—Frank S. McGee, '33, 51 Savoy Ave., Menominee, Wis. St., Bridgeport 6. ffarrufrure—Edward R. Eckenrode, Jr., '44, 2929 Iron Range—Robert T. O'Callaghan, cx-45, North 2nd Ave. DELAWARE—Arthur C. Baum, '36, 1310 Van 635 McLeod A\*e., Ironwood. Buren St., Apt. 3-C, Wilmington. Saginaw Valley—Joseph C. Goddeyne, 'U, 2275 Monongahela Valley—George C. Martinet, '34, Carrol Rd., Bay City. R.D. No. 1, Charleroi. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA—It'aj'ii'ngion-J. R. Philadelphia—x\mhrose F. Dudley, Jr., '43, 1123 "Pat" Gorman, '40, 1740 K St., .\W. MINNESOTA—Tain C."(i«—Paul H. Castner, '23, N. 63rd St. FLORIDA—Grrairr Miami—1. I. Probst, '26, 1118 1305 W. Arlington Ave., St. Paul 4. Pittsburgh—Eugene J. Coyne, '33, Coyne .Ave., Alberca Ave., Coral Gables. Duluth-Superior—\im. E. Cotter, Jr., '41, 1929 Allison Park. Fort LauderdaU-Fred J. Stewart, '12, Port E. Superior St., Duluth. 5ei-Bn»on—Michael B. Comerford, '43, 1208 Everglades Station. Richmont St. North 'Florida—John F. Lanahan, '43, P.O. Box MISSOURI—Kaiuot Ci/j^(Mo. and Kans.)— Jo­ 1498, Jacksonville. seph M. Van Dyke, ex-44, 4642 Pennsylvania, M'iHcej-Barre—Dr. Maurice J. Regan, '31, 115 Kansas City 2, Mo. GEORGIA—William H. Schroder, Jr., '35, 162 Rum- S. Franklin St. St. Louis—John J. GrifSn, Jr., '39, 7236 North- son Rd., Atlanta. moor Dr., University City 5. FfiKianupor/—Frank C. Hayes, '27, 820 Erie IDAHO—Paul J. Kohout, '23, 1722 Washington St., Ave., Renovo. Boise. MONTANA—Bernard Grainey, '43, 801 12th Ave., RHODE ISLAND and S. E. MASSACHUSETTS— Helena. ILLINOIS—CAiM^o—John L. Buckley, '38, 929 N. Russell L. Hunt, '39, 412 Providence St., Provi­ Euclid, Oak Park. dence, R. I. NEBRASKA—Eugene F. Milbourn, e.x-39, 4431 Fox raH«}--William B. Chawgo, '31, 516 Binder Cass St., Omaha. TENNESSEE—Afempiu-Phil M. Canale, Jr., "40, St., Aurora. 1325 Commerce Title Bldg. yofiV/—Joseph V. Kirindch, '33, 306 Ruby St. NEW JERSEY—Gervasc A. Froelich, '27, Ingraham P<-orw—Eugene R. Slcvin, '44, 609 W. Rich- TEXAS—Da//iu—Edmond R. Haggar, '38, 6113 Lem- PI., New-ark 8. mon Ave. woods Blvd. Central-Michael J. Balog, '34, 316 Watson HoluroR-Thomas A. Standish, '35, 2106 Swift. Rock River Valley—^Donald A. Hennessy, '37, Ave., Perth Amboy. San Antonio—Leonard M. Hess, '25, 201 Stan­ Catholic Community High School, Sterling. ford Dr. Springfield—Kidard T. Neeson, '30, 806 S. 8th NEW YORK—Bu#a;n—Daniel C. Sheedy '39, 390 Roycroft Blvd., Snyder. St. UTAH—Jack W. GalUvan, '37, 1017 Keams Bldg., Capital District—Joxph W. Conlon, '35, 832 Salt Lake City. INDIANA—Co/umc/ DijlVic/-James J. Glenn. '35, New Scotland Ave., Albany. 1337 119th St., Whiting. VIRGINIA—Dr. Charles R. Riley, '39, 3508 Sem­ Centra/-Daniel A. Kelley, '41, 706 Stinard St., inary Ave., Richmond 22. Eastern Indiana—Vfilli^m B.'Cronin, ex-3I, 521 Syracuse 4. WASHINGTON—IKertern—John P. English, '33, J. E. Jefferson, Hartford City. Mohawk KoHej—F. Donald Fullem, '30, 203 P. English Steel Co., 465 E. 15th St., Tacoma. Fort Wayne—ZdvAn J. Wesner, '25, 4607 Fair­ Roosevelt Dr., Utica. Spokane—John P. O'Neill, Jr., '29, 218 W. field. New York City—Jordan Hargrove, '35, 1223 14th Ave. Indianapolis—Nicholas J. Connor, Jr., '36, 38 Webber Ave., So. Hempstead, N. Y. Shelby St. Northern—Rev. Donald S. Gallagher, '24, St. WEST \TRGI.\1A—Albert H. Kessing, '40, 925 Michigan City—^Francis G. Fcddcr, '31, E. Cool- Bernard's Rectory, Lyon Mountain. Montrose Dr., S. Charleston 3. spring Ave. RoeAej/er—John M. Hedges, Jr., e.x-43, 141 WISCONSIN—Green Ba)^HaroId L. Londo, '24, St. Joseph KoUc)'—Francis M. Messick, '30, Scio St. Sup't., Green Bay Water Dept. 1333 E. Wayne St., South Bend. ^eAenec/orfj^-Charlcs E. Welsh, '38, 1150 Sum­ Fox River Kof/ej^William H. Fiew^er, '36, 419 Tri-State (Ky., Ind. and Bl.)—Robert L. Hen- ner Ave. Naymut St., Menasha. neberger, '35, 126 E. 4th St., Mt. Carmel, 111. Triple Cilies—Dr. J. Worden Kane, '26, 55 La Crosse—Frederick R. Funk, '46, 208 South Wabash Valley—Or. Kenneth F. Laws, '36, 501-5 Riverside Dr., Binghamton. 15th St. Lafayette Life Bldg., Lafayette. Milwaukee—VtSUam C. Malaney, '41, 4012 N. OHIO—j«Ton—Paul A. Bertsch, '29, 159 Oakdale FarweU. IOWA—D« Moines—Roben J. Ticrnan, '40, 650 Ave. 39tn St. South Central—John C Brennan, '41, 2331 Eton Con/on—William H. Bclden, '36, 305 22nd St., ^dgc, Madison. Dubuque—^Louis F. Fautsch, *35, IIM5 S. Grand- N.W. view. Cincinnati—John C. Cottingham, '38, Penn Mu­ FOREIGN CLUBS Sioux Ctty—Robert A. Manning, '36, 2719 Ne­ tual Life Instuance Co., 1200 Union Trust Bldg. Bengal, India—Rev. John W. Kane, C.S.C, '24, braska bt. (key man) Cfeoe/anrf—Robert N. Stack, '41, 2714 Brook- (key man) Dacca, East Bengal. - Tri-Cili«—John R. Corv-n, '22, 2515 13th St., dale Ave., Parma. Moline, 111. Cilia—Christopher C. Fit^etald, '94, (keyman). Columbus—Dr. Thomas M. Hughes, '38, 481 La Metropolitana (711), Hahana. KANSAS—£<u/frn—J[udge Joseph J. Dawes, '25, E. Town St.- 420 Arch St., Leavenworth. Hoaioii-Thomas W. Flynn, Jr., '35, 5317 Opi- ! . fliiyfon—Thomas C, Ferneding, '40, 530 E. Had- hi St., Honolulu, T.H. • ' ley Ave., .Apt. I. KENTUCKY—James C. Carrico, '33, 2903 S. Foutrh Manila—^Anthony F. Gonzales, '25, (key man). St., Louisville. ;t; , , ; ifamiVfon—Judge Harry F. Walsh, '31, Munid- , The Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd., Insular ; I ; pal Court. Life Bldg. LOUISIANA—Neu! OrlMns—Jules K. de la Vergnc, Ohio Ko/fej^WiUiaoi J. Yaeger, '42, 156,'S. Panama—William J. Sheridan, '38, Box 605, ?38, 5811 Hurst. j • : Park ISt., Wheeling, W. Va. 'AlKxm., Canal Zone. JVor/Aern-James'-R^ Nowery, '29, P.O. Box : 13 5a»(fari)'-;Alfred i A. jSchnurr, Jr., '28,1 S. Co- : ;.' iiS^'" iKto—Paul Fj'Mcltanus, '34, (fer'nian), 1545, ShrtVTiport 94. ; ^Jiimbiis Ave. ! . i i T i : I i ! • j > ' >-.: 1': 'V'&rM Fkoducts ConipajiTl.Box 2695, )Si( Juan. The Notre Dame Alumnus This magazine is published bi-monthly by the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. Entered as second dass matter Octo­ ber 1, 1939, at the Postollice, No.re Dame, Indiana, under the act of August 24, 1912. Member of the American Alumni Council. James E. Azinstrong, '25. Editon William B. Dooley, '26, Monaging Editor Vol. 27 MAY-JUNE, 1949 No. 3 a#we Weeh" . UND Night Sets Record Scientific achievements of the University day, April 25. But the national radio broad­ were highlighted as clubs ever>^vhcre met cast, over WGN, Chicago, and Mutual, on April 25 to observe the 26th annual could not be arranged for that Monday Universal Notre Dame Night. night and so was held over for Tuesday night, April 26. In Philadelphia, where Doubtless, it was the outstanding UND UND Night was "bom" 26 years ago, the Night of them all, surpassing even the bril­ observance was also held on Tuesday night, liant record set by the clubs on the same with an attendance of 800 in the Bellevue- occasion a year ago. Written reports as Stratford Hotel and an address by Rev. Rob­ printed in the club section of this ALUM.VUS, ert H. Sweeney, c.s.c, assistant to the many letters from club officers and other president. aiumni and comment from the 28 speakers from the campus who addressed clubs,— .And some other clubs held their observ­ all these add up to "biggest and best" ances later in the week, or even the follow­ .And reports are still coming in! ing week, to meet local conditions.
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