A Complete Bibliography of Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D (The Statistician): 1990{1999 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 13 October 2017 Version 1.01 Title word cross-reference [677]. 100 [556]. 1750 [248]. 1900 [1169]. 1984 [700]. 1988 [486]. 1990s [846]. 2 [814, 677]. 24 [59, 58]. 23 [886]. 2 × 2 [643]. ¯ 2 48 [59]. XQ [210]. C(α) [4, 334]. Cp [669]. χ 2 [1111, 1101]. 21st [583]. [643, 467, 434]. F [674]. k [672]. L [1029]. P [641, 742, 374, 494]. P (X2 <X1) [774]. RQ 3 [1024]. [210]. t [1002, 104, 674, 1156]. τ [1085]. U [635]. z [309]. 5 [932]. - [643, 674]. -Error [1002]. -Factorials Abelson [832]. Abortion [131, 132]. [886]. -h [58]. -Moments [1029]. ABPM [59]. Absorption [1052]. -Nearest-Neighbour [672]. -Statistic Abstracts [575, 668, 745]. Abuse [397]. [1156, 669]. -Statistics [635]. -Test [434]. Accident [3, 818]. Accidental [409]. -Tests [674]. -Transformation [309]. Accountants [685]. Accounts [98]. -Value [494]. -Values [374, 742]. -Water 1 2 Accuracy [425, 619, 364]. Achieved [540]. 770, 421, 132, 961, 317, 474, 576, 1171, 168, Achievement [376]. Achieving [678]. 429, 905, 972, 487, 1020, 1066, 1073, 711, Acknowledgement [751]. Action [36]. 218, 381, 186, 760, 778, 837, 1057, 735, 19, Active [244]. Activities [954]. Activity 477, 1098, 1146, 455, 759, 1152, 183, 495, [841]. Actualit´e [1035]. Actuarial 250, 688, 1054, 116, 710, 1067, 692, 835, [743, 748]. Actuaries [603]. Adaptive 1072, 559, 653, 1059, 658, 454, 249]. [1137, 433, 667, 403]. Address Analysis-Challenges [257]. [373, 34, 593, 37]. Address-Based [373]. Analysis-of-Variance [770]. Analytic Adhikari [318]. Adil [191]. Adjusted [882]. [527]. Analyzing [161, 339]. Ancient [372]. Adjustment [647, 125, 1095, 494]. Andersen [727, 929]. Anderson [728]. Admission [369]. Advanced [459, 81, 896]. Andrew [351]. Andrich [118]. Angles [97]. Advances [735, 968, 1071, 1181, 247, 1030]. Anguish [1055]. Annealing [598]. Annette Advantage [649, 855, 1087]. Advantages [159]. Announcement [418]. ANOVA [354]. Advertisements [365]. Advice [902]. Ansell [435]. Answering [1114]. [1122]. Affected [704]. Aflatoxin [469]. Answers [1014]. Antihypertensive [60]. Africa [824]. After [369, 409, 1047, 1081]. Applebaum [888, 930]. Applicability Against [461, 306]. Age [8]. [596]. Application [309, 850, 879, 394, 212, Age-Prevalence [8]. Ageing [46, 47]. 379, 769, 265, 365, 292, 1144, 722, 671, 139, Agglomeration [103]. Aggregate [291]. 366, 116, 383, 579, 402, 680]. Applications Agreement [1121, 1158]. Agresti [155, 910, 23, 125, 147, 989, 876, 569, 248, [778, 183]. Agriculture [524]. Ahead [811]. 1148, 82, 885, 115, 1147, 182, 680, 514, 1025, AHP [259]. AI [479]. AIC [529]. Aid [203]. 971, 87, 523, 533, 1071, 1136, 1135, 951, 440, AIDS [174]. Aike [508]. Air [51]. Ajit [26]. 80, 789, 215, 1165, 1063, 973, 352, 942, 239, Alan [148, 1091]. Alexander [1010]. 1179, 156, 510, 563, 1012, 221, 712, 1074, Alfredo [247]. Algebra [1148]. Algorithm 680, 909]. Applied [575, 668, 745, 1040, 840, [276, 826, 988, 719]. Algorithms [272]. 572, 160, 348, 1054, 902, 458, 381, 347, 638, All-Equity [1123]. Allan [550]. Allison 969, 904, 185, 759, 561, 177, 1149, 688, 1067, [972]. Allocation [830, 775, 597]. 1174, 1026, 970, 1059, 1060]. Appliqu´ee Alternative [466, 544]. Althoen [680, 680]. [513]. Applying [984]. Appraisal [361]. Among [650, 1127]. Analyse [265]. Approach [590, 665, 1121, 73, 924, 95, 969, Analyses [396, 632, 979]. Analysing 1011, 259, 423, 800, 1144, 466, 101, 369, 1029, [470, 504, 736]. Analysis 232, 410, 833, 570, 420, 701, 398, 758, 560, [293, 184, 1096, 121, 137, 1122, 665, 412, 880, 222, 687, 518, 652, 160, 217, 158, 108, 930]. 73, 434, 926, 130, 953, 909, 839, 1045, 963, Approaches [280, 394, 1143]. Appropriate 209, 607, 435, 860, 512, 541, 813, 117, 490, [919, 921, 468]. Approximating [827]. 395, 3, 560, 1076, 969, 974, 904, 964, 580, Approximation [1156, 511]. Aptitudes 659, 423, 861, 1168, 981, 1018, 442, 648, 962, [66]. APU [142]. Arbitrariness [171]. 257, 127, 929, 683, 150, 825, 561, 399, 763, ARCH [1025]. Archaeological [833]. 370, 319, 264, 1149, 332, 995, 529, 606, 162, Archaeostatistics [372]. Area [541]. 1050, 728, 886, 139, 109, 366, 147, 322, 284, Areas [32, 31, 42, 69, 41, 33]. Argument 810, 1097, 952, 950, 989, 1174, 1029, 252, [832]. Arithmetic [1141]. ARMA [439]. 180, 279, 795, 510, 558, 923, 993, 375, 428, 8, Armitage [968]. Armstrong [1134]. 503, 703, 285, 814, 579, 468, 1055]. Analysis Arnold [1163, 473]. Arrays [627]. Art [2, 542, 376, 334, 310, 958, 126, 1060, 746, [1038, 558]. Arterial [56]. Artificial [479]. 3 ASP [680]. Aspects [1164, 225, 996, 911]. [600, 15, 631]. Barnett Assess [366]. Assessing [365, 672, 337]. [1164, 356, 931, 677, 84]. Barra [343]. Assessment [435, 32, 414, 1028, 931, 60]. Bartell [217]. Bartholomew [1011]. Assessments [430, 25]. Assisted [585]. Bartle [752]. Bartlett [885]. Association [963, 964, 594, 102, 967, 894]. Bartlett-Type [885]. Based Assurance [498]. Astronomical [405]. [1121, 373, 924, 1125, 780, 727, 742, 841, 315, Astronomy [909, 327]. Asymmetric 768, 546, 796, 1029, 753, 856, 420, 465, 494]. [742, 284]. Asymmetry [622, 694]. Bases [513]. Basic Asymptotic [523, 1155, 15, 584, 976, 611]. [867, 537, 245, 476, 243, 450, 1134, 787]. Asymptotically [821]. Asymptotics Basics [983, 902, 1069]. Basin [683]. Basis [898, 600, 631]. Athletic [707, 966]. [62]. Basu [1165]. Bayes Atmospheric [409]. Attitudes [131, 132]. [27, 351, 75, 665, 401, 800, 774, 413, 628, 604]. Attribute [507]. Attributes [362]. Bayesian [1020, 937, 865, 1021, 90, 688, 604, Attribution [767]. Attrition [700, 145]. 108, 182, 280, 330, 590, 396, 228, 1004, 412, Audiences [197]. Audit [202, 191]. 747, 880, 434, 394, 499, 395, 3, 423, 432, 272, Auditing [427]. Audits [1004]. Australia 397, 411, 564, 592, 803, 399, 763, 403, 101, [708]. Australians [708]. Authorship [767]. 748, 922, 279, 591, 795, 415, 410, 818, 409, Autocorrelated [295, 2]. Autocovariance 427, 719, 801, 398, 402, 802, 429, 422, 711, [847]. Automated [569, 597]. Automatic 1022, 12, 838, 13, 994, 833, 932]. be [922]. Autoregressive [622, 694, 624]. [1001, 921, 206]. Beaumont [857]. Availability [637]. Average [148, 501]. Beautiful [142]. Beaver [456]. Before Avoiding [114]. Ayton [693]. Azzalini [708, 248]. Beginner [947, 1024]. Behalf [969, 856]. [34, 37]. Behavioral [236, 555]. Behaviour [594, 1083]. Behavioural [323, 1113]. B [1040, 439, 732, 909, 486, 711, 516, 607, Behaviours [850]. Behrens [670, 595]. 436, 381, 780, 523, 730, 785, 240, 842, 659, Being [35, 44]. Bejar [552]. Belfast [42]. 840, 867, 1111, 1135, 1018, 442, 342, 477, Beliefs [419, 397, 876]. Belsley [653]. 1146, 929, 554, 160, 912, 1163, 551, 632, 162, Bench [1004]. Bench-Mark [1004]. 838, 441, 1099, 1117, 217, 237, 473, 1093, Bendat [1136, 322]. Bennett 585, 241, 220, 1072, 488, 1140, 1148, 1101, [581, 509, 319]. Beran [1106]. Berger 970, 859, 1142, 731, 474, 691, 972]. Baba [932, 590]. Bergman [242]. Bernardo [1103]. Babyfood [579]. Back [13, 932]. Bernoulli [431, 226, 770]. Berry [29, 48, 63, 91, 120, 134, 164, 198, 277, 223, [1112]. Bertin [889]. Best [651]. Beta 254, 287, 301, 390, 406, 416, 462, 328, 358, [825, 168]. Betteley [654]. Better [583]. 496, 535, 566, 587, 616, 639, 662, 695, 715, Betting [1130, 1131, 371, 471]. Betty [88]. 739, 765, 791, 816, 843, 872, 914, 955, 997, Between 1042, 1079, 1118, 1153, 1183, 398]. [293, 1002, 708, 803, 472, 903, 804, 1121, 1052]. Back-Calculation [398]. Bain [195]. Beveridge [999, 1000]. Beyond [902]. Bakeman [652]. Balakrishnan Bhattacharjee [1165]. Bhattacharya [1163, 473, 657, 1071, 1030]. Balanced [800]. [239]. Bhattacharyya [938, 451]. Bhatti Baldev [380]. Balls [1086]. Baltagi [1093]. [753]. Bias [593, 327, 304]. Bibliography Bank [365]. Banks [1111]. Bapat [1135]. [105]. Bickel [1137]. Big [142]. Bijaoui Barlow [549]. Barnard [315]. Barndorff [1152]. Bilingual [684]. Billard [453]. [600, 15, 631]. Barndorff-Nielsen Billington [550]. Bills [364]. Binary 4 [1049, 335, 423, 313, 168]. Binomial 215, 459, 319, 941, 1163, 1165, 1178, 20, 906, [280, 717, 75, 71, 297, 589, 819]. Binormal 910, 1063, 23, 452, 551, 632, 893, 1015, 1062, [379, 769]. Bio [901]. Bio/ [901]. 1149, 83, 973, 995, 1016, 529, 245, 511, 524, Bioequivalence [28]. Biography [315]. 606, 976, 1103, 1152, 1058, 1036, 522, 1061]. Biological [43, 235, 1126]. Biology Book [162, 316, 478, 898, 187, 247, 253, 183, [815, 149, 524, 241, 1094]. Biometric [968]. 454, 761, 812, 838, 868, 728, 784, 26, 119, Biometry [968, 211]. Biostatistics 1077, 1170, 441, 519, 79, 249, 495, 1068, 214, [262, 780, 901, 66, 787]. Biplots [863]. Birth 246, 385, 352, 532, 445, 354, 942, 983, 1099, [967]. Bissell [601]. Biswas [388]. 1117, 485, 448, 179, 217, 22, 109, 192, 783, Bivariate 834, 944, 934, 216, 250, 349, 147, 237, 153, [823, 774, 215, 268, 1003, 384, 977]. 239, 322, 527, 562, 688, 757, 949, 1108, 810, Biweight [170, 307]. Bladder [265]. Blocks 938, 1054, 1097, 1179, 116, 996, 1175, 948, [290]. Blood [58]. Bock [1103, 510]. 710, 1067, 952, 451, 460, 950, 1151, 978, 989, Bolanowski [324]. Bole [291]. Bonferroni 14, 111, 386, 473, 604, 1174, 1029, 314, 903, [973]. Bonferroni-Type [973]. Book 480, 692, 835, 755, 113, 682, 1093, 81]. Book [581, 808, 184, 1096, 1141, 444, 353, 1064, [252, 1026, 585, 13, 161, 312, 994, 180, 241, 891, 1040, 1010, 439, 1039, 815, 487, 492,
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