25C The Lowell Volume 14, Issue 49 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, October 17, 1990 Lowell Schools and Township could win on a leasing deal ltd je Lowell Township board for its business office opera- issue at the next meeting the Township gets a commit- s officials put the renovation of tion and Lowell Township is (November), so Timpson can ment from the school, it the Township Hall on hold, in need of funds to help sub- have a decision within the would have an architect draw as it waits for a decision from sidize the cost of the new hall next 30 days. "The Township up plans. "The cost of an ad- Lowell School officials as to addition. Both Timpson and needs a response from us so diton may still be out of our TRANSPORTATION FOR SENIORS AVAILABLE whether the School will com- Lowell Schools Superinten- it can continue with its pro- realm. We won t know that TO LCTK BAZAAR IN CALEDONIA mit to a five-year lease of dent Fritz Esch like the idea ject and have our space ready until an architect draws up the 5.000 square feet of the new of keeping the money in by Aug. I, 1991 if the school plans," Timpson said. Come, join ihc fun at the LCTK Bazaar Nov. 3 at hall edition. Lowell. board decides to lease from Esch said the school has Caledonia High School from 10 a.m. lo 3 p.m. "The continuation of the 'Tm leaning toward leas- the Township. looked at other places, but Free bus transportation will be provided lo Lowell area new hall edition hinges on ing the space from the Town- The Township is asking for hasn't found anything ap- seniors for morning, afternoon or all day. The bus will pick whether the school is in- ship, but I can't speak for the a five-year lease commitment propriate. "We want some- up at Key Heights at 9 a.m., Schneider Manor at 9:15 a.m. terested in leasing the space Lowell School Board. It at $9-$12 a square foot. At thing big enough so we only and Alto School at 9:30 a.m. The buses will return to Lowell for five years," Lowell seems to me an agreement S9 a square foot, it would cost have to move once," Esch at noon. Township Supervisor John would help both sides - mak- the school $45,000 a year said. The Lowell superinten- The afternoon bus will pickup at Key Heights at 12:30 Timpson said. ing it a win-win situation," plus utilities or $225,000 dent said the Township space p.m., Schncider Manor at 12:45 p.m. and at Alto School The situation seems to Esch said. over five years. is almost big enough. "It's at I p.m. It will return to Lowell at 3 p.m. Call Marge to make the municipality and Esch added that the Board Timpson said he is not sure close enough we could man- sign up at 897-8434. the school a perfect match. of education would probably what the cost of the new ad- age." he added. The school is in need of room be discussing the leasing dition would cost, but once ON VIEW AT THE LAAC GALLERY Currently on view in the Gallery of the Lowell Area Arts Council are the paintings of artist, Marianne Wysocki, an City Council votes to trim Alto resident. She has received her BFA in painting from Aquinas Col- lege in 1982 and recently obtained her Masters from Western Michigan University. walnut trees on Riverside Dr. She has been a part of many exhibits and competitions After determining that in- throughout Western Michigan. dividual property owners Gallery hours are Monday - Friday, I to 5 p.m.; Saturday should be notified and their and Sunday, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Visit your gallery today. opinions sought before the de- cision is made as to whether TRICK OR TREATERS WELCOME to cut down trees or not, Low- ell's City Council voted to Lowell Medical Care Center invites Halloween Trick or have the three walnut trees at Treaters to their door on October 31 between 5:30 and 6:30 the home of Jeff Plummer, p.m. 224 Riverside, trimmed, not cut down. GALA CHRISTMAS PREVIEW PARTY AT LAAC "From now on, when trees are on residential property, Tickets are now on sale for the LAAC sponsored Gala the owners' opinion will be Preview Party and Champagne Buffet to be held in the ( sought and if the trees are on Gallery at the Arts Center on Sunday, Nov. 18. City property, the council will Tickets arc $7.50 and are by reservation only. Guests will have to approve of the tree be among the first to view and shop a gallery of gifts created cutting before it takes place," by over thirty Michigan artists. Lowell City Councilman Bill Your ticket also entitles you to partake of a sumptuous Thompson said. holiday buffet. Make your reservation early and plan to "I told the City I thought enjoy one of the season's gala events. the trees should be trimmed." For reservations and further information call the Lowell Plummer said. 'They're still Area Arts Council Center at 897-8545. producing walnuts and they don't look like they're dying ) FLU SHOTS AVAILABLE - OCT. 24 to me." Wolverine Power has Flu shots arc available from 9 to II a.m. and I to 4 p.m. 69,000 volt transmission at the Lowell Township Hall, 2910 Alden Nash, on Wednes- lines that cross the river and day, Oct. 24. The shots are sponsored by the Kent County Health De- run along Riverside Drive. From there, the lines come partment for healthy Kent County Seniors age 65 or over. up Hunt Street and then run Voluntary donation of S3 to offset costs is appreciated. down Hudson to a side street YMCA BASKETBALL BEGINS before going into Lowell Light and Power. I The YMCAs Men s Monday night Open Gym basketball "There has been some con- fusion as to who is responsi- began at Ihc High School on Oct. 15. The program runs from 7 to 9 p.m. For more information ble for cutting trees on Hud- son," Lowell City Manager call the YMCA at 897-8445. Dave Pasquale said. "The HARVEST DINNER SET FOR OCT. 23 work is the project of Wol- verine Power, not Lowell The annual Harvest Dinner will take place at First United Light and Power. Wolverine Methodist Church of Lowell on Tuesday, Oct. 23 from 5 to has contacted every property owner of the trees involved. 7 p.m. Tickets for the turkey dinner may be purchased from An- The option was given to cut or trim." | nabclle Wittenbach at FMB State Savings Bank (897-4153) After discussions with Jeff Plummer, the Lowell City Council voted to have the According to Wolverine or at the church entrance under the north portico the evening three walnut trees trimmed and not cut. of the dinner. Main St., cont'd., pg. 23 Trees, con't., pg. 3 Rene Janissc Blough, new The Lowell Ledger - Wednesday. October 17, 1990 - Page 3 I he Lowell ledger • Wednesday, October 17, 1990 • Page 2 little daugher of Mark and T\ Janice Blough of Flushing, Obituaries MI. arrived on October 9. Area Births Red Ribbon Committee/Chapter 1990. She weighed 9 lbs. 9 i ^ ozs. and was 21 inches long, CALDWELL - Clayton R Bangor. In lieu of flowers, w She was welcomed home by great-grandmother is Emma and Fran Kaminski of I offer "Family Celebration" Caldwell, aged H5. of Cadil- memorials to Porter Hills Be- Kowalcyzk. Saranac and Ken and Sharon her three big brothers, Jacob The Lowell Area Schools sessions there will be an in- oon week were used. Other nevolent Fund or First Phenix of Lowell. Great- lac* passed away Octobcr 12, 5; Neal 3; and Lucas 2. donation came from the Low- Li Church of Christ Scientist grandmother Merritt is from Red Ribbon Committee, in formal question and answer 1990. He was bom Sep- Happy grandparents include: Elaine and Dennis Denton. ell PTO, the Lowell Educa- an will be appreciated. Funeral Lowell and Great-grand- cooperation with Chapter I, period with the speakers of tember 24. 1905 in Tustin, Ivan and Jane Blough of Sr., of Lowell are happy to Lowell Community Educa- the workshops. tion Association and several Get one Ml. He was married April 22, Services were Tuesday at ihc announce the birth of their mother Phenix is from Beld- Lowell; Great-grandmother, tion and Parent-Teacher Registration and coffee be- area businesses. 1926 to Almcda M. Sherman Metcalf & Jonkhoff Funeral Elizabeth Barber of Lowell; son, Dennis Dale Denton, ing. Clubs, is sponsoring a day of gins at 8 a.m. with the first There will be a minimal $2 in Cadillac. He attended Home chapel. Interment Jr.. on October 4, 1990 at Matemal grandparents are informative workshops on session starting at 8:30 a.m. donation per family required. Saranac Cemetery. Butterworth Hospital. He Brian and Angela Johnson schools in Lcroy and Cadil- Peter and Lorraine Sheppard Saturday, Nov. 10 entitled The workshop was or- The workshop is open to lac. He worked for the St. of Brighton, Ml; and mater- weighed 7 lbs. 7 ozs. and was of Wyoming are pleased to Lowell Family Celebration. ganized by the Red Ribbon anyone interested. Those in- RUESINK - Robert H ^ nal great-grandparents. Art 20lA inches long.
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