<©Enaral Ftcwrti of 2&Nti£Fi Anti Jforriffn Literatu Re ALL NEW WORKS

<©Enaral Ftcwrti of 2&Nti£Fi Anti Jforriffn Literatu Re ALL NEW WORKS

! ME 9Hf ^%AR AKD <©enara l ftcwrti of 2&nti £fi anti jforri ffn literatu re CONTAINING A COMPLET E ALPH ABETICAL LIST OP ALL NEW WO RKS PUBLIS HE D IN GREAT BRI TAIN AMD EVER Y WOR K OF INTER EST PUBLISHED ABROA D [Issued on the 1st and 15th. of each Month ] Phicb ScL June 16, 1884 !2: ££ £o7t COITTEITTS LITERARY INTELLIG ENCE 665—577 - PUBLISHERS' NOTICES OF BOOKS JUST ISSUED S69, 570 0BIH7ABY 570 TRADE CHANGE 570 COBRESPONDEN OE * 570 LEGAL * 670 BOOKS RECEIVED 571—577 INDHX TO BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN BETWEEN JTJNB 2 AKD U 57 7—579 i| BOOKS PUBLISHED EST GREAT BRITAIN FROM JUNE 2 TO 14 579-582 H AMERICA N N"EW BOOKS 583, 584 NEW BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS 584—697 BOOKS m THE PRESS 586—588 MIS CELLA NEOUS 508—603 BUSINESSES FOB SALE 603 ASSISTANTS WANTED 603 WANT SITUATIONS 603 OLD BOOKS FOB SALE 603 BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE ) C03—607 I3ST3DJE32C T O ADVERTISER S Aahe r& Co 584 Holden (A.) 601 Paper Afatera'Circular 597 JWn & Co 598 Hutt (C.) 607 Phi ill pa (H. 8.) 601 gwk«r & 8on 601 Jackson . 607 Phillips (a O.) 697 Bentlej&Son . 597 Longmans , Green , & Co 608 Silrerlock (H.) 601 Jewell fc Company , Limited 597 Low & Co 590, 592-694 Simpkin , Marshall , & Co 696 Cnatt-"—»w o &%m, »t Hodgenuu^o .... 599voo (O. JWin .) iuuus dns . 587Oo/ MacfarlaneM.acra rianc &OX CoUO. 597o»i Spaldingoymumg a*& ^ay f & Son 596 Mackay (R. C ), Bristol 602 Stoneham (W. G.) 596 {Jrto n (T. Gates) 4c Co. 598 Maoroillan & Co. 686 Suttab y & Co .• 689 "jylteon & Bonn 598 Marka Bros. (Barnstaple) 696 Tonks & Sons 600 Jjwson (A. & W.) 596 Morton (John) 602 Typo graphic Etching Company.... 598 •HcWmou & (to 600 Murra y (John) 595 Unwin (T. Fisher) 594 "nnln.Didot et Cie 591 Nelson & Hons.. 588 Virtae & Co 602 ftf'PMJ.) (G.) 602 Waterston & Sons 601 '?i« 600 Rewman uT£rM»er l(W,)w*f 600(tna N"N-ovellort tr *llo_, EwerRwer., &Sl CoGo 598 WymanWman &flona& Sons 585 & ** ! <J ->» Manc hester 602 Olyett 601 Young & Co. (Edinburgh ) 696 "odder&8toug hton 684 Pagen (W. ) 601 \ __ 188 Fleet Street , J une 16, 1884. ^^ < blossoms, 111 W ^LE fclxe inerr ie mont h' has what the Satur day Review once called its ' May |U | *n the shape of the anniversaries of the great religious societies, June brin gs with it a II !°?8 8eriea of festival dinners , in which the banquet of the Printers ' Pension Corporation 11 ?*es »dl foremost place in the regar d of many of our readers , and the celebratio n of Wednesda y president of the H £r ^ ^^ k high in the now long list of these gat herings. To secure as the 1 the Pir st or as Mr. Gilliat playfully termed himself , hII th!me *!!? ^^ of *^e gre ^ civi<? Treasur y, , M Frinie1116 MinMiniaf ister ^T. of^f the±u<* Oldr\ *A LadT.<*A*rry of^e Threadnerrv.^r.arimo edle ^^ i« Streetftf.r ^pit /> waswar a guaranteeguarantee otof success ;: ZJ .f"e IB an!! «T facfcthe th at more th*n 110 supporters of the Corpo ration rallied round the chairman , subs 000, affords substan tial proof of the I Eb*L!i^L cription list at the table exceeded £1, with I .of the guests. The wmbinat ifinL ^ the provident Jbg philant bi^io ^^ ^ ^Pie in th e manage ment of the QjsJ fiMyfdggbpcls—••, to which Mr* Gilliat gave specia l 11 1 ¦ m* — ' ; .^ HMifc t ^ f j Mfr ' ' ' ' '' - ' ' mg ' ..¦^^ HE^^^^^ SZiSiZiSiiMiiiiiiliiZZiiiSi ^ SSSi ^ , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ -- « K ^ , . ^ . , . , ,:Vv._. .,^ ,.;. -. j . ..- . .. ___ _ ;; - . f. P :f^ - : ^ ^ « I 566 Th g Publishers ' CLrcu lar june 1884 ft - , - " - . - ^ -~J H commend ation , forma , we are disposed to think , one of its chief claims to th e supp ort of , the members of the trades and of the cha ritable public ; for, while the crafts men may I , unite on its behalf as a genuine tra de society, ' th ose who are rich in this wor ld's ii goods ' may give it liberal support with the confidence tha t they are workin g on the most satisfactory of all charitab le methods, in helping those who are alread y doing th eir -^ »^— ¦ ¦—- -— —¦ ¦— ¦ •—' ¦ ¦ ,¦• if j!¦ "VJ* j> >T-i.T^ r <1 w ^^^ ^ f ~m n m» ^ r pwp ' ^ ¦ • ^«» ^^ >^™ - *r mm ^ ™ i -^-- -— — j— — —— — - - - — —— - — -m ^» ^ ••«•• w B bestP^^^V^ ^# toV*^ help^ *^^* k ^ themselv^^ es. •t^V Of"^ the^ ^^ three^^ branche s of the Corporation 's work , it may beV^^^ I v said tha t two—the Pension Fund and the sustentation of the Almshouses —are in a fairly ; | satisfactory state ; and althoug h the Orp hanage has hitherto failed to answer the Expectatio ns of ¦ v «.i«a vv ^ ^#'w%^^ k.» j.> ^ k auaw v VU &UB. U1 VF1UV VQ1O ) V4JLC7 V(tUOO Kf *. 1V9 VV«il |' t« * ailu IV ««*WJUUVJkVUV J is*»-» not**v ^ far to seek. Tov- insist on C* UJH3"" ; its promoters , the cause of its comparative inefficiency a pre- • vious subscription to a trade benefit society as a condition of the enjoyment of its advantages as t far as pension and almshouse are concerned., involves, when the minimum contribution is fixed at : | such a low figure as five shillings a year, no appreciable hardship, but to make admission to an ';,' orphanagetfvrrkTin.na.c-A dependentricmendeni. on a previous-nravious subscriptionaubscrrotion iromfrom the parentDarent of the helnlessHelpless child may,ma.v itft i is obvious, exclude those who are in the most urgent need of assistance, and we are therefore inclined to believe that when this rule, which now obtains, is relaxed, the orphanage will be -^ b» ^»^ B W^V ^B^^^V^* W ¦ v ^^^ r ^^ r ^m' mr^m^mi ^ i ^ ^^ f ^m r ^p r ^ B.^^" ^^ -^^ w^^~ ^^ p- ^^ — ^^ -^ v^ ¦ ^"^ — ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ^^ ^- ^» r - — — — — ¦ -^ "^ "»' ——' ^ T^ ^^ ^^ — — — —^ —^— — ^^ p^^^^ w ^^ of^^^ 41^ theV^ ^i^ same^^^ practical^^ ^^ "^ benefitw^^ ^^^ ^^^^ as the other branches" of the Corporation's work. As to^^ ^^ theW^^^ ^^^ general results achieved by the Committee they fully justif y the congratulations bestowed upon them by the Chairman , who probabl y ascribed the steady progress of the Corporation to the right cause when he referred it to the persistency with which its original programme has been adh ered to. On the evening before that fixed for the Corporation 's dinner at Willis's Booms, ihe Stationer s9 Company entertained one of the most distinguished assemblies of men eminent in literature , science , and art which has ever met within its fine hall ; among those who «¦<*«» —- ¦— ***9 ^ M^ wjk *^^ ¦ •¦• ^ r««wr «r» ¦> 1 • » ^ » »^^ b«- ^ b ^ p ^h^ b v ¦ -^ ^v ^b k ^^— >^v^b — -^—-^-v -^ -^ » -m —~- -^ ^ —^ vhk - -^^ ^» - — ^—^^ -—- »^ <b^ a «¦¦><% ^ ar respondedMM ^ »^ i ^ f Wrr ^ ^ m ^ ^^ to^ r ^^ the invitation^^ ^m~mk of^^ the^ M^^fc ^' Worshi^^ ^ ^^ pful Master^w , Mr. Miles' ' , being Lord' Houg^^ ^ "> hton^ ^^ , the Right Hon. W. H. Smith, Sir F. Bramwell, Archdeacon Farrar, Dr. Evans, F.R.S., Canon : Gregory, Canon Eliacombe, Professor Henry Morley, the Astronomer Royal, Mr. Austin Dobson, Mr. Edward Marston, Mr. F. H. Rivington, the Treasurer of the Middle Temple, and ' A great many more of lesser degree, In sooth a goodly companie.' Literature naturally formed one of the chief toasts of the evening, and, proposed by Professor Jebb and responded to by Archdeacon Farrar, it was received, it is needless to say, with due honour. The Archdeacon, with that felicity of expression which ever distinguishes his P^P^V .flP^ ^^•^ ^^^ '^^ P^P'^^F^^ ^ ^» V ^P' ^ H ^^B >^^— ^VV ^ Mp -^ P£T ^P^ ^PT P^^ 'P^' P^P » ^m ^P^^PJ^^ V^W "^ F^ p^ ^^ Pl PJ..BIPPr V » "^P * ^P* .P^ ^ " » ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^PF^P" FF^ ^— ^^ W "^"^pt ^^^ ~^^ ^^pp ^ppp ^^ ^ ~^PW PPBP> ^^^ ^^"^» ^PB> ^^P' ^PF'^P' ^^F^^^ ^p^"^ '^PP' ¦ —' . V* ^^ ^PF^P " PP^ ^P "^ PJPF ^P» ^PPf ^^ ^"" ^^ ^P ^ P^ ^ PJPB ^P^~ «JB ^plF '^F- ^pp ^ — -W- ^p^ F^^i^ ^—' m sermons, his speeches, and his writings^^ ^k ^^^ ,B claimed^ for literature'" P' a due share in the great work of the elevation of the ra ce, and took a hopeful view of its prospects , thoug h for a moment he turned JIV1A AUVAAIM T VUWAAVv* UVVAW AAU 'AM/ «AV«» asideVrW *^*^ to«r ^^ condemnWA withVI justice I **•»-* I/>IVV andIHAAU withV ftVAAi stingt T Vr 1 f itSti ing¦ it H Cfc effectV-MVyH the ^**^^ so-calledVk#V society%/j jJ ournal\/ \4 ^ ism' lt * of^*^ * theV»*V hour.f That eminent ' stati oner ' Mr. Smith , naturall y called upon to speak on behalf of the «*.pVfcpF mXhJ ^ ¦^^^ ¦»** p^ p»p *^^ AA,V VVP^Vtr \/-A. aJk m>VJL 4AIWUIAVAA V* ff M-VVJ>4 *AX^ ~\^m\Jk^f fc «/*»X^ MW4VUV l«AA%r\ »*»,V-r V VB IImV * **»^*4»Ji »\^ -^ »»» V**^*. X^ *-» r*^ ^^ r ' 7, pa member s Commonsa^ B House of Parliament of which he is one of the ablest and most popular ipl , ^pb pBbi iflB added^ pl ^ pl to> hia^ pl advocacyp*A of¦ * pk the_ ^^ election^^ pk of^^ h. free and independent^ ^pk _ members instead^ . -^ of.^^ mere par ty* delegates a word of friendl y greeting to the Stationers ' Company and the trades which it II represents , and , as a proof of his desire to promote the interests of one of those trades , he is, we are glad to see, to preside at the anniversary dinner of the Statio ners ' and Paper Ma ker s' *«^w»AVf* -v^ «#^ p^ -^ < ¦» 1 ¦¦ »-- ¦» ¦ * !# »-s ^ <«^ .* ¦** m»m*-+m * ¦•• ¦*# p^ (b «•> -fc -^j- *^ j»» .Tfcp»p»> ^#*»p» -^ f »^^ F«»«ka> ^ai »*»^»»***« >—#^ ^ ^ t «-**v ¦ m-+>m>k& ^ .&.t» ^~«p» •¦^ ¦v^ A w -» w<»tw »» ¦ — Benefit Society^ J * _y ^*v \^ the purelyv »B next Friday in the same hall.

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