· . e Springfield Student: Volume XVII SPRINGFIELD, MASS., NOVEMBER 19, 1926 Number 7 Deputators Start Student Thanksgiving Drive for $ 1,000 Debating Tryouts at Season at Woronoco Joint Meeting Monday Opened Yesterday; Five Days to Go Three Men to Be Chosen from Team Gets Off to Good Start By Large Squad to Appear in N. H. Starting Young People's Society F===============~ I CAMPAIGN RESULTS in Mill Town Students Open Drive Money to Be Raised U. Debate December 2 Cabinet $53.00 About fourteen men who are trying A picked team with F. S. Field as to Extend College Cosmopolitan 67.00 by Class Captains out for the debating team which captain spent last week-end at Woro- Captains 62.00 meets New Hampshire December 2, noco on the first deputation trip of With a goal of $1000 to be raised Total to date $182.00 With a minimum goal of two dol­ will have a chance to speak at a com­ the year, running a social and regular by Thanksgiving Eve, the Student lars per man, the class captains in More to come from captains, bined meeting of the literary societies church services and organizing a Thanksgiving Campaign got under whose pledges have not yet ac­ all four cla' ses will be kept busy for Monday night. 'fhe question for debate Young People's Society. The men who way last night with substantial con­ tually been received. the next week recording and collecting is "Resolved: 'That intra-mural sports made the trip were Field, E. M. Ford, tributions from the Cabinet, Cosmo- Verbal pledges bring the total the cash and pledges toward the politan Club and the campaign com­ should take the place of intercolle­ W. Gehrke, A. W. Hyatt, R. M. Rob- amount pledged so far to just $1000 Fund. Those in charge hope over $200.00. giate sports in New England colleges inson, George Ritchie, and C. Bircher. mittee forming the starting nucleus that the goal may be realized long and universities." It is expected that The team left Springfield shortly of the fund. Following short talks by before the date set for the close of the Dr. McCurdy and Professor Mohler, each man will have about eight min­ campaign. after the Norwich grame Saturday the presentation of club gifts was institutions w hi c h are certainly utes in which to present his argu­ rnoon, and ran a social that even- worthy of Springfield support afte made by the club representatives and . Organization ments, although a definite time limit ing with Robinson as entertainer. The National Council of Student Y. cash and pledges secured from all of Every man in college is listed as a has not yet been set. Sunday the men worked with the pas- M. C. A.'s, of which Springfield is a member of a team and each team is tor of the local church in the morning the captains and clas~ man.agers . .The member in the New England area is Men making the team will have to balance of the campaign WIll be gIven d b 'h . 11 ' I 1D charge of a captain. All cash and prepare both sides of the question, and evening services. The major part over to securing the support of every. supporte y t e variOUS co eges. t pledges are to be paid through the as one man from the Springfield team of the week-end's work was, however, student and faculty member to the has. no ot~er means of ~upport. class captains, who will in turn make is to debate with the New Hampshire to organize a Young People's Society. It' t t . t Sprmgfield IS asked to contribute a their reports to the treasurer. A list team, and one of the visitors will men of the team were enter- mos Impor an mISSionary .movemen I mInImUm. amoun t . Th e W orld Stu d ent The th h I h tt t d of all students and the teams they debate with our two remaining men. tained at the Strathmore Inn as e sc 00 as a emp e m severa Federation, formerly the Student comprise will be posted in the dorm­ The question has been debated in the guests of Col. B. A. F ranklin, who years. Friendship Fund is perhaps the most Itory. As each man makes his con­ various "lit" societies for the past also furnished transportation for the No More Isolation important student organization serv- tribution either in cash or by pledge few weeks, and a good deal of mate­ party. Although regularly contributing to ing students in every land. Spring- he will be given a special tag credit­ rial has been collected on the subject. Several others deputation trips are the foreign work of the Y. M. C. A. field will contribute a minimum mg him as having contributed to the Debating Manager "Charlie" Ward planned for coming weeks. Hyatt will and the Student Friendship Fund, amount. To the Foreign work of the campaign. has a tentative schedule for the year take a team to East Glastonbury, Springfield has previously not taken y. M. C. A. the College has always Selling Plan already arranged, including debates Conn., the week-end of December 3 the active interest in the various given and will this year give $200. and a team headed by Ritchie is Christain and student movements In order to assist all men who are with Amherst, Clarke, Hartford The­ scheduled for a trip to Litchfield. which other colleges are taking. The financially unable to contribute, the ological School, and The Speakers' proposed program will be a step in Students to Vote on committee has provided a means of Club of Springfield. Oxford Univer­ this direction. By sending delegates earning this money through the sale sity may debate with Springfield next SCOUT HEAP HERE to the Milwaukee Conference, Spring­ Initiation Qyestion of Christmas cards. Five hundred year. boxes of cards have been purchased Debating is now under the direction Mr. H. B. Converse, Regional Scout field will take her rightful place along The question of the initiation of and men will start selling on Satur- of a student-faculty committee, so Executive of New England, gave stu­ with other colleges in what will prob­ freshmen will come before the var­ day. In addition to l'ealizing some that the entire burden of respon ibil­ dents interested in Scouting as a pro­ ably be one of the most important iou1': classes at their chapels Monday. money for the campaign a liberal ity "'ill not fall upon a few students. gram for boys a real opportunity to student gatherings in years. Our del­ The initiation question has caused commission will be allowed, thus giv- This plan also makes it possible for g-et first-hand information concerning egates to this conference are taking a a good deal of debate about campus, ing the men an opportunity to make the Springfield debating manager to the movement in his visit t o campus four-week preparatory course in order and several letters favoring the ab­ I some extra money for themselves. get in touch with colleges with whom yesterday. to be able to take their part intelli­ olition of the traditional hazing night gently and actively represent the have been published in the Student. Manley, '27, will be in charge of the members of the faculty are in contact, After speaking in Professor Foster's sales force. but whose debating teams have never school. One of the literary societies staged class in Scouting at ten o'clock, Mr. competed with ours. an informal discussion on the general Converse spent a large part of the E uropean Scholarships Theater Nite Mr. Tucker P . Smith is acting as day in interviewing interested men on ·The European Scholarship plan subject of initiation a few weeks ago, A Coliege Nite at the Broadway coach of the debating teams. Mr. any phase of the subject they cared which was conceived last spring and a class in public speaking later Theater has been arranged for tonight Smith has had considerable personal devoted an entire session to debate to discuss, only to leave campus for proved so successful that two junIOrs through the courtesy of the manager. experience in college debating, and on the proposition, "Resolved: That a visit to the local council of Boy will again be selected this summer to A special college bill will be provided coached the Frosh team last year. Scouts late in the afternoon. He was work in boys' camps. These summer the Informal Initiation at Springfield by the Maroon-and-White Serenaders, According to the plans of the coun­ should be abolished." also present at the Senior Boy's scholarships, in the absence of any Hath, '30, and Woglum, '30, along cil, try-outs will be held before each There seemed to be considerable Work Men's Seminar at the home of regularly organized foreign work such with the regular features. A section debate, so that an unusually large sentiment against initiation, so the Professor Foster in the evening. as Yale or Amherst support, are of seats 'will be reserved for the stu­ number of men may have a chance to Cabinet decided at its last meeting to Springfield's unique contribution to dents and the group will sit as a body. represent the College on the speakers' the development of international good bring the matter before the whole Following the college act, Rivers, '27, platform this year. Dance and Dinner will, and, in addition, furnish the men student body by presenting a ques­ will make an announcement regarding selected with invaluable contacts and tionnaire to the various classes in the drive, advertising the fact that the After Vt.
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