Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 4-9-1974 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1974). Winona Daily News. 1346. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/1346 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' : Y ;- ;- Y ,.; Y ^ Nwon w^¦ ' ' ' • - ' ". B YY .: - y of these were his " .property.":" :. y DICK BARNES - . -. siohal coh.mfttee staff, plus . , White House said in December $432,787f it) back taxes plus jri-;. Y- - . Most costl ¦ ' of representation Nixon has hadY ' ' ' personal financial data pre- ; ; that $5 662 is taken from his charitable contribution deduc- ,. ;;.He. 'has ' .']'ust .recentIy,;-accordT' ' : Y -W_VSHIJNGTbN.'.*(Ai?y-.Prei*'. , ; .; terest.;. The President has ..: .. > ! . - . ; from two -lawyers in his tax Went Nixon vipiisly,released by Nixon.' ;.;, ' .' ¦:' Salary arid expense check? each ' tions for pfe-presidehtial pa- ing to a White House source, . , already beset- hy ' agreed to : pay . it;;; ¦' '¦¦ : . case, norma)iy . '...; '¦ ; back taxes '•" The estimate shows: : ; month, meaning he already has pers he said he donated to the ' . paid the $-S;000 accounting bill Y would run to at: of $467,000; faces an Y '"..- ' But even: with an extension , ¦ ' : estimated, income tax for , 1973 • Income of ^303.723, most of paid $67,940 toward His t axes government; before a law end- having auditors prepare de-; - least five figures, the . White ; Y- ; it from his $250,000.presidential .. through withholding. He also the' taxpayer must pay 90 per ing the tax break for such do- tailed financial material made ; House : has said : : Of more than $100,000. To avoid . .. ¦ : ¦ - the two law- Y .-; interest chargesYhe should pay; . - salary and .expense allowance, ,- '';.' left $1,000 from last ' year's re- cent of has eventual tax bill by. nations took effect. Y - .public; last Decenriber.• ." yers " ; • ¦ • ¦ ' ¦; ' ' ¦ ' ; ; ¦ ¦ , H.. Chapman RoSe and .nearly $30,000 by Monday night, the rest principally from inter- ; . .. "fund. , '.- ' - ,-..- • . ' - ' . ,. •" .- ' .' . April 15 if he is to avoid an in- ; The current : tax hill is one : The White House . has said • ¦ ' . '., Kenneth Gemmill, are not bill- . according to the estimate. , :. est and profits on a real estate. ¦ . The. resultant ' balance : due - terest charge.JFpr Nixon, that more in a growing pile of bills . - Nixon willYhave¦ to borrow ¦ - ' ' ': '-v- :>- - ' ¦ '¦¦' mean ,439 by-April' 15; -funds. - -to ' ' • ' ' ' ¦ '¦ ing. ' the-. President. An estimateYof - the .Presi- .. '.deal; v Y-' - . -;-¦ wbiild be! $40,370. - ; Y p -would $29 . that; is fiutting- deeply into NixY Y . .pay ' ofc'f: part of the " ' ; dent's ,1973 tax :¦' ": • ' ' Deduction^ of 938 near- ; Nixon's Los Angeles tax pre-. ; The IRS and. .- : a report from " pri's ' - net- worth. :.; back tax bill. His -bank- 'balance's-', .Y Although some, aspects of his return was pre- ¦ . •• $77, , • , ; - pared by The Associated Press , ' •' '':' • ly half of it for interest pay- pai-er,, Arthur Blech, said - last the staff' of the Joint, Cbngres- : v Biggest, bf . Course^ is . the ¦ : as of last May 31: were 1969-72 tax settlement such, as -: ¦ " . ¦ ¦ " ; and a professional tax adviser, ' : ihimts and .: alnaostY Qne-thiifd . ' ". weekend the .President has re-: siohal Committee on Internal ' $467,000; hn back taxes and inter- ;- . $432,874; It is believed the Pres- • '" interest charges ..will in them- ." ' ¦ ": Revenue Taxation disallowed ' . ..- It was based on revey_duation-i Y ' from ^ property , taxes for ; his quested an extension of time to a" est. YBut : in July, he also Vis ident;could remoxtgage the: San . - . selves be; tax deductible ,, those Y ' ' his; number of deductions . Nixon :, the " final' . "" C.emetite ; . of his. past four returns com-- .. houses in 'Key . Bis.cayhe,.. :_?la ;,- -. :. Yfile 1973 return because of .. scheduled to: make - property- to meet the would be reflected in; his 19^4 . : , ¦ ' ' ;. ' .pleted.la-st.week by the Internal . and Sail'Clemerite , Calif. •' :•' the complexity of last week's had taken during his first four . .. mortgage and interest payment - July payment. return due/ by April'15, 1975, not "' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' years as president." his San Clemente ':¦' • While legal fees, ' ' -, - " ¦::V Revenue Service and a coiigreisr : . "• Tax . due ! ofv$109,31O,: The . -. IRS decision that Nixon owes .; : . of $243,650 on; , for the ..type in the forthdoining return. -. •. pifetoe pwi} comment on lax penalty WASHING-TON (UPI) _ The White House says it has closed the book or.' President Nixon's Qytijeii^ Income tax problems. A'- :.. White ; Hoirae spokesman refused, Monday to say ¦ whether the Internal - Revenue . Service charged Nixon "a -; 5 , percent negligence penalty or;, exactly when the payment would be ; ; : By GENE POYTHRESS J heard . from; Nixon by today. ; . Leon Jaworslii;.demanded faces that : -'m lig_ht of - Mr. St' Qair's• ': income ta'ses the years the IRS White House , , ' deadline " ,' made. - ." ' . - ' ' . WASHINGTON - .(UPI) - For ! Oh Monday, John Doar, chief the White House comply with a reply;" . .; . -.•¦! found he owed $432,000 because "The President , is going to counsel to the committee, said the second time in 11' days the subpoena for . additional .eviden- He said the ; committee must of improper.deductions. pay the full total and that is all he had received Y assurances ¦ White House today faced a ce. The President's, lawyers be prepared -.' to; meet . its I .am prepared , to say,", said deadline froih Watergate inves- from James YD. St. ;::Clair, -.- ' -The staff is also studying Nixon's chief Watergate. ¦ la- promised :"a reply":, by Jawor-; "cbnstitiitionar.. respoiisibiIities':' deputy press secretary Gerald tigators determined . to secure House,idata gathered by a joint House*- evidence from President wyer, that the White House ski's March 29 deadUne,. but ;at in . the event the . VVhite Warren. "There must be some needed ¦ refuses to compl with the i Senate; committee in . its . report Nixon's file.. ' would indeed- reply by today's the last - moment surrendered y element p£ privacy maintained ;-. \Y Y. request for more tapes. ;- , t on the back taxes to determine , deadline. ; the; subpoenaed- material. about the President's taxes. - There was ao firm indication. s letter to boar "I really don 't have anything. ' It mig_.t - ' from the White House what its But St. Clair' , j if . be among grounds while saying; "progress has uayvbrski had been prepared tb ; say," Presidehtial , press for. impeachment. Warren said he: did riot know reply would "be to a six-week- to go . to : court. to seek been - made" in the tapes ¦¦ spokesman . Gerald Warren told ¦''¦ horw ;inuch time the IRS has qld request ..from . the Hoiise. i enforcement '. ' of' his subpoena, reporters Monday. "We are.I. - "The . committee met again Committee for 41 negotiations, gave no indication - - allowed the ; President to pay Judiciary whether; the tapes' would be just as: ; the . House , committee dealing with this cojmihtttee; in [ Monday "for a staff "briefii.g additional presidential tapes it . ; ' : back taxes of more, than dehvered or whether : there now, is ready to take the what we believe .-is. -a ;-.responsi- j session" and again there ; was -' said, it needeid in its itnpeach- subpoena route. - ble , way.';-, and for.oiir part ih. 'a • partisan bickering . over what $400,000 ., for ; the [ years - 1969 ment inquiry. .. would simply be a; reply; to the ¦¦ demands; - ..- ' Chairrhah Peter W. Rodino, spirit, of confidentiality.'' I role; if any, St. Clair , -would through 1972, : but - that '"the meeting for Dbar also told ihe committee have , in the. proceedings and : The coirirai-tee threatened j The White House took -a D-N.J., called a: ': President will pay on time and ; similar tack two . weeks, ago later this'-week tp possibly seek that the staff has asked for over ground "- rules ; for : the last . Thursday .tb subpoena, fhe . ¦• ¦ ' " ' he will have to borrow .'' requested tapes if it . hid hot 1when Watergate prosecutor authority; to issue a: subppeiia information on Nixon's 1969-72 l inquiry. - ', • .• .-. '; . : "The President; submitted his tax returns to the joint (congressional) c<mimittee aiid Resignations possible after questions were . raised on ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : ;:; certain . aspects, thexe followed ; I On :th¦ e. - 'lns:i<ie:Y" :I complete financial disclosure," fe C YPeter Magrath, president-designate of the -J§ ¦ || ; NaifM-llnalliCll Warren - said. "The President University of Minnesota, says he hopes; to bring : S: M the university ''to a position of unequaled ; excellence" .—:; 1 Military ' unfe^ said he would: abide by the clini^ §; ':; story; page 2a. ,>--: ¦: ¦ ' ¦> '; ¦ . - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ f | judgi-ient of the committee arid '&$ ' ¦ - - ' . ' ' ¦ - ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' j:-?- - : . : .. • " ¦pf - , he had done that. He intends to II Oarhftfyo - - Wiliu&tta -should get .' .. • ' . the garbage cplleo £| pay the full amount ^assessed by g Uai HogB tion business by J : !; yvinoiia city council- | | ' ; ' ' IRS.""- men'resol-yed Mondas —- story, page 3a: ; . • ¦- -' | expl in rai l ^ ored Warren refused to talk about If §f Tuj«|1 ' ¦'
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