PALYNOLOGICAL STUDY OF CULTIVATED AND NATIVE PALMS FROM PAKISTAN AND KASHMIR By Abid Arzoo Rashid DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI KARACHI-75270 PAKISTAN 2014 1 PALYNOLOGICAL STUDY OF CULTIVATED AND NATIVE PALMS FROM PAKISTAN AND KASHMIR By Abid Arzoo Rashid Thesis Submitted for the Requirement of the Degree “Doctor of Philosophy” DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI KARACHI-75270 PAKISTAN 2014 2 PALYNOLOGICAL STUDY OF CULTIVATED AND NATIVE PALMS FROM PAKISTAN AND KASHMIR THESIS APPROVED Supervisor Prof. Dr. Anjum Perveen __________________________ External Examiner __________________________ Date __________________________ 3 CERTIFICATE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Palynological Study of Cultivated and Native Palms from Pakistan and Kashmir” submitted to the Board of Advanced Studies and Research, University of Karachi by Mr. Abid Arzoo Rashid, satisfies the requirements for the degree of Ph.D. in Botany. _______________________ Research Supervisor, Prof. Dr. Anjum Perveen Director Centre for plant conservation, Herbarium and Botanic Garden, University of Karachi, Karachi. 4 CONTENTS S. No. Description Pg. No. 1 Abstract i) English 1 ii) Urdu 3 2 General Introduction 4 CHAPTER 1 “Taxonomic of the family Palmae” 8 3 Introduction 8 4 Literature Survey 8 5 Materials and Methods 13 6 Systematic arrangement of the family Palmae 15 i) Description of Palmae Juss. 15 ii) Key to the sub families 16 iii) Description of sub family Arecoidae Griff. 16 iv) Key to the genera 19 v) Description of tribe Areceae Drude 20 vi) Description of genus Areca L. 20 vii) Description of genus Dypsis Naronha ex Mart. 23 viii) Description of genus Ptychosperma Labill. 25 ix) Description of genus Wodyetia A.K. Irvine. 29 x) Description of tribe Cocoseae Griff. 33 xi) Description of genus Cocus L. 33 xii) Description of genus Eleais Jacq. 36 xiii) Description of genus Roystonea O.F. Cook 31 xiv) Description of Sub family Calamoideae Griff. 40 5 xv) Description of genus Calamus L. 40 xvi) Description of Sub family Coryphoideae Griff. 43 xvii) Key to the genera 43 xviii) Description of tribe Borosseae Mart. 45 xix) Description of genus Hyphaene J. Geartn 47 xx) Description of genus Bismarkia Hildebrandt & H. Wendl. 49 xxi) Description of genus Borassus L. 50 xxii) Description of tribe Caryoteae Drude 54 xxiii) Description of genus Caryota L. 54 xxiv) Description of tribe Corypheae Mart. 57 xxv) Description of genus Nannorrhops H. Wendl. 57 xxvi) Description of tribe Trachycarpeae Dransf. et al. 60 xxvii) Description of genus Brahea Mart. ex Endl. 60 xxviii) Description of genus Livistonia R. Br. 61 xxix) Description of genus Pritchardia Seeman & H. Wendl 65 xxx) Description of genus Washingtonia H.Wendl. 66 xxxi) Description of genus Trachycarpus H. Wendl 71 xxxii) Description of genus Raphis L.f. ex Aiton. 72 xxxiii) Description of tribe Phoeniceae Drude 77 xxxiv) Description of genus Phoenix L. 77 xxxv) Description of tribe Sabaleae Mart. 86 xxxvi) Description of genus Sabal Adanson 86 6 Glossary of Taxonomy 88 CHAPTER 2 “Palynology of the Palmae” 93 7 Introduction 93 8 Materials and Methods 98 6 9 General Pollen morphology of the Palmae 100 10 Pollen morphology of the sub family Arecoideae Griff. 101 i. Introduction 101 ii. Observations and Results 103 iii. Discussion 113 11 Pollen morphology of the sub family Calamoideae Griff. 120 i. Introduction 120 ii. Observations and Results 121 iii. Discussion 122 12 Pollen morphology of the sub family Coryphoideae Griff. 123 i. Introduction 123 ii. Observations and Results 126 iii. Discussion 144 CHAPTER 3 “Statistical Analysis of the family Palmae” 157 13 Introduction 157 14 Materials and Methods 159 15 Cluster analysis of the family Palmae Juss. 164 16 Cluster analysis of the sub family Arecoideae Griff. 172 17 Cluster analysis of the sub family Coryphoideae Griff. 177 18 General Discussion 180 19 Glossary 187 20 Appendix 196 21 References 198 22 Index of Taxa 218 7 ABSTRACT The present work gives a detail account of pollen morphology of family Palmae including its taxonomic revision.The taxonomic studies follow the recent classification of Dransfield et al., 2005 & 2008, which based on phylogenetic studies. A total of 28 species representing 21 genera distributed in 3 subfamilies and 10 tribes are known from Pakistan and Kashmir. All the taxa valid or synonyms have been typified with the help of literatures. The detail morphological descriptions of the studied taxa including the artificial generic and specific keys are also given. A description of the range of pollen morphological variation by using Light Microscope (LM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) have been carried out. Considerable pollen variations have been found within the family with regard to size, shape, aperture type and exine pattern. However, a large number of species have monosulcate pollen (i.e., 25 out of 27) show the highest percentage (92.5%). Whereas, disulcate and trichotomosulcate pollen is present in a single species each viz., Calamus tenuis Roxb. and Elaeis guineensis Jacq.,respectively. The shape as seen in polar view is frequently elliptical, but in some cases rounded-triangular or circular pollen is also found. Pollen shows a wide range in the size, the longest axis of pollen ranging from 15- 60 µm, averaging 30- 50 µm. These palm species also reveals a great diversity in exine pattern such as punctate, reticulate, vermiculate, verrucose, spinose, regulate and, perforate (ranging from fine to coarse, and with sparse to dense distribution) or combination of these types have also been found, but the most predominant pattern being the reticulate type (terminology according to Erdtman).Muri more or less flat or rounded, simple baculate to multibaculate. 8 Pollen morphological characters are potentially informative in the systematics of monocotyledons including Palmae, both above and below the family level. The qualitative pollen characters (such asaperture, exine pattern and shape) are found to be taxonomically important as compared to the quantitative characters (such as size and exine thickness of pollen). On the basis of the combination of pollen characters, the following pollen types have been recognized such as Areca -type, Dypsis- type, Cocus- type, Elaies-type, Calamus-type, Bismarkia-type, Borassus-type, Brahea-type and Phoenix-type. Key to the genera based on pollen characters and pollen types are also given. In addition, photographs of represented plants and microphotographs of pollen are incorporated to show the diagnostic features and convienience of identification. The data obtained from the palynological studies have been numerically analyzed to find out the interrelationships among all the taxa of the family Palmae. 9 GENERAL INTRODUCTION Palms form a large and diverse family of iconic monocotyledon have about c.2400 species belonging toc.187 genera distributed in five subfamilies viz., Arecoideae, Calamoideae, Ceraxyloideae, Coryphoideae, Nyphoideae (Dransfield et al.,2005 and 2008; Govaerts& Dransfield, 2005) between 40 N and 45 S in both the Old World and New World (Mahabalé, 1967). Around half of all palm species (c.1200 species and 57 genera) occurs in tropical Asia (extending from the India to the Suleman Island) with almost 1000 species of 50 genera (about 42% of the total family) found in the Malaysia only (Dransfieldet al.,2008). The family Palmae is represented by 16 genera and 18 species from Pakistan and Kashmir.Of these, 2 wildspecies viz., Phoenix sylvestris L., and Nannorhops ritichiana (Griff.) Aitch.,are foundalmost all the entire part of our region (Kamal, 1984).The members of the family Palmae are widespread throughout the tropical and sub tropical regions of the world mostly found in rain forest, and few taxa are distributed in warm temperate regions. Ranging from minute forest floor species to giant canopy trees and even climbers, arecoid palms often play a prominent role in determining forest composition (Peters et al., 2004) and biotic interactions (Galetti et al., 2006). Palms, the “Princes” of the Plant Kingdom constitutea unique family of monocotyledons which differ from other families in having an arborescent habit and a dense crown of leaves at the top (Mahabalé, 1967). Remarkably, not a single morphological feature can be recognized as distinctive to differentiate the family Palmae from the other monocotyledonous families. However, theimportant morphological 10 characters used for the delimitation of the subfamilies of Palmae are mainly nature of the leaf (i.e., leaves palmate, pinnate and bipinnate, and whether induplicate or reduplicate), the inflorescence and its bracts, arrangement of flower, floral structure and fruit. This royal family contains a number of economically important plants, among theseArecasp. (betal palm), Cocus sp. (Coconut), Calamussp. (Rattan palm), Elaeissp. (Oil palm), Phoenixsp. (Date palm), Raphiasp. (Raffia palm) and Salaccasp. (Salak) are considered as the chief genera of the family Palmae. The versatility of Palms in the hand of man is astonishing. Houses, baskets, mats, hammocks, cradles, quivers, blowpipes, bows, starch, wine, fruit beverages, flour, oil, ornaments, loincloths, medicines, magic, perfumes all are derived from palms (Moore,1973). Thus Palms act as a key stone species among the monocots and ranking third after grasses and legumes. An indication of the importance of Palms in ancient time is that they are mention more than 30 times in Bible and at least 22 times in the Quran. Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is the oldest cultivated tree crop. Coconut (Cocus nucifera L.)is symbolic of the multiple uses i.e. almost every part of the entire body is utilized such as roots extraction is used as mouthwash; stem is used for pillar, as a fuel and a good source of Charcoal; leaves are used for making mat, baskets; hard endosperm of the seed is edible, it can be dried to produce Khopra and the liquid endosperm or Coconut water is portable; mesocarpis used for matting (Menon and Pandalai,1958). Furthermore, vegetable fat obtained from the dried endosperm of fruit, is used for cooking and cosmetic.
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