Page 4 Thursday, May 14, 1998 The Westfield Leader and THE TIMES of Scotch Plains – Fanwood A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION POPCORN The Westfield Leader He Got Game: It’s Up...And It’s Good The Official Newspaper of the Town of Westfield and the County of Union By Michael S. Goldberger — Established 1890 — Member of the New Jersey Press Association • Member of the National Newspaper Association • One Popcorn, Poor • Two Popcorns, Fair • Three Popcorns, Good • Four Popcorns, Excellent Periodicals – Postage Paid at Westfield, New Jersey IVY LEAGUE 3 popcorns Pity is, save for Denzel Washington’s Contrary to popular belief, the Ivy Memo to Americans: You may now uncharacteristic but competent turn as a League was not so-named because of the THE TIMES stop saying “Show Me The Money.” lower class unfortunate, much of the ivy-covered walls of its member schools. Official Newspaper of the Township of Scotch Plains and the Borough of Fanwood Hereupon the new phrase of choice will acting fails to match Spike Lee’s insight- We have etymologists William and Mary — Established 1959 — be “He Got Game.” However, if you’re ful view. Although Milwaukee Bucks Morris to thank for defoliating this ivy- Periodicals – Postage Paid at Scotch Plains, New Jersey still asking “Where’s The Beef?” Well, star Ray Allen enjoys moments of covered myth. in that case “Just Keep On Trucking.” beginner’s luck in his unaffected charac- According to the Morrises, in the POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the offices of the newspapers at The game in question is basketball, terization of Jesus, instances of flatness 1860s or 1870s, an interscholastic ath- P. O. Box 250, Westfield, New Jersey 07091 lovingly adored and reverentially dissected preclude the hoop star from feeding an letic league was. formed consisting of for all its sociological worth by writer- occasional assist to his fellow players. Yale, Columbia, Harvard and Princeton director Spike Lee. But as with all good Likewise, pretty Rosario Dawson as Lala THE LEADER THE TIMES Universities. It was known as the Four P.O. Box 250 P. O. Box 368 sports locutions, the expression has a much Bonilla, Jesus’s girlfriend with a hidden wider range of potential usage. e.g. – “That agenda of her own, is only so-so. Those League or IV League. The Roman nu- 50 Elm Street, Westfield, N.J. 07091 Scotch Plains, N.J. 07076 meral IV, in time, became known as the (908) 232-4407 • Fax: (908) 232-0473 (908) 232-4407 • Fax: (908) 232-0473 was a fine presentation on our third-quar- thespic shortcomings aside, Mr. Lee’s ter widget production that Smithers gave urban fable sings the best paean to bas- Ivy League. E-mail: [email protected] the board of directors. He got game!” ketball since One On One (1980) and In the 1920s and 1930s, Brown, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. In Mr. Lee’s instructively incisive Hoosiers (1986). Having captured the Dartmouth, Cornell and Pennsylvania muckrake about the tawdry recruitment soul of the sport while telling his free- Universities were added to round out the Horace R. Corbin Gail S. Corbin techniques some college’s employ whilst wheeling yarn, it is apparent that Ivy League to its present compliment of PUBLISHER GENERAL MANAGER vying for America’s top high school ath- moviemaker. eight schools. Ivy League, used as an letes, Jesus Shuttlesworth (Ray Allen of Spike most definitely hath game. adjective, still refers to “conservative Paul J. Peyton Suzette F. Stalker Joanna B. Marsh the Milwaukee Bucks), b-ball phenom at * * * * * and traditional, but youthful men’s MANAGING EDITOR ASSISTANT EDITOR MARKETING DIRECTOR Coney Island’s Lincoln High, is the pos- He Got Game, rated R, is a Touch- styles.” This endures despite the fact that students currently attending these Karen M. Hinds David B. Corbin sessor of said game. stone Pictures release starring Denzel He can do it all. To the college coach colleges rarely conform to any set pattern OFFICE MANAGER SPORTS Washington, Ray Allen and Rosario desperate for a national championship, Dawson. Running time: 131 minutes. of “preppie” dress code. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Jesus (a Biblical name, his dad inno- cently affirms) is indeed the messiah. THE WESTFIELD LEADER & THE TIMES But in the greater meaning of the title One-year subscription in county $20 expression, just how hoop sensation Alleviating Parking Problems One-year subscription out-of-county $24 Shuttlesworth handles the moral pres- One-year college (September to May) $16 sures that are brought to bear as college On Agenda for Town Council decision day approaches will decide whether or not he does indeed got game. From the Desk of Westfield An exciting and often controversial Mayor Thomas C. Jardim Parking Woes in Downtown Westfield director, Spike Lee will always show you something. Thing is, he’d like to show it all in one film. He Got Game, crammed You may have noticed that courage you to leave your comments At Center of Committee’s Deliberations with one too many sub-texts, is a virtual Westfield’s once-vacant downtown re- on the Mayor’s hotline (908) 789-4046, Baskin-Robbins of ideas and emotions. tail spaces are filling up fast. Local or to call or write your council repre- Now that the municipal budget process is over, the the issue now at the forefront of council business. Yet this latest morality tale exhibits hints merchants such as Poppyfields and sentatives. Westfield Town Council has begun to tackle the Among our concerns, though, are any increase in of an authorial mellowing. McEwen Flowers, and national retails It has been said that “the enemy of business that lies ahead. High on that agenda is the street meter fees. Charging more could likely send The lines between black and white, such as Banana Republic, Ann Taylor ‘good’ is ‘perfect.’” No solution to the both racially and figuratively, now blur issue of parking in the downtown. This issue is more shoppers scurrying for surrounding business and William Sonoma, are welcome parking problem that the council imple- into a philosophical gray that isn’t so additions to our central business dis- ments will be perfect, and there will no nothing new, in fact it was one of the first issues districts. Charging for meters, especially street meters, quick to indict as it is to ruminate. Oh, trict, in place of vacant storefronts. doubt be a need to revisit and refine the addressed by the Westfield Business Association, has long been an issue of debate. While the town’s there’s a smattering of didacticism here and there, used as dramatic glue when- However, while all would agree that measures we put into effect. But that now the Westfield Area Chamber of Commerce, when policy is said to be in place to pay for enforcement ever the story line grows weak. Yet still, a thriving downtown Westfield is vi- should not keep us from acting and, the Associated was founded in 1948. which enables continuous turnover of on-street park- there is noticeably less reliance on ani- tal, the current boom comes with a with the current downtown retail boom, On Wednesday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the Town ing, it is a perception that the town is using meters as mus as a people motivator. The usual price – and an opportunity – for mu- we may not have a choice. suspects, good old love and money, prove nicipal government. Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, the a major revenue source in the town’s municipal the main incentives here. The price of this downtown devel- Transportation, Parking and Traffic Committee of the budget. But at the center court of this tale is a opment is the exacerbation of an al- Town Council will hold the second of two public If turnover of spaces was the only issue, couldn’t the question of filial obligation. ready strained parking problem. The Boring Speeches, It’s a formidable debt that young Jesus forums at which it will seek input from residents, opportunity presented by this problem town just as easily chalk tires of vehicles to ensure the must consider, especially when repre- is the chance to move beyond discus- Just Part of Being merchants, downtown property owners, etc., regard- two-hour limits are being obeyed. sented so convincingly by Denzel Wash- sion and study, and to implement work- A ‘Companion’ ing solutions to the nagging issue of managing down- The shuttle bus service suggestion is a great idea. ington. Jake Shuttlesworth, 45-ish and able solutions once and for all. sporting an afro, is looking at 15 more By Louis H. Clark town parking. A number of suggestions were included Perhaps this could be expanded for use for all permit years in Attica on a murder rap. It seems There have been numerous parking in the report by the Westfield MainStreet Parking holders, thus encouraging downtown employees to that the governor, a basketball fanatic, is studies over the years in Westfield. In I have just heard about a profession the last 15 years alone, at least eight of which there are no more than five Task Force issued in October of 1995. use permits. To ensure that enough off-street spaces an alumnus of Big State. The go-between warden, played by parking studies have been conducted. members in the United States. It has Among the recommendations in the Parking Task are available, a survey should be conducted to deter- Ned Beatty, informs that if the convict The most recent report was prepared several peculiar features; the most im- Force Report were the creation of an ordinance to ban mine the amount of vehicles currently being used by can persuade sonny boy to pick the guv’s in the fall of 1995 by a task force of the portant is that you have to be able to meter feeding at short-term meters, more convenient downtown employees.
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