Epidemics In Our Communities Final Report January 30 and 31 2003 Clinical and Community Perspectives • Addictions • HIV/ AIDS and HCV • Youth at Risk • International & Community Perspectives Health and Social Impacts Scotiabank Building 1504B Albert Street ~ Regina SK S4P 2S4 JJ·.,,' A"" Phone: 306-924-8420 (APSS) apss Phone: 306 - 924-8424 (ANHAN) didi lJro,~~')L Fax: 525-0904 yo't~Jh .raslrd.lf:lu:u.'JU Toll Free: 1-877-210-7623 AIL Nations Hope AIDS Network E-mail: [email protected] Website: aidsresourcesask.ca Table of Contents I. Summary 1 II. Background 2 III. Overview 3 & 4 AIDS Program South Saskatchewan & All Nations Hope AIDS Network IV. Logistics 5 V. Introduction of Guest Speaker 6 VI. Introduction of Keynote Speaker 7 VII. Streams & Themes 7 VIII. Panel Speakers 7 & 8 IX. Workshop Rooms & Presenters Bio's Odessa room 9 & 10 & 11 Cossack room 12 & 13 Board room · 14 & 15 Batoche room 16 & 17 X. Dance 17 XI. Clans Report - (Bear, Buffalo, Eagle & Wolf) 18, 19 , 20, & 21 evaluations Summary XII. Organizing Committee 21 & 22 XIII. Promotions 22 XIV. Sponsorships & Donations 22 xv. ') Media 22 XVI. Trade Shows 23 XVII. :.. Partial Scholarships 23 & 24 XVIII. .' Scholarships 24 & 25 XIX Participants Lists 26, 27, 28, 29, & 30 xx Appendixes Page 1 Our next steps would be to develop future I~ , Summary:,', , • ~ ~ 'I. ~ -, • ," • conferences based on the "Epidemics in our ~idemicS iJi'our CommUirities CoIiference"., Communities" theme with the goal ofbuilding skills and eventually finding workable solutions This was the first time that a national conference for communities. was held in Saskatchewan ofthis nature and it highlighted some ofthe amazing work being The conference had 3 panels discussions; Babies done not only in Canada and the world, but in and Addictions, Addictions Theories and Living our own province. This conference shared ~ Positive. 28 workshops, on topics ofClinical important information in regards to the pieces of Perspectives, Youth Perspectives and work that needed to be initiated amongst our Community Perspectives. communities to actively address the health & social epidemics affecting many communities. 49 Scholarships were awarded. The conference brought together many health Key Note Speaker: Dr. Frank Plummer, and social workers to hear about and discuss Scientific Director General ofthe Health issues that they see daily in their work settings. Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory Winnipeg. Renown for his research in Africa. The conference was a great success. But at the same time disturbing as many ofthe issues Epidemics in Our Communities was held at the brought forward did not have any easy solutions. Ramada Hotel & Convention Centre, 1818 The issue ofthe "epidemic" ofaddicted babies Victoria Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan January being born at the Regina General Hospital, 30th & 31 s" 2003. indicating the high number ofaddicted mothers and the potential impact offuture FASD cases. Addictions in general stood out as the cause of many social & health ills. In Regina there are an estimated 2500 people who inject drugs. The Needle Exchange Programs in the city distributed 1.1 million needles in 2001 & 2002. We can only hope that this keeps the numbers ofnew IllV & Hepatitis C infections down, but what is happening to help stop this practice (injecting)?, how are we assisting individuals to live healthier lives? The conference was well attended by individuals from across Canada, with a high number of Aboriginal delegates and youth. There was an obvious need for information, knowledge and debate about the many issues facing us all. The conference was able to provide this. However, as mentioned the conference was not able to provide many solutions. Page 2 II. Background: A Place of Beginnings/Ribbons of Hope intensive intervention program, AIDS The development of "Epidemics In Our Programs/All Nations Hope. Communities" conference began when AIDS Programs South Saskatchewan and All Nations 2 community based needle exchange sites have Hope saw from their experiences the multiple needs been developed among at risk populations and those who work with them. Our role of providing resources, training and 1.1.million needles exchanged 2001 & 2002, the support to the broader community indicated a need highest per capita rate in Canada for more information and knowledge and a forum in which to share their concerns and look for solutions. Surveys & focus groups on IOU needs In communities where there is a growing prevalence Brought in The Odd Squad, Dr. Ray Baker, Mr. of blood-borne pathogens, such as HIV and HCV, Eugene Oscappela, Alaine Corchesne, all we need to address the issue as a social and health speakers on various IOU, drug issues & one. The conference would therefore cover a broad HIV/HCV. range of health and social issues that impact on the ability of individuals to live healthy, productive lives. Increased community capacity to respond to IOU Our organization works intensely with high risk populations. Through focus groups we discovered Delivered workshops on Harm Reduction and c some of the gaps and needs of this population. It Hepatitis C has been hard however to act on these needs. Another piece needed to take place to assist these Provided community clean up c individuals not only to gain more knowledge about (needles/condoms) 2001 their illness but to build on their ability to articulate c. their needs to those in positions to act on the c. identified needs and or form networks among ~ Epidemics in our Communities Conference themselves for support. A conference would provide c. some momentum for these activities. These experiences we hope to share with others c. and encourage similar activities in other c.. There is also a great deal of denial in many communities. communities of the impending threat of HIV/AIDS c and Hepatitis C. A place to feel less threatened and (... more a part of a movement to bring the issues forward in an effort to bring about action was c... needed. c. In the Regina community a Harm Reduction Task c. Force was implemented at the beginning of the c. 1998 Canadian HIV/AIDS Strategy (strategy concluding March 31 st 2003). This Task Force has c. provided much momentum in addressing issues of c. high-risk popUlations in Regina. Since the inception of the Harm Reduction Task Force of Regina the following major actions have taken place: c.. Regina Sera-prevalence Study among people c.. who inject drugs c Reducing the Harm Creating a Future, conference Community based research Community Methadone Clinic RHO, new centre on AI bert St. c C L. •t t t Page 3 t The agency does fund-raising, such as; , Overview Golf (The Red Ribbons Classic), AIDS Walk and Silent Auctions. , ,----------------------------------------------, , I AIDS Program South Saskatchewan: I Other developments are; ll~~~:e~~~~9!B~_nJ~~~~~1 J , A Life Skills/Group Therapy, "Ribbons of Hope" for 23 weeks that services high risk clientele and does , preventative work. Mission Statement; , To support community health and well-being The Harm Reduction Task Force (people within our , through sharing HIV/AIDS information & resources. community) implemented at the' beginning of the last Canadian HIVIAIDS Strategy to help address , Vision; issues regarding the epidemic's in our community. , A caring society which accepts HIV/AIDS as a Community Based Research skills building and mainstream illness deserving of preventative activities to provide evidence for our approaches , education about risk reducing behaviours. and planned programming. , The Saskatchewan Healthcare Excellence Awards to recognize anyone working in health settings in , History: Saskatch~wan while raising the profile of AIDS. , In '85 two people admitted they had AIDS. This was the beginning over 16years ago of AIDS Regina, , later to become AIDS Programs South , Saskatchewan. , AIDS Regina was in full operation by 1993 with an Executive Director, Educator Coordinator, Support , Coordinator, Community Resource Officer and an ~ Administrative Coordinator and All Nations Hope AIDS Network. Governed by a Board of Directors , and a group of Advisory Circles providing ., community feedback to program areas. AIDS Regina provided advocacy, support, education. Had ~ participated in the Canada AIDS Walk, World AIDS , Day and Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Day, which ., occur yearly. ') Changes: AIDS Regina's name (AIDS Program South ') Saskatchewan), the Slogan - HIV (Heading into ? Victory), Logo and facility name (Red Ribbon ? Place). ., A.H.N.A.N. (All Nations Hope AIDS Network) ~ evolved to address HIV/AIDS as an Aborigianl network in Saskatchewan and Canada. Current: " AIDS Program South Saskatchewan has developed " into a Resource Network throughout the province. "') APSS provides accessible, holistic and culturally sensitive services to a broad range of clientele. Provides referrals, needle exchange program, free ') condoms and community development and support " for HIV infected and high-risk populations. '} Bimonthly newsletter, The Positive Voice has a ') circulation of1,800. ') ') c... Page 4 c... ~----------------------------------------------I :All Nations Hope AIDS Network I they are on their healing journey, they don't have to ll~9~:E~~~t9!~~_nJ~~~9~1 J deal with being infected with this deadly virus. c... Current: c... All Nations Hope is an organization where Mandate: collaboration and partnership are true and alive. A Work towards ensuring that HIV/AIDS services and group of Aboriginal people who are concerned with c... programs required
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