

' ." --——.—'••'- -"-^—ii«+ I" •."'•••'' V" :> E" . ^'i&.-Tk&.ynk^^ir&sD; .. , | E FAIi IS H35EE" j By Attending *J» F.TA Faeeut " [ With All Its- Beauty. Say Gcod-By - ait tbc School TonljM; • - •. to the Gkrioos Summer of *35 t . - '•'* •-'.'•• -;"• " --. c t 1 -.. - :. r I _- -. -Volume 65.- 'No. : ' Section" One Northviije, Miclug«n, Friday August 30, 1935;. •.^S=^^?24Pages. .9--"-; '^ "- Si:5pEp£R\^^fiN ADVANCE- .«-,>,« *i t3ii>i?==S^ : i) £1¾¾^^^. 1.-: - • ••=- \ WHAT THEY SAID AT THE FAIR •«•! HI j | WILL BE GRIDDER - j il ?i DEACUNE FOR "E i 1 TAX PAYMENTS Ir ifiiain DIRSDi IS TOMORROW. seHitm Exposition Praised By Brucker arid Others -^:-^- >' -i-fe.iSiiM'c::. 'i il t -J Mrs. Lavrreotie,-; Iitsenberjer 8¾¾%¾¾¾1 ¾ E -'Ysrious- /pecscTjages - intervJew-ed . to", eccocrage horsemanship through '.' f ^; .^'^-^SlJl^H 11- Report tarfi Sums Beiag :: ; ]siS& at the- Northviile Wayne ! its - Sr.e ST.CTTS. It's; ^a fine lair-J- — 11- - Paid In iHii :co»K>ty;fair last'irijek rbade.the.fol-1 Everybody, is having.such •£. good.'- lieii ^ ' iflm sieioi -.-rU -- -.-^1-- i^^.- . - • IZotriDg cornaieats: /.'•-.. '-'-'•'.' ;•' tiit.e: 1^--.0-^I^^I^B E^JH %^M^&>£~WBB!!£3l • ycroer^GbveritOr '. Wilbur^-;-it" Ji-s-iiie CassoS \facison. who.; i' Wi;h> Saturday the deadline fora ffiB Bracer: :-1 .always like to come .here. 3^^ the j-jnior-horse show: -I< j^aymeht of raies.fyf 1932 and prior: iSEPlBS ^.--.:^^*^*m*nv '•'•'•'-• "^BtiS KEEN This is.osa!s ffiWie nf.t^.-n^^*.of the nices t f*\rifat e rvfI'vee ^$, •-,,,*& coxe.here 't!jaa any| j years without penalty luider.tHe 10.- Llf i 'Tfe i fWMffirafc H SBHE: : • '•'-. -. CE-Srr? .-.' • - - jseen, irf i%-eseen a lot." Yotf keep place, else. - The" -whole thing is' iyear p^an, N'orchville residents 'have; .. "'".•: •: i • . iv M^MK^.-. 111 - Sfcort ^ Classes . Will Meet'; k " ^wSn ;"$ICO Stake Glasses, Jumping;^¾ ^ «P so well. Business -has wor.cierfuL-' Nirieteecfh-Annual,.Event Is I a*-'^ paid s^bstab-aal sums >;E!ectedi State Vice President Tues'day aEnL;.Expect j flnHfitHH 1 Financial-Success, Wins: I ^^ UD- ]- t?***rer:ce; »wnship;. - c Auxiliary =at Fliat •{•jfl^RQfl^SHHP! : Events Attract Attention, ^^^^,¾° KaC H- .Grecn?nr "The fair" and; .. 0 c" E.Large Enrollment % Ift^fffi j W'-=P--- E -1 sliding .down, it has tilted up. Soot- ..^- Approval .'j - .|^-^.a=d .^ I^tse-Tberger.- Convention Monday-. : the- £orse show ar; "both bette: : than. i '•' ; yjm-ryaise • .;se.yeit-6 flipping; it' is:.oiJy aques-. ; : last :.-ear." - ---. "" 1- -." ;11»EN<>ithvffie schools' -Kill open' ^TV^SHHI?^- *El1 ¾ : - " ^^181 r _ ^-E-----" •• -1..--: , E E. tion as to bow far." : - - - Kearly. ,6,000 perdons saw ilrs.} Mrs. Lawrence "repoftsTthai more':.- Mrs. Charles P. Murpiiy -was at 'ZJ30.iL.- m. Tuesday ;torun.'Seri; -Swt^^ , -%>6; "*- i*--Ot*'Case ofB-jf/alo, :who- Prosecutor DuEcih'C.., . McCre., a. -ERusaH Lyie '• wirj ^a'-Ecfd"- V-Z id tiian $1^00 has been taieh" in for Selected vice president of ~Vo£ • steie *£«YHB&*.> • ;?-00.«^K«.»*P-^JiK!gB4tomti« andYumiieri & "the . - moJriis for thelfiret time since i&l- ] am v^- 3£eased w.th,-tl>err en tire; froriT_ ^.^:^ yea^stAinerica.-..-,. n Legic«s...... atcciKir. y_ . at its ^.ng ^nt^^limased, the-.horse :^,^-^^. _y^ ^ dofts ; fcf|frf: .fi515: very enjoyable,- - r/ ^MoreTthaii 2S0 highscKbol PUI&"? - iH^HHw K-EV-SSS show whicli»;hel(ras . a part . of-.;.^ ----- --. .-. —••. .-•,*. - /.-^..-.---.-:. J...^, |tur<^y_aft&^hjas'pie.ni^teesthj^ir'ce si3e:iass.;^f" o^t.staterii^tsT|riiee<irio^t.stkteriieniTjriieeting» ina FlinKint MtoisfavMonday.. .V ' '• registered with..Assistant i»rincij>al; ^^^^A. -~^^^^^mK&. *- - •i ~{ ^I'LmJjl the . Northvpe"" J.^Wayne county i -¾.¾¾^ iEMiuat Northviile Wayne: ccniiilyiiotfce three w'eeis":ago:''. This; in-.'}.. 'HisL- Murphy" ran: as^the jidimnee -" ^tilEa [Thompson dicing. tbis"-week [ ^^^B«£|^^H yv •- E - ; ^;*"l^}lSB : fair, was .ended.Saturday with-tbe- : rfaii^me.fo-a'sww^uliloBe.:. ':{'rii!des townsHp; county and'-stt6rl0f' Jv^ aviteffti diSrfeT^Alocr" "^aiar'esSruatfts place 'the', probable^ : 6 : ti&d ste^plechag?.•"-' -; .^' '•.;-[ •"i??^ !.fy^i.^^ts -l^<io^f^'^i^.n^abe^&^rd he ^31^¾ ^¾^ p^ Goeizbf iion-: c r "-'*kumbe5v«r grille chadrei at around; ^HBH : RKiNiai:: sei^-fij. httle_Mar.e Angove.- The;; **o idea how much had beea.-PaSd"' g-^^^ ajs6°elecfed ^(» icesidsnt .nuJNSWINF ; tC ^HBii^^ . -IH^H^^H *3Elie.,XiTowh^5a'-iKOO'-' i!take' ~t<x . -.-'350; These, .ibg^Ujer^witii tSose yp>', i^BHfl^^k•^^••r? i w- wK^^ ^^^BBMMMMm^ £tet jxzi, i.95I3C airf.Donald *OTjy-*h{a:""yeS,Aut beHeved !-. .w?s.""ccm-i4"«rir?awia--y pieasec^ of ^ooirse,"-; 11 thrM-gaited ^jddle horses was won, F ..wffl looa»".hi.M^;TS£,--wia"bringi j^^H^^^Hft. -' - ¾ brfeu:of itl-e Ten ^ISHe rcid rusfed' siciefabfe." ' Both treasurers-.espect)^j ^ . -j dd nrn go into • andrwith it the Wrisi.Kawje Brown : t d ilnL Murp v thVeisrollmeBi up^aft^iiinaiely to \ ELYS IS GLOBE GAME wm iBfiDii up'«lahning-jie had it. Eis *3eaEi'iF"sst" minute rushes today.-, and ^jpoliiii lo'set it; buti ain g^ad for '• H^I^^^K a rr-ecioriat trophy; by MisS- Margaret.! what it'w^'i^jyear^ieaiiy 7TS—; : : face fen as he filled "to find! morrow: . ;. - , . E\l We seven-^ntfi" dfetnet.-• T»uc dis- or over, Mr." raofipsoffdecIai^dE ' Ann -.Warden's Mountain Air froaa | . .^.'.i .."1^ .. .- j . ", ." >J E" ::-.. E E. .- E: Cleveland, "She ho^e frorarthe far-jlnfaints iJefeat May bury and' Police Have Power to Take"; and "another najnbe-,- 2902002,1 All over the ..entire .state" tie ^>ay-;trict is "fiie :yo5ai«t in tbe state; >.Kigh sch~o6! students will cdnvige] ; : I was" selectee". !"(> one answered torments are: coding, ii. rapidly, it isibeing. "oirgaiuzed tlong wipi -the thest distarce. Mountain Air; was, Edison ..Is Victor Gars, BuLFind No In., the a£sembts,,z6DOT6!Sis to SupLl C. SCHKADEK. JR. : ,-th Final*y the,:..i!ua:be- r .23^931 reported Jiom the'ofiicp. of Staftlck-respbrjdicg corjgressioiisl >• dist- : . NELSON* ndden by Jcnies ^ Cassor>, -flashy.: ' Offenders ,-o- .'R.."K. Arnennaa: Teachers are to! Over Ford was announced, aiKandl Mrs. Ly&jTrcas-iref__. ' Tneodore 1. Fry- Jftprn j iict in £932; - -- ' - .- : • •-• :X jacs^o'a veteran.' who judged; the' made;h : eerrine noiir-'JL' " ."<«J""thni6!Si" the miffing 1 i£> office of-^the auditor-gan&sl. it [ . Mrs. Murphy ?JKE-Mr^- Goeiz"'will • fShft't *£ ^^t^^'Se'HRADERV PERRIN ' -' junior show on TTiursday with JJiss| The Johnson'team defeated the^, The probleni of 3.30 a. 1¾ he said;, Classes will: /-.«7 1 rri -^rSi? !W c /- : : ** » -.- jtnoasands and announced .calndj-.j is showu that more .than :512,003 in [serve " as': assistants . to Mrs. Carl- 1 Warden's' assistance.. The trophy," s s" Thursday. Aug. 22, to advance j from driving acicss;or par-nng'theirSj ^ meet Just' long [enough for attend- j ^4¾^¾ ¾ AMC ? h Te it She had only to" tick-j. bid: taxes, have "been'returned to I Sciirumpr" of N'Ues. "newl? = dieted : captured iast year'by E. J.-Hoff- istill closer to the Osrens, who are'ear-"- en the.parkway in Use• center" . : aaceto.be.checied, anijouncemehtsi AlMLtlH, ItAMb lets. E, .-j the paring cptor^ by.the. plan, j auxiliary president. Both are on a mana's.Patt' y E>are of .T^troitimurX'.leading" the Recreation league, and [of Piymoiith avenue • is ra'pidiy • : .. ' £6 be'-iriade and assignments for! E • ;.:•' E ... " - • : ~EEE ' :j The Terraplane has been awaniedL.. •• —-.. ~~ •-- •- • • • !par, there being no'-Iiist.jor' second Wednesda-given outE : - i Txo .Northywe cotloge. students-. be won three coiSecutive ttoes b€>' were scheduled ^to play them"yes- (clearing up this xreeis:. =' . j : : : ths day" befwe to Mrs. Wiliiaml." "---" ----- ' *" tvioe president! . ' ^- ' 500 fore1 "carS carss bbee fccpt.icpt. permanentlypermanentiy.. HerdaHerdayy tThursdaytThursday)) iiaa .. aa gamgamee irirt'-V • Sinte the -iillage cbmirlssion gave; -0^.^^, ; iEthe'grades, tefcheis are^edl™* ^Schrader.^Jr. and Elmer of Plymouth,, and Mrs.i j Both Mr. and Mrs. Murpiiy Jtrot : 0 Pemn fa ThtFatmcrest $100 stake for five, which first placa was at stake . iiie [ Korth-.i-Ze police- Monday evening, i ^-^-' ^-^1¾ ~ .to report to M& Selma Jarvisll ^? ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ; W111 won. the j ^i pleased that the JDetroit unit of Mr. grade- pririclpai.. before 8:30. 'vahd: *«ab(>ES *<> tr? cut ffr «waty «h- gaiit«: d saddle^^hoises, which was. Owets had no frames scheduled"<i'.-r- j Aug. 13. the power to tow away r-U ; Plymouth Thursday " Act !TB SHOf PAGEANT .. , ., Plymouth Thursday. According tof |Murphy's "old-regimfnt. ihe Bed tbe'stuoterite toEreport to mitotic-teams; next wee* at Michigan cited: along with the Arrowhead ; jng the p^st wedc- her ;cars found on the parlay, no au-j ftir: ^jf^j-, =,:, thiee"cars"went: 1 0 gaTiits unanimous .vote un- ; state college. stake class by Boberc Moore of; -j^g ^i wilichave. their chance i tcttobi'.e ha«" been parked there,! soon as^ they reach"»-'school. By „ . , . : £ • - . , . .„ _ . J J ys "where they were needed and wel- lilPUTi* ^ *'? ' 1 50 lohiMrs-Murphy . Thursday, -ilr." Amerman 'stated.. Sc "*^". entena^ his sopho-^.ishviUer-Teiui, who judged. a^;,ocone ^^ taJllKht (tYiaay) whcnFWUUani H. Kafiord. chief ol police. '".: lluil I l ;-Th'-""'e^ Usyd il. Gretn Post and its 0 v 4 cAd Tuerfay . : -wc are prepared to have the school^ ^ J«ar. »«1 try out for tbejoof- ."one of the aost outsUodlng.*" wpsrthey "^ect the 6rio:es. 'TKe-'John-Sw**** " ^-^- . -i'n "th- e opinion of Secmary Flor-H,, . •:' 'o f-rr.— [ausUiarv i:. greatiy ptcasxi av Mi=. '^SMIS will meet Ediyjn Tuesday eve­ : rjnning "raoothly'E '•' ball-team, and leavc^ for the cam-iawartied to M. E. Crittendqn of The commissicn decided to have A.. Northrop. f»o things stvod^out! Show Will Benefit Fund For j Miirphv's election" ttattd Clauoe Thero will be no'school TuesdSyipus M°nda^' September .S.

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