■■g,rgT;wjg p ^ « loses How Smith got MHS, Weaver in overtime^ his own way swap visits ... page 9 ... page 6 ... page 3 Chance of rain, Manchester, Conn. snow Sunday Sat., Jan. 30, 1982 — See page 2 25 Cents ( , « t i 13 n M f Dozier: '• 3 I' trial small H i . 7»S’«l8r « sacrifice w . VICENZA, lUly (UPI) - Brig. ment where Dozier was held - >*v ■ -mt Gen. Janies L. Dozier gave his wife probably came from a young drug w i m - m II a belated Christmas gift Friday, addict with Red Brigades connec­ thanked the world for its prayers tions. and said his 42-day ordeal as a The sources said the youth, prisoner of the Red Brigades was arrested during the manhunt for "my small sacrifice on behalf of Dozier, told investigators of a Red freedom.” Brigades hideout in Padua. Dozier, clean-shaven again, Police refused to confirm the that wearing his dress uniform and tip came from the youth, but police flanked by his wife and daughter, sources indicated his information read a brief statement to reporters put them on the right track. at the U.S. Army base in Vicenza Standing' rainrod straight and where he is still under medical sporting a new Crew cut, Dozier sur­ observation. ‘ prised his wife Judith by presenting The 50^year-old one-star general her with a belated (Jiristmas gift he would not answer questions about bought' before he was kidnapped bis captivity, explaining he had yet from his Verona apartment. to be debriefed and to brief Italian Mrs. Dozier, 47, broke into tears and U.S. authorities. as her husband placed a gold chain However, Col. Thomas Barham, with a NATO medallion around her the Vicenza base commander, said neck and the couple held each other Dozier told him the terrorists in a long embrace. treated him well, allowing him Dozier . recalled that during his J enough food and sleep. service in Vietnam he saw a poster • He added that the first meal that read: “Those who have never Dozier requested after his dramatic been required to make sacrifices for . rescue Thursday morning was an icMflora (im’.t know the true value Amerlgait .hamborgtf french of Mf&wn. I Herald photos by Pinto Mes, <Mwh with €o6a-^la. tXuler said, "The events of the In Verona, the northern Italian past .aix weeks or so were jtist my Robert Mattel ,left, and John Carangelo of the East Coast En­ onto Tolland Turnpike Friday. The cleanup crew works Inside city were Dozier was kidnapped one small sacrifice on behalf of vironmental ServiM vacuum up the chemical tri-ethane which makeshift gravel dikes built by the Town Fire Department to Dec. 17, police sources said the tip freedom. These sacrifices con­ leaked from a tanker truck, on the right in the background, and contain the spill. A that led them to the Padua apart- tinue.” Roosevelt is Toxic chemical N remembered spills, but is : HYDE PARK, N.Y. (UPI) - Hudson River about 75 miles north Memories of a jaunty cigarette of New York City. holder and echoes of “we have The National Park Service, which ' nothing to fear, but fear Itself” will now controls the sprawling estate dominate ceremonies today that includes the FDR Library and vacuumed up marking the 100th anniversary of Museum, slated a wreath laying - the birte of Franklin D. Roosevelt. ceremony in the ornate Rose 'X- .H- *V A day-long series of events was Garden, to be followed by a tour led '■•V- ■ A tanker truck on a run from “There should be no material 1^. Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. ■liL. ’-■'.V-V Bayonne, N.J, to Framingham, seeping in. Perhaps a slight ' planned at the family estate to pay ^ -';t 'V ■ homage to the man who overcame Ironically, one section of the main Mass., sprang a leak Friday after­ residual. But nothing to cause any the crippling handicap of polio to house was hit by fire a week ago, but noon and spilled 1,000 gallons of the environment or health problems," lead the nation through the Great officials said it did not upset plans toxic chemical tri-ethane on Tolland Zieminski said. Depression and most of World War for the open house in the park that ’Turnpike. Zieminski said a few gallons of the n as the 32nd president of the United also contains the Vanderbilt Man­ Town firefighters shoveled gravel chemical tri-ethane — a trade name sion and the historic site dedicated States. into makeshift dikes to keep the for trichlorethane— had spilled into to Roosevelt’s wife, Eleanor. liquid from draining into storm a storm basin which leads to Union Dignitaries ranging from sewers, then into Union Pond. Pond. Roosevelt’s family to New York Carey was to give an informal ad­ dress and a first-day-of-issue A cleanup crew was called in from But, Ziemnski added, the basin Gov. Hugh Carey have been invited, East Coast Envionmental Service was frozen and all the chemical was to the centennial celebration at the' commerative stamp was to be un­ veiled. Inc. of New Haven and General sucked out of the basin by a vacuum Hyde Park estate on the banks of the Chemical Inc. of Framingham, before any of it had a chance of Although Roosevelt is Mass. — which owns the leaking flowing to the pond. truck — also sent help. rernenlbered primarily as the Zieminski said the DEP will 3 author of the "New Deal,” and a Officials from the state Depart-, ment of Environmental Protection return to the spill site today to take I n d e x wartime leader who galvanized a water samples from nearby storm nation shocked after Peart Harbor, were on hand at the scene and an basins. / V f iv if H k ................ ..................15 his political career began long engineer for the agency, Charles , . r ............... ..................21 before 1932, when he was elected to Zieminski, said that by 5:30 p.m. The spill site was barricaded and (Tassifl^............. ............ 22-23 his first of an unprecedented four Friday most of the spill had been covered with sand, according to P n m l r n ........................... ..................19 terms as president. cleaned up. Town Deputy Fire Chief W.Roy ITylitnrliil .......................... ........ ; .........6 The cleanup method^ involves Stratton. Entertainment — ............ 16-17 ^ a t career in public service, a vacuuming the chemical from the .................... 2 The brochure said the chemical's Lottery ........... tradition in the Roosevelt family John Carangelo of the East Coast Environmental Service road surface. vapors are “heavier than air" and ' OhifitaripR .......................... .....................8 that included the presidency of dis­ cleans up after a chemical spill on Tolland Turnpike Friday. Zieminski said officials were cer­ will “collect in low areas. ” It is not - ............ ........;.... 9-12 tant cousin ’The^ore Roosevelt, tain that “98 to 99 percent” of the soluable in water. Television — — .............. 16-17 was brutally interrupted in 1921 State Department of Environmental Protection officials said chemical, described in a manufac­ when the then 39-year-old Roosevelt most of the spill was vacuumed up and should cause no turer’s brochure as a skin and eye Although non-flammable, the SWrSKrl-W*:*:::-:* was crippled by polio., problems. irritant, had been cleaned up. brochure said,. the chemical can form toxic and corrosive acid fumes if its vapors come in contact With hot, giowing surfaces, flames dr electrical arcs. school referendum fails “Do you want id cough and clean oiW.your lungs?” quipped Dan Kent, th* <friVer of the truck, rfdnt said he was driving east on By Richard Cody voters shortly and try harder to The project proposed to pointed with the turnout and the the young people to just drop it.” Interstate 86 when he noticed the Harald Reporter n bring “the vote out.” rejuvenate the decaying condition of result, e^ecially since she and 'The council had been selling the leak and pulled off the highway. Only 1,022 of the town’s more than all of the town’s buildings. It also other council meinbers spent the plan with the pitch that it would Stratton said Kent immediately COVENTRY - In aw Z y small 4,S00 .eligible voters turned out in the planned to brjng the schools into day telephoning people to encourage save the townis-ihajor assests: the turnout voters Frl<w -Narrowly called both his company and the fire two vddi^ districts, with the first compiiance with state regulations turnout. rN^^^d|(^,buildings. department. tamed down the town% $4.6 itilHion district vojU^ng overwheimingly for the handicapped, and to make “To lose by only 18 votes makies ,.J^ e ’re just going to have to keep plan to renovate the four school There were no injuries reported against the plan and the second in the buildings ipore ene.rgy efficient. you just feel.............................ha^i pretty bad tha^ Sfou '■frying to reach the people. Hopeful­ and police blocked that portion of buildings, a proposal that was the favor of it. Ihe final,tally was 570 to could have found 18 votes t ly they will realize the necessity. The state had agreed to fbnd about Tolland Turnpike, near Union Pond, biggest boOd ii^ to ever come 552. The first district v o t^ 233 to 326 the other way. It was so ( With a little more work we can get to most traffic. before voters here. against, and the second 319 to 244 in 70 percent of eligible costs, meaning said. the project approved, ” she said. the town would bave had to chip in The area of the leak is near where But saying that the margin of 18 favor, , “Certainly 18 votes is not an ul­ votes is u r a y clear cut.
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