ALABAMA 007 Holman (Also attributed to Northport): 012 Mobile: E.M.B.A. / 5 / MOBILE, / ALA. // HOLMAN-HUGHES LUMBER CO. / GILBERT PAYABLE IN MERCHANDISE ONLY / 5 / ORCO 001 Crichton: MORRIS LUMBER / COMPANY / HOLMAN (in script) // GOOD FOR / 10 / PAT. / / REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. / THE / OSBORNE NOT / TRANSFERABLE // GOOD FOR / 1¢ / IN APPLD. FOR / IN MERCHANDISE, BIM R 25mm REGISTER / CO. / CIN. O. U.S.A. / NOT TRADE, A R 25mm The town of Crichton (2-1/2 Trantow listed this company incorrectly under TRANSFERABLE, WM OCT 21mm Employee's miles east of Spring Hill) was absorbed by Mobile Columbia, TN. The Holman & Hughes “Sawmill” Mutual Benefit Association (International Paper in the late 1930’s. The 1938 Mobile City is first found in the 1915 Sawmill Directory Of Company); R9 Directory lists “R. J. Morris & Son, Wholesale Alabama at Holman. By 1917 the Holman & Lumber”, on Springhill Avenue in Crichton. Hughes “Sawmill” had moved to Northport, which Richard J. Morris (and wife Emma) reside in is 15 miles east of Holman. This appears to Crichton (alternate location Pine Grove, which is have been a short-lived enterprise as they are 5 miles NW of Crichton). His son, Howard L. not listed at Holman or Northport in 1914 or Morris (and wife Mary) are listed as “Lumber Mfr 1918. R7 & Wholesaler”, residing in Crichton. The last reference, being the 1946 Mobile City Directory, 013 Stockton: TIME CHECK / 5 / STOCKTON notes “The Morris Lumber Company, H. L. LUMBER / CO. / STOCKTON / ALA. / FOR Morris, Wholesale & Retail Lumber, Office & EMPLOYEES // 5 / JAS. MURDOCK JR. 165 Sawmill on Moffatt Road at city limits (Crichton), RACE ST. CIN. O., WM R 19mm R10 Phone 6-4837”. R10 008 Holman (Also attributed to Northport): HOLMAN-HUGHES LUMBER CO. / GILBERT HOLMAN (in script) // GOOD FOR / 25 / PAT. / APPLD. FOR / IN MERCHANDISE, BIM R 27mm R7 014 Tarentum: TARENTUM MANUFACTURING 002 Crichton: MORRIS LUMBER / COMPANY / CO. / TARENTUM / ALA. // GOOD FOR / 25 / IN NOT / TRANSFERABLE // GOOD FOR / 5¢ / IN / MERCHANDISE, A R 24mm R9 TRADE, A R 25mm R10 009 Holman (Also attributed to Northport): HOLMAN-HUGHES LUMBER CO. / GILBERT HOLMAN (in script) // GOOD FOR / 1.00 / PATD. / JULY 1899 / IN MERCHANDISE, BIM R 38mm 015 Tarentum: TARENUM MANUFACTURING 003 Crichton: MORRIS LUMBER / COMPANY / R7 CO. / TARENTUM, / ALA. // GOOD FOR / 1 / NOT / TRANSFERABLE // GOOD FOR / 10¢ / IN CENT / IN / MERCHANDISE, B R 19mm R9. TRADE, A R 25mm R10 Tarentum Manufacturing Co. ALASKA 010 Land: AT THE STORE / OF / R.A. LAND & CO. // GOOD FOR / 10 / IN MERCHANDISE, A 004 Crichton: MORRIS LUMBER / COMPANY / R 24mm R. A. Land & Co. General Store, NOT / TRANSFERABLE // GOOD FOR / 25¢ / IN Sawmill & c. 1926 Dun; R.A.Land & Co. is listed TRADE, A R 25mm R10 016 False Pass: P.E. HARRIS & CO. / FALSE as Gen'l.Store, in Land (Choctaw Cty.),AL. as PASS / ALASKA // GOOD FOR / 5¢ / IN TRADE, listed in 1928 Bradst.; R7 B R 21mm Prince E. Harris Salmon Cannery & General Store 1921-1959+ A very scarce token. R7 005 Crichton: MORRIS LUMBER / COMPANY / NOT / TRANSFERABLE // GOOD FOR / 50¢ / IN 011 Land: AT THE STORE / OF / R.A. LAND & TRADE, A R 25mm R10 CO. // GOOD FOR / 25 / IN MERCHANDISE, A R 27mm R7 017 Juneau: OCCIDENTAL HOTEL / JOHN OLDS, / PROP. / JUNEAU, ALASKA. // GOOD FOR / 12½¢ / IN DRINKS, A R 25mm John P. Olds 1901-1917 006 Crichton: MORRIS LUMBER / COMPANY / NOT / TRANSFERABLE // GOOD FOR / $1.00 / IN TRADE, A R 25mm R10 1 / 15 ARIZONA CALIFORNIA 029 Oak Bottom: VERGNES BROS. / OAK BOTTOM, / CAL. // GOOD FOR / 10¢ / IN 018 Poland: F.E. EDWARDS / POOL / AND / 024 Amador City: LIMIT SALOON / JOHN TRADE, A R 21mm BILLIARDS // GOOD FOR / 12½ / IN TRADE, B TORRE, / PROP. / AMADOR CITY, CAL. // S8 27mm Gross: 1907 GOOD FOR / 1 / DRINK, A OCT 26mm EV5; 1914 B’s: C. Torre and Bros., men’s furnishings and saloon - Feisel 030 San Francisco: SHARON'S QUARTERS / FOR / CHILDREN / (playground scene) // 019 Prescott: THE ANTLERS / PRESCOTT / CHILDREN'S / PLAYGROUND / GOLDEN GATE A.T. / L.A. RUB. STAMP CO. // GOOD FOR / / PARK / SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. / GOOD FOR 12½ / CENTS / AT THE BAR, B R 21mm 1912 025 Clayton: CLAYTON CAFE / CLAYTON, ONE RIDE, A R 29mm CAL. // GOOD FOR / 10¢ / IN TRADE, B R 21mm 020 Prescott: BARNEY'S PLACE / PRESCOTT, / 031 Sonora: THE CHICAGO / SALOON / ARIZ. // GOOD FOR / ONE / DRINK / AT BAR GALLISON / & BOYD / PROPS / SONORA, ONLY, B R 21mm 1910-1912 026 Laton: C.H. MILLER / POOL / & / CAL. / L.A. RUB. STAMP CO. // GOOD FOR / BILLIARDS / LATON, CAL. / L.A. RUB. STAMP ONE / DRINK, B R 21mm EV7 - Feisel CO. // GOOD FOR / 5¢ / IN TRADE, B R 21mm 021 Tucson: EL / CONQUISTADOR / HOTEL / 6E / TUCSON, ARIZONA (all incuse) // W.H. 032 Summerville: SUMMERVILLE HOTEL / BAR JOSEPH & SON, N.Y. / IF CARRIED AWAY / 027 Los Angeles: DURARD DESK MFG. / J.E. CONDE // GOOD FOR / 1 / DRINK (J.E. WE / GUARANTEE / POSTAGE / RETURN BY COMPANY / (Bear) / LOS ANGELES // LUCK spaced wide, C of CONDE below cross), B R MAIL UNSEALED (all incuse) (Holed; Keytag), PIECE / LOS ANGELES DESK / CO. / 848-850 21mm Fbr R 45mm SO. HILL ST. / DISTRIBUTOR / DURARD PRODUCTS, B R 32mm The 1915 Los Angeles ARKANSAS City Directory lists G. F. Durard as “Office & Store Fixtures” at 734 E. 12th. The 1923 Directory then lists Durard Desk Mfg. Company with G. F. Durard “Mgr” at 700 S. Sichell, and under “Furniture Manufacturers” the company is again listed. The 1923 reference also notes 033 Tustin: TUSTIN MERCANTILE CO. / 25 // IN George Ballinger and Joe L. Hogan as TRADE ONLY / 25 / INGLE / SYSTEM / PAT. 022 Emerson: FOSTER / & / GRAYSON / “cabinetmakers” at Durard Desk Mfg. Company. APR. 7TH. 1914, B R 24mm Ingle Customer EMERSON, ARK. // GOOD FOR / 8¢ / IN The next available Los Angeles City Directory is Ledger: Tustin Mercantile Co, order #2251 MERCHANDISE, B R 25mm +1936-1951+ dated 1926, but by then this company is no shipped about 1914 to Tustin, CA. 1914 D?B: based on facts of court case and date it was longer in business.; Los Angeles Desk Co. 1923 general store. UCLA Yearbook Ad - 848-850 South Hill St. ruled on, see: COLORADO http://opinions.aoc.arkansas.gov/weblink8/0/doc/ 166991/Electronic.aspx; R8 028 Los Angeles: DX / SPIRIT MIND BODY / LOS ANGELES / L.A. RUB. STAMP CO. // 034 Canon City: WOODFORD & CO. / BOWLING / CHECK, Fbk S4 28mm GROCERS / CANON CITY, COL. // GOOD FOR 023 Warren: ARKANSAS TRADING CO. / TIME / / 1.00 / IN MERCHANDISE, A R 36mm KEEPERS / CHECK / Y / WARREN, ARK. // 1908-1909 - General Merchandise FOR / EMPLOYEES USE / ONLY. / NOT / TRANSFERABLE, A OCT 26mm R9 2 / 15 035 Climax: GOOD FOR / ONE / SHAVE / 042 Leadville: PETER SCHNIDER'S / BANK / 047 Enville: DENTON LUMBER CO. / 5 / CLIMAX (all incuse) // (blank), B R 28mm SALOON // GOOD FOR / 5¢ / DRINK, B TRI ENVILLE, FLA. // GOOD FOR / 5¢ / IN TRADE / 29mm Saloon 1906-1912 NOT TRANSFERABLE, B R 21mm The January, 1918 Milwaukee, Wisconsin monthly publication Packages included a column entitled “Business Information” In this is noted at “Enville, Florida – Denton Lumber Company will rebuild burned mill, capacity 40,000 BFD”. Also the 1918-1919 Florida State Gazetteer and Business Directory 036 Denver: F. BAHNE. / 5 (incuse) // (blank), B shows Enville with a population of 400. It lists R 23mm Fritz Bahne, West Denver Turn Hall, 043 Royal: ROYAL SUPPLY CO. / IN / Denton Lumber Company as “sawmill” there. saloon, 1314 10th. (1887-1892) MERCHANDISE / BOCCACCIO / & MACHETTA // 1.00, B R 38mm John Boccaccio & Machetta Boccaccio Royal Store 1929 Las Animas County Directory; A previously unlisted Colorado town FLORIDA 048 Glen Saint Mary: GOETHE / LUMBER / CO. 037 Denver: L. DOPPELMAYER / 1200 / W. / GLEN ST. MARY, / FLA. // GOOD FOR / 50¢ / ALAMEDA / AVE. // GOOD FOR / 5¢ / DRINK IN / MERCHANDISE, A R 28mm R8 OR CIGAR, B R 25mm Louis Doppelmayer Saloon 1889CD - Valverde Addition 044 Blountstown: NEAL STORE COMPANY / 10 / NOT TRANSFERABLE / N.S. CO. / BLOUNTSTOWN, FLA. // 10 / ORCO, WM R 21mm Neal Lumber & Manufacturing Co. 1930-1938 R9 049 Glen Saint Mary: GOETHE / LUMBER / CO. / GLEN ST. MARY, / FLA. // GOOD FOR / $1.00 038 Denver: ENTERPRISE / LIQUOR CO. / / IN / MERCHANDISE, A R 31mm R8 2200-02 / LARIMER ST. // GOOD FOR / 5¢ / IN TRADE, B R 25mm Saloon 1913 045 Bryceville: ROBERT BRYCE / $1.00 // COPYRIGHT / $1.00 / IN TRADE, B R 35mm Predates the Ingle Customer Ledger. The 1900 050 Tampa: A.H. RAWLINS / TAMPA, / FLA. // Census reveals Robert Bryce (born 1875) to be GOOD FOR / 5¢ / IN TRADE, B R 21mm A 039 Gypsum: J.P. OLESON / GEN. MDSE. / part of a family “Farmer & Crossties” enterprise turpentine camp; R10 GYPSUM, COLO. // GOOD FOR / $5.00 / IN / at Bryceville. The 1910 Census lists Robert MERCHANDISE, B R 25mm General Store Bryce as Logger-Own Teams". By 1910 his GEORGIA 1910; A previously unlisted denomination from a mother, Mrs. G. W. Bryce, was listed as “GS & rare Colorado town Crossties”, with relatives and servants helping to run the “General Store, Sawmill, and Turpentine Farm”. One son, George L. Bryce, was living next door and listed as “Turpentine Operator, Employer”. The 1910 Dun lists Bryce Brothers as “GS & Turpentine” (likely sharing the GS with their mother). The 1914 Dun continues listing 051 Columbus: E.E. / YARBROUGH // POOL / Mrs. G. W. Bryce as “GS & Crossties”, but by CHECK, B R 21mm E.E. Yarbrough Saloon 1892 040 Ignacio: HANS ASPAAS / IGNACIO, / 1920 the Bryce name disappears from the & 1893 Bradsts. COLO. // GOOD FOR / 50¢ / IN TRADE, A R commercial directories. 28mm 1909-1915 - General Merchandise 052 Richland: LITTLE'S / RICHLAND, / GA. // 046 Dupont: DUPONT RAILWAY & LAND CO. / GOOD FOR ONE / 5¢ / CIGAR / OR SODA, B R 041 La Veta (Also attributed to Unknown): 1.00 / DUPONT, FLA.
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