Oldest Newspaper In Alaska. "The News of the l)a\ hi Pictures” Member of 1 he \ssoeiated Press THE NOME NUGGET VOL. 44. No. 84. NOME. ALASKA, MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1942 Per Copy 154 British Garrison At Tobruk Taken Japs In Aleutians Getting Smacked British Suffer SEATTLE, June 20, (AP) — The Jap invaders in the Serious Reverse Aleutians “are getting smacked whenever there is a lift in the fog banks,” a 13th Naval District spokesman Lose Tobruk said. He declared the “so-called mystery of the Aleu- tian battle is merely the mystery of weather, fog, and Cairo, J une 22 (AP) — snow, coupled with the desire to keep the enemy in the Driving forward without dark. If the public is confused then so is the enemy and pause after their capture that is all to the good. of Tobruk, Nazi mobile You can’t make a statment about a battle until the co'umns clashed with Brit- battle is decided, and as Admiral King told the Am- ish. forces only a few miles erican people, the battle is continuing. As already an- from the Egyptian border, nounced, the attack was no surprise and the initial at- the British reported as Al- tacks at Dutch Harbor were met.” lien positions in the entire The statement continued: “It’s a weird, wild coun- Middle East appeared try up there with great patches of fog and ran in which threatened bv the disaster- the enemy can hide, as a band of guerillas may hide in ous route in Libya. The the bush. There are literally thousands of small bays British said the clash occur red 12 ^ U FL and inlets and the Japs know the country, but so does miles northwest of ATTENDS—His Majesty King Victor Emanuel of Italy • seated, third from left) attended extraordinary meeting of the Acadeim of San the navy. Fort Capuzzo, just acrosk Royal Luca in Rome. Why havent’ the Army and Navy already driven the the border n Libya. It was that, a Japs out of the Aleutians? The weather explains that indicated Bloody Battle of Sev- few Brit- in part. It's one thing to get at them in a clear skis and garrison troops, astopol Enters Crucial Unidentified Craft Fires 6 to 9 Shells ish. South Africans and In- another to get at them in weather foul with thick snow Stage, Nazis Inside Lines and in air in which ice burdens the dians, escaped from Tob- Into Coast-iNo Result quick-forming Moscow, June 22 (AP)— Oregonr Damager wings of You can on it that are ruk before the disaster. planes. depend they The battle of — bloody Sevas! SAN FRANCISCO, June 22 (AP) The Army an- getting smacked and some of the greatest stories of the Some small craft moved topol entered the crucial! nounced that fi to 9 shells, fired an un- out of the harbor it apparently by war and some of the finest contributions to naval tra- while with stubborn Soviet stage identified craft off-shore, landd in an area on the Ore- dition will come out was under shell fire from of this strange struggle of give and as German at- defenders gon coast about 11:30 last The continued take in the Aleutians. German tanks. Other part- night. firing tackers, already lodged in- for 15 minutes the but no “I ies their thru Army reported, apparently wouldn't want to be one of the Japs up there fought way side the outer stronghold’s damage or casualties resulted. The announcement was as a fisherman in Alaska enemy formations in the Suppose you spent years Jap defenses, bitterly fought at made the of the Western Defense 1 by headquarters or as a busboy in Seattle and had gone back home for desert. a great cost of lives and Command and the Fourth Army. No further details a few weeks before Pearl Harbor: Then, suppose, be- material to increase their Germans Declare Area were available for the time being. cause of your experience you were sent on this Aleu- j The fate of the North of Sevastopol advantage. tion expedition to occupy the outer islands to try to kCnmean.fortress, Cleared of Defenders appeared Asserts -Raid was ‘"-Great Shock” to Canada 5: U. S» take Alaskans Such a knows where he is. 1 outposts. Jap to be in the balance as the — Berlin, June 22 (AP) — TOKYO, June 22 (AP) Pointing out that Van- but he also knows with whom he is dealing. He knows second of the The German command de- j year costly couver Island is close to Puget Sound, “one of the the type of man who are above the fog and out behind German in Rus- clared that the entire re- campaign most important U. S. naval bases on the Pacific coast,” the snow and rain squalls searching for him. This Jap sia but Russian north of ; opened, a Japanese naval commentotor saidthe reported at- knows that if he isn’t gone he will be tomorrow, gion Sewernaja today President Kalinin assured tack a sub on the Canadian island, “must have Bay on the northern side by Jap because these men are determined that even though the that the “end of Sevastopol’s defenses, people been a great shock to the U. S. and Ganadan peoples.” the American flag was lowered in the Philippines, it of Hitlerism is inevitable.” was cleared of defenders As quoted by the Domei commentator, he concluded will not be lowered on the North American continent. with the of the last that the United States is no longer able to dispatch re- Those are real men there, between us and capture up standing U. S. Ready for the Japs inforcements to Australia and New or to coastal fort in a hard fight,. Zealand, the enemy.” In Alaska & Know It A communique said “the They speak of the formation of a second front in Europe. Savs Gen. of 2nd destruction of forc- Army Jap Forces Erect Temporary Structures In Aleutians enemy SPOKANE. June 20 (AP> — still at the ut- — es, resisting : General Robert Olds, 2nd WASHINGTON, June 21 (AP) A Navy neport- Major Submarine Shells Radio Station On most of the Isthmus is ; Air Force commander, said the ed today, that the Japanese have put forces ashore at tip in | United States is “ready to meet Kiska to establish some progress.” No island, apparently attempting can Vancouver Island But Russians attacked the anything the Japs throw at Damage sort of a base on that Aleutian Island 585 miles Alaska know He only ! and they it.’’ — central front on the Volk- VICTORIA. June 21 (AP) An enemy submarine, from the Navy’s Dutch Harbor base. The second en- j told the Northwest Aviation Plan hov sector south of Lenin- prowling off the west coast of Vancouver Island, pump emy foothold in the western was made ning Council that “within the hemisphere a shells from its deck at the Domin- ; grad where the force is last few we have had air- ed number of gun known in a communique which said that Army bomb- days said to be strong and have men from Alaska through here ion radio station at Esteven Point Saturday night, in ers, raiding the harbor at Kisko, had sunk a transport tank The Ger- who have Jap planes to their the first attack of the war on Canadian soil, but failed and hit support. apparently a cruiser. | I credit." He added that shortly mans said they were re- to do any damage. “Tents and minor temporary structures were observ- i the United States will be flying oorted repulsed in the cen- The attack was disclosed by Defense Minister Ral- ed to have been set up on land.” A said j ever greater quantities of men communique a announcement at Ottawa. He tral sector but bitter fight- I and to the thea- ston, in brief said only this indcated that the made some supplies Alaska enemy progress 1 Pacific Sat- ; ing is said to be continuing ter than are already being sent that the attack took place at 10.35, time, since the Navy communique on June 12th which re- on the Volkhov front. i up. urday night. The identify of the submarine and its ported Japanese ships were in Kiska and a small en- length of attack and other details were not given. emy force at Attu. Ask More U.S. In Middle East Estevan Point is a remote settlement of 33 persons Help situated midway on the rocky coast of Vancouver Is- British Army Takes Over Nazis to Purge UNDATED. June 20 (AP) —- British dispatches said land. Thewireless station is on a promonotory which' 36-sq.-miIe Region Nearest “Anti-Social Elements” Hitler, apparently bent on a full scale invasion of the juts 6 miles out into the Pacific ocean. Holland for “Training.” LONDON, June 20 (.AP) — A Middle East, urgently requested Laval to cede a mil- purge of “anti-social elements,’' lion tons of French merchant shipping in the Meriter- LONDON, June 20 (AP) — The a all who dis- Coast Dims Out As Result of phrase describing ranean and other developments indicated strongly Shellings War Office disclosed that the agree with the Nazis, has begun I that battles this summer will be in the SEATTLE. June 21 — An immediate dim-out Army is taking over a 36-square in Vienna and the lower Danub great fought (AP) ■ Iran and Tur- mile block of land in the East province of Austria. The Ger- ancient lands of Egypt, Iraq, possibly of the coasts of Washington and Oregon because of the Anglia .portion of England, near- man news agency, DNB, report- key.
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