H6050 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 10, 1996 much revered and respected and be- the gentleman from Maryland [Mr. the University of Omaha. He honors his loved. So, I take a very special pleasure GILCHREST] that the House suspend the Czech heritage as vice president and in participating in moving this legisla- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3364, as general counsel of the Western Bohe- tion through subcommittee, full com- amended. mian Fraternal Association, and con- mittee and now through the floor link- The question was taken. tinues to serve as counsel to the law ing our two regions of the country Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, on firm of Kutak, Rock, in Omaha. through this very unique and distin- that I demand the yeas and nays. This bill has the support of the city guished judge. I urge the passage of the The yeas and nays were ordered. of Omaha, and the congressional dele- legislation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- gation. Congressman BARRETT, a co- Mr. MASCARA. Mr. Speaker, I have ant to clause 5 of rule I and the Chair's sponsor of the bill, appeared before the no further requests for time, and I prior announcement, further proceed- subcommittee on Public Buildings and yield back the balance of my time. ings on this motion will be postponed. Economic Development in support of Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I f the bill, and brought statements from again thank the gentleman from Penn- other members, and former members ROMAN L. HRUSKA UNITED sylvania [Mr. MASCARA] and the gen- Charles Thone and Hal Daub, the cur- STATES COURTHOUSE tleman from Minnesota [Mr. OBERSTAR] rent Mayor of Omaha. for their support in this legislation, Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I I support this bill and I urge my col- and I also thank the gentleman from move to suspend the rules and pass the leagues to pass the bill. Pennsylvania [Mr. MCDADE], and I hope bill (H.R. 3400) to designate the U.S. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of this honors the people of Scranton, PA, courthouse to be constructed at a site my time. Mr. MASCARA. Mr. Speaker, I yield in the most positive way. on 18th Street between Dodge and myself such time as I may consume. Mr. MCDADE. Mr. Speaker, I urge my col- Douglas Streets in Omaha, NE, as the Roman L. Hruska United States Court- Mr. Speaker, it is fitting and proper leagues to support H.R. 3364, a bill to name to honor the career and public service the U.S. Courthouse and Federal building in house, as amended. The Clerk read as follows: of Senator Roman L. Hruska by des- Scranton, PA, after Senior Judge William J. ignating the Federal building and Nealon. H.R. 3400 courthouse under construction in I want to express my gratitude to Public Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Omaha, NE as the Roman L. Hruska Buildings and Economic Development Sub- resentatives of the United States of America in Federal Building and United States Congress assembled, committee Chairman WAYNE GILCHREST and Courthouse. ranking Democrat JIM TRAFICANT for their lead- SECTION 1. DESIGNATION. Senator Hruska's distinguished ca- ership in moving this bill through the commit- The Federal building and United States reer spanned 24 years, including 2 years tee and on to the House floor. courthouse to be constructed at a site on 18th Street between Dodge and Douglas of service, from 1952±54, in the House of To my colleagues who may not be familiar Representatives where he was known with Judge Nealon, I want to say that I intro- Streets in Omaha, Nebraska, shall be known and designated as the ``Roman L. Hruska for his steady, unpretentious style and duced this legislation because Judge Nealon Federal Building and United States Court- diligent hard work. is an extraordinary public servant who richly house''. While on the Senate Judiciary Com- deserves this fitting tribute. SEC. 2. REFERENCES. mittee Senator Hruska became an Judge Nealon has served the middle district Any reference in a law, map, regulation, early advocate of examining the causes of Pennsylvania for the past 34 years, longer document, paper, or other record of the Unit- and prevention of violence in American than any judge in the history of the district ed States to the Federal building and United society. Determination and attention since its inception in 1901. He currently serves States courthouse referred to in section 1 to detail became the hallmarks of his as a senior judge, after serving as chief judge shall be deemed to be a reference to the legislative work. of the court from 1976 to 1989. President Ken- ``Roman L. Hruska Federal Building and H.R. 3400 deserves our support and I United States Courthouse''. nedy appointed Judge Nealon as the U.S. Dis- urge passage of this bill. trict Judge for the middle district of Pennsylva- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he nia on December 15, 1962, making him at that ant to the rule, the gentleman from may consume to the gentleman from time the youngest Federal judge in the coun- Maryland [Mr. GILCHREST] and the gen- Minnesota [Mr. OBERSTAR], the ranking try. tleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. MAS- member of the full committee. Judge Nealon was honored in 1983 by the CARA] each will control 20 minutes. Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I com- Association of Trial Lawyers of America as the The Chair recognizes the gentleman pliment Chairman GILCHREST and our Outstanding Federal Trial Judge in the United from Maryland [Mr. GILCHREST]. ranking member of the subcommittee, States. In 1979, he received the Distinguished Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. TRAFICANT, on bringing this legis- Judicial Service Award from the Pennsylvania yield myself such time as I may lation forward to bring tribute to a Trial Lawyers Association and has been hon- consume. former colleague of ours in the House ored as an outstanding trial judge by the Mr. Speaker, Roman Hruska was and a former U.S. Senator, Roman Pennsylvania Defense Institute. born in David City, NE in 1903. He at- Hruska, who had a truly distinguished The people of northeastern Pennsylvania tended local schools, and was grad- career both here and in the other body. have been enriched by Judge Nealon's long uated from the University of Nebraska He was a person most respected for his record of community service. He has served Omaha campus, and Creighton Law public integrity and for the great dig- as a volunteer for numerous educational, med- School. He commenced the practice of nity that he brought to the office of ical, youth, and human services organizations. law in Omaha, and for 8 years served on U.S. Senator. He and his wife, Jean, are the parents of 10 the Douglas County Board of Commis- It has already been mentioned in the children and 26 grandchildren. sioners. In 1952 he was elected to the course of previous debate, his unpre- Designation of the courthouse and Federal 83d Congress, and in 1954 was elected to tentious style, his diligent hard work, building, which is currently undergoing a major the U.S. Senate to serve the unexpired his focus on causes and prevention of expansion and renovation, is an appropriate term of Senator Hugh Butler. Senator violence in American society, but he honor for Judge Nealon, a man who has dis- Hruska served with distinction in the did it all with great dignity and great tinguished himself in the Federal judiciary and Senate until his retirement in 1976. seriousness of purpose. Not a show in his community. He is a man who truly per- During his service in the Senate, he horse as we say, but a workhorse, and sonifies integrity, fairness, good citizenship, rose to be ranking member of the Judi- a very serious workhorse who can be a and possesses an unyielding commitment to ciary Committee, where he reviewed model for others coming after him and his profession, community, and family. more than 300 nominees for the Federal those now serving in both the House I urge passage of H.R. 3364. bench, including nominees to the Su- and the Senate. Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I have preme Court. It is entirely fitting and appropriate no further requests for time, and I Following his retirement from the to designate this Federal building and yield back the balance of my time. Senate, Senator Hruska continued his courthouse now under construction in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The public service on educational, and civic Omaha, NE, in honor of Senator question is on the motion offered by boards, including service as regent at Roman L. Hruska. June 10, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H6051 Mr. MASCARA. Mr. Speaker, I would Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I IDEA IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1996 like to acknowledge the diligence and want to thank the gentleman from Mr. GOODLING. Mr. Speaker, I move hard work of the gentleman from Minnesota [Mr. OBERSTAR], the gen- to suspend the rules and pass the bill Maryland [Mr. GILCHREST] and the gen- tleman from Ohio [Mr. TRAFICANT], and (H.R. 3268) to amend the Individuals tleman from Ohio [Mr. TRAFICANT], our the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. with Disabilities Education Act, to re- ranking member, both of whom who MASCARA] for their able assistance in authorize and make improvements to have been in assistance to me in my naming this Federal building and that Act, and for other purposes, as new assignment to the Subcommittee courthouse after such a distinguished amended. on Public Buildings and Economic De- jurist and fine American.
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