On the Inside The Weather Cardl.naJa Nip BrooJdyn. 7-6 - ... PClQ8 2 Pa.rtly cloudy to~ay and tomonow. Three-Year Old Di.. of PoUo Hl~h todcxy 85: low 58. Yesterday's ••• Paqe Ii high 80, loVl 59. Threaten Gary Vice Plckata ••• Paqe _ Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire -' FIve Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, July 31. 19~9 - VoL 83, No, 206 . -Russ Sp;.es: 'in UN, Eisler's Sister Says Police Hold Pai. ·~· . After~ . .. WA HINO'I'ON (AP )-'Testimony of a self-described for­ mer Conuuunu,t that Russia bas used the United NatioJltl to .. re­ infol'c " her spies ill tllis country Wmi made public last nigbt by I senate judiciary subcommittee. The statement was made by Mrs. Ruth Fischer, ew York Alieged'Beating Of Boy City, a si ter uf Gerhart Eisler, tile Communist leader who j ulUP­ ed \JQud and skipped the coun, try after being cO llvicted of 17· Year-Old A'Fine' Time Was Had By AI! passport fraud . British Sloop Flees The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. Mrs. Fischer testified behind The police desk sergeant on duty yesterday afternoon repJrted closed doors at a meeting of tho Is Treated for a lady meter-violator walked in and oftered him a dollar becau: e sen.te committee on May 10, She Communists' Gu"', e "the t ime on ml1 p&r king meter expired and the policelllilrt didn't said she once was a leading mem­ leave a ticket on my car." ber .;.1 the German Communlsl In . V.angtle Escape Cuts, X-Rayed She insisted that she should pay because "the Lord wants us party but broke with the Com­ to do what IS right." The officer finally convinced her thaI the l.oJ'd munists in 1926 and became 1\ LONDON (Al) - The British Twv Des Moines y•. ulhs were I would take h m to task if a m eter tine was received Wider such United States citizen In 1947. She sloop AmetHyst han escapr d heid without boncJ last night in circum: tances. testiIied against Eisler at his trial. down the Yangtze river under the Johl1son county jail on charges of --------:':"""':':""":"""-"",---::------"7"----,--- In ber bJlbet10 seerei testi­ tire of Chinese Communist shore mony, she Aid Soviel, intelll­ batteries and r<!jolned the fleet assault with intent to do great Seven New ./ n s t rue tor. s ,ence "renll are hidden In. t.he without suffering damage or casu­ bodily injury alter aUegedly start- ...• various R a I II a n dlplo_ile, alties, the admiralty announced \rIde and oUler dele.-aUona ihai last night, eeme &0 Oils counlll'. ~:n~ ~:!k:!:\;~~fi~~~· i~~:::~ Appointed to·Sa/Faculty· The escape took pla ce Friday. avenue, at 2:35 p.m, yesterday, Ostensibly, she said, they are the admirallty said. A signal re­ .assigned to SI: me routine func­ cfJved from the AmethYst said: police said. ApPolJltnV'lH of :;'''In III w faculty )llf'nlbel' at " 1 WIIS lin, tions but their "real job Is to re­ "Rejoined the neet. No damage or Alberl Lee CadY, 19, a"d nouncl.'d )estel'dIlY by PI'C'sid nt Vil'~il ~r. H ancher. port on various phases of Amer­ casualities, God save the king." Charles E, McCaughey, 21, were Vernon Van Dyke was nameu associate pro.fes.~ol· of political Ican societ-Y to Moscow headquar­ The Ametl)yst was fired on at broughl inlo the Iowa City po- science. H(' taught at DePauw IIniversity Ilnd wns II ll.'cturcr in ters." least twice in her downriver run lice I~Uon by highway p .. lrol- the school for udvanc'd int l"Oa tiol1lJ l studies in Washington, D.C, (AI' wl'''Pbolo ) men aftel" ihe right on Musca- "Recently this corps has been to safety, the admiralty said. reinl reed by the UN delegations Airliner, Fighter Collide in M'id~Ah~ tille avenue near Couri streel. It'or th past tJn' (' yrlll''i. Van Dyk hai> been.profeliSot· of poli~ical Thc, Amethyst has been at an­ .; cipI}(·~ Ilt Yal e, of Ru ssia ~nd her satellites," Mrs. chor in the Yangtze river since Police said Meeker was hitch- Appointfd assistant urofessor In Fiscoer said. SIXTEEN PERSONS were killed whel1 all E sterll alrlb{es DC -3' al1fl .. ~avy flrMet p~ne C()llIded last April 20, when she was hiking on iMuscatine avenue and the department of She also t~s ti!ied a French wo­ near Fort Dlx, N. J . ye&ter day (see Inset). Aerial view shows ihe wrecka.e ,lhe Mentl'hJs-bound alr­ Asks : Recess ',' physi:'~ wa~ 0' CadY and McCaughey allegedly Edward S, Nel.son. The Buthor rof shelled by Chines,e Communist I ner In which all 15 pa~sellgers ariel crew perlsheit. The fithter pilot waa t.he 16th ~'lctbD. man whom she described as "high­ shore batteries and ran aground started the fight after an unfriend- several articles in technical iour- ly dangerous" had gained admit­ on Rose island, 60 miles down­ tance to the United States" be­ stream :from Nanking. cause her organization was recog­ This was before the fall of Nan­ nized by Trygve Lie," secretary­ king to the Communists. At that Fwo' planes. CoUid~; '.J6:: M#/ed ::~~~J~!::.¥::~f.;:f:~'::~: To November If§~(i:~~:!~~i~ti general of Ihe United Nations. time British casualties abojlrd the WRIGHrSTOWN N' J (IJ'I A ...,' . one of the Des Moines youths. the WAS 11 IN Grr 0 N (!PI -' Sen. MarJaret JaDe SrennSD WIlS an~ Only .. week a(0 the seDate 1,490'-ton Amethyst included 17 , .. - , .• . other knocked down the Iowa City Alexander WHey (R-Wis), sllid pointed assistant proip,;sor of " o:ne 'ng navy fighter pilot har Illcludln r ~ -"lId, and <",- <lire" '''e Pi..:.· t"- '"'10' of eommlUee made public secret dead llnd 20 wounded. S t I,(n tI ,-. ~ u.. ....,. '" ... ..... ... ~-,A.... ...d..' ~.,.. h Y and kicj<ed him, police said. yesterday that congl'essmen ,are econornlcs, She has been on th" testimony of an uDldentifleil assing a little. Piper . CUD,'- ' zoot)'led crew members, ,' tl.eOJ ,fu..-v"... ptaa.e hid "buned" M ee ker wa~ t a k en t 0 UII Iver - getting "punchdrunk" and "slap h orpe econom 1cs st~ [1 at Corne II. "'he (I'g'h;er pilot tr' jed t() ""VA him twice. I'" h h NY "wltnen No.8" ehal1l'laJ the up iii a ' fast turn yesterday and" .... '" , , ,.. '" . s ., ospU.ls were he W1I hIlPPY" and ought to 1,1' a'ivell a r'hl aCR, ., UN secretariat headed bl' Lie Is bimself· by .bailLng out but he 'IOn the second pass he cut treated for cuts and brill es. "seventh inning stretch"·· lIntil -Gre,(Jr~ Foley, who is serving lerrorlsed br Communist agelUs. Sh,ngh.ai, .Workers smacked into an airliner, jdJling didn't get his parachute. open in right In, frOl)t,ol JTlr tlrse,'.'(. Hum- HOtJpl&a.1 officials said his head N ..vember. all lhe SUI lheatre staff i: a visit­ Byron Price, Ilctlng secretary himself and the 15 persons aboard lime. His body wa,$ fOlJ.l)d, BOO yards pl)rey, ~aid, 'lThe.1i he !lulled up In was X -ra.yed. His proposal foil. wed a similar ing director, has been named vi­ general of the UN In Ule absence 'Hold' U.S. '· the DC~3 transport. lI1Cm the wreckage' of his fighter a tight oha,ndelle an,d. sWacke.d inlo POlice (aid aIter the fight, the one from Sen. Waync Morse . (R- si~ing assistant professor in dra~- of Lie, ca lled the anonymous testi­ Envoys The ,violent. collision in a cloud- plane, shattered' and ,almost ·com· the tt'jlTIsport'ju'st' lift of the wing. Des Moines youths drove otf, but Ore) and COillcided with an iln- abc arts lor the r.e~t ay"deIplc mony "the nuttiest story" he had S1:IANGHAI (11') - A tock-In less sky bcre a wing oIf both the pleted. .( don1t .. think he' mt,w 'the trans- were later picked up by the high- Iloun~ement [roth Sen. Eugene ' year. He. has directed the Omahil heard aud (iJed an official protest Eastern airlines plane and the Par,ts of both pla~e~ were foun.d ~Q~~. at ,in." ".. " way patrol at the junction of shHe Mmikin (R-Colo), that the senate cOl~mhun llY tI p~aYhou s ~, t ~U l~~h of 'three United states consular e r a with Secretary ot State Acheson. ofIicials by about 150 fOrmer em­ Grumann HeUcat and they spun scattered 'over a twq:mile area of . \ • ~ 111ghway 3B and U.S. highway 6 Republican conference will di:>cuss Ip aY ouse. I:t£a irt .wod h "It - crazily to the ear'h The PI' pet· '·hl·s rolll'ng larml--d nort" of the N Mt B'" '.. d wes t j!rn un vers y lin as b e ~ n p~es qf the U.S. Navy continued L • • near Wilton JUncllOn. a journme.nt p~ posals soon. assoniated with tIle U,S.O. cl\lb flew away u·nharmed. big army base ' atcu... Fort Dix. The ' ew "" e er'01 egln I B t h Ie b " into its second night las' night The 'wl'n _ engl'nftd transpor" 'd d '''_ h th ' Police said a preliminar. y hear- u WI . con. ~ress. may e The apnoil'ltment of Joh,n M. with no immediate <:hange in the • ~ • p1ecl!& rame own .•,"' ''' ug e ' ".
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