THE LONDON. GAZETTE, 6 JANUARY, 1953 J73 Park, Cardiff, and to the Clerk'to the authority at James's Square, London, S.W.I, before the 14th day the address shown below. of February, 1953, and any such objection or repre- SCHEDULE. sentation should state the grounds on which it is Such portion of the seashore within the parish made. of Kenfig in the Penybont Rural District or lying Dated this 31st day of December, 1952. to the seaward thereof as lies between the tidal course of the River Kenfig on the north and Sker L. H. fflSCOTT, Clerk of the Council. Rock on the south and extending inland from high Council Offices, water mark of ordinary tides to a distance of one Wantz Road, quarter of a mile. Maldon, Essex. W. E. BEVAN, Clerk of the Council. (121) Penybont Offices, Coity Road, Bridgend. NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO THE (239) COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1949. RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL OF MALDON. NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO THE Maldon Rural District Council (Carringtons Farm, COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1949. Tollesbury) Diversion Order, 1952. EAST SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL. NOTICE is hereby given that the above Order was Public Rights of Way. made on the 18th day of December, 1952, and is about to be submitted to the Minister of Housing NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with and Local Government for confirmation. the powers conferred by section 27 of the above Act, the East Suffolk County Council have prepared a The Order relates to land situate in the following draft map and statement showing the public paths parish:— and roads used as public paths which are alleged Tollesbury. to exist within the area of the Rural District of The effect of the Order will be to divert part of Samford. the public right of way running from North Road, Copies of the draft map and statement may be Tollesbury, through field Nod. 251 on the Ordnance inspected during all reasonable hours at either of the Survey Map (being part of Carringtons Farm, Tolles- undermentioned places: bury) to a line which starts at the South Eastern The County Hall, Ipswich. corner of the said field Nod. 251 and follows the The Offices of the Samford Rural District boundary of that field. Council, 25, London Road, Ipswich. A certified copy of the Order and of the Map An extract from the map and statement has been contained in the Order has been deposited at Council prepared in respect of each rural parish within the Offices, Wantz Road, Maldon, Essex, and will be Samford Rural District showing only the alleged open for inspection free of charge during normal public paths and roads used as public paths in the office hours, i.e. Mondays to Fridays—9 a.m. to parish concerned. As far as possible the relevant 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., and Saturdays 9 a.m. extract will be made available for inspection at a to 12 noon. place in the parish concerned and particulars of the Any objection or representation with reference to address where the extract can be seen will be the Order may be sent in writing to the Secretary, published locally. Ministry of Housing and Local Government, 32, St. Notice is further given that any person is entitled James's Square, London, S.W.I, before the 14th day to inspect the draft map and statement or extracts of February, 1953, and any such objection or repre- therefrom and to submit to the County Council a sentation should state the grounds on which it is representation or objection regarding anything con- made. tained in or omitted from the map and statement. Dated this 31st day of December, 1952. Any representation or objection should be sent in L. H. HISCOTT, Clerk of the Council. writing to the undersigned by the 18th day of May, 1953, and should state the grounds on which it is Council Offices, made. Wantz Road, Maldon, Essex. Dated this 1st day of January, 1953. (124) G. C. LIGHTFOOT, Clerk of the County Council. County Hall, NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO THE Ipswich. COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1949. (125) RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL OF MALDON. Maldon Rural District Council {Whitehouse Farm, NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO THE Woodham Walter) Diversion Order, 1952. COUNTRYSIDE ACT, 1949. NOTICE is hereby given that the above Order, was RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL OF MALDON. made on the 18th day of December, 1952, and.is about to be submitted to the Minister of Housing Maldon Rural District Council (Whitehouse Farm, and Local Government- for confirmation. Woodham Walter) Extinguishment Order, 1952. The Order relates to land situate in the following NOTICE is hereby given that the above Order was parish:— made on the 18th day of December, 1952, and is Woodham Walter. about to be submitted to the Minister of Housing and Local Government for confirmation. The effect of the Order will be to divert part of the public right of way running from St. Michael's The Order relates to land situate in the following Church, Woodham Walter, where that public right parish:— of way passes through field Nod. 335 on the Ord- Woodham Walter. nance Survey Map (19221 Edition) and known as The The effect of the Order will be to extinguish Wilderness, being part of Whitehouse Farm, Wood- certain public rights of way which are, marked ham Walter; that part of the public right of way " A B ", "CD ", and " E F " and coloured brown to be diverted being shown coloured brown and the on the Map contained in the Order and which pass new line of the public right of way being shown through fields Nod. 188, 334 and 335 on the Ordnance coloured purple on the Map contained in the Order. Survey Map, .being part of Whitehouse Farm, A certified copy of the Order and of the Map Woodham Walter. contained in the Order has been deposited at Council A. certified copy of the Order- and of the Map Offices, Wantz Road, Maldon, Essex, and will be contained in the Order has been deposited at Council' open for inspection free of charge during normal Offices, Wantz Road, Maldon, Essex, and will be office hours, i.e. Mondays t'o Fridays—9 a.m. to •open for • inspection free ofj charge .during normal 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., and Saturdays 9 a.m. -office'hours, -i.e. Mondays to Fridays—9 a.in."to to 12 noon. ' . '.[''. '1 p.m. and 2 p.m: to 5.30 p.m., and Saturdays.from Any objection or representation With reference to 9 a.m.^.tp., 12" noon. the Order may be sent in writing to the Secretary, . Any objection or representation--with referenqe, Jo Ministry of Housing and Local Government, .32, St. the-Order/may b.e sent in .writing to the. Secretary, James's Square, London,-SI W. I, before the 14th day "Ministry,of -.Housing and -Local^Government, 32,. St. of February, 1953, and any such objection or re'pre-.
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