June 11, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1217 determine the scope of the alcohol and sub- onteur for movie stars, came to Washington in the community it serves have helped Foster’s stance abuse among Indian people; they the early 1950’s to work as press secretary for Daily Democrat thrive for 130 years as an must assess the existing and needed re- Congressman Al Morano of his home state of independently owned and operated news- sources for prevention of alcohol and sub- stance abuse and the treatment of Indians Connecticut. He soon noticed a general lack paper, which is a laudable achievement in an affected. Finally, IHS must estimate the of information about the happenings of the industry dominated by major media chains. funding necessary to adequately support a Capitol Hill community. In 1955, Sid was in- I commend the Publisher, Robert H. Foster; program of prevention of alcohol and sub- spired to create his own newspaper, Roll Call, his wife and Editor, Therese Foster; their stance abuse and treatment of Indians af- when he overheard an Ohio Congressman’s daughter and Vice President of Administration, fected. The IHS will also provide a com- shocked exclamation at learning that a mem- Patrice Foster; and all members of the Foster prehensive alcohol and substance abuse pre- ber of his state legislation had passed away. Family and their employees for the service vention and treatment programs, a rehabili- As Mr. Yudain envisioned it, Roll Call was they have provided to their readers through tation and aftercare services, IHS youth pro- not to be a newspaper about Capitol Hill, but 130 years of daily publication. I offer them my gram, and training and community edu- cation. In this section demonstration as its masthead boldly proclaimed, ‘‘The sincere congratulations on this momentous oc- projects are outlined as well as grants focus- newspaper of Capitol Hill.’’ Judging by the casion and I look forward to their continued ing of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Al- names of those, including Members of Con- success. cohol effect. It also expands the authoriza- gress and staffers, who contributed early col- f tion to establish inpatient mental health fa- umns and stories to the newspaper, it lived up cilities in each Area. Authorizes funding for to the assertion. Vice President Richard Nixon HONORING SERGEANT NORM ROSS development of innovative community-based insisted on writing a piece about a doorman behavioral health services. The requirement who had passed away, and Senate Majority of matching funds has been eliminated here. HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH Allows the Fetal Alcohol Disorder programs Leader Lyndon Johnson related through the OF CALIFORNIA to be funded under the ISDEAA (Indian Self- pages of Roll Call his experiences and thanks IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Determination and Education Assistance following his recovery from a recent heart at- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 Act). Provides for a program to treat both tack. the victims and the perpetrator of child sex- Throughout the 32 years that Sid owned Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise ual abuse. And, has been expanded to allow Roll Call, the paper chronicled life on the Hill today to recognize Sergeant Norm Ross, on Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations to and promoted a community spirit where Mem- the occasion of his retirement from the obtain funding for behavioral health re- bers and staffers of all political persuasions Mariposa County Sheriff’s Department. His re- search. could come together to celebrate their com- tirement will be honored on July 12, 2003 at TITLE VII. MISCELLANEOUS mon service to the American people. Roll Call a community event in Coulterville. The purpose of this title is to address var- nurtured clubs and organizations, issued the Sergeant Ross has been a dedicated com- ious topics including the President’s report- munity servant since 1960. Norm was edu- ing of the progress made in meeting the ob- ‘‘Outstanding Staffer’’ award each year, spon- sored Congress’ annual baseball game, and cated in Los Angeles and in 1960 joined the jectives of this Act to Congress at the time Army National Guard. He began to work in law of submitting the budget. It also applies the gave gifted and often famous writers of all Negotiated Rulemaking Act to the develop- backgrounds the opportunity to inform and en- enforcement in 1963 for the L.A. Police De- ment of IHCIA regulations. Other provisions tertain arguably the most influential readership partment until 1983. After a short retirement require the Secretary to develop a plan of on the planet. from the police department, he returned to implementation to submit to Congress; de- In 1988, after owning Roll Call for over 32 help others and began to work in the Mariposa scribe the eligibility of California Indians for years, Mr. Yudain sold his newspaper in order County Sheriff’s Department. He worked with IHS services and sets out the conditions for to devote more time to his family, friends, and the department to make sure the community the issue of Indian health funding as an enti- was involved in their safety and quality of life. tlement. saxophone. Mr. Speaker, I heartily commend Mr. Sid Norm became a Sergeant in 1986, because of AMENDMENTS TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT Yudain for his initiative and his commitment to his undying commitment to the people of Amendments to the Social Security Act serving his government and his country. His North County. One of the many reasons he re- appear at the end of the bill. These provi- ceived the promotion came from his evalua- sions are necessary to reflect a number of distinguished career is truly impressive and in- the objectives described above in the Title spiring. I wish Mr. Yudain all the best on his tions which stated, ‘‘When it comes to inter- IV summary. 80th birthday and many more to come. I call vention and prevention, Norm established a standard that is unmatched in the depart- f upon my colleagues to join me along with Sid’s wife Lael, their children Rachel (and hus- ment.’’ A leader in Mariposa County, Sergeant HONORING THE 80TH BIRTHDAY OF band Amar Kuchinad) and Raymond, and fam- Ross has been an active member of the com- SID YUDAIN ily and friends in applauding Sid Yudain for all munity and is very deserving of a comfortable he has done. retirement. We are truly grateful for everything HON. TOM DAVIS f he has accomplished. OF VIRGINIA Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join IN CELEBRATION OF FOSTER’S IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES me in recognizing Sergeant Norm Ross for his DAILY DEMOCRAT’S 130TH ANNI- significant and steadfast efforts for the better- Wednesday, June 11, 2003 VERSARY ment of Mariposa County. Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I f would like to take this opportunity to pay trib- HON. CHARLES F. BASS A TRIBUTE TO AL DAVIS ute to Sid Yudain upon his 80th birthday for OF NEW HAMPSHIRE his long, distinguished, and dedicated service IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SPEECH OF to the world of journalism. ‘‘At every dramatic turning point of our long Wednesday, June 11, 2003 HON. GERALD D. KLECZKA national nightmare known as Watergate, Roll Mr. BASS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in OF WISCONSIN Call was there. Sid Yudain reported the Wa- honor of the management, staff, and readers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tergate break-in a full three days before Nix- of Foster’s Daily Democrat as they prepare to on’s resignation,’’ quipped Washington’s favor- celebrate the newspaper’s 130th anniversary. Tuesday, June 10, 2003 ite political satirist, Mark Russell some twenty Since June 18, 1873, Foster’s Daily Democrat Mr. KLECZKA. Mr. Speaker, on May 30th years ago. has provided readers with credible, fair, and the House of Representatives lost one of its Russell’s dig was aimed at the man credited balanced coverage of local, state, and national most brilliant and dedicated employees when with discovering him, Sid Yudain, founder, news and world events. Foster’s Daily Demo- Al Davis died of complications resulting from a publisher, editor, and even occasional delivery crat currently serves residents of Southeastern traffic accident. We remember him today and boy of Capitol Hill’s own newspaper, Roll Call. New Hampshire and Southern Maine. offer our sincere condolences to his family, This weekend Mark and his wife Ali will host— For five generations, the Foster family has loved ones, and especially his long-time com- and perhaps roasting—Sid at a party cele- operated in the public’s interest by providing panion Mary Bielefeld. brating his 80th birthday. extensive coverage of the local community. As my colleagues before me have attested, Sid, who spent several years in Hollywood The paper’s thorough local coverage, thought- the facts and figures produced by Al Davis following World War II as a columnist and rac- ful editorials, and the family’s involvement in have provided an immeasurable benefit to the VerDate Jan 31 2003 06:39 Jun 12, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11JN8.031 E11PT1.
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