J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-16-01-16 on 1 January 1911. Downloaded from JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. (torps 1Rews. JANUARY, 1911. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. The King has been pleased to give and grant unto Captain Howard Ensor, D.S.O., Royal Army Medical Corps, His Majesty's Royal licence and authority to accept and Protected by copyright. wear the Imperial Ottoman Order of the Osmanieh, Fourth Class, which has been conferred upon him by His Highness the Khedive of Egypt; authorised by His Imperial Majesty the Sultan of Turkey, in recognition of valuable services rendered by him. REGULAR FORCES. ESTABLISHMENTS. Royal Army Medical Corps School of Instruction.-Major Claude K. Morgan, M.B. R.A.M.C., to be an Instructor, vice Major C. C. Fleming, D.S.O., who has vacated that appointment. Dated October 29, 1910. CAVALRY. 1st Life Guards.-Surgeon·Captain Alfred C. Lupton, M.B., is placed temporarily on the half-pay list on accoun't of ill-health. Dated November, 22, 1910. ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE. Royal Army Medical Corps.-The undermentioned officers, from the seconded list, are restored to the Establishment, dated November 18, 1910 :-Captain William M. B. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Sparkes. Lieutenant Harold T. Treves. Captain Edward Gibbon, M.B., is seconded for service with the Egyptian Army. Dated November 13, 1910. ARRIVALS HOME FOR DUTY.-From India: On November 24, Lieutenant­ Colonel T. B. Winter; Captains C. H. Turner, J. P. Lynch, and E. G. R. Lithgow. From Straits Settlements: On November 29, Major I. A. O. MacCarthy, Captain A. A. Sutcliff. From Hong Kong: On November 29, Majors S. Macdonald and P. J. Probyn, D.S.O. From Mauritius: On December 8, Major John H. Campbell, D.S.O. From South Africa: On December 8, Lieutenant-Colonel J. Maher. From North China: On tNovember 29, CaptainE. J. Elliot. Quartermaster and Hon. Captain G. A. Benson, arrived home from North China on November 29, 1910. POSTINGS.-Captain E. J. Elliot and Lieutenant G. O. Chambers to the Northern Command; Lieutenant J. D. Bowie to the Aldershot Command; Major I. A. O. on September 26, 2021 by guest. MacCarthy, Captains J. P. Lynch and E. G. R. Lithgow, Lieutenants W. W. Treves and R. F. Bridges to the Eastern Command; Captain W. F. H. Varighan (from siCK leave). Lieutenants C. H. Stringer and L. F. K. Way to the Southern Command; Captain C. H. Turner, Lieutenants J. K. Gaunt, E. L. Fyffe and T. J. Hallinan to the Irish Command; Lieutenant·Colonels T. B. Winter and J. Maher, Majors S. Macdonald and John H. Campbell, D.S.O., Lieutenant C. K. H. Harold to the London District; Captain A. A. Sutcliff to Alderney. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-16-01-16 on 1 January 1911. Downloaded from :2 TRANSFERS.-Oolonel W. G.' Macpherson, O.M.G., from Malta to India; Lieutenant-Oolonel E. J. E. Risk from the Irish Oommand to the London District; Lieutenant-Oolonel R. R. H_ Moore from the Southern Oommand to the Irish Oom­ mand; Lieutenant-Oolonel H. P. G. Elkington from the Irish Oommand to the Southern Oommand; Major F. J. W. Porter, D.S.O., from the London District to the Southern Oommand; Major G. H. Goddard from Alderney to the Eastern Oommand. APPOINTMENTS.-Lieutenant-Oolonel W. G. Birrell, charge of the Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich. Lieutenant-Oolonel R. R. H. Moore, Administrative Medical Officer, Belfast District. Lieutenant-Oolonel T. B. Winter, Senior Recruiting Medical Officer, London District, Lieutenant-Oolonel J. Maher, charge of the Queen Alexandra Military Hospital, London. Majors S. l\Iacdonald and J. H. Oampbell, D.S.O., ,Recruiting Medical Officers, London District. Major W. W. O. Beveridge, D.S.O., Specialist in Sanitation, London District, for duty in connection with food inspection and analysis. Major G. H. Goddard, charge of Milltary Families Hospital, Shorncliffe. QUALIFICATION.-Captain P. Dwyer has obtained the Diploma in Public Health (Honours) of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons in Ireland, 190G. ARRIVALS HOME ON LEAVE.-Major L. P. More, Oaptains P. J. Marett, A. Dawson, ,and T. W. O. Sexton. EMBARKATIONS. For India.--On November 19, Lieutenant-Oolonel O. T. Blackwell, Major H, G'. F. Stallard, Oaptains J. G. Foster, W. R. P. Goodwin, and H. E. J. A. Howley. On Protected by copyright. December 7, Lieutenant-Oolonel F. W. O. Jones, Major W. B. Winkfield, Oaptains O. H. Furnivall and G. F. Rugg. For Gibraltar.-On October 14, Lieutenant-Oolonel S. G. AlIen (by exchange with Lieutenant-Colonel C. W. Johnson). For Bermuda.-On November 25, Lieutenant-Oolonel R. H. Hall. ROSTER FOR SERVICE ABROAD. An exchange of positions on the roster has been approved between Lieutenant­ Colonel W. Turner and Major A. H. O. Young. RESULTS OF EXAMINATIONS. The following results of examinations are notified for general information :- Passed for promotion to the rank of Oaptain in (b): B. Varvill; D. B. McGrigor, M.B.; J. J. D. Roche, M.B.; P. G. M. Elvery; M. J. WilIiamson, M.B.; F. Worthing ton, M,B. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ SERVICE ABROAD. In forwarding the roster for service abroad which is printed below the following has been communicated by the Director-General :~ (1) As it is probable that the Establishment of Lieutenant-Oolonels will be reached during 1911, a separate roster of all lieutenant-colonels' without distinction as to rate of pay has been established. This roster will come into force as from March 1, 1911. (2) Exchanges on the roster will in future be permitted between officers of the same rank only. (3) As laid down in Paragraph 5 of the RegUlations for the Army Medical Service, thoso officers who have been longest at home will, as a general rule, be the first to proceed abroad; but it may be necessary to select officers to fill important appointments abroad irrespective of their actual position 011 the roster. , , (4) The distribution list of lieutenant-colonels published in the Journal of January, 1910, is cancelled. ' .' on September 26, 2021 by guest. (5) The names of officers holding appointm3nts for fixed periods are printed ,in .italics with date of expiration of the same, except in the case of appointments which expire during the trooping season 1911-12, which are shown in ordinary type. , (6) Officers holding gazetted appointments the dates of which are shown in the Army List (except those whose appointments terminate during the trooping season ,1911-12) are omitted, as well as those who retire in 1911. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-16-01-16 on 1 January 1911. Downloaded from 3 ,LIEUTENANT-COLONELS. Rirkpatrick, R., C.:M.G. (1.9.11), :Mi1. Kennedy, A. (14.1.13), D. Block, Netley. Hosp., Devonport. Yarr, M; T. (1.3.13), M.I. Recruits, Hanley, R. G. Scotland. Johnson, C. W. Whaite, T.dt£ B. (15.3.13), Royal Arsenal, O'Connell, D. V. (23.4.12), Mil. Hasp., Wooltvich. Shorncliffe. Donegan, J. E'. :Macdonald, C. J. Moore, R. R. H. Reilly, O. O. (8.12.11), R. lYI. 0011., Sand- Adarnson, H. M. (9:12.12), Mil. Hosp., hurst. ' Newcastle. Russell, M. W. (22.8.13), Stafl 061. Simpson, R. J. S. (1.2.13.), Med. Div., P.M.O. Eastern Com. R. Herbert Hosp. Heuston, F. S. (11.11.11), :Mil. Hosp., BiTt, C" (1.10.13), Royal Inji1"1nar'Y, Edinburgh. ' Dublin. Tyrrell, O. R. Gerrard, J. J. (24.11.12), M. I. Rec1"t£its, Sloggett, H. :M. (28.10.11), Connaught NortheTn Cam. Hosp., Aldershot. Le Quesne, F. S., V.C. Dodd, A. Jencken, F. J. (1.12.12), R. V. H., Netley. B~trton, F. H. }vI. (18.4.13), Mil. Hosp., Haines, H. A. Colchester. O'Callaghan, D. M. (1.4.13), Stwgical Rt£ssell, J. J. (1.11.14), S.O., P.M.O. Wards, Cambridge Hasp., Aldershot. Southern Cam. Nichols, F. P. Fallon, J. Turner, W. Newland, (F. R. (6.12.12), S.O;, P.M.O. Rowan, H. D. N01·thern Cam. Wilson, G. (5.3.13), Mil. Hosp., Dover. Protected by copyright. Saunders, D. :M. Elkington, H. P.G. Juhnston, H. H., C.B. (14.4.12), Mil. Oocks, H. HoslJ ., Curragh. Swan, W. T. (1.4.13), Med. Div., R. V. H., Lane, O. A. Netley. Hoarn, :M. L. (20.1.12), 1\1.1. Recruits, Gordon-Hall, F. W. G. Irish Oom. Risk, E. J. E. Sexton, :M. J. Gordon, P. C. H. (12.10.13), Mil. Hosp., Ferguson, N. C. Pern. Dock. Donaldson, J. Pike, W. W. (14.4.13), Mil. Hasp., Tid- Lavie, T. G. w01·th. Rhodes, J. H. A. Gubbin, G. F. Wilson, J. B. (18.2.12), Surg. Div., B. Birrdl, W. G. Herbert Hosp. Cne, G. (20.1.14), M. I. Recmits, Eastem Daly, J. H. Com. Donnet, J. J. C. Berryman, W. E. Will, J. Winter, T. B. (29.1.14) S.M.O. Rectg., http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Treherne; F. H. (15.3.12), Camb. Hosp., London. Aldershot. lvlaher, J. (10.12.13), Q. A. Hosp., Lon­ N oding, T. E. don. Holyoake, R. MAJORS. Sloan, J. :M., D.S.O. (31.10.11), Adjt. Goddard, G. H. Terr. Force. Green, S. F. St. D. Lloyd,R. H. (3.6.11), Adjt. Terr. Force. Fuhr, R. S. H., D.S. O. (13.8.12), Fan!. :McLoughlin, G. S., D.S.O. (1.9.11), :M.L Hosp., Woolwick. Recruits, Western Corn. Way, L.
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