TORSION HOMOLOGY AND REGULATORS OF ISOSPECTRAL MANIFOLDS ALEX BARTEL AND AUREL PAGE Abstract. Given a finite group G, a G-covering of closed Riemannian manifolds, and a so-called G-relation, a construction of Sunada produces a pair of manifolds M1 and M2 that are strongly isospectral. Such man- ifolds have the same dimension and the same volume, and their rational homology groups are isomorphic. Here, we investigate the relationship between their integral homology. The Cheeger{M¨ullerTheorem implies that a certain product of orders of torsion homology and of regulators for M1 agrees with that for M2. We exhibit a connection between the torsion in the integral homology of M1 and M2 on the one hand, and the G-module structure of integral homology of the covering manifold on the other, by interpreting the quotients Regi(M1)= Regi(M2) representation theoretically. Further, we prove that the p1-torsion in the homology of M1 is isomorphic to that of M2 for all primes p - #G. For p ≤ 71, we give examples of pairs of strongly isospectral hyperbolic 3-manifolds for which the p-torsion homology differs, and we conjecture such examples to exist for all primes p. 1. Introduction Two closed Riemannian manifolds M1 and M2 are said to be isospectral if the Laplace{Beltrami operators acting on functions on M1 and on M2 have the same spectrum, equivalently if the spectral zeta functions ζ(M1; s) and ζ(M2; s) are equal. The manifolds are said to be strongly isospectral if the spectra of every natural self-adjoint elliptic differential operator on M1 and M2 agree. In particular, if M1 and M2 are strongly isospectral, then the Laplace{de Rham operators acting on differential i-forms on the re- spective manifold have the same spectrum, equivalently the zeta functions ζi(M1; s) and ζi(M2; s) encoding those spectra are equal. Following Kac's famous question \Can one hear the shape of a drum?" [19], the following broad questions have received a lot of attention [14, 15]. Question 1.1. Which isometry invariants of closed Riemannian manifolds are isospectral invariants? Which ones are strongly isospectral invariants? For example, two Riemannian manifolds that are strongly isospectral have the same dimension, volume and Betti numbers. By analogy with the number theoretic notion of so-called arithmetically equivalent number fields, Sunada [35] proposed a general construction show- ing that there exist Riemannian manifolds that are strongly isospectral, Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected]. The authors thank the EPSRC for financial support via a First Grant, respectively the EPSRC Programme Grant EP/K034383/1 LMF: L-Functions and Modular Forms. 1 2 TORSION HOMOLOGY AND REGULATORS OF ISOSPECTRAL MANIFOLDS but are not even homeomorphic. Let us briefly recall Sunada's construc- tion. Let X ! Y be a G-covering of closed manifolds, where G is a fi- nite group. Let U1, U2 be two subgroups of G with the property that ∼ there is an isomorphism C[G=U1] = C[G=U2] of linear permutation rep- resentations of G, or equivalently that for every conjugacy class c of G we have #(c \ U1) = #(c \ U2). In this case we say that the formal linear com- bination U1 − U2 is a G-relation. Sunada proves that then the intermediate coverings X=U1 and X=U2 are strongly isospectral. In this paper, we want to take the analogy with number fields further. The Cheeger-M¨ullerTheorem [11, 22, 23], proving a conjecture of Ray and Singer [30], gives a special value formula for the spectral zeta functions of a Riemannian manifold, somewhat analogous to the analytic class number formula for the Dedekind zeta function of a number field [36]. It implies that if M1 and M2 are strongly isospectral Riemannian manifolds, then d (−1)i d (−1)i Y Reg (M1) Y Reg (M2) (1.2) i = i ; #H (M ; ) #H (M ; ) i=0 i 1 Z tors i=0 i 2 Z tors where, for a Riemannian manifold M, Regi(M) is the covolume of the lat- tice Hi(M; Z)=Hi(M; Z)tors in the vector space Hi(M; R) with respect to a certain canonical inner product (see Notation 3.2 ii.). The study of tor- sion homology and regulators of manifolds has attracted a lot of attention recently, see for instance [4, 5, 8, 10]. In light of equation (1.2), a natural instance of Question 1.1 is whether, for M1 and M2 as above, an integer i > 0, and a prime number p, we must necessarily have 1 1 (1.3) #Hi(M1; Z)[p ] = #Hi(M2; Z)[p ]; where [p1] denotes the p-primary torsion subgroup. Here, we answer this and similar questions in the context of Sunada's construction. More broadly, we study homological properties of covering manifolds in G-relations, analogous to an old and fruitful line of research in number theory. For example, the following basic result is analogous to results of [6] on class groups of number fields. Proposition 1.4. Let X ! Y be a G-covering of closed Riemannian man- ifolds, let U1 − U2 be a G-relation, and let i > 0 be an integer. Then for all primes p that do not divide #G, we have 1 ∼ 1 Hi(X=U1; Z)[p ] = Hi(X=U2; Z)[p ]: We actually prove a more general result, see Theorem 3.5. In providing counter examples, we have concentrated on closed hyper- bolic 3-manifolds, a class of manifolds that plays an important r^olein other branches of geometry, as well as in number theory. The following is a result in the opposite direction to that of Proposition 1.4. Proposition 1.5. Let p ≤ 71 be a prime number. Then there exist strongly isospectral closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds M1 and M2 such that 1 1 #H1(M1; Z)[p ] 6= #H1(M2; Z)[p ]: TORSION HOMOLOGY AND REGULATORS OF ISOSPECTRAL MANIFOLDS 3 Moreover, if 2 < p ≤ 71, then there exist 3-manifolds M1 and M2 as above with 1 1 #H1(M1; Z)[p ] = 1; and #H1(M2; Z)[p ] = p: Note that hyperbolic 3-manifolds have torsion-free homology in degrees 0, 2, and 3, so in the situation of Proposition 1.5, equation (1.3) is trivially satisfied in those degrees. It is already known that for every prime p, there exist strongly isospectral 1 closed Riemannian 4-manifolds M1 and M2 such that #H1(M1; Z)[p ] 6= 1 #H1(M2; Z)[p ]. This is shown in [35], using the following two results. Firstly, every finite group can be realised as the fundamental group of a closed smooth 4-manifold [33, p. 402]. Secondly, for every prime p, there ex- ists a finite p-group G with a G-relation U1 − U2, where the abelianisations of U1 and U2 have different orders [35, x1, Example 3]. At the other extreme, if M is a closed oriented 2-manifold, then H1(M; Z) is torsion-free. Riemannian 3-manifolds present an in-between case. It fol- lows from the Elliptisation Theorem, as proven by Perelman [26, 27, 28], and from a theorem of Ikeda [18], that any two isospectral 3-manifolds with finite fundamental groups are homeomorphic. In particular, Sunada's con- struction for 4-manifolds cannot possibly generalise to 3-manifolds. Instead, we prove Proposition 1.5 by a judicious choice of G-relation U1 −U2, a differ- ent one for each prime p, and then by performing a computer search among G-coverings of hyperbolic 3-manifolds and computing the resulting torsion homology of the intermediate coverings corresponding to U1 and U2. Never- theless, we believe that the evidence of Proposition 1.5 justifies the following conjecture1. Conjecture 1.6. For every prime number p, there exist strongly isospec- 1 tral closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds M1 and M2 such that #H1(M1; Z)[p ] 6= 1 #H1(M2; Z)[p ]. It follows from equation (1.2) that if M1 and M2 are strongly isospectral, Q (−1)i then i (Regi(M1)= Regi(M2)) can be expressed in terms of torsion ho- mology of the two manifolds, and in particular is a rational number. More- over, if M1 and M2 arise from Sunada's construction, then it follows from Proposition 1.4 that the numerator and denominator of this rational num- ber are only divisible by prime divisors of #G. Like in the case of torsion, it would be interesting to understand the quotient of regulators in each degree separately. In this direction we have the following result, which we now state for arbitrary G-relations (see Definition 2.3). Below, for a group U we write U ab = U=[U; U] where [U; U] denotes the derived subgroup of U. Theorem 1.7. Let X ! Y be a G-covering of closed oriented Riemannian P d-manifolds, and let j njUj, nj 2 Z be a G-relation. Then: Q 2nj (1) for every integer i > 0, the product j Regi(X=Uj) is a rational number that is a product of powers of prime divisors of #G; Q 2nj × × 2 (2) for every i ≥ 0, the class of j Regi(X=Uj) in Q =(Q ) only depends on the isomorphism class of the G-module Hi(X; Q); 1A few months after submitting this paper, we established Conjecture 1.6 in [2] using techniques introduced in this paper, see in particular Proposition 1.8 4 TORSION HOMOLOGY AND REGULATORS OF ISOSPECTRAL MANIFOLDS ab (3) if p is a prime number that does not divide #Uj for any j, then the Q 2nj Q −2nj p-part of j Regd−1(X=Uj) = j Reg1(X=Uj) only depends on the isomorphism class of the G-module Hd−1(X; Z(p)).
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