Win Tickets! • Congrats to all Grails! I NY Liberty gains first place You can win tickets to the Meadowlands Fair! Local high schools announce 1999 graduates. I Improves record to 4-1 See page 4 See page 8,9 & 10 | See page 11 THE COMMERCIAL All that we are is the result of what we have thought. ~Dhammapada Heater THURSDAY, JUNE 24,1999 OF LYNDHURST They came, they saw, they conquered Law enforcement demystified Free academy offers first-hand knowledge Fran playing the cop in a "cops and barriers with the police and the Ber- robbers" game or portraying the gen ' cunts coininumh county sheriff after seeing .in old Wiltsey andCiccone explained (hat western movie, m.im children grow the program is a proactive approach up fascinated by law enforcement. in law enforcement \\\ taking this 10- Nowihanks to the Bergen Count) week lecture and interaction course, Sheriff*! Department, those*Httle citizens will undergo extensive train- Special meeting set ing in all aspects of the sheriff's de- There will be a special Lyndhurst partment Students ol the academy Board of Commissioners meeting *We want to build a part- will meet once .1 week fm 2 I !? hours on Tuesday. June 22 The Caucus nership with the citizens of in I)K- )tei grn 1 'iMiniv Sheriff \ ulFice is at 6 p.m.; the regular meeting is the community." ai en I he) will icictvv e\teu.si\c train- at6:30p.m. Michael H iltsey, irnvstigator iiift, fiom juvenile law tomissumpef Official Action will be taken. Stuns liiiiumi! UK link s such things SlierjJF\ Department asOWI. filial prints-, mine scene in- Independence Day vestigations. K 9 ilenuiusitaiions, celebration July 5 dreams thai keep children going can criminal fugitive warrants,arrest, and be made a reality Sheriff Ciccone of search <^p seizure. < 'nee the program Commissioner Paul Passamano, the Bergen Count) Sheriff's Depon •has htitfii completed, students will Jr., Director of the Department of ment has announced the introduction take part in a graduation ceremony Recreation announces that Lyndhurst of the-Sheriff Citizen's Police Acad- wheie thv\ will receive a Certificate will celebrate Independence Day on emy. The academy, available to citi- of Completion stating that they Monday, July 5. Rain date is sched- , /ens 18 and older, is a curriculum graduated fiom Sheriff's Citizen Po- uled for Tuesday, July 6, same time, based program that teaches about the lice Acatleim same location. functions of each of the units of the Wiltsey also noted that b\ taking part Residents are invited to go to the Sheriff's Department in this academy citizens will have the Little League Field at 6 p.m. where Investigator Michael Wiltsey ol the background in police work to excel soda, hot dogs, and ice cream will Bergen County Sheriff's Department ftirthei m the field should they de- be available. explained that this program is in cide to pursue it. Also, at this time, music will be tended tp help the community undei Wiitse\ said on behalf of Ciccone, played for listening enjoyment and stand what the Sheriffs department that ihe acadernj is a great opportu- the Patriotic Exercises will begin at is all about and to help incorporate nity for Bergen County Citizens. 8:30 p.m. the police and community. I hough tins is the firsJ time an acad- The grand finale of the evening will "This is our outreach to the com- emy ol this nature has been offered be the "Gala Fireworks Display." munity. We want to build a partner- to count) residents, Ciccone is con- Commissioner Passamano invites ship with the citizens of the commu- fident that everyone will benefit. all Township residents to come out nity,*' Wiltsey said. and enjoy the evening's festivities. Public Information Officer I J. Jo- For additional information, call the seph Crowley also added that, ' Hy Recreation Department at 804-2482. introducing this program weareltetp Hawaiian Luau set The Ladies Auxiliary of the lyndhurst Fire Department will hold a Hawaiian luau on Saturday, June Hats off - The Lyndhurst High ft^at 7:30 p.m. at the firehouse on School class of 1999 rang out the Delafteld Avenue. township s final graduating class of The cost is $25 per person and in- the millennium with ceremonies cludes music, hot and cold buffet. June 21 Of the 111 graduates, 18 beer, wine, soda and a fountain of students earned National Honor Hawaiian drinks. Palm trees, pine- Society status, five are honor stu- apple trees and gift baskets will be dents, and 12-earned World Lan- raffled. guage Honor Society status The Mayor Guida appears on Comcast For tickets and more information call valedictorian was Bhavm Patel The LyndhupM Mayor J,HIK^ <iuid.i incidents 939-3952 OT939-1015 salutatorian was Daniel Joseph appeared oh ('omcast Newsmakers A lot "I parents have given up ihe Kopko from Jane L6-23 Guide's interview jdcuthfti a child is the niosi precious Lynd High school with newsmakers hos-t Caudate thing. < iuida told Kelley during the Local attorney becomes president of NJ Elks Kelley was part of the local f onicasi interview "I think that parents ure Newsmakers, seen in area ( 'omcasf materialistic in the sense thai they go seeks soccer coach I). I>>:RKr» A WIMKKtlfit Mm*S • ^ cable homes at S^ minutes past Ihe Local attorney, Malcolm J. handicap. Local fundraisers are over- Dui Ami | know it is hard today to The Lyndhurst High School office Another popular program involving hour on Headline News McPherson, Jr. was recently voted seen by the state organization, who make a living, hut they don't slay with of the Director of Athletics is open to kids is the state-run Walk Out on Guida explains to K el lev that vin in to become the NJ State Blkf in turn is overseen by officiate on their children. I hey should spend receive applications for Assistant Drugs at Giants Stadium McPherson lence in schools is a societal pmb- Association's newest president. He the national level. (jualily I it lie with then ilnl.lr.-n and Girls Soccer Coach. said that last time, $ 15,000 was raised lem. but parents pla\ a major rote m has been a member of the Lyndhurst IIK> »t«. nui '" All interested and qualified persons McPherson has lived in Little Falls by the state's drug awareness com- nurturing and dist ipifning thcii chil- Lodge #1505. located ai 25 J Park fielow fullows times (iuida appears must submit a letter of application to for 15 years and is married with two mittee lo be used towards lectures, dren He believes improved paren- Ave.. for the past 18 years. mi < 'unicast Newsmakers': Mr. F. Servideo, Jr., Supervisor/Ath- children, Meghan, 15, and and brochures lo be given in the stu- ts) involvenicjH with their young- dents. 5.55a.m, 11:55 a.m.:5:5! letic Director, at Lyndhurst High Mailory, 12. \{c graduated from sters rosy prevenl Columbine-Upe p School, Wean Avenue, Lyndhurst on Lyndhurst High School in 1974 and The Klks have done tremendous or before June 30. then went on to attend Seton Hall work regarding the handicap in their Visit the Little Red School House University and Seton Hall Law local towns. For the past 25 years, the The Little Red Schoolhouse at Riv- schoolhouse has not been open dur- School. He graduated in 1981 and Elks' have sponsored Summer at Camp erside -and Fern Avenues in inii the summer, hut it will be open for VFW Post 3549 news poised the bar exam for NY and NJ. Moore, in Masked. NJ Between 700- Lyndhurst (across from the county visitois in July and August Ihe next Joseph Han ley was installed as allowing him to-practice law in both 800 handicapped kids, ages ranging park) is open on the second and openings will be July 11 and July 25. commander of VFW Post 3549 states. from 7 to 18-years-o)-age, are .spon- fourth Sundays of each month he (tee iuimissioii. Lyndhurst. Fellow officers are Joseph McPherson has a general civil sored by a local lodge and spend one Cucco, Sr.. Vice Commander; Wayne twecn 2 and4 p.m. Ihe 1891 stfucr For nrore information c«J) (201)939- practice located at 20 Park Ave., week at a time at the camp during the fure has been complelely restored and 5425. Johson. Jr. Vice Commander; Robert Lyndhurst. a location he has been summer. Murphy. Quartermaster; Ralph Curry. features a classrtK>m scene from the I here is a new display about recre- at since 1990 He handles personal McPherson said that the Llks are in 1911 era. In previous years, the ation in I yndhurst. Chaplain; George Von Rapacki, Judge injury, estate planning, corporate real the process of trying to make Camp Advocate; Benjamia Kozlowksi, Sur- estate, matrimonies, planning board Moore a year-round program involv- geon; William Kozlowski, Adjutant; and zoning board issues, litigatiun. ing the boy scouts. Lyndhurst Police Blotter Marlene Feliz. Office of Day and Jo- He is also an attorney for the rent •(king able (o help the handicap is Pini ii' SUVA seph Catania, Guard. •"leveling brant in l.yndhurst and for Bach a rewarding feeling and ihc Elks THRKAT-A resident ol( leve- vVinslow.MotelonBuinertordAv- •tahd Avenue reported -hrrctHfrtw^f • Irene Curry was recently installed the cerebral palsy treatment center have been doing it for a long time," ^Htifrw ^*Ht" IS Ihe uatch was was threatening him mi June 20 as President of the Woman's Auxil- in Clifton. he said. reported stolen at 12:49 p J».
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