29732 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS August 21, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS OPENING OF THE WILLIAM SAND­ Ted Oswalt, Harry Martin, Michael Tay­ THE HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE ERS MEMORIAL RANGE AND PO­ lor, John Masterson, and Bruce Airhart. AND IMPEACHMENT LICE TRAINING AREA The range and training ground is in an abandoned gravel pit 40 feet below road level which has been partially HON. LEE H. HAMILTON HON. EARL F. LANDGREBE leveled off for its new use. On the OF INDIANA OF INDIANA grounds are 20 firing points with markers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at 7, 25, 50, and 100 yards, a lookout Tuesday, August 20, 1974 Tuesday, August 20, 1974 tower and gatehouse. Future plans in­ clude a riot training area, a Marine Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, under Mr. LANDGREBE. Mr. Speaker, police Corps obstacle course, paved road, office the leave to extend my remarks in the apprehending a fleeing armed criminal facilities, and 30 more firing points. RECORD, I include my Washington Report must make a dread decision: Whether to ''This old gravel pit is ideal for a firing entitled "The House Judiciary Commit­ shoot the dangerous criminal who may range," explained Sgt. Tom Taylor, who tee," which was written prior to Presi­ jeopardize the life of anyone in his way was instrumental in creating the training dent Nixon's resignation: but risk injury to innocent people from ground. "Stray bullets bury themselves THE HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITrEE AND stray police bullets, or whether to let the into the banks and it is located so the IMPEACHMENT criminal flee. extra noise and traffic we generate won't For the first time since 1868, and only the Fortunately, police rarely need to make second time in American history, a commit­ bother anyone." tee of the House of Representatives has rec­ that sort of decision. However, when Amazingly enough, in these days of ommended the impeachment of the Presi­ that dread moment comes, the five police increasing demands on tax dollars, the dent. This historic action of the House Ju­ agencies serving the greater Lafayette only cost to the taxpayer for this well­ diciary Committee captivated the attention area will be better trained to handle the planned facility has been $1 per year to of Americans as they watched the proceed­ situation. lease the 10% acres. The other costs ings on nationwide television. In September 1969, the Lafayette, West were assumed through donations of The consensus in Washington ls tha.t the Lafayette, Purdue, Tippecanoe County, House Judiciary Committee's six days of money, labor, and material from a large meetings were marked by the dignity and and Indiana State police departments number of local businesses and indi.. responsibility that the occasion demanded. began pooling their ingenuity and re­ vi duals. There were mistakes, of course, but, all in sources to build a firing range-training Sergeant Taylor explained: all, the Judiciary Committee's performance grounds area for their private use. Sgt. All this would not be possible without was reassuring no matter how one felt about Tom Taylor, of the Lafayette police the help of interested individuals and busi­ the final result. The Committee helped re­ force spearheaded a group of men who nesses in the community. store confidence in the politica.l process, made up the local police pistol combat especially the United States Congress, and team who decided to find out and build a Sergeant Taylor went on to say that deepened our understanding of the Constitu­ new police firing and training range. the reason that the group had been so tion. successful in raising public support was The members of the Judiciary Committee After raising over $84,000 in materials spoke with intelligence, debated with spirit, the manpower from local businessmen that he had explained to them, ''how demons,trated their anguish and conducted and others interested in the project, the everyone in this community will benefit themselves sensibly and conscientiously. facility was opened on July 27. from a better trained police force." He These members of diverse views and person­ The William Sanders Memorial Range said that the need for a better trained a.lities rose splendidly to the high occasion and Police Training Area was dedicated police force was increasing: and proved that the House can act respon­ Like everywhere else in the country, armed sibly as it tackles perhaps the most difficult on July 27 in a ceremony attended by the assignment in the practice of self-govern­ mayors of Lafayette, West Lafayette, and robberies, drug traffic and other crimes are up. I think that the fa.ct tha.t our a.rea. ment. The televised sessions of the Judiciary chiefs of police from the five agencies ls sandwiched between Chica.go a.nd Indian­ Committee served to contradict the charges who helped build the facility. The shot a.polls, now that Interstate 65 is opened, has that the committee is a kangaroo court or a which opened the firing range was fired a big influence on crime in this area. lynching party. by Mrs. William Sanders, widow of the The performance of individual members of benefactor who agreed to lease the The firing range and training ground the Committee was impressive. They were ground to the policy group for $1 a year. will enable the local police forces to be articulate, low-key, moderate, and frequently trained more adequately than in the past. eloquent. They were able men and women, It was during this ceremony that I pre­ not engaged in a partisan plot, but obviously sented the range committee with a U.S. Sergeant Taylor and other members struggling with a.n unpleasant, even sa.d, flag that had flown over the U.S. Capitol of the local police pistol team spear­ duty. in the name of the training area. headed the movement to establish the The Committee debate, which gave Amer­ The range and training area will be new range and training area. The team icans an extraordinary view of a congres­ used by the five major law enforcement from a relatively small community like sional committee at work, was alternately agencies responsible for the joint ven­ Lafayette has competed successfully inspiring and tiresome. It illustrated the against the top pistol teams in the coun­ characteristic wrangling of the legislative ture: Lafayette, West Lafayette, Purdue, process over words, procedures and politics. and Tippecanoe County police depart­ try. They placed first in the White After the high-blown rhetoric of each Com­ ments and the Indiana State Police. House Invitational Combat Match and mittee member's opening statement, the Other agencies that will make use of the have gone on to win matches in Boston; Committee debate refined the issue of im­ range are the FBI, the Indiana Excise Winter Haven, Florida; Columbus, Ohio; peachment. The charges relating to im­ Department, the State department of and class awards in the National poundment of funds, the secret bombing of natural resources--conservation de­ Pistol Championships. After the group Cambodia., campaign funds, tax deficiencies, lost their old training ground Sergeant and improvements on Sa.n Clemente faded, partment---Norfolk and Western and and the issues of abuse of presidentia.l power L. & N. Railroad detectives and police re­ Taylor and Thomas "Sherlock Holmes" and the coverup of Watergate misconduct serve units. A total of 300 officers are ex­ Sell decided to set up a new range. At emerged as the crucial issues. The articles of pected to use the range. The range is that time there were no academies for impeachment, as finally adopted by the Judi­ administered by a committee of 10 with new policemen to attend and officers ciary Committee, contain the central 2 members from each of the five major were given little or no training in the use charges. of guns, The result of their efforts is the Broad areas of agreement surfaced during agencies. the Committee debate. With a few excep­ Sgt. Thomas M. Taylor, Lafayette Po­ new range open for the use of policemen tions, the members accepted the standard lice Department is president of the com­ from all local departments. that only "grave offenses" of a kind "defi­ mittee. Others include: James Sell, Ward These men are to be commended on nitely incompatible" with the Constitution, Frey, Donald Rutter, Larry Bateman, their initiative. whether _criminal or not, would Justify the August 21, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 29733 · removal of a President. The Committee mem­ as significantly assist in reducing the versity of California at Davis, has been bers also agreed that the evidence must be outrageous inflationary spiral we live in a strong advocate of this legislation in "clear and convincing,'' a tougher standard of proof than "probable cause,'' but not so today, under the belief that not having order to more effectively carry out an­ rigid as a jury verdict in a criminal case that the program at all will be more of a help imal research. The measure is not su­ requires an individual to be found guilty in alleviating the taxpayer's :financial perfluous, but will add greatly to the im­ "beyond all reasonable doubt." burdens. proved quality of our animal and sea Moving through unchartered territory, I, therefore, am disappointed and op­ life production. members of the Committee divided on funda­ posed to President Ford's recent veto of A basic economic principle that we mental questions. What is the definition of H.R. 11873, the act authorizing the Sec­ should keep in mind establishing Fed­ "high crimes and misdemeanors," specified retary of Agriculture to encourage and eral spending priorities, under an infla­ in the Constitution as the basis of impeach­ ment? Did the evidence show that the Presi­ assist States in carrying out programs tionary period, is to invest in those areas dent had committed an impeachable offense? of animal health research.
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