Vol. XXII, No. 6 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] October 30, 1919 Endowment Fund Goal Increased from Five to Ten Millions Generals Wood and Bell to Aid Cornell Campaign Alumni Consider Problems of Col- lege of Architecture Baseball C Men to Consider Coach- ing Problem on November 15 Football Team Loses to Dartmouth at the Polo Grounds Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August at 220 E. State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscriptions $3.60 a year. Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act βf March 3, 1879, at the postoffice at ITHACA, NEW YORK; CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Drawing Inks Executor Trustee HEMPHILL, NOYES & Co. Eternal Writing Ink Chartered 1822 Investment Securities Engrossing Ink 37 Wall Street, New York «««.«•;« Ό Tanrine Mucilage Boston Philadelphia Buffalo THE FARMER'S LOAN Scranton_ , Albany Wlggin SDrawin g Board Paste Liquid Paste AND TRUST COMPANY Jansen Noyes J10 Office Paste Charles E. Gardner Vegetable Glue, Etc. Nos. 16-22 William Street Stanton Griffis '10 Branch: 475 Fifth Ave. Clifford Hemphill Member New York ABE THE FINEST AND BEST at 41st Street Stock Exchange INKS AND ADHESIVES New York Emancipate yourself LONDON PARIS from the use of cor- rosive and ill-smelling ITHACA" inks and adheβives Letters of Credit and adopt the Higgins inks and adhesives Foreign Exchange They will be a revela- tion to you, they are Cable Transfers Libraηti Building 123 N.Tto&a Street so sweet, clean, and well put up and withal so efficient. Administratoi Guardian NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS At Dealers Generally Member Federal Reserve Bank and New The Cornell Society of Civil York Clearing House Engineers maintains a Registra- Charles M. Higgins & Co., tion Bureau. Complete records of 2,pOO Cornell men are on file. Manufacturers. Employers may consult these rec- ords without charge. If preferred, 271 NINTH ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y. Business Is Good we will recommend a man to fill Branches: CHICAGO, LONDON You CAN AFFORD to come to Ithaca for pour needs. that suit or Tuxedo. REGISTRATION BUREAU Write for samples. 30 East 42nd Street Kohm ίδ> Brunne Room 916 New York City gJSO E. State St. Phone Murray Hill 3075 ROMEIKE PRESS CLIPPING Cascadilla School SERVICE GRADUATES GO TO CORNELL Wanzer &L Howell College Preparatory School is prepared to supply you with A High-Grade Boarding School for Boys current information from the The Grocers newspapers and magazines on Summer School whatever subject may interest Quality—Service July to September, especially for Col- you. Be it politics, ,be it busi- lege and University Entrance ness, be it science, there is mailed Examination-fit. to you daily just what you want Special Tutoring School to read from Private-Instruction in Any Subject 3000 newspapers Throughout the Year. 1000 magazines Jewelers Trustees F.C.Cornell ErnestBlaker C.D.Bostwiek PRESS CLIPPINGS are becom- ing more and more a necessary R. A. Heggie & Bro, Co, Our 1919-80 Catalog will appeal to adjunct to progressive businesses. 136 B. State Street sohoolboy you are trying to "If it's in the papers Ithaca, N. Y. interest in Cornell A postal will bring it. we get it out" We have a full stock of Diamonds, Jew- elry, Art Metal Good s, etc., and A. M; Drummond, M. A., Director, ROMEIKE make things to order. Ithaca, N. Y. is synonymous with press clipping service. Henry Romeike, Inc. ITHACA TRUST COMPANY ASSETS OVEB THREE MILLION DOLLABS 106-08-10 Seventh Avenue Prβ Charles E Treman Vice-Pre ., Franklin 0. Cornell Vίcβ-'Preβ., Bmionβ L. TOlliam Vice-Free, and Sec., W. H. Storms New York Treasurer, Sherman Peer CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XXII, No. 6 Ithaca, N. Y., October 30, 1919 Price 12 Cents N enthusiastic crowd filling about October 23. Of these sixty are light Mallery '21, of Owego, N. Y.; and W, half of the auditorium gathered draft horses and the remaining twenty- S. Holt '20, of Brooklyn. In the semi- A in Bailey Hall on Saturday to eight are cavalry horses for riding. All finals Eeid and Fisher defeated Mallery hear the returns from the Dartmouth are black. They come fuotm the First and Holt; and in the finals Eeid de- feated Fisher in three out of four sets game. As the bulletins were read, the Division of the United States Army, r the scores being 7-5, 4-6, 6-2, 6-3. This plays were traced in colors on a black- being among the horses both draft and is the second time that these players board. Between bulletins there was sing- mount used in the parades of that di- have met in the finals of the University ing led by Eric Dudley and music by vision in New York and Washington. tournament, and on both occasions Eeid the cadet band led by George L. Cole- They are to be kept in stables recently has come off victorious. man. The cheerleaders had an oppor- provided by the University. Instruction tunity for acrobatic practice indoors. in the care and maintenance of the LECTURES DURING THE PAST WEEK in- Meantime from Schoellkopf Field came horses and in riding begins this week, clude "A. Trip Through Phrygia and the yells of the freshmen, sometimes well to be followed by work in various forms Cappadocia" by Dr. W. T. M. Forbes suited to the news from New York. of mounted duty. before the Agassiz-Club "Present Ten- dencies of Thought in Europe" by Dr. THE SOUTHERNERS^ CLUB has been re- PROFESSOR ALBERT C. PHELPS, of the George W. Nasmyth '06 before the organized with a membership of about College of Architecture, is scheduled to Ethics Club; ''The Coming Science of thirty. The aims of the club are pri- deliver two lectures at the Metropolitan Acoustical Engineering" by 'Professor marily social, the fostering of more in- Museum of Art on January 3 and 10, Vladimir Karapetoff before the Society timate association among students from pn '' The Charm of English Gothic of Electrical Engineers; and an address the South, and to this end the provision • Architecture'' and '(The English Chap- to the freshman debate club by Presi- of dances and entertainments. Only ter House." On January 17 and 24 dent Schurmaii. On Monday and Tuesday those students are eligible to member- the lecturer will be Professor E. Ray- of this week Percy Mackaye, Harvard ship whose hoαnes are south of Mason mond Bossange, formerly of Cornell, '97, traveler and poet, gave readings, and Dixoii's Line. The president of the now of the Carnegie Institute of Tech- with comment, from his work in com- club for this year is William Douglas nology, Pittsburgh. Ellis, of Atlanta, Georgia, who is a munity drama. A BURGLARY on the night of October 22 senior in Sibley College. Miss CLARIBEL NYE, of the Depart- is reported by the Delta Upsilon Fra- ment of Domestic Science at Cornell, THE GALLERY of the Lyceum Theater ternity. The thieves made off with five lectured before the Housewives' League will henceforth be closed to men. Two gold watches, about a hundred dollars of New Orleans on October 17, on the explanations for this new policy of the in small change, a motorcycle, and a subject of breadmaking, and subse- management are offered in the local number of small articles easily picked quently acted as chairman of a commit- press. One report says that the action up, stickpins, pens, and shoes. There is § tee of judges in a bread-baking con- is taken because of the large number some reason for believing that the rob- test, in which some 1,600 women took of wctaieii in attendance at the Univer- bers were familiar with the house. It part. sity and at the Conservatory of Music, appears also that many, if not and therefore, by implication, the greater imost fraternity lodges, perhaps rooming THE ASSOCIATION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS demand among women, for gallery seats. houses as well, are left unlocked at night, has organized for the coming year. Another paper reports an outburst of so that entrance by sneak thieves is Henry John Benisch '20, of Brooklyn, roλvdyiεm on Saturday evening, October easy. Everybody therefore has again is the new president, ,and Leonard C. 18, after the Colgate game, when a com- been warned by the police to make all Urquhart '09 Faculty adviser. At the pany of comedians were received with buildings more secure against robbery. organization meeting Dean Haskell spoke catcalls and gradually increasing uproar on the re-establishment of the honor A STUDENT last week fell about forty and for the first time in several years system as it was before the war. Colonel feet off the bank of Fall Creek Gorge were pelted with fruit and eggs. "Why Henry E. Lordly '93 spoke of the great near the buildings of the Ithaca' Gun the disturbance was allowed to con- value both in colleges and among engi- Company. Since he alighted on a pile tinue has not been published. It appears neers in practice of The Cornell Civil of sawdust, his injuries were so slight that no arrests were made. Manager Engineer. that after a day or two at the Infirmary Gutstadt's declaration about the future THE CORNELL ANNUALS announce the use of the gallery is emphatic. he was able to go about his work as election of George A. Benton, jr., '19, usual. PROFESSOR WALTER F. WILLCOX has of Spencerport, N. Y., as associate busi- THE TENNIS TOURNAMENT came to an ness manager. He was a member of been reelected president of the Ithaca 'Social Service League. Other members end on October 22. As a result of the the Annuals staff before entering the preliminary matches the four men who service.
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