THECOPYRIGHT, 1887, BY THE SPORTING Lint PUBLISHiwfl Co. SPORTING LIFEENTIRID AT PHILA. POST OFFICE AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. VOLUME 9, NO. 19. PHILADELPHIA, PA., AUGUST 17, 1887. PKICE, FIVE CENTS. 2:10 before the season is over. Jay Eye See makes hi s theMeta are for Caylor and the Athletics would like no means certain that it has a good case in base ball first public effort in two yean at Taylor'a Park on to see H. H. Diddlebock get the place. Wikoff i j law. It art-nea tbat there is no proof tha' ibere wan a Saturday, August 27. THE MEETINGS. good man, aad will go in on the flnt ballot. He ii priw binding agreement betw.-eu Dcir.it and the LATE NEWS. from a city wlit-re there it no ba-:e ball club, THE BEAM CASE. aud bis I'lnyore, and tbat if there was, snch proof baa not yet THE DETROIT-NEW YORK DISPUTE. fairness in the position that he occupies cannot be bt-rn forthcoming, as all negotiations appear to have questioned." conducted with ihe Alientowu Club. It further h;i]ds The Wolverines to Make a Strong Fight lor Prltchard and Cay lor are still in the racp,thongh des­ that it all comes down to a question <.f whether Reports of Deals From the Forfeited Game. Speculations as to the pite Mr. Phelps1 confident a&ertions the former Bad Feeling Being Engen­ thi- Alleutown Club was or was not under tbe openly and tho Utter under cover. Special to SPORTING LITE. Diddlebock, bow- p-otecliou of the National Agreement at the time the ever, has no earthly show. His record is sadly against players were so fr e with thtir Bi^mUurts. If it was Louisville. DETROIT, Aug. 13. The Detroit Club will League's Motives him and It is surprising that his name should be men­ dered Over It. Detr.,it'ficl.im isuUai ly valid, if it waa not, Cincinnati make a vigorous fight on the question of the tioned in the samo breath with euch men as Pritchard has the 'eg-il ri_'bt to the men. There's room for acon- game New York forfeited to Detroit. President and Caylor. Still more surprising is it tbat he should aiderablrt dijlerence of opinion as to tho Allentown actually delude himself into the belief that he could Club's status, and the proper triburaltoposa upon fluid Changes at Indianapolis An­ Stearns has sent a lot of testimony to President In Calling a Special Meeting at <m-r be elected. That he should seriously contemplate The Association Aggrieved at Young to be read before the board of directors Mlatneirf tbe arbitration c.numittie, which alone; has juch a possibility shows glaringly his uttor lack of jurisdiction in a matter aflectiug the relation of ouo other Club After Ward on the 15th inst., when the appeal of the New This Time The Forthcom­ tudgment and consequent unfituess for the office on President Young's Cava­ League to another. The Association also insists that Yorks will be heard on the game awarded tbe sbis count alone. Mr. Younj,'hasffreatly exceeded his authority in the Detroits by Umpire Valentine. The testimony premise'; that nis duty was merely clerical; that he ing Association Meet. MISFORTUNES GAI-OKE. Doescher Quits, Etc. includes the statement of three reputable phy­ lier Treatment. should have promulgated the releases and sn-'pensioua asw-Dt him instead of trying to quietly sm-jtuir the sicians, who happened to occupy seats in the The Blind Godess Particularly Spiteful To­ matter, and that thc-nauappeul could have Itten made SPECULATIONS. grand stand on the day the game in question was The special meeting of the National League ward Hackett and His Once Merry Men. Neither Mr. Nick Young, in his dual capacity in duo form to the arbitration committee for HU fmuie- begun. They were near enough to Gore so that board of directors, at Asbury Park, N. Y., to­ NEWARK, N. J., Aug. 11. Editor SPORTING as president of the Arbitration Committee aad diate settlement of the question without piejudiceor they heard him say to Capt. injury to either p-irty." The Talk of Selling Out the Club—What Ward, after tbe ques­ morrow (Monday), will be the event of the LIFE: If ever hard luck followed a club of the National League, nor the Detroit Club Ptielps Values it at—A New Player Se­ tion of his retirement had beon discussed several min­ WIKOFF AXD utes, that he was all right and willing to go ahead, week. The subject announced for especial con­ through the season it has followed Hackett's have shown the Cincinnati Club and the Ameri­ PHKLPS ANGRT. cured, Etc. but Ward would not allow it. The testimony of several sideration is th3 disputed New York-Detroit boys. One mishap after another has overtaken can Associntion proper consideration and cour­ The remarks above quoted about represent the gen­ Special to SPOBTIXG LIFE. of tho Petruit pluyers was sent on to show tbat tbe game of June 27, which Umpire Valentine for­ tesy in the Beatin case, eral t-entiraciit uf the Association members s-> far a* them in such rapid succession tbat at no time and a very ugly feeling heard from, «nl even (he usually placid Mr. President LOUISVILLE, Ky., Au?. 13. There i3 much ball with which G-.»re claimed to have been hurt was a feited to the Detroits because the Giants in­ since May has been aroused which may yet provo the en­ grounder and had spent nearly all ita force by the have they been without at least three Wikoff h.w bueii stirred up as he was never tttined up peealntion over the rumor that the Louisville sisted upon being allowed to substitute another cripples, and at one time no less than six were tering wedge for serious trouble. In fact, the before, judging from a lengthy telegram to Nick Base time it reached tbe New York centre fielder. If the ball Ball Club will be sold out to a syndicate of had bit him it is claimed that it could not have player for Gore, who, it is alleged, was tem­ sick or disabled. If Hackett was noi one of the Detroit Club appears to be violating the Na­ Youns?, in which he intimated ia plain language Ing capitalists. Tt is known tbnt such a plan has caused the Injnry which he claimed it did. porarily disabled in attempting to field a batted great managers of the day he would certainly tional Agreement and is sustained therein by St-niiment*, to ihe effect that the actiou of the Detroit umn igement was an open aud flagrant violation of the betn concocted by several base ball magnates Gaiizall, who waa playing with the Detroits, states ball to centre field. The board of directors con­ have been discouraged weeks ago. To add to the that high official, Mr. Young. The facts of the who urge that the club U too strong for a poor positi^ly that tbe ball htnick Gore's hautl-t fairly and Nittioual Agreement and positive act.on must t.etiken sists of Messrs. Nimick, of Pittebarg; Stearns, of list, Cantz had his nail torn off in tbe Jersey dispute between Detroit and Cincinnati over at ouce; and further, tlmt forbearance his c< as^d to he ball town like Louisville. One scheme is to pur- touch.'d no other part ofhiabody. Gore threw the Dull into tbe diamond uti'i then lai-1 dowu on tbe grass and Detroit; Day, of New York; Reach, of Philadel­ City game of the 9th inst., and Fields, our Beatin and Kinslow, the Allcntown battery, ap­ a virtue, aud he prr.pcwd that the A^x-wti,.n shall chaee the Louisville franchise, playerj and all, feigned sickness. The Detroits also make tie cla:m phia; and Mr. Young. Messrs. Stearns and Day, heaviest batter, was struck on the ear with a peared in these columns two weeks ago, and at havt its rights or know thj reason why. Mr. Young'a and plant the team in one of the Eastern cities. tb»t Umpire Valentine's decision in the matter is final as interested parties will, of course, have no reply h.is uot yet com*? to hand. pitched ball that knocked him insensible. He that time THE SPORTING LIFE volunteered the Chairman Phelps t-ays eniphaticallv: "The Detroits If such a strong club as the LouUvilles were and they would have had to abide by it if it had been voice in forming a decision. It is extremely lias since been under the care of physicians and is opinion that the Detroit Club appeared to have again«t the home club. The refusal of Valentine have ci-rtainly viola'od the Natkmal Agreement in transferred to New York, for instance, what a probable that a full delegation of League mag­ kept under auasstht tics to relieve him from tbo ter­ the better right to the players. And from all the worst iK>ssiblo manner, no matter whether they great drawing card it would to allow Gore to retire from the game the Detroits rible pain in his head. He will not be be. The team claim was not tbe result of any argument on the nates will be present and thut other and more that has since developed we eee no reason to are en!i led to the playt-r or not. I do not think the would soon become a formidable rival to the able to play again for some time, if at League 04 a body-will Indorse »uch an actb-u.
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