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. •• Puget Sou~~> Argus. Y=O==l.~x:r:=I~V::==.=_===~??~.o=r~t:T:O=\=v=n=se=]=y1~f~,·~W~=.T:.:=.,;'r:r:h~~U~·=C=l=a=y=,=A=.=p=r=j=l=Q=6=,=1=8=8=3=.====N=()=.l=l 'I'1ll:: • I _, .• Frtllnlbll 0.11",. .r.. in ftllttery. Buving played over two »1J!:D. D~D. t) 'Snll1iU 8lingolhlll\wdueL mouths ill Viotoria to good hOllHC!t Weekly Argus. At ;'·"tlt;bl~. WI,.:ecm CIIlIn\J'". W. ToO "tl.I~I. In 1111. d:~. flll Ihe :'-"h In.\., )IU1 l'I •• ~".or A ftn6 oow belonging l.o Mr. Oro, DM­ we beKI)Cak them good bOllllt!K hen-, I~ 1'L'BLI811EIJ Il\'Ult\· TIIl!W-lIJ",,, i~~1;..Ifa'::I ~:;~~~.;li~~~::l;':~:rl~~'J~;:': BUell I \~~~)k.~l Wllllkl\\', .:'~'l! In J""'~ """""'unll tbrop died YCflterUlIy. t'auliO ullknuwn. We IU'e glll<l to soo Yukiu Olleo again. At Pl,ltt l'owll!J(lud,\Vllllhi ugton Territorr 1'1Irclltnll!Olici~lttlu anl! dothw'" Ulcdi· I 1\11'''' Willldow WUlJ boru io Lo"'oll, Quito n lJ.umbur of I):>c>plo Brauml bero 'l'he pill)" hOne Htmdrcd Ago" will cino!! wen, ulikJ Illlnvllilinll. Dl!nlh ~[llf;".! F'eurllnry 5th. l8.i7.lIm} w". the IUI.o 01141 .. Wtl lympathi:lit-LnvQ CD.,! c1ftilUcd QlIl'littlll unilinJr,800. look her l'l~efJt {llullChtcr of tho 11Ile~oelUttJaoe oui;leU. he gi\'en in Good TelJlplnrs' H&1l on Fridll,)' an(1 Saturday liCIt lor tbo Ir •.-' JIm I'I'hret· ,no"'I1 .. ttum Ullt holplCll8 UIl.t<l. Blle wn" lin un· \\. FoJK6, ?f Dover, N. H:' o. tbe 811t Warrto Ulllitiows i~ UO'Wll lrom Sollt. ~l'('~~~li":,:':.:.... Uill UlI'J munth .. °mllmllJ brilol'ht and intolligent child, tlm Mltrel,l, 18.1s., ./lbe was marred ~nk ~ie on It .,i8it.. It Sl<ema OiJ tbou"'1 /l benutii. of the publio llCboolli. All um l:illl;ln enl'r. 10 cent•. rellerv~ (lrilill 01 our henrl8, with Illli"pOllitiull ~ H. WIIll~low III Boelon, Masa. In 'allou, oatmlnillht ImnlM!nm 1188 ~ruclr to. !l illvitet.i. Tioket! 60 conts, fT ,\I>"'r' III AIl>'''llCl', -fJ /tuq6lio lhnt 1111 wl.lo allw her 1·'r!\:lllor. lt1'y, 18611, they left Ikl1ton. for Saa Fru,,-, Wll. ll.entM $1. To bo hud at Plumlller & Her ilInC30l l!\Mtnd but n fow dnrlj, 1111(1 ci/ICo, 0 ..1., nnd r08illinqthcro bu.tasll\)r~ Ree:~rvetl hO,ku~ for thl/ IlCh~,1 Vla.v 'l'eny'i1. Il.\TI!.8 "..- ,\1J\,RltTl:;{:"iO: WIIS 1l1111pc>Pt.'d nt first to be n more C(llll. limo they lett JlmllAry 271 1fIJ1; lor .~r~ 4J01~U' oft' llkobot oAkO). AtIlnmmer , (JM !nrll.llulllloerlllll1 ,, $1.:.0 ~lJrt ----- Otwt.lnIJil1¥ into momLrnnOOli/t cronlJ, it DiilCtl\'{!r)', WlIllhlolCt1JQ. 'l\trilory, ' ferr)'II; everybody 8h.>UIJ. buy Olle, "'••tlle. Depert, . ~Ieh ,~b"",n~llt In.~rtl,"n· , ....•. , r~I _~ lil-rmin'.ll ~rl1h'llI;o' jn 0 b.::Wf thOe. P\:Or III tbe b.1."k Ann 1'II1'ry,.oa~b."'M"T.~.. ..1'r~ ):eiII1l~Q..4wka.ll·,ly ~ U1' [.Q.YJ#.r..lLTaI n', 'J "".....:._.... ... t OItu hflrlt!lIillfU \I;" II) lllI011R1II'->Ol~1Hl. 1<'" ...lbtII:tOlO1Pluilld ,,:!"C'lI,II. Iitlle "Birdie!" How Ilid our hoarlollll'O f)'re. 'rhey Rrrh-&J. in Purl, Di~cu.or1 (..'Og'IllI11 to JOo"l or thi'l P 10":0 of lhill APlllL ~ 1883.-Nuu D,u; [On. m.J hJIL~1I0 l~ll. th~ ',AU A':C<'lIllt.tjS'cttlcd .lfolilMy. no (-lin rebrllRry j,t l€OJ, end her IlI1uoom1 be- oouutry'onll of YMrl,!. !t'W:llI thonght -'l'ompcrntllre modernte; ellHt Vt'illd;. n~ .-\rri\ iug homo 011 WeduCll(la .... \\-0 ing in lhe ('mpIOf of Ihe mill oompnny or nlllutl Ilt Ell'pdmlllt:l: I'wl 1I(,IIIr cloor. L12 m.]-Clollt;modo.rltte tern· 1'111; hn\-e receivell tho mOo1t prufnfiO c·lI:lJr~. there, thl.'~· remnined Ibero nlxllIt nine beant, or ieelX'r;.r:i lind bt>r~l'll KU(l,CS, ot Ilt'rlttllrf-', \"intl ~outh l'tll'lt. • lJionl 01 f'I}'lJlpalhy from IlII siul'8: hilt. ~'f'I\TS, n portiun of wllirh timo MI'8. tl\l~kucl!ll nUll lll'~uln:ioo. I A IlIml all Daily Argus aIM! Whilo it ia I!OOthing to n'0l1ll11lld Winslow WIIS tho onl)' white 'lfomOIl iu \I:JI~c.h tbo 81m rtlJioerl, nnd \vheru POtlT AS-O£LOII.- [9 a. m.}-ClondYi 4Hlllt. calm. [12 rn.]-Clollr; lllodf.'.rute tom 1~.'Ul:,(" heartn t,. know tllnt 1l11,l'l'lI nrc touched lho pll1('c. Her h{!lIrt. ami l18nd were olvIll%Cll ptOOlllo could hnrlll)' Af· with n felloW' foeling in our srjot, yet m'er open lind willinlJ to minister to tile n time raruorij flf rioh r,'JIII Ji:;;:,ill~" pernturo; wind light, cast. tho nlJOlCut 0110 cnnnilt ho I'Cdlortltl tll It". 8Ilrr"'rint: nnd 11istre!'lied, nnd whOre thore commenced to circulnlu auJ II ftlw hllrtl~' No r~port from Py80ht. umillur ollj,tllieh."triokcll M)1I1" Hlle Ho. Wlt~ I;icknesl thero Mrfl. Winslow "'Ilt to nd\'cntnrera lI'f'llt III' I1l1d l,r('~IIf'(lI~:1 Uoa ~(l;; NeAll B.\y, April Tem W DuJiverol by m'lil Ot carrier. 011('1 lJ1Qllrl\illlf for II f cbiltlren, rcftlilo he fWllIJ (lOing nll in her power to nllB- e?untry, Tbo rOl:>y-h Ie.! tot I,'i", I UIO lUOtl:>r,ltc; oolm and cloudy' to W oomforte..!. OrlO plnol!lllt ollr tiro. vinle 811!fering humnnity. Hnvill~ no clrcu!Kt601 oau!l~1111 rll'ill to thnt ro~ioll 1:>M'ntnro lilUII"C:Kll'I'ltlS ""1'1;'" I!ille is Vll{!lInt; lier lilllo plll)'thine'!l ore uhiltlroll ur her own hor henrt wns Inrgc t~nt hM illcr~nM!l1 to CI\I):lIl11lll4 11rOI)(Jr­ 112' In.j 'fl-'lllperlltlire modcrak'. tJ'aJUr 1),'Il, 'I'!II'I-'" IR'lIllh $! ~"" Light l~SE Willd~ wondy. 81J .JUtl'l.. _•..•..•\.11 I (111,\ 111'111111 .•• - •• - I.\~j 111111 ,{\t; lho merry IlrnUlo Ilf htlf chilJ. r.noujJh to 10\'0 nIl ohildren with \I'hom tll1nS, !lutl tllll1 801l801l will probnhly ill' In .\d. 'IK~. ish "oico i", hUlIlultl foravor! But Th.lnth ahu clime in oontoot, IIUd. nlter Mr, \VOl-H.I urclise 1U0ro tllIm a\'er. Alrt'IItI>' thill P'UCUTJ AIJril20.-f8 u, m.]Cloudy. rr I~r lI'o!<tll. ~~ t~III'; <:fIllUlloll~ ClIlOdn IWN)' htls nol mhbt.'l.lult eotirely ot alii' child- mO"NI'ds fnmily thero hilililtlo clnugh- month two IItenmahiplI hn\'u lelt Ilonl r.... r ~bifl "'lIlllnl~1' '1'\'lUJ)orr.tnrl".41l; winds 8Outb; ul1l~' I'CllIovt'A1 her to thu Illmrly ilntcfJ ou ror" Mnmio" nS('(i 10 colI ber by the Alll~kn with rreillht "nd pn88CllgeNl, find and bark sailing west. ~hore, thCf,'Oltion "\}ore we kllow ril.e nnme or "Anntie Fr"nk," bv wbic:h dnrllJ.lrthunl!Iltwo monthll M)'rindll of [12 m.l Cloudy; moooroto temper­ will WRit. ber litllu henrt Bglow wilh t'J::. Dlime the chil.l1ren over kUIlIV her during people wm llook tbero. Of these n few nttrre-44; wiud BE. Two schooners pt"Ctlltioll, r"r lilOllO left on earth. Sbe, her Ion" relillolloO tberp. III 1870 bor mllY got fortunu!'I. many will die in their :'l'll'tI" •.-I.I'",ral ~"lIlUll'~\flll' ""II 1M ftllo"~d passing east alld 01)0 west. rt U.'II. ll~"I·"""IIU.K l,n",,,,~ whu "Ill ....L K" wilh her lilllo bab)' brother who wnfl ~usbnll(~ moved to Po.rl TowWltlml, 1m", IItllg"lee for WClllth, rmd Iho rast will re­ =-~~r,t~'::: ~1~."r~:l ;:~l::~.II\~tl~~~~~'::'r ~\l~;:'~ IlIlPollltmoDt [nSlleo, h~rn thoy I [;',1 onlled nwny IMl NO\'omber, bave Acor- IU6l' .rt'Cl'llved lUI 8A poorer tban "'heu 8tartOO. 'l'hill 8e.Ule ••11 ....11. etl7~,~:llll"~"L~~,~~\:,'.t'If:~~:~llf~~~ .n:'kll:lel~~~'~r"I~;.': IUIie. !lflr iuuur hcnrt8 tbat will remnin llralln tor III ,the l..1lAtOln H 'where Ihe>' wJ11 but repORt tho C-XllOriellce orall thOM [Speoial By 'felcgraph1 l\IQllly. ~.'''III" l:.'l,le. t<llll fr~'lollllllllllfiClulI, /lllltlll~ n~ IllOlnUry throws hcr tUlJllrilil llR\'oevcr linoo rC8illed. MI'& Winllow ~ho hnvc dol.ed tor the procioull metals ,Al.U:~ Wt-:lH, SEATTLf:, Apri120,-l'bo poople or nrounll t1lOll0 o1JjccLol or our RUllI'cme wBit (I:'drnvllgnnlly tond of flowol'l', nIH) In tbe bOlKllll of mother enrth. Kill! f"UNd /'rPJllrj~t"r. Seuttle mot Mr, Villard today by lip' IlJT...'Ctioll, it '11.',"" hor deli.l:~ht to cullh'olc IIml I,/row 'l'ho Wilmington Inid hero for !leverol poinlmellt Bnd offered him $150,000 r TerrHorllll OnJeers. 'rho IllIltlrnlooourl'Ol1 011 Woouo!l(I,,)' tho choiC()lIt kill\b, p"rtieulnrly tb080 honrs >'O!Ifenlny dilCburJlinij' frl'i,l(ht, hnv. nttmnMlI from Ihe AI, E. clmrcb, Hov. which c.... nld bn llltl'd Ilnd wero mORt no· inu h:tdo.,eronehuotlred toM for Water. to build a standard guago rolltl rrolD 0,\'0'"""'. W'II ..... ~~wtll. Ol}'mlllll, $. n, 'l'cltld 9lUcintiol{, Illljjillird b Hov uuptllblc iu dl!(.'Om~luiC tbe conlua Hnd mnn It Katz. She unlouded nt the Sel\ttle to coal fields .ia Oroen rivf'\r -r..o.'r4rh:-' II.

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