Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 8-31-1950 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1950). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3970. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/3970 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. R. L. Roberts dtecuased methode --------------------------­ THE BULLOCH Bulloch of plunUng Coastal Bermuda on HERALD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1950 County his Iu rru, us well us lhe lespcdezn, 10VCI'S, und Dnllia gl'asB. rescue, Soil News - The Bulloch Farmers Make A extension Herald m, D, lexunder, ng· Conservation Printing It.ad Bulloch County'. ronomlst Irorn A 1 hen s, Ga., Pasture Tour polnted out lhut tho need f'or Tli. Herald'. Leading fertfllzer hnd been properly stress­ By J. R. K.lly THE BULLOCH HERALD ••• $2,50 A YEAR Those attending, the pnsturo cd MI'. Roberts when h stated -HERALD by BULLOCH Ad. .THE .... A. P. N.w.paper course week heard rann­ E, J womack. Murphy, short last he hnd used u bout us much fertfl­ nnd J. R. co­ el'A who hove and 1". C. Pnl'l(el', Kelly, good pnsturea lzcr pCI' HOI'C 011 his pasture ns he with the recommend the operntors Ogeeohee River Plct",.. pasture specialists had on colton and about as high GEORGIAPlc� of th. DEDIC.4T�D TO 'fHE PROGRESS OF STATESBORO A.ND BVLLOCH COVNTY SOil conservuuon have usc of Coastal Bermuda on the Both District, ns the cotton hod. - grude --­ purchased a coaatal ber­ -- NOW SHOWING high lands, with Dixie Crimson thut soil tests be made and recently Ill'geel SLAVE winter und muda grnss planter. This planter "TARZAN and the GIRL" VOLUKEX GEORGIA, AUGUST 1950 clover (01' the gmzlng t.hut lime And be STATESBORO, THURSDAY, 31, NUMBER .2 phosphate npplled vanessu Brown und whltc clover will put out fert.iltzer and plant Lex Barker, lespedeza bclng ns recommended. nil AI"SO- on lhe tower lands. the gross uniformly In one kept Slileh Tuesday Afternoon Henry and Latest WOI'ld News certatn opernuon. Cartoon For grazing during carried lhe 801110 250 fellows who - - - - - S.H.S. Fol' A. P. has _ SATURDAY of the yeur. rescue nnd u I' MIII'phy planted ap­ Pri-mitive periods mct at his on tou of the Faculty place "Kiddle white Ladlano clov­ proximately 30 acres with the Come Join the Party" Baptists Begin clover, usually 190 acres he has In pastures and INVESTIGATE Statesboro Tobacco 1 S Features! Marl{et He the Two Het on land And plowed up gr8.8S Big er, planted reru!c then finished Ute tour by telling plnutur. a bermuda BANDIT" Is Named fertllfzed were recommend­ with grass plow, raked "THE WYOMING THI OPPOITUIiITID 1950-51 highly them how hc the vnrfous Bible Conference And kudau planted It with u side rake and Alan (Rocky) Lane cd. Serecla lespedcza delivery Starring orr.IIDIY 3-Day cows The some 180 Iat it In sacks, It .. AND were atao recommended fOI' some plants. sacked took approxi T.I lands, the serecln on the hard 01' stnnding In uic ueuruy snnoc wre ma tell' 3 �ir saoks of gl'ass to plant "EVERYBODY'S DANCING" nil acre. The plnnter has three ad .. Spude Cooley AtTC firm solis and the kudzu on the oil the evidence needed to buck lip Statl'lng fOI' spacing the grass And Sons of the Pioneers U. S. MARINE CORPS Pounds, justments Wednesday,Sept.5 $5�173�420 rf�����f::����:ic;��f.�:.:�g�f�.11.�969�468Is for the thinner 50115. ]\'11'. Blitch's story. His pastures, complete except specch and a regulator to ----SUNDAY-...:.-­ depth regulate The annual session of the Primitive eacher. Th e fu II facu It Is: •• t y ·---------------------------------- ---::--- thirty-second Bap- With four more sale on the Statesboro tobacco _ the depth of planting. HGUN CRAZY" days ' tist Bible Conference will be held at Teachers Col- The full faculty Includes: .... Georgia the market John .... it is indicated that Dall, Peggy Cummings M�RINE First Grade, MIss Bertha Ha· market, including today, 111<0 Mr. Roberts', were producing RECRUITER HERE 1 Tuesd Wed and of next week. Also Curtoon and Novelties ege ay, nesday, Thursday MI·s. M. B. Lester and Mrs. here will lead the state this in lots or beef per acre. gins, again year poundage. - The aeaston will Tues.. - - be Livestock - - - A, Growers M.-4 M. opened _ .And '" TUES. FRIDAYS, P. Hal second Miss -------. HERALD WANT ADS MON. 19 Roach; grade, wtth sales estlmaled Mr. Blitch had fescue on high d at 10 a. m, with Mr. H. A. yeaterduy'a "THE BIG HANGOVER" ay • • Reta Lindsay, Mrs. HollIs Cannon and lowland, where it was fertil­ Tech. Sgt. Norman St.evenson, of of Fla" Itt 165,000 pounds, the total Hales Van Johnson, Elizabeth Taylor Baker,' ohalrman, Tampa nnd Mrs. Arlene B. Marlin; thlrd serlcea on the - Ye Olde MISS MATI'IE'S PLAYHOUSE Ized highly; some land Southeastern Dtvts­ and Dr. Charles McAr- Ior the amount to A'M'ENTION Wagon - Recruiting presiding, B.P.WoG season - 0ra Franklin and ]],969,- - Miss Miss - WEDNESDAY -_ T••C Prof grade, Dealers On Rates that had washed nahlon of the U, S. Can't Sponsors After at Miss Mattie's Marine of chatr- Wheel-Antiques Clientele. 'fhe Klndergarten pretty badly; Corps, thur, Cord.I., assistant Bessie fourth Mias 468 rOI' orn- Agree Mal'lln; grade, pounds $5,173,420,55. KINGS M.EN" I, . , , on "ALL THE Su.cI. always fashion smarl 1 we shall new will reopen 4 Coastal Bermuda the other with district man. September occupy Playhouse Sept. office in Savannah, Earle Lee and Mrs. Marilyn D. At a of a Broderick Crawford, Jonnne Drew end Natural Is oul Follow Own Note , clnls snles through Tuesday of this joint meeting livestock growers committee on U. S. 30] Christian high land, along with Dixie Crim­ B,ldg. rlghl Sho'v and bigger quarters Sturdy, self-reliant, this week announces that he will Salem; fifth Mrs. Mattie Rated "Excellent" by All Critics for the will be EI- grade, HillblOlly w celt amounted to and local auction and a Speakero day 11,804,468 livestock market held neal' the entrance. Look churncler Is our aim. son and lespedeza then his franl wll� smarl array of Ih. A G.orgla Ttacher. ColI.ge operators, Tuesday Collegc - - Allen and Mrs. Inman Attraotlon -_ be the attic. In Statesboro der John D. Durden on Foy J,'.; old is Dallls Coming at posf the subject ••lar hOI • red f.ce after Uncle lDzl'a'H Hayloft Jambol'ee for l\. total of fol' our familial' sign. Meantime, Through UlO tree periods indl­ pasture growing most exciling styles ever .. , styles prof sixth grade, Miss Sallie Zette"ower pounds $5,118,420.55. night of this week, commission rates for livestock sales "BARRICADE" trom a. m. of "A United Essential . values. F.'esh vlduul talents are obscl'ved and de .. and white clover. every Friday 10 to 4 Ministry • red wll be hero and come in for gllass, lespedeza, Ihal are to mlnul•.. , ullng penoll. Monday Estimated dollul's for greater . rlghl'up Ih. and Miss Sallie Prine. Tuesday, Wednesday's were established. are to Church Unity," and Elder P. O. urrlvals include marble tables; His f�rt!lI�ed �very Oane Olark, Rut" Roman p. m., to tor He • on. lop "eloped. pqRtu,'OS accept applications m.de notation JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 25 and 26 undel' spon­ sale total • craftsmanship Ihol sp.aks perf.c, of on "The September $55,000. On of last week a a smnll tall Revell, AUanta, S�tU\'day chocolate sets; sll\ler, and Ou,' progmm Includes Child Llt­ with 500 poun�s gf 4-a.,lP fer, ��!!::====::!:===== enlistment In tho U. S. Marines. .tudent'. ex.mlnatlon pap.r. Junior School teachers lion 01 a glonc•... sp.clal comforl Church and tho In the af. High sOI'shlp of the Statesboro Business meeting was hel� al the in the of which Bible are tllizor. He IIses lime and GOIpel" ')'otal last amounted county sideboard I'ough. cl'uturc, stories phpsphat. The unabl. to read Jeanette as- sales year • mahogany - Itud.nt, It, ar'e: Miss • - thai a temoon. Elder J, H. of DeLoach, and Pl'ofessional Women's Club, courthouse at which 300 when Indicate FARM LOANS Stevenson states that men I.olures mok. walking real 8lebraae, nearly YE OLDE WAGON WHEEL- l\ port; Music, Art, SCience, Man­ tests they are SII'l· ..k.d for an .xplan.tlon, The slstant prinCipal, and English; to ]2,464,684 pounds foJ' $4,987,- • on show w111 feature locol liVestock met In wUl "Church The tul- . ... valu. thai, Is Indlana, lpeak growel's protest ANTIQUES, 3 miles Southeast of ncrs, Indoor ll.nd Outdoor Play. needed. 41(,% Interest 17 years ot age with con­ "I.osure b.yond prof•••or then read tho not., Mrs. Carene D. social scl- 358.87. parental Colllliatent with Fundamen- Mallal'd, , Sta tesh01'0 Stol'eS to the Increased livestock Ol'eotlve Worl< stressed.
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