THE SERVANTS OF INDIA SOCIETY 846, Shivaji Nagar, Pune - 411 004. Phone: 020-25654210 Founded by Late Hon. Gopal Krishna Gokhale on 12th June 1905 Registered under the Societies Registration Act No. XXI of 1860 on July 25, 1928 R. No. 470 of 1928 and Registered under the Bombay Public Trusts Act 1950 BOMBAY XXl.)( OF 1950 on December 8, 1953, R. No. F-149 • Donations to the Society are exempt from Income Tax • THE SERVANTS OF INDIA SOCIETY 846, Shivaji Nagar, Pune - 411 004. Phone: 020-25654210 Founded by Late Hon. Gopal Krishna Gokhale on 12th June 1905 ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2008-2009 Registered under the Societies Registration Act No. XXI of 1860 on July 25, 1928 R. No. 470 of 1928 and Registered under the Bombay Public Trusts Act 1950 BOMBAY XXLX OF 1950 on December 8, 1953, R. No. F-149 • Donations to the Society are exempt from Income Tax • (1) Annual Report 2008-2009 Shriniwas Shastri G. K. Deodhar Dravid First group of members of the Servants ofIndia Society Shri G. K. Gokhale is seated in the centre (2) Annual Report 2008-2009 Founder The Servants of India Society .... he lead the life of goodness his instincts were good he was full ofgentleness he was the embodiment oftruth he fully shed his ego he was "Dharmatma" .... The Hon'hle Mr. G K. Gokhale born: May 9,1866 Died: February 19, 1915 (3) Annual Report 2008-2009 GK.Deodhar Shriniwas Shastri Pandit H. N. Kunzru TakkarBapa (4) Annual Report 2008-2009 Servants of India Society's Main Building, Pune Plaque on Fergusson Hill (Hunuman Tekdi) where Gokhale alongwith three colleagues took oath to selVe the people and founded SelVants ofIndia Society on June 12, 1905 (5) Annual Report 2008-2009 R.R. Kale D.R.Gadgil Rayagada Centre, Orissa (6) Annual Report 2008-2009 Allahabad Branch Cuttack Head Office (7) Annual Report 2008-2009 Mwnbai Head Office Gokhale Hall Building Situated at Laxmi Road, Pune (8) Annual Report 2008-2009 CONTENTS Title Page No. • Council 2008-2009 10 • Members with Addresses 11 • Associates of the Society 13 • Preamble 15 • Report for the year 2008-2009 18 • Branches and Centres of the Society 19 • BranchActivities ofthe Society 20 • Financial Statements- .:. Income and Expenditure 76 .:. Balance Sheet 78 .:. Schedules 80 • Exemption Under Section 800 of the I. T.Act 1961 82 • LegacyofOokhale 83 (9) Annual Report 2008-2009 COUNCIL 2008-2009 SHRIA. N. MISHRA .... President SHRIRAMAKANTALENKA Vice President SHRI M. B. DESHMUKH .... Secretary SHRI S. S.AJGAONKAR .... Senior Member SHRI R. V.NEVE Member SHRI A. C. TRIPATHI Member SHRI DINESH MISRA Member SHRI GANGADHARSAHOO Member (10) Annual Report 2008-2009 MEMBERS WITH ADDRESSES Sr. Name and Designation Date of Address No. Admission 1. ShriA. N. Misra 12-06-1978 Servants ofIndia Society President South Welsliganj Mrzapur 231 001. U. P. Ph.: 05442-265502 Fax: 05442-263708 Mobile: 09450166104 2. Shri M. B. Deshmukh 12-06-1990 Servants ofIndia Society Secretary 846, Shivajinagar Pune411 004. Ph.: 020-25654210 Mobile: 09890639730 3. Shri Ramakanta Lenka 12-06-1988 Servants ofIndia Society Vice President Thakkar BappaAshram At / Post! Dist. Rayagada, Pin 765001. Ph.: 06856-236252 Mobile: 09437118834 4. Shri S. S. Ajgaonkar 16-06-1966 Servants ofIndia Society Senior Member 11, Sardar V. P. Road (Mumbai Br.) Mumbai - 400004. Ph.: (0) 9522-23855014 (R) 9522-24302841 5. Shri R. V. Neve 12-06-1980 Servants ofIndia Society Member Wardha Road, Nagpur 440012. Ph.: 0712-2446928 (11) Annual Report 2008-2009 MEMBERS WITH ADDRESSES Sr. Name and Designation Date of Address No. Admission 6. ShriA. C. Tripathi 12-06-1990 Servants ofIndia Society Member I,P. D. Tandon Road, Allahabad, U. P. 221 002 Fax: 0532-2600450 Mobile: 09415801402 7. Shri Gangadhar Sahoo 12-06-1988 Servants ofIndia Society Member Choudwar Cuttak 754 071. Mobile: 09861141259 8. Shri Dinesh Misra 12-06-1990 Servants ofIndia Society Member Co. Tharu Jan Jati Boys Hostel, PO Paliakalan, Dist. Lakhimpur Kheri (U .P.) M.: 09451845423 9. Shri M. S. Sahoo 14-06-1963 Servants ofIndia Society Member At. Post - Sangrampur Via -Balikuda Dist. - Jagatsinghpur Mobile: 09438134504 10. Shri Damodar Sahoo 17-06-1975 Servants ofIndia Society Senior Member BaxiBazar, Cuttak -753001. Ph.: 0671-2301058 Mobile: 09777644406 11. Shri P. K. Dwivedi 12-06-1976 Servants ofIndia Society Member Bhoska Boy's Hostel Bazpur 262 40 I. Dist. - Nainital State - Uttaranchal Mobile: 09837408065 (12) Annual Report 2008-2009 ASSOCIATES Sr. Name and Address No. I. Dr. Vasant Prabhakar Pethe, Dashbhuja Ganesh Soc., Near Paud Phata, Karve Road, Pune 411 038. 2. Shri S. B. Dhavale,Amrai Camp, Pune 4 II 004. 3. Shri Basant Kwnar Mohapatra (Major General) Chandani Chowk, Cuttak. 4. Shri Bidyadhar Sahoo, At & Post - KaIana, Dist. Jaipur. 5. Shri Dharmanand Behera, At & Post - Sankarpur, Cuttak. 6. Shri Ramjeet Shukla, Puchi Khand - 2, Sardar Nagar, Lucknow. 7. Niranjan Prasad Mohanty (I.E.S. Retd.) BhanudayaBuilding, Kesharpur, Cuttak -753 001. 8. Om Dutt Singh, Vill- Maraukha, P. O. Chaka, Dist. Allahabad. 9. Dr. Ranglal Upadhyay HI G123, Kaijoo Bagh,Ada Flats, Chadpur - SalOli, Allahabad. 10. D. N. Nanaware, AtlPo Wathar Phata, Satara - 415523. II. R. MJijare, ShendUIjana Bazar, Amaravati. 12. R. S. Joshi, 83-5, Bharat Nagar,Amt. Road, Nagpur- 33. 13. Jayaprakash Mehrotra,A-705, La Palace, ShahnajaRoad, Lucknow (U.P.) 14. Vijay Shukla, 498, Jail Road, Allahabad. (13) Annual Report 2008-2009 ASSOCIATES Sr. Name and Address No. 15. Shri R. S. Sharma, New Delhi. 16. Shri Hem<mt Thombare, Pune 17. Shri Nilu Choudhari, Nagpur 18. Shri Bijay Narayan Mahendra, PO Paliakalan, Dist. Lakhimpur Kheri (V.P.) 19. Adv. Ravikiran lain,Akash Colony, Allahabad. (14) Annual Report 2008-2009 PREAMBLE Extracts from the original Preamble to the Constitution ofthe Society written by the illustrious founder the Late Gopal Krishna Gokhale, in 1905. For some time past the conviction has been forcing itself on many earnest and thoughtful minds that a stage has been reached in the work of nation-building in India when, for further progress the devoted labours of a specially trained agency applying itselfto the task in a true missionary spirit are required. The work that has been accomplished so far has indeed been ofthe highest value. The growth during the last 104 years of a feeling of common nationality based upon common traditions and ties, common hopes and aspirations, and even common disabilities has been most striking. The fact that we are Indians first, and Hindus, Mohammed­ ans, Parsees or Christains afterwards is being realised in a steadily increasing measure, and the idea of a united and renovated India marching onwards to a place among the nations of the world, worthy of the great past, is no longer a mere idle dream of a few imaginative minds, but is the definitely accepted creed of those who form the brain of the community­ the educated classes of the country. A creditable beginning has already been made in matters of education and oflocalself-government; and all classes ofthe people are slowly but steadily coming under the influence of liberal ideas. The claims of public life are every-day receiving wider recognition, and attachment to the land ofour birth is gorwing into a strong and deeply cherished passion of the heart. The annual meetings of Congresses and conferences, the work of public bodies and associations, the writing in the columns of the Indian Press-all bear witness to the new life that is coursing in the veins of the people. The results achieved sofar are undoubtedly most gratifying, but they only mean that the jungle has been cleared and the foundations laid. The great work of rearing the (15) Annual Report 2008-2009 superstructure has yet to be taken in hand, and the situation demands on the part of workers devotion and sacrifices proportionate to the magni­ tude ofthe task. The Servants of India Soceity has been established to meet in some measure these requirements of the situation. Much of the work must be directed towards building up in the country a higher type of Character and capacity than is generally available at present, and the advance can only be slow. Moreover, the path is beset with great difficulties; there will be constant temptations to turn back; bitter disappointment will repeatedly try the faith of those who have put their hand to the work. But the weary toil can have but one end, if only the workers grow not faint-hearted on the way. One essential condition of success in this work is that a sufficient number of your countrymen must now come forward to devote them­ selves to the cause in the sprit in which religious work is undertaken. Public life must be spiritualised. Love ofcountry must so fill the heart that all else shall appear as of little moments by its side. A fervent partriotism which rejoices at evry opportunity of sacrifice for the motherland, a dauntless heart which refueses to be turned back from its objects by difficulty or danger, a deep faith in the purpose of providence which nothing can shake equipped with these, the worker must start on his mission and reverently seek the joy which comes of spending oneself in the service of one's country. The Servants ofIndia Society will train men, prepared to devote their lives to the cause of the country in a religious spirit and will seek to promote, by all constitutional means the national interest of the Indian People. Its members will direct their efforts principally towards (1) creating among the people by example and by precept, a deep and passionate love ofthe motherland, seek its highest fulfilment in service and sacrifice; (2) organising the work ofpolitical education and agitation, bas­ ing it on a careful study ofpublic questions and strengthening generally the (16) Annual Report 2008-2009 public life ofthe country; (3) promoting relations of cordial good will and co-operation among the different communities; (4) assisting educational movements especially those for the industrial development ofthe women, the education ofbackward classes and industrial scientific education; (5) helping forward the industrial development of the country; (6) the eleva­ tion ofthe depressed classes.
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