Page 4 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW . Thursday, November 14, 1963 P1y lai• for IHI Staff irtenbtlt '< NOW OPEN ••• Vote4 Eff•tive Dec. 1d Phone: GR 4-4881 .,. (bade Wlmllelf7 For your convenience The Greenbelt Hom• IDe. board of cllrectorw voted COI'JICiN'" Open Tues., Wed., Sat. 9 to 8 New Parking Lot In the tiea employees a IOI'ely needed and JoDg a'ftftecl pay mer.. Ill& Thlll'8., Fri. 9 to 9 'l'hunday night The pay hike, which will fatteD ........ ~ rear of Co-op Supenna.rket. .Jltws Btuitw ber 13 pay checb by 8D average ailS tile 1lciMd, perc8at ... CLOSED MONDAYS Space for 120 cars. wu the out,rowth of a nceat 8UrYeY bJ eorpntila management ezpert NatiiUa SbiDdermu. - · , · Volume 27, Number 51 GREENBELT, MARYLAND Permanents $8.50 and Up Thlll'llday, November 21; 1963 Sbfndei'IIWI, wbo bu lhlee be- BONELESS ROUND come a GHI directDr, bad recom- re&IOil for ft. Nllmftl' C.ouncil Handles 2~ Item Agenda, WHAT GOES ON mendecl tbe euti~-Ji¥ lltraGtuN of.. __!_Qefem!4 .ICtlaD ~__L_:ncll!l!t­ 'lbahctay, N~ !1, 7:SO p.m. the corporation be revamped illont 1DeJ1C1at1on 'to hire AD ............f!w Haryland Deer Hunters Informa­ linea almilar to that of the Federal a.alltant. Kaaapr Bzube&n cJe.. c tion alnlc, Youth Center government. clared that be · needed GREENBELT BARBER SHOP Approves Zoning FJr Offices a1tbouch lb. Friday, Nowrnber !!, 8 p.m. The increase will brm. GHI wa- help badly, he felt tile pay b-e for 141 Centerway by Charles T. McDcmald Men's Basketball Lea&'Ue a well attended meeting on Monday, November 18, Green­ gea tc:i a level comparable to that of GHI emplOJM* WU tar more ba­ Near Post Office and Co-op ~ 8:80, Duplicate Bridge, Hospital· ted portant at thl.l time, and llllld be STEAK eral workers In lfmllar pay could get aJc)q without an aalltant belt C1ty Council ~andled a 22-item agenda and adjourned at 11:15 ity Room grades after they have received the for a wblle. Prompt, Courteou:;; Hours: Mon., Thurs., Fri. 8:30-6:30 p.m. At the meetmg Council heard from three recently organized Sunday, N~ber U, '!-6 p.m. and efficient Saturday 8 - 66 groups, the Greenbelt Civic Association, Inc., the Greenbelt Citi­ Open House, St. Hugh's Church second increment of the 1982 pay 4• Voted an aceptloD Ia tbe.- lb. JfC raise on January 1, 198f. of a handicapPed member who Barbers SIRLOIN STEAK zens for Fair Housing and the Green~lt Library Association. Monday, Nowmber 211, 8:80 p.m. The Greenbelt Civic ASIIociation, City Council Special Meeting on Included In the reeolution .adop- want. to wire a rental garap for Free P8l'king - Front and rear. Tall End Inc. was not represented at the meeting. Councilman Cliff Simon­ Planning - ueommunlty Goals" ted by the board are chance- in electric power·and Upta. Tbe per­ You cannot please everyone but we try. Porterhouse or T-Bone Steak JWmoved lb. 89C meeting but had sent a letter to son attempted to have Council set 8:44 Lions Club Dinner Meeting, pay schedules aa set forth in the mlmlion wu sranted In order that City Council recommending a num­ up an early special meeting for American Legion Hall Shinderman report. Under the re- the pei'IOD in question. ml&:bt u. Mike Farley - Manager ber of changes in the manner ln the discussion of the library site Tuesday, November 28, 8 p.m. adjustment, so-called· "blue-collar" the space for nbabrutation and which zoning problems are handled but because of the many commit­ Toastmasters Club, Hospitality workers pay rates will be made to training purpo~~e~. However, the ( by the Maryiand-Natlonal Capital ments of the Council members the Room correspond more closely to those board stipulated the garage muat BONELESS RUMP or Park and Planning Commission and subject was carried over until next of government wage board employ-· be restored to Ita former statu at LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE the County Commislsoners. The meeting. WMA Bus Will Malee ees. Clerical and other GHI staff the end of a year. It a1Jo ruled sub;iect was placed on the agenda Bus Service ratings pay wlii coincide with e- the occupant 1a forbidden to con- ROAST lb. for the next Council meeting, De­ The WMA Bus Service scheduled 20 Smps in Greenbelt quivalent GS ratings. duct any sort of busluea from that SIRLOIN TIP A last-nunute revJBed WMA bus During discussion on the resolu- location. cember 2, in order to give members to start In Greenbelt next Monday, 8Chedule, adding 9 nnt11 to NASA tion, the only opposition came from -~~ of the Civic Association and other November 25, came up for discus­ "' interested citizens an opportunity sion with the members of Council and reducing the nms to Beltway board members Bill Helm and Joe \Vashington State, Indian River 8 in each cello ' .. ~ Plaza, has been Issued and Is print- Cherry, who argued enactment of Local Man Revealed OVING Double Delicious 2 Ibs. of being present when the subject expressing their concern for stu­ HOUSEHOLD, PIANOS, OFFICE FURNITURE is discussed by Council. Mayor dents at the University of Mary- "tl on Page 8. Residenl8 are cau- the wage boost should be held up Fruit Baskets ~!-! As Silent Film Star _.:;;. Smith pointed out that the letter land since the bus now only goes tioned to note sign on oo- since pending discussion of the 198f bud­ Small Medimn Large followed the recommendations of to the Beltway Plaza, the problem they will be headed in &arne direc- get. · Greenbelter RUUeD Grlllln, a PICIIIG • SHIPPIIG - CRA niG - STORIIG 39c Seedless C former child star' of lllent films Apples the P.G. Municipal League's Pro­ of domestic help coming into tion whether going toward NASA Helm noted the government pay A Satisfactory ~rvice Performed by Clean Courteous $7,49 $9.99 gram which will be acted on at the Greenbelt with no connections at or downtown/Beltway Plaza. raise waa not effective until January is scheduled to be Interviewed next "MIX or MATCH" Gnpefruit 45 $4.99 week on radio station WWDC In meeting of the League on Thurs­ Branchville, and the price of The new WMA bus service, which 1, and felt the wage Increase should Competent Men With Years of Experience ~ Waahlqton. · day November 21 and the Council school children fares, particularly bP3ins this Mondiiy, wlii make 20 be held In abeyance . unW then. will be better prepared to discuss those attending Junior High School. stops at points within lhe city dilr~ . At the 8ame tfnie, lie said · the "Grift,"··u ~ta imowll--to-llla­ BRYAN 18 ••.•,( the recommendation after that A report waa reques~ed from the I~ all Its runs, according to a board could · determine whetheror IIIIUI,!_ f~ Jam. ....~ .. to pkg. i meeting. manager. revised routing announced this not suftlclent funcfll should be in­ the lntervlew wblcb will take place MOVING &STORAGE Quick Quaker Oats ·, ... at 10 :SO p.m. Ntm!lllber 29 on U1e The Greenbelt Citizens for Fair As a carryover from a previous week by WMA officials. The bus, eluded In 'the new budget to pay .,1 Steve Alltaoa lblnr. :¥.1 Houalng were well represented at meeting, the subject of a paid fire­ originally scheduled to make a the additional ·coit of the raise. A steaming cup Grl11lll for JNI'I.JIIUI8II!d to lreep 't'' the meeting, with Jan Turklewicz man was removed from the table.­ loop around the North End, will Manag.emeut eatlmab!e that tbe of hot coooo 1 lb. bill childhood mom. ltardollll a on a cold as the spokesman presenting a pe­ After conalderable discussion it now circle the community com- annual ~t of the ratae will be pkg. secret unW the. UP-ranee " o1 Hershey's Cocoa morning tition to City Council to establish waa decided that Council should pletely, except for the sections of about $10,000. 49C laat SunclaT• Wulllqtoa 8W a Greenbelt Human Relations Ad­ await an expreision from the mem­ town we.t of Southway and west Shlnderman · prote.ted any fur- GR 4·5221 maaulne .-ctlcm,,, _AD ~ In visory Boad. The stated objective bership of G~V.F.D. & R.S. before of Hillside. ther delay in puttln• through the Co-op Medium the IIIIIIUine GJI(IIIId 111a weD-Itept . No Job Too Large Or Too Small Is to insure that a transition to in­ taking any action and the subject Temporarily until the road con- pay refoi'IDI, and .ate!, It muat be III!Clll\!t. .. Grade "A" te&'rated houaln&' In Greenbelt will was again tabled. struction is completed the bua will paid for regardleu of bud&'etary Ru.ell appeaftil ill IIIUIJ' llleftt COLLEGE PARK, MARYLAND Fresh Eggs U.S.D.A. doz. 39C be aa smooth 11.nd peaceful aa pos­ City council accepted the recom­ make only one stop at Springhill consideration.. He cited the mana­ ill 201 .did llble•. This •ubJect waa placed on mendations of the Advisory Plan­ Lake Apartments. This will be gera' problem in hlrm. auftlclent "lUcke~ the late ud the agenda for the next City Coun­ ning BOard that the ·several items on· Sprl!'lf.bill Drive betWeen Ed- numbera of competent employees • two-:vear .u.tch. Gil ~ cil meeting, with the City Manager In report #34, having to. do wtih monston Road and the Recreation because of the present low wage in a Jona·run pJa,y - "Stnet scene." Instructed to prepare a resolution land within the boundaries of Building at the exit to the park- scale.
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