TRANSACTIONS OF THE CONGREGATIONAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY VOL. Il 1905 - 1906 Edited by T. G. CRIPPEN Printed for the Society by Fred, s. Thacker : 3 Dyers' Buildings : Holborn : London. CONTENTS pj Academy, R. F1·ankland's Amsterdam, The Brownisfs in Ball, John, of Honiton ... .. Barrowe, Henry-Letter to Fisher ,, ,, Newly Discovered Treatise by Baxter, Richard, New Portrait of ... Beaminster, Monument at 4 Beverley, Robert Mackenzie-Memoir and Lisi of Publications '3 Bibliography, Early Nonconformist 6r, 2r9, 4 ,, of Congregational Church History II9, 3 Board, London Congregational Browne, Robert, His Ancestors and Descendants I ,, ,, New Facts Relating to 2 Brownists, The, in Amsterdam I lim·y St. Edmund's Church Covenants 3 Carnarvon, Nonconformity in 2 Chidley, Autographs of Katharine and Samuel 3 Congregational Board, London .•• Congregational Historical Society-Aims and Objects 77, I, n ,, Meetin~s I, 145, 233, 3• Members 75, 143, 231, 31 Congre~ationalism i~' Leeds, Early 247,3 Conventicles in East Anglia, 1669 ... 2: Covenants, Bury St.Edmund's 3: Daniel, James, Marvellous Escape of 4: Date of Penry's Aequity ... ... I Diary of Dr. Thos. Gibbons Examination of Giles Wiggenton 3; Experiences of Mary Franklin 3/ East Anglia, Conventicles in 2l ,, ., The Indulgence in 3i Editorial 3°9, 3i Ferguson, Robert 12 Frankland, Richard 4, Franklin, Experiences of Mary 3~ Fmallcial Statement, 1904-5 14 " ,, 1905-6 44 Gibbons, Dr. T., Diary of 2 Greenwood, John, Letters of 33 Heresy, List of Persons Harned fo1· 36 Higgs, Daniel, M.A., of Swansea 29 Hussey, Joseph, Letter of 13 Indulgence, The, in East Anglia 37 Last Days of a Renegade 13 Leeds, Early Congregationalism in 247, 31 Letter of Robert Ferguson 13, ,, ,, John Greenwood 339, 34 ,, ,, Joseph Hussey ... 131 List of Persons Burned for Heresy in England 36 London Ministers in 1695 4: ,, Congregational Board 5' Marprelate Tracts 8 Manuscript-An Interesting Puritan 14: ]\finislers in London, r~95 43 Monument, ~n I,~te~·estmg 420 Nonconformist B1bhography1 Early 61,219,432 J',lonconfo1·mily in Carnarvonshire 262 ,, Trowbridge 207 ,, Wales-1672 3, 89, 173,262 ,, Yarmouth-1667-70 402 ,, , Relic of Wiltshire 445 :Notes and Queries ... .. 72,302 Pastoral Letter of John Greenwood 339 Penry, John-Date of Aequity ... II5 ,, ,, Undescribed Edition of 43o Pilgrim Fathers' Church 201, 286, 353 Puritan Manuscript, Curious 147 Rathmell, Academy at 422 Renegade, Last Days of a 139 Ropemakers' Alley, Chapel in 272 Separation, Four Causes of 292 Southwark, History ot a Church in 353 ,, ,, (Another) 410 Swansea, Daniel Higgs of 290 Trowbridge, Silver Street Church 207 Wales, Nonconformity in, 1672 3, 89, 173, 262 Westbury, Relic of Early Nonconformity in 445 Wiggenton, Giles, Examination of 379 Yarmouth, Early Nonconformity at 402 NOTES AND QUERIES Ancient Communion Plate .•. 378 Extinct Chapels 377 Hereman's Almshouses 378 "Horseydown," Burial of Book of Discipline, Supposed Brownists al 303 Latin Edition ••• . .. 377 Hoxton Square, Meeting- Browne, Robt., Another Auto­ House in or near 378 graph Discovered 302 Indulgence, Licences underthe 72 ,, ,, His House at Pilgrim Fathers' Church 377 Thorpe-A church 73 Reports (Associations, Col- But·y Street Church, Informa- leges, &c.), desired 303 tion sought ... .. 310 Summers, Rev. W. H., Death of 309 Copping and Thacker, Monu- Thacker and Copping, Monu- ment to ... ... ... 73 ment to 73 Clerical Assistance Requested 378 Westminster Abbey, Church in 310 REVIEWS Burrage, Champlin, M.A.: The Church Coveu,wt Idea 72 ,, ,, The Tr11e Story of Robert Browne 375 Friends' Historical Society : The First Publishers of Truth ... ... _, 73 Summers, Rev. W. H.: History of the Congregational Churches in Berks, , South Oxon., and South Bucks 302 ,, ,, The Lollards in the Chiltern Hilts ... .. 376 Tuck, W. : Nvtes 011 the His/ory of Argyle Chapel, Bath 3ro CONTRIBUTORS Atkinson, D1·. S. B., M.A., J.P. 272 Pierce, Rev. \V. Sr Brown, Rev. A. J. 3.P Powicke, Rev. F., Ph.D. 266, 282 Cater, Rev. 1''. I. 151, 235 Rowntree, Mrs. M. S. 326 Cleal, Rev. E. E. 201 Scamell, W., Esq. 207, 445 Crippen, Rev. T. G. Standerwick, J. W .. !<~sq. 418 6r, r19,16o,2r9, 286,337,422,432 Summers, Hev. W. H. ... 22, 362 Dale, Rev.B., M.A. ... 247, 3u Turner, Rev. G. Lyon, M.A. Evans, Rev. G. Eyre, M.A. 3, 89, 173, 262, 371 39,290, 402 Watts, Rev. E. 420 Gordon, Principal A., M.A. II5 Williams, Sir John, Bart., M.D. 430 Gould, Rev. G., M.A.... 353, 410 ILLUSTRATIONS Map to lllustrate Welsh Nonconformity in the 17th Century facing p. 2 ,, ,. East Anglian Nonconformity ., 282 Portrait of Richa1·d Baxter ... 418 House of Richard Frankland, at Rathmell 412 Congregational Historical Society Meeting in Ebenezer Congregational Church Schoolroom, Cardiff. In connection with the Autumnal Meeting of the Congregational Union at Cardiff, a General Meeting of the Society was held in the schoolroom of Ebenezer Congregational church on 28th September, 1904. Rev. Dr. Brown· presided ; prayer was offered by Rev. C. W. SMYRK, of Barnstaple. The SECRETARY read a paper prepared by Rev. W. PIERCE. on The Marpnlate Tracts. The circumstances under which these celebrated satires originated were considered at some length; and the question of authorship was discussed. The writer was of opinion that neither Penry nor Barrow could possibly be the author ; and that, though certainty was unattainable, probability pointed clearly to Job Throckmorton. Rev. G. LYON TURNER, M.A., read a paper on "Early Welsh Nonconformity as illustrated by the Indulgence of 1672." An interesting discussion followed ; and the writers of the papers were requested to allow their publication in the Transac­ tions. It was announced that Rev. A. J. Grieve, M.A., B.D., had transcribed the British· Museum copy of Penry's rare tract The Acquity of an Humble Supplication, and that Dr. Vernon Bartlet had collated the transcript with the Bodleian copy. It was agreed that the work should be sent to press immediately. [Mr. Pierce's paper will appear in the next issue.] MAP TO ILLUSTRATE WELSH NONCONFORMITY JN TBE 8EVENTEEN'l'B C.ENTC!RY; Ill'at.1nJo,, /1,e Co115npli'on.al llis/,,,-unl "J'Q&zel!f Jy P.ti-t"l'ip;,m. Cof'YP,Y,U--.2esv•ued. -1gu..- MP.£AJVATIOK. Episcopal Seu-.s - _ -:-- - _ - - - - - _- tt .){(11isa-rsEJedrti.l66IJ,v,d 1662 ____ X ., .Fj,ehd,aj/en.,,r,-,/stor7,Mmi_ * ., ,5lle,ued, 111!.Ejet:l-'ecl. ______ i!, JJoundanes 4/An11:s <$fftrle.:/Jy Mt ~v;,.A{,"le.lle/--, • 161,S:. __ .... -------- CoJtvi'RliduJ?~ol'kd 11,1,9(u, 1/,,, ~m# fL/.anda/J 4nd.fl-.,f1a;,11 onl':l:J-- ________ - - .. -· ◊ .Jf~h'1!§""sLice1,setl umi,,.lnein.lu!1"• • e,roe_,IJJ'.Z, ind,cah?d 1/ru,; :­ Z,,e,;l,'{/l,,;,u~. ,, I,u-/ep,ndenl: ,. ,. LJ«,!!_h"Sl; .. ........ .. <'hu,-,i!ltt•s v1y-,u,;%ed,.,;11,,,. M" ·17!fi Ulllu,y; {n,unes ,-,, t'a,oil-als) INDEPEHDlaNT.. __ ..... ----A BAPTIST•• ·-··-·-····V UNIT,.,RIAN ((Mf/"innllt/ ). 01'1-hodo'i-} ~Rftstol"nurthes now&sf;nel: •• -~ ,(:[',t, ,-e•~l-Cl,u,-,1,,s ,-,, JeutnJ£l •"/J, -se p1,.,es ,,,,, :flole,, IIFiffb,J Lian .llu11 n l?/!!!li:H 0 Welsh Nonconformity in 1672 T the autumnal session of the Congregational Union at Cardiff I read a very fragmentary A and imperfect paper on ''N elsh N onconform­ ity in 1672 as far as it is revealed by the Licence Documents in the Record Office.' I was requested to allow its publication in the 'Transactions of the Con­ gregational Historical Society. I have since so con­ siderably supplemented my material that on revising my paper I have practically re-written it. I have transcribed the whole of the documents relat­ ing to the licences, and with reference to '.Vales have done w ha,t I could to make my knowledge of its topography detailed and accurate : and, in the light thrown by the topography upon the docu­ ments, have made a summary review of the state and distribution of Nonconformity in ,Vales as thus revealed. rrhis is far too copious for a single article. I therefore propose, in the present number, to deal only with the sources of our information-and to reserve for a second article a paper on the infor­ mation which may thus be gathered. Our sources are the original documents in the Record Office which refer to the licences ' desired ' for "\Vales. Let me present to the reader now a few prefatory remarks-on their form, their orthography, and their geography: with a complete set of transcripts of these documents. A classified county index will be appended to the next article. 4 Welsh Nonconformity m 1672 I And first-their form. The documents are of two kinds. First there are the Memoranda of Applications for licences, and the signed acknmv­ ledgments of their receipt when actually issued. And, second, there are the Entl'y Books constitut­ ing a Registry of the licences as officially prepared. 1. The J\Iemoranda of Applications and Receipts. are contained in two large quarto volumes, which are stored among the Domestic Series of the State· Papers for the reign of Charles the Second, and are distinguished in that series as N os. 320 and 321. They are not written upon the pages of theso­ volumes, however, as are the entries in the entry books. They are written on fragments of various. sizes : some quarto so as to occupy the space of a page, others on ordinary sheets of writing paper,. and others on odd scraps or slips of paper mounted on quarto sheets; so as to make each volume more­ an album than an ordinary book. For purposes of reference each has a number pencilled on it.
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