$1.75 $2.25 Longnecks u Well Drinks II II ~~~ ~ildillgCot11f.~ NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY Sunday, December 31, 1989 We invite you to come ring in the New Year with complimentary champagne at midnight, Houston's hottest male dancers •.. The Urban Cowboys and high energy dance music and videos ... Santa Fe Style. NEVER A COVER WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY EUPHC>RIC BVD URBAN LORDS OF URBAN HEAT CONTEST COWBOYS LEATHER COWBOYS "An Evening 10:30pm 8pm 10pm 6pm at the $150 Cash Non-Stop Non-Stop Non-Stop Cabaret" to Winners Until2am Until2am Until2am On behalf of Charles Armstrong, Reid Mitchell, Bill Bryan, our hot male dancers ... The Urban Cowboys, C.}. Harrington and all of Our Staff, we wish you a joyous New Year! 804 PACIFIC~HOUSTON~713-528-6969 t;,-. .- :;. • ~ , t,; • ! = Texas' Largest Beer Bust ~ V UntillOpm ~ •• V' .....• --....::.. ~ .•. ~.~ . -..::.:::-... • ..•t...... \ •• • J # - - ~ "' - • -.. ~ • . •••• • - • TIGHT HINNIES - FOR THE 90's! <, • • - \. -' It ••~• "" .•• ... ~ ~ No C~ver ru 1 AM Free ChampaJlne At Midnight <, • .~ ~ • ~ I I .,., \ ~ • ••• - , . o ALL A ,'5 I~'·" 4025 MAPLE. 559-4360 ..,.~ , ~ ••• ~ ., • ~ WE HAVE COME TO THE END OF NINETEEN HUNDRED EIGHTY·NINE. THE LAST YEAR OF ANOTHER DECADE. THE LAST TEN YEARS HAVE BEEN A CHALLENGE. FACING THE UNCERTAINTY OF OUR FUTURE AS A COMMUNITY. AND REALIZING THE CERTAINTY OF OUR OWN LIVES. LIFE MARCHES ON. IN TUNE WITH THE PASSING OF TIME. LET'S BEGIN THE FIRST YEAR OF THE LAST DECADE OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY TOGETHER. IN CELEBRATION AND SONG. AND TOGETHER WE'LL DANCE TO THE TUNES OF PASSING TIME. Volume 15,Number 42 THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF RICH'S INVITE YOU TO HELP US USHER IN THE NEW YEAR. NINETEEN HUNDRED December 29, 1989-' NINETY.•. THE RICH'S WAY. January 4, 1990 14 NEWS Top Texas Stories of1989 39 HIGHLIGHT Top Events of the 1980s by Nancy Ford 42 MOVIES Top Movies of the 1980s DANCING TO THE TUNES OF TIME by Marc Alexander 45 CLASSIC TWT 10 Years Ago This Week SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1989 in Texas by Bob Dineen - 55 BACKSTAGE Recollections of 1989 and DOORS OPEN AT 8 P.M. Thoughts of 1990 by Marc Alexander 59 HOT TEA End of Year Trivia Quiz 68 SPORTS Top Sports Stories of 1989 :' by Bobby Miller 75 STARSCOPE Your January Lovescope by Milton von Stern 78 COVER FEATURE New Year's Eve with :~, Michael Fritz photos by Michael McKinney 0, 83 CALENDAR Special One-Time Only and Nonprofit Community Events :.;" 84 CLASSIFIED Want Ads and Notices 92 GUIDE Texas Business /Club Directory TWT (This Week in Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co" at 3900 Lemmon Ave. in Dallas, Texas 75219 and 811Westheimer in Houston. Texas 77006. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name ar photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $69 per year, $55 per half year. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. HOUSTON Copyright© 1989 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, ~: article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. .." THIS WEEK IN TEXAS WeeklyCirculailon: 20,000 Founded 1975 DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521·0622 Hours: 11 o.rn-S pm. Closed Thursday and Sunday 3900 Lemmon Ave. Dallas, Texas 75219 Dallas Fax Line (214)521·0638 HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527·9111 Hours: 9 orn-s p.rn, Weekdays Closed Saturday 811Westheimer, Suite 106 Houston, Texas 77006 Houston Fax Line (713)527-9305 PUBLISHER Chuck Patrick ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTORS Richard Bong / Kent Edson Smith GRAPHIC ARTISTS William Parr.Hector Berrientas. Steve Pardue ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Marc Alexander NEWS EDITOR Chuck Patrick SPORTS EDITOR Bobby Miller CONTRIBUTING WRITERS 0. Flores Alvarez. Mitch Bertlow. Brion Keever. David Meunier. Milton von Stern. PhilJohnson. WW. Wells III.Bob Dineen TYPOGRAPH ERS Richard Hebert. Bebby Miller DISTRIBUTION Shone Ruff COMPTROLLER Steve Miles STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Carl Davis.Graham. Julie Hollingsworth. GW. King. Michael McKinney. Chris Zimmerman SALES EXECUTIVE SALES MANAGER Jim Veteto Advertising rates are available on request by tele· phoning the salesperson in your nearest city. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: Friday. one week prior to publication. AUSTIN Bobby Compian and Chris Zimmerman Digital Beeper Contact (512)320.-6249 DALLAS Alan Gellman . (214) 521·0.622 FORT WORTH Steve Miles (214) 521·0.622 HOUSTON Jim Veteto . (713)527·9111 . SAN ANTONIO / CORPUS CHRISTI Joe Virjan (512)828·7072 TWT © 1989 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company PAGE 12 TWT DECEMBER29 1989 - JANUARY 4 1990. •• NEWS r :»~~ "~'-::"''.~::::"'" ':~*'~'.~~':'~'~~;."':~~~':~».'\..~ ~~.~ ...~. ~ ~:~ :«~ ~ :-,.,x» ~ ~~.s:' ~:~ ~ ~ :~. ~" :~'»'~ ~~,~ '&.~~ ~ ~:",~, .::-%::~ z"»~.::-~~ .::-~~'%.:~t..~:.W~:W ~,~ . .~. ~'t'-::::,§"~ '%~"%:'1::''-:' ;.m;:......::"'1 '~».~ ::t"'% %-"l~ ~~ ~:::::~ ~ ~ :~~. ~: ~::::-:.~~~ :::,::~.~ ::::: .:-,." '~ '::':::'~ :::::: :::: .. ::::: .~'~': t'~ *~ ~..§' :-':'~'='~~ :,,~,%,,~~.\~~:.~. , :~~~.: '~~'=-'*: .; ~ t) ~ ~, .~~,~,'t.~~ a • t, ~~$:1~~~ Complimentary .».~.,~~ ~# ,~~ Champagne • __ at Midnight In this last edition of TWT NEWS for the old year, 1989, our editorial staff, as tradition dictates, has taken its annual look back into the 89th year of this century. Whereas the top stories of the year in the general media were the San Francisco earth- quake, the tragic death of Congressman Mickey Leland, the Alaskan oil spill, Hurricane Video countdown Hugo and the collapse of the Berlin Wall and communism in the eastern block countries; of your favorite the top stories of the year in the gay community of Texas are viewed from a different perspective: the March on Austin, the AIDS epidemic and resulting Names Project hits of the year Memorial Quilt, and the Judge Jack Hampton controversy over bias against homosexuals. TWT NEWS selected the order of these stories on the basis of how each related to and affected the gay and lesbian lifestyle in the state of Texas during the past year, from the ,M" cornerstones of politics, law, equal rights, health and social status.-Editor • Never before had so many gay people in news Story #1 Texas gathered in one place at one time! And what a success it turned out to be. Austin police estimated the crowd TOP STORY: marching up Congress Avenue to the State Capitol to be over 30,000 strong. "It THE MARCH was the largest demonstration by ten times I've ever seen at the State Capitol," • ON AUSTIN exclaimed State Representative Debra Ii Danburg. Gay rights lobbyist Glen Maxey agreed. '" 30 Thousand Texas Gays "It's the biggest demonstration we've ever & Lesbians Stage First had in Austin," he told TWT NEWS. March on State Capitol Marchers gathered early on Sunday For Equal Rights. morning at Disch Field with their banners and flags. They came from Dallas, Fort or one beautiful and sunny spring Worth, Houston, San Antonio, Lubbock, Fafternoon-Sunday, April 30,1989- Galveston, Abilene-all over Texas. Never the hearts of Texas gays and lesbians were before in Texas had so many homosexuals filled with joy and hope as thousands gathered in one place at one time for one • staged their first-ever March on Austin. event. PAGE 14 TWT DECEMBER 29 1989 - JANUARY 4 1990 Also speaking was Austin State Repre- sentative Lena Guerrero. She told the crowd, "Today is your day at the State Capitol." EI Paso State Representative Nancy McDonald added, "Let's fight AIDS; not people with AIDS." Standard bearers carry the official March on Austin banner up Congress Avenue to the State Capitol. NEW YEAR'S EVE TWT NEWS photo. Over 30,000 Texas gays crowd onto the State Capitol south Stepping off at high noon, marchers lawn for landmark gay rights rally. TWT NEWS photo. • ~V¥ •..., •."" crossed over the Colorado River on Town Lake and proceeded the 11'blocks up the main street of Texas, Congress Avenue, The crowd cheered and chanted as Looking south down the avenue from march co-chair Mike Alfaro exclairned, the steps on the Capitol lawn, all one could "What do we want? Gay rights! When do see was a sea of people, wall-to-wall from we want it? Right now!" First to Eleventh streets, Co-chair Dara Gray fired up the crowd Once everyone arrived at the State even more when she reminded marchers Capitol-and that took over an hour-the that they had come to knock on the door throng spread forth under stately trees and of the big house [the Statehouse] and de- historic state statues of Texas heros. mand equal rights. Our political heros turned out in force Sunday, April 30, 1989-the day the gay rs to address the crowd. Among them were and lesbian community of Texas came State Senator Craig Washington, bellow- together like never before to take one giant ing out "We must never surrender or re- step forward by marching on the State treat. None of us are free until all of us are Capitol-truly our TWT NEWS top Texas free!" news story of the year. For The Women --of=-=--the.,-,. 90s """EDARSPRINGS (214) 559-0707 The eyes of Texas were upon thousands of gay men and lesbians at historic March on Austin. TWT NEWS photo. PAGE 16 TWT DECEMBER 29 1989 - JANUARY 4 1990 4,948 deaths, reported the state Depart- Hews Story #2 ment of Health in statistics obtained by TWT NEWS. Tragically, there was no slowdown. In fact, there were more cases of AIDS AIDS CRISIS reported in Texas in the first 11 months of 1989 than there in all 12 months of 1988. CONTINUES TO To track the spread of the disease across Texas since it was first detected at STALK TEXANS the beginning of the decade, it was noted that in 1986 there were 1,104 new cases. As Decade Ends, Texas Counts In 1987 there were 1,031 more new cases.
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