Parish Clerk/RFO: Rebecca Turner, The Old Police House, Nesscliffe, SY4 1DB Telephone: 01743 741611, email: [email protected] Website: www.fordparishcouncil.org.uk MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 16th MARCH 2021, AT 7PM, REMOTELY VIA ZOOM Present: Cllr. Jones (Chairman), Cllrs. Briggs, Carlyle, Clyne, Horn, Paterson and Southan Absent: Cllr. Mapp Public: 1 In attendance: R. Turner (Clerk), SC Roger Evans 87/2021 PRESENT & APOLOGIES Apologies received from Cllr. Mapp. Cllr. Briggs wasn’t present at this point and had sent apologies for his anticipated late arrival. 88/2021 DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTERESTS – none declared 89/2021 DISPENSATION REQUESTS – none being sought. 90/2021 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION – no-one wished to speak. 91/2021 MINUTES - it was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Council Meeting dated 19th January 2021 as being a correct record and the chairman was duly authorised to sign them. 92/2021 REPORTS a) Police Report Ford/Great Ness and Little Ness/Nesscliffe and Montford Bridge – 27 Incidents Jan & Feb 2021 Assault: 2 Criminal Damage: 1 Burglary Residential: 0 Theft From Vehicle: 1 Harassment/Stalking: 0 ASB Nuisance: 4 ASB Personal: 1 ASB Environmental: 1 Concern For Safety: 6 Domestic Incident: 2 Threat To Kill:0 Suspicious Circumstance: 3 Civil Dispute:0 Sexual Offence:0 Highway Disruption: 3 RTC: 2 Incident of obscene behaviour by 2 people in a vehicle in the Shoothill area. b) Shropshire Council – • Big Town Plan - Riverside development considered by Cabinet 10 days ago. Shows bus station gone with housing on the site; concerning and no replacement planned. Consultation not yet started. • Local Plan Review – Cabinet agreed LP wouldn’t be considered by Council until middle of July. • Council Tax increase 3.99%, 1% below government maximum; deferred the 1% rise to 2022/3. Predicted overspend of £1 million. • North West Relief Road – 13-week planning application. Business plan not yet published and not due for publication until Nov. Unclear if it has taken account of likely reduced number of vehicles in town. Any overspend will have to be met by SC as the central government funding is capped. Cllr. Nutting has indicated CIL and S106 will be used. c) Newsletter – not due until after May council meeting. Cllr. Briggs entered the meeting. d) Village Hall • Hall are looking at safe ways to open. • There is now a corridor from the Urwick Room through the old storeroom to lobby/disabled toilet. So can access toilets from Urwick Room/main hall. New blinds on order for the main hall. Looking to replace the large overhead heaters. Entrance been revamped. • Aim to arrange signing of lease prior to the new council being elected. • Signage on noticeboard – hall has someone in mind to do it. Co-ordinate with the hall to do a parish council sign for our section of the board. • Bins still in way of defib – need to be moved. e) Other parish councillor reports • Layby on A488– has been some concerns re cleanliness. A parishioner is regularly collecting litter & excrement from the area and recording what he collects and informing Highways England. Thanks to Nigel White for collecting litter. Looking into re-opening the toilets. 93/2021 PLANNING NOTIFICATIONS–FOR INFO ONLY None. 94/2021 PLANNING APPLICATIONS – FOR COMMENT 1) 21/00475/OUT - Former Bowling Green, Ford, Shrewsbury, Shropshire Proposal: Outline application (access for consideration) for the erection of two (open market) dwellings Comments: It was RESOLVED to object as this site is in Open Countryside and the parish council wishes to remain as such in the Local Plan Review. The parish council is also concerned that this is an outline rather than full application as the full detail of the proposal cannot be assessed and could change significantly. 2) 21/00924/EIA – Application for the North West Relief Road It was noted that this application also includes the Oxon Relief Road which was previously the subject of a separate application. Comments: It was RESOLVED to not comment. 95/2021 ELECTIONS 2021 – it was RESOLVED to publicise information on the council website, social media and noticeboards. 96/2021 PARISH MATTERS a) Highways matters & Rights of Way • New Street sign – still broken • Potholes Back Lane – not done • Still awaiting update from Rights of Way officer – not done and deteriorating. • Follow up on the signage on The Leasowes – offer to pay for replacement signage • Flooding issues b) Recreation ground/open space (i) S106 monies – initial feedback from consultation • Village orchard • Allotments/community gardens • Bike/running lane around perimeter • Adult gym • Benches Clerk to circulate full responses & a summary for next meeting. (ii) Maintenance /inspection reports • Damage to benches – could consider replacing with composite wood benches. • Renew contract with SC for 2021 (iii) Bin lids • Existing bin would need to be removed. • Noted that the existing bin is very heavy. • Get quotes for 1 bin. • Arrange a meeting with the hall on site. c) Citizen of Year 2020 – two nominations so far. d) Dog fouling – becoming more of an issue again. Keep putting out message in the newsletter that it is unacceptable behaviour and ask people to report culprits. e) Cardeston Brook – following the floods, a meeting was held with SC and Severn Trent. Looked at Bridge Cottage. Concern bridge is being undermined by erosion at the brook and there is a dead tree which there is a debate between neighbours as to if it needs removing. One suggested project is “Slow the Flow”. Cllr. Jones has a group of circa 12 people willing to form a conservation group focusing on things such as planting around the brook to stop erosion. f) Annual Parish Meeting – 12th April 2021, 7pm on Zoom (agenda deadline 27th March 2021) – police school, hall, church etc to report. g) Reports of other parish matters 97/2021 FINANCIAL MATTERS a) Payments including payments made between meetings – it was RESOLVED to approve the following: Ref Payee Item Method Net VAT Gross P69-2021 R Turner Salary Jan SO £515.07 £0.00 £515.07 P70-2021 SCPF Pension Jan SO £103.02 £0.00 £103.02 P71-2021 R Turner Salary Feb SO £515.07 £0.00 £515.07 P72-2021 ICO Reg. fee DD £35.00 £0.00 £35.00 P73-2021 SCPF Pension Feb SO £103.02 £0.00 £103.02 P74-2021 Kingsley Newsletter BACS £ £0.00 £ Press P75-2021 EON Highways BACS £100.00 £20.00 £120.00 lighting P76-2021 R Turner Expenses BACS £52.00 £0.00 £52.00 Feb & Mar P77-2021 Shropshire Energy lights BACS £117.56 £23.51 £141.07 Council Q4 It was further RESOLVED to authorise payments for the SC play area inspections and waste bin collection which are anticipated in the next couple of weeks. b) Income received – noted as follows: Ref Payee Item Amount R16-2021 Lloyds Interest Feb £0.14 R17-2021 Lloyds Interest Mar £0.14 98/2021 CORRESPONDENCE a) SALC Info Bulletins b) Covid 19 related updates c) SC Winter Highways Service review d) Climate Emergency e) Community Governance Reviews 99/2021 NEXT MEETINGS a) Annual Council Meeting –- 18th May 2021 at Ford Village Hall, 7pm but will be changed to Zoom if legislation is extended to allow this. Need to do risk Assessment of the hall – me, Cllr. Jones and Village Hall. b) Items for next agenda(s) 100/2021 It was RESOLVED that pursuant to Schedule 12A, Local Government Act 1972 and pursuant to the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, that the public and press be excluded during discussion of Item 101/2021 as it concerns exempt matters 101/2021 PLANNING ENFORCEMENT – report of case 21/07678/ENF .
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