Winner of the Heritage Tourism Awareness Award 2001 serving the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park Printed in Canada VOL 3 NO. 10 Tuesday, July 16,2002 FREE INSIDE; Captain Fido One of the only places in the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park that you can have dogs off leash is if you have your own boat. Dogs are not allowed on any trails in Glacier while in Waterton they can be taken on trails but must be on a leash at all times. Beai^as<»v;? Bear encounters on both sides"dfjtfiepaf'k. -;• BORDER -" H PHOTO BY STEVEN KENWORTHY CROSSING HOURS: Chief Mountain June 1 to September 4 Post-9/11 Goat Haunt trails restrictions 7:GGftf»;4o 10:00 p.m. BY STEVEN KENWORTHY hikers and backpackers. An extensive trail dialogue with Customs, Immigration and September 5% Septfihber 30 system spreads out south of Goat Haunt to Naturalization Service, Border Patrol and 9:00 a.m. to 6.*00p.m. What has traditionally been a symbol of locations in Glacier National Park such as other agencies is continuing to make the the close link between the Canadian and Kintla Lake, Bowman Lake, Quartz Lake Goat Haunt trails accessible again. American sides of the Waterton-Glacier In­ and the Going-to-the-Sun Road. "Some of the talks take place at the dis­ ROAD CLOSURE: ternational Peace Park has become a point Access to Goat Haunt from the Canadi­ trict level, some at the Washington level so -Looking CJlass Highway (High­ of contention and frustration this summer. an side is limited to hiking the Internation­ it takes time," said Glacier spokesperson Following last year's September 11 ter­ al Peace Park trail from the Waterton Amy Vanderbilt, Who also points out that ways-IP between TwoJ^NIIlfte rorist attacks stricter border crossing secu­ townsite or taking a boat tour down Upper it is not the National Park Service that has Junction arid Highway^ closed. rity is now in place. U.S. Immigration and Waterton Lake offered by the Waterton In­ made the decision on Goat Haunt. They -Expect c|tastractionti£lays cg|$| Naturalization Service now requires addi­ ter-Nation Shoreline Cruise Company. are only following heightened security Highw^r 93 between Port of „ tional procedures before anyone is allowed With the recent changes to border secu­ measures that have been put in place RcrosvillefjSid Elko. into the United States. That has resulted in rity, no travel is allowed beyond the Goat throughout the U.S. a new designation for Goat Haunt which Haunt Ranger Station from the Canadian The result of the closures is hurting takes away the ability of U.S. National side. Hikers coming up from Montana can tourism in general but no business is more EXCHANGE RATE: Park Service personnel to act on behalf of still enter Canada at Goat Haunt provided directly effected than the Waterton Inter- Rates varjprt each business U.S. Customs to allow hikers into Mon­ they have two forms of identification with Nation Shoreline Cruise Company, which $100US = Si47.63CAlsT tana. one being a government-issued photo. Citi­ offers boat tours and shuttle service from The Goat Haunt Ranger Station is locat­ zens of countries other than Canada and Waterton to Goat Haunt. $100CAH^=$64iOUS ed on the south end of Upper Waterton the U.S. can come up into Canada through The 9 a.m. tour Shoreline offers to Goat Lake, just over the Canada/U.S. border. In Goat Haunt if they have a valid passport or Haunt has had to be cancelled since it is * ALL INFORMATION AS OF: previous years, the ranger station had visa. mainly used by hikers. JULY 11, 2002 served as a border crossing port for day Glacier National Park officials say the Continued on Page 2 CAMPING SUPPLIES Waterton's large ESSO/EXXON OUTDOOR APPAREL GASBAR COMPLETE CURRENCY SERVICES PACKS CONFECTIONARY SLEEPING BAGS DirectCash T-SHIRTS & HATS HIKER SHUTTLE rVUmiey JEWELRY HIKING GUIDES SOUVENIRS EXCHANGE US & CDN Funds • NO SERVICE CHARGES • ATM FOOTWEAR GIFTS VISA * MASTERCARD * INTERAC • CIRRUS BOOKS & MAPS APPAREL OUTDOOR GEAR Waterton's BEST Currency Exchange Rates THE BOUNDARY Tuesday, July 16,2002 Akamina CLOTHING • GIFTS • COLLECTIBLES • Large Selection of T-Shirts & Sweatshirts • "THE BOOK NOOK"" - Located on Main Street, Waterton - Phone: (403) 859-2361 • Fax: (403) 653-4996 E-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 100 BROCKET, Alberta TOK OHO (403) 965-3755 • Fax (403) 965-3790 Free Tours Available on Request Peigancraft specializes in the manufacture of authentic 100% Indian-made moccasins. Every Peigancraft moccasin contains a part of the Blackfoot heritage, created by unequaled craftsmanship and the pride of generations of the Peigan Nation. PHOTO BY STEVEN KENWORTHY Hours: Mon. to Fri. 8:00 am to 430 pm • Closed Weekends End Of ChO IIHO*** The exhibit and ranger station at Goat Haunt are as far as people are allowed to go so far this summer as access to trails at Goat Haunt has been restricted for people coming from Waterton. Welch's Dusty Tails Goat Haunt trails latest 9/11 victim Hair Cuts For Everyone STAFF NIGHT- Continued from Page 1 hiking.'' The border at Goat Haunt is Rod Kretz, operations manager Phil Iverson, president of Ro­ not a security risk in Iverson's lair Shop for the company, says he realizes tary's Waterton-Glacier Interna­ eyes. located beside: the issue is being worked on but tional Peace Park Association, "The kind of people who want time is running out on the season. said he was "very sad" to hear to do harm to our country are not Call for appointment What frustrates Kretz is that he that the Goat Haunt trails were no going to hike over the border at feels the closures aren't even ef­ longer accessible from Canada. Goat Haunt I don't think those 859-2186 or 859-2660 401 Windflower Ave., \jf ask for Leah fective because people can still "I hope that common sense people are that ambitious." Waterton easily get into the U.S. by simply will prevail." The annual superintendent's 403-859-2363 avoiding the Goat Haunt Ranger Rotary clubs were instrumental hike, in which the superintendents Station. Hikers actually have to in the creation of the Waterton- of Waterton and Glacier, along go out of their way to walk by the Glacier International Peace Park, with invited guests, take a multi- Waterton Recreation station and could easily get into the world's first peace park, in day hike through the International Centre Waterton the U.S. by hiking along Upper 1932. Today, Rotarians still help Peace Park will not be affected by Lakes Lodge Waterton Lake and just continu­ encourage cooperation between the Goat Haunt trail closures. Wa­ "A Community Facility" ing onto trails on the U.S. side. the two parks and foster the peace terton superintendent Peter Lamb EVERYONE WELCOME WATERTON LAKES NATIONAL PARK "If it was doing something that and friendship shared by Canada * said this year's hike will take makes a difference, fine, but it's and the U.S. place entirely on the U.S. side of Activities we offer: not," said Kretz. "It's not achiev­ "I'm going to urge Rotarians to the park, starting and ending at ing anything. To me, it's a slap in contact their political officials and the Belly River trailhead just over •Swim Lessons - all levels the face to the Peace Park. It's not address this issue," said Iverson. the Chief Mountain border cross­ •Aqua Fit much of a symbol of the park "This is contrary to what we be­ ing so they won't be going •Aqua Exercise when the borders are closed for lieve in." through Goat Haunt. •Workout Aerobics •Snorkeling •Scuba Certification •Stroke Improvement - Waterton's Marquis Hole open Youth & Adult BY STEVEN KENWORTHY WATERTON'S ONLY The road into a favourite Waterton picnic spot SWIMMING POOL AND and swimming area has opened for the year and RECREATION CENTRE the high water the park experienced this spring Located on Cameron Falls Drive appears to have actually helped the access situa­ at the Waterton Lakes Lodge tion. Marquis Hole is a small day-use area that can Phone: (403) 859-2150 be found by following the road past Alpine Sta­ bles north of the townsite. Its location on the flood plain of Blakiston creek makes it suscepti­ ble to flooding which almost annually changes the complexion of the landscape and, in turn, the Waterton Natural entrance road. In an effort to allow the natural processes to History Association take place on the Blakiston alluvial fan, Parks Canada does not attempt to make the road pass­ Box 145, Waterton Park, Alberta, TOK 2M0 I able until the water flow decreases and the road dries. For the last few years the creek's path has gone right across the entrance road into Marquis Brilliant Butterflies Hole, limiting access to vehicles with high clear­ July 20 - Kim Pearson ance. The high water this spring appears to have Participants will become acquainted with some of the fascinating shifted the creek's path to the north, making the butterfly species that occur in Waterton Lakes National Park; access road dry and in relatively good shape. Even if your vehicle can't make it into Mar­ discover their important links within the ecosystem; and quis Hole, the walk in from the point where the learn about the conservation issues they face. road gets rough is only about five or 10 minutes. The area is very secluded and features a sandy For more information or to register call 403-859-2624 beach (when the water level drops) and a spec­ PHOTO BY STEVEN KENWORTHY tacular view of Vimy Peak across Middle Water- Vimy View*** Marquis Hole is open but the water ton Lake.
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