THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1920 w MONDAY DECEMBER 1 2003 TECH. A 1 Raleigh, North Carolina. Thanksgiving break draws families together Campus was bare this week- short time, campus was practi— in some ofthe scenery and a rather isn’t about the ambiance but the end as students traveled to cally deserted when students left nice buffet lunch,” Biram said. “It company. celebrate Thanksgiving with their dorms and migrated back to was really cool; Doron is really “As long as you’re with your their homes where they could rest, peaceful and has a great scene.” family and loved ones, you could family andfriends. eat and prepare for the last week of Biram has been to this particular be in a car and it would still be the fall semester. town with his family before, but Thanksgiving,” Biram said. Michele DeCamp Many students travel to other this holiday was especially fun for Others students had plans to _ News Editor places for the holidays, but some the foursome. travel, but the flu bug got in the students actually traveled with “It turned out great. I was with way. Stephany Dunstan, a sopho- their families to enjoy their days my folks, I was with my brother, more in arts applications, moved They came back slowly. All off. Paul Biram, a freshman in com- , we laughed, we tasted wine, we had from Norfolk, Va. to Raleigh six weekend, students could be seen puter science, went toVirginia with supper, we played games, we just years ago, but the majority of her dragging duffel bags and clean his parents and brother. Biram lives were a family.” family still lives in Virginia. laundry up the brick walkways. in Raleigh, but his family decided While many Thanksgiving din- “We were supposed to go to Wil- TIM LYTVINENKO/IECHNlClAN Others sat outside their dorm to visit Doron,Va. and let someone ners take place in the home of liamsburg, but my younger sister Host Curtiss Martin makes sure everything is perfect minutes rooms and exchanged holiday else do the cooking. a family member, Biram thinks I before his guests’dig in’ at hisThanksgiving potluck. stories with friends. But for a “We drove into Virginia to take that Thanksgiving’s significance THANKS see page '715 THE SEASON Students Former provost organize packs for OSU AIDS day Stuart Cooper will take over at this point, I’m pleased that they Several student organizations as a department chair and were willing to consider me.” helped sponsor events that will professor in Ohio State’s Cooper was recruited by the be held today to educate the university for his administra— department ofchemical en- tive experience and expertise public on AIDS. gineering. in chemical engineering. He is News StaflReport a nationally recognized expert Carie Windham in polymer science and bioma- Staijeporter terials. World AIDS Day takes place today But it wasn’t an easy decision and N.C._ State is commemorating to leave. Cooper said he will miss the day with events open to ev- Almost one year ago, Stuart the facultyatNC. State who have eryone. An AIDS quilt displaying Cooper was packing his admin— been “very gracious.” tributes to AIDS victims will also istrative office in Holliday Hall to Cooper came to NCSU as hang throughout the week in Talley move back to teaching in Riddick provost in 2001 from the Illinois Student Center. Engineering Labs. Institute of Technology where Monday’s events begin at 10 am. Now the boxes are back and he’s he served as Vice president and with an information fair in the packing again. But this time, he’ll chiefacademic officerofthe main Brickyard. Tables will be set up until be moving across state lines to campus. He served as provost 2 pm. providing red ribbons, free Columbus, Ohio. for nine months, resigning in condoms and information on “safer Cooper, who re— January 2003 after he sex” education. signed as provost in refused to fire two top FrOm 1:30—4:30 pm, Project SAFE, January and returned administrators in his which helps promote understanding to teaching in chemi- office, Bruce Abrams and support concerning gay, lesbian, cal engineering, will be and Frank Mallette. bisexual and transgendered issues for joining the Ohio State “I think it was the all members of the NCSU commu- faculty next month. right decision that I nity, will offer training in the Blue “It’s a chance to have made,” Cooper said. Room ofTalley Student Center; visit a fresh start and to as- “If the circumstances http://www.ncsu.edu/safe to sign up sume someWhat of a were similar, I would and participate. Stuart Cooper re- leadership position,” signed as provost do it again.” To conclude Monday’s events, Cooper said. “I’m im- in January. He will After his resignation a candlelight vigil will be held in pressed. with. what’s. go- join the faculty at and. the removal of remembrance of the lives of AIDS ing on With Ohio State Ohio State next Abrams and Mallette, victims and their loved ones. in Columbus.” _ . month as a depart- Chancellor Marye The events continue onWednesday, Cooper Will jom the ment chair and Anne Fox was cen~ Dec. 3. The critically acclaimed film, chemical engineering professor. sured by the Faculty “And the Band Played On,” will be faculty as a professor Senate for her actions. shown free at 8 pm. in the Campus and department chair. The senate also passed Cinema in Witherspoon Student He said he was attracted to Ohio a resolution of commendation Center. The film follows AIDS’ early State for the strength of their and appreciation for Cooper, days in the United States. institution and their chemical Abrams and Mallette. Events were coordinated by the engineering department. For Cooper, the transition from following: African Student Union, “Both [NCSU and Ohio State] top administrator back to the p0~ Bisexuals, Gays, Lesbians and Allies have very strong chemical engi- dium took some time. (BGLA), Campus Activities, Center neering departments. I’ve been “When I came to the position for Health Promotion, Inter-Resi— lucky wherever I’ve been - from at IIT and the position at NC. dence Council, NCSU chapter of Wisconsin to IIT and now here,” State, there’s a bit of attractive- the Student Global AIDS Cam- JOSHUA MICHEL/TECHNICIAN he said. ness to being at the center ofthe paign, Union Activities Board and The city of Raleigh marked the beginning ofthe Christmas shopping season with the annual tree Like NC. State, Ohio State is academic activities,’Cooper said. the Women’s Center. lighting ceremony in front of the BTI center. currently buried in construction “When I went backto the faculty, projects to expand and upgrade you get disconnected from all of current facilities, including recent that. You have to think about construction for the mechanical researching and teaching and engineering department. Cooper things at the department level.” UAB ‘busts’ stress during exams hopes to have a role in the future Since he stepped down at the expansion ofchemical engineer— start of the spring semester, The Union Activities Board ing. ' Cooper said he basically had a and wireless technology, a chance “I’m just looking forward to semester without teaching or will offer activities during to pet and play with puppies and building a department at this interacting with students. He thefirst week ofexams to a free night at the movies to help point,”Cooper said. “It’s a depart— help take some stress ofi‘. students deal with the stress of ment that’s viewed very positively COOPER see page exam time. “It’s a good opportunity to News Stafi‘Report take a break from the accumu— insidetech nician lated stress. The Stress Busters viewpoint Now that the end ofthe semes- activities are there for us to stay serious 7 ter approaches, students are feel— mentally healthy,” Student Body sports 1 0 ing the crunch ofpapers, projects President Tony Caravano said. weather and final exams. Students can take advantage of today tomorrow Need some relief? the events for free, as long as they During the first week ofexams, have a valid student ID. starting Dec. 8, CampusActivities For more information on the and the Union Activities Board Stress Busters program, contact ’Scrappy'O’Donnel paces pack 66°/33° 51”/33° will provide free food, a chance Deb Luckadoo at 515—2451. Sports takes you inside the Pack’s 30-point ........................................ to check out the latest in gaming win over Florida A&M. See pg. 10 technicianonline.com l l l SAVE ON USED TEXTBOOKS w Phone: m. 919/8291349 Phone 919/832- Fax: 919/829-1349 2g; TECHNICIANMONDAY,DECEMBER12003 News “I was with my folks, I was with my Day in Charlotte. Her family THANKS celebrated the day with a family COOPER continued from page 1 brother, we laughed, we tasted wine, that is half American, and both continued from page 1 families brought foods from we had supper, we played games, we their own countries and mixed and I got the flu so we had to stay just were a family... As long as you’re it with atypical Thanksgiving looks forward to getting back home,”Dunstan said. “It really hit fixings. This is the first year that into teaching during Ohio State’s bad on Thanksgiving.” with your family and loved ones, you Naranjo has had a Thanksgiving second quarter. Dunstan and her sister had dinner. “I’ve always enjoyed teaching three soups to choose from on could be in a car and it would still be “We are starting to incor— .
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