INDEX1 A Barksdale, Nathan, 14, 67 Acronyms, 28–36, 49, 50, 55n31 Brother Mouzone (Michael Potts), Alma M. Gutierrez (Michelle 67, 68, 83 Paress), 52 Burns, Ed, 3, 13, 14, 33, 45, 47, 51, Andrews, Donnie, 81, 83 61, 63–65, 67–70, 72, 73, 76, Anton ‘Stinkum’ Artis (Brandon 77, 79, 84, 87, 100, 115 Price), 105 Augustus ‘Gus’ Haynes (Clark Johnson), 52, 57n61 C Avon Barksdale (Wood Harris), Cedric Daniels (Lance Reddick), 34 19n35, 30, 67, 89n24, 104, Chappelle, Joe, 111 105, 120n2 Chester Karol ‘Ziggy’ Sobotka (James Ransone), 109 Chris Partlow (Gbenga Akinnagbe), B 43, 101, 103 Baltimore Sun, 2, 14, 17n19, 19n37, Cinematography, 108, 110 19n39, 51–53, 55n17, 63, 66, Clarence V. Royce (Glynn 73, 75, 76, 89n13, 90n48, Turman), 62, 113 90n54, 100, 103, 112, 123n40, Complex television, 2, 6–10, 108, 123n41, 123n44, 130 118, 132 Balzac, Honoré de, 70, 71, 132 Curated realism, 1–16, 85 1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s) 2020 137 R. Twomey, Examining The Wire, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-45992-5 138 INDEX D Howard ‘Bunny’ Colvin (Robert D’Angelo Barksdale (Lawrence Wisdom), 37, 114 Gilliard Jr.), 30, 61, 88n5, Hyper-realism, 11, 13, 83, 92n71, 134 105, 134 Daniel Phelan (Peter Gerety), 30, 80 I The Deacon (Melvin Douglas Intertextuality, 39 Williams), 19n36, 63 Dennis Mello (Jay Landsman), 64 Dickens, Charles, 59–88, 132 J Dickerson, Ernest, 75, 76, 132 James ‘Jimmy’ McNulty (Dominic West), 24, 25, 32, 41, 66, 98 Jay Landsman (Delaney Williams), E 64, 75, 85 Ed Norris (Ed Norris), 64 Edward Tilghman Middle School, 49, 120n2 K Ervin Burrell (Frankie Kenard (Thuliso Dingwell), 63 Faison), 34, 114 Kenneth Dozerman (Rick Otto), 65 King, Stephen, 70, 89n36 F Felicia ‘Snoop’ Pearson (Felicia L ‘Snoop’ Pearson), 43, 44, Lamar (DeAndre McCullough), 69, 87, 101 56n44, 68, 83 Fogel, Alexa L., 79 Lehane, Dennis, 3, 99 Francis ‘Frank’ Sobotka (Chris Lighting, 111, 133 Bauer), 36 Location shooting, 117 G M George ‘Double G’ Glekas (Teddy Malik ‘Poot’ Carr (Tray Chaney), 10, Cañez), 109 59, 60, 70, 112 Marcia Donnelley (Tootsie Duvall), 49, 56n44 H Marlo Stanfield (Jamie Hector), 43, Hamsterdam, 37, 38, 114–117 69, 81, 101 Hemingway, Anthony, 70 Marquis ‘Bird’ Hilton (Fredro Starr), 78 Home Box Office (HBO), 100, 101 Maury Levy (Michael Kostroff), 79 Game of Thrones, 108 Melodrama, 60, 61, 70, 72, 76, Oz, 7, 79 77, 88n2 The Sopranos, 6, 7, 35, 62 Michael Santangelo (Michael Treme, 101 Salconi), 106 True Detective, 109 Music, see Soundscape INDEX 139 N non-fiction, 13, 100 Neorealism, 118 Show Me a Hero, 99 Netflix, 6, 108, 122n30 showrunner, 6, 84, 85, 99, NYPD Blue, 7, 64, 91n70 120, 135n4 Treme (see Home Box Office (HBO)) O Soundscape, 19n35, 98, 102–105, Obama, Barrack, 77, 78 107–109, 120 Omar Little (Michael K. Williams), 62, Special effects, see Cinematography 63, 69, 77–83, 86, 116 Strauss, Carolyn, 7, 61 Stringer Bell (Idris Elba), 38, 104, 105 P Pelecanos, George, 3, 27, 82, T 91n69, 99 Theresa D’Agostino (Brandy Burr), 95 Preston ‘Bodie’ Broadus Tolstoy, Leo, 70, 71, 132 (J.D. Williams), 38, 59, 60 Tom Carcetti (Aidan Gillen), 46 Price, Richard, 3, 39, 99, 114, 117 V R Verfremdungseffekt, 82 R. Clayton ‘Clay’ Davis (Isiah Verisimilitude, 3, 13, 40, 61 Whitlock), 27 Virgo, Clement, 30 Ralston, Jennifer, 104–107, 121n17, 122n26 Reginald ‘Bubbles’ Cousins (Andre W Royo), 15, 38, 41, 42, 53, 62, Wallace (Michael B. Jordan), 10–13, 72, 75, 100 18n31, 54n6, 59–61, 72, 134 Roland ‘Prez’ Pryzbylewski (Roland William ‘Bunk’ Moreland (Wendell True-Frost), 42, 49, 50 Pierce), 28, 29 William Rawls (John Doman), 15, 31, 32, 83, 84, 114 S The Wire Savino Bratton (Chris Clanton), as anti-Hollywood, 14, 69 120, 124n61 as curated realism (see Curated Schmoke, Kurt L., 113, 119, 124n65 realism) Shakima ‘Kima’ Greggs (Sonja as documentary, 97, 100, 107, 110, Sohn), 38 111, 116, 117, 133 Sherrod (Rashad Orange), 74, 75 as Greek tragedy, 61 Simon, David as journalism, 130 The Deuce, 99 as a novel, 4, 26, 27, 131, 132, 135 journalism, 3 as sociology, 116, 131.
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