COCKTAIL AND DRINKS LIST www.bbarlondon.com Bbar 43 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0PP Tel +44 (0)20 7958 7000 Fax +44 (0)20 7958 7001 /bbarlondon @bbarlondon Untitled-24 1 15/07/2016 15:03 BBar A5 Cocktail Menu_Layout 1 24/06/2015 14:27 Page 3 CCOCKTAILOCKTAIL ANDAND DRINKSDRINKS LIST LIS T BouchardBouchard FinlaysonFinlayson NearNear thethe SSouthernmostouthernmost ppointoint ooff AAfricafrica lilieses aa vvalleyalley nnamedamed HHemelemel--eenn--AAardearde ((HeavenHeaven aandnd Earth)Earth) fframedramed bbyy mmountainsountains aandnd withinwithin sightsight ofof tthehe oocean,cean, wwithith ffrostrost ffree,ree, ssoft,oft, bbeneficialeneficial weatherweather aandnd tthehe mmostost pperfecterfect c lclayay s hshaleale v ivineyardneyard s osoils.ils. E sEstablishedtablished i nin 1 91989,89, BBouchardouchard FinlaysonFinlayson isis a boutiqueboutique wwineryinery ((125125--hectarehectare propertyproperty ccurrentlyurrently hhasas 2222 hhectaresectares uundernder vvine)ine) dedicateddedicated toto mmakingaking wineswines ofof ooutstandingutstanding qquality.uality. LLocatedocated iinn tthehe wwineine rregionegion ooff WWalkeralker Bay,Bay, iinn tthehe HHemelemel-enen-AardeAarde ValleyValley wward,ard, aann hhourour aandnd a hhalfalf ffromrom CCapeape TTown,own, bbehindehind tthehe eenchantingnchanting coastaloastal towntown ofof Hermanus.Hermanus. AAss oonene ooff o uourr si ssisterter pr oproperties,perties, this thisesta testatee allow allowss us to usoff etor y oofferu so myoue o fsome the fi nofes tthe win fineste the Swineouth ethern HSouthernemisphe rHemispheree has to off ehasr. R eton ooffer.wned Renownedwine make rwine Pete rmaker Finla yPeterson b rFinlaysonings you Bbringsurgun dyouian -iBurgundiannspired Pin-oinspiredt Noirs aPinotnd C hNoirsardon nandays . Chardonnays.These sought aThesefter w isoughtnes pro mafterise winesa style promiseof elega nac estyle and offla elegancevour that wandill cflavourertainly that surp willrise certainlyand delig surpriseht. and delight. WhiteWhite BBottleottle GGlasslass CGlassarafe 7750ml50ml 1175ml75ml 525000mlml BlancBlanc ddee MMer,er, 22014013 SASA ££2825.00.00 ££6.506.00 £1£9.508.00 DelicateDelicate fflavours,lavours, ccrisprisp ffinish.inish. WalkerWalker BBayay SSauvignonauvignon B Blanc.lanc. 2 2010135 SSAA ££3835.00.00 £8£9.0.000 ££1323.00.00 CCharacteristicsharacteristics ofof a greatgreat SSancerre.ancerre. CCrocodile’rocodile’ss L Lairair C Chardonnay,hardonnay, 2 2014013 SSAA ££4036.00.00 £8£9.30.50 ££13.5024.00 CCitrusitrus uundertones,ndertones, nnuancesuances ooff ttoastedoasted a almond.lmond. MMissionvaleissionvale CChardonnay,hardonnay, 2 2013011 SSAA ££45.0045.00 ££10.5010.50 ££15.0030.00 SuperbSuperb balancebalance andand complexicomplexity.ty. RedRed GalpinGalpin PPeakeak PPinotinot N Noir,oir, 2 2012012 SSAA ££60.0060.00 ££14.0014.00 ££20.0040.00 TopTop PPinotinot NNoir,oir, ttruerue BBurgundianurgundian sstyle.tyle. Hannibal,Hannibal, 22013012 SASA ££50.0050.00 ££11.5011.50 ££17.0033.00 CCherryherry aaromas,romas, wwildild forestforest aandnd ccranberryranberry ppalate.alate. G alpin Peak Tête de Cuvée, 2006 £ 150.00 F lagship wine, released only in best years. 11 Untitled-24 2 15/07/2016 15:03 BBar A5 Cocktail Menu_Layout 1 24/06/2015 14:27 Page 3 CCOCKTAILOCKTAIL A ANDND DDRINKSRINKS LISTLIST Bouchard Finlayson Champagne and Bubbly Cocktails Near the Southernmost point of Africa lies a valley named Hemel-en- Aarde (Heaven and Earth) framed by mountains and within sight of the ocean, with frost free, soft, beneficial weather and the most perfect clay shale vineyard soils. Established Classicin 1989 ,Champagne Bouchard Cocktail £12.00 Finlayson is a boutique winery (125-hectare property currently has 22 hChampagne,ectares und eGrandr vine )Marnier, Cognac, Angoustra bitters, sugar cube dedicated to making wines of outstanding quality. Located in the wiCrneeated regi obyn Johnof W Doughertyalker 1889 USA. Bay, in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley ward, an hour and a half from Cape Town, behind the enchanting coastal town of Hermanus. Classic Bellini £8.00 Prosecco, peach puree As one of our sister properties, this estate allows us to offer you some oCreatedf the fi nate Harry'sst wine Bar th ein Venice in 1930's. Southern Hemisphere has to offer. Renowned wine maker Peter Finlayson brings you Burgundian-inspired Pinot Noirs and Chardonnays. These sought aAperolfter win Fizzes p romise £10.00 a style of elegance and flavour that will certainly surprise and delight. Aperol, Prosecco, soda The perfect thirst quencher!! White Bottle CityGlas sSpritzerCa rafe £12.00 750ml Hendricks175ml Gin,500 Pinotml Grigio, Elderflower cordial, ginger ale garnished with mint and cucumber Refreshing, aromatic and a big favorite amongst bbar regulars. Blanc de Mer, 2013 SA £25.00 £6.00 £18.00 Delicate flavours, crisp finish. Walker Bay Sauvignon Blanc. 2013 SA £35.00 £8.00 £23.00 Characteristics of a great Sancerre. South African Cocktails Crocodile’s Lair Chardonnay, 2013 SA £36.00 £8.50 £24.00 Citrus undertones, nuances of toasted almond. Bushman’s Delight £12.00 Klipdrift brandy, Krupnik honey liquor, Savannah cider, fresh nutmeg Missionvale Chardonnay, 2011 SA £45.00 and£10 thyme..50 £You30 won’t.00 have to go nomad in the Kalahari to try this one!! Superb balance and complexity. The Bushveld Martini £12.00 Red Lovoka chocolate vodka, Amarula, Frangelico, bitters, cream. Sit back and imagine the savannah sunset!! Galpin Peak Pinot Noir, 2012 SA £60.00 £14.00 £40.00 Top Pinot Noir, true Burgundian style. Dark Roast Amarula £12.00 Hannibal, 2012 SA £50.00 Amarula,£11.50 Illy£ 3double3.00 espresso, Lovoka Caramel, orange zest. Cherry aromas, wild forest and cranberry palate. An African espresso martini with wings!! Galpin Peak Tête de Cuvée, 2006 £150.00 Flagship wine, released only in best years. 1 2 Untitled-24 3 15/07/2016 15:03 Timeless Classics Bbar Bloody Mary £12.00 Absolute vodka infused with radish, Tomato juice, secret bbar spice blend, Sherry, lemon juice Inspired by Mr. Tollmans passion for a bloody Mary and the advice over the last 12 years from many a bbar guest we believe to have formulated the ultimate recipe. Salty Dog £12.00 Absolute Vodka or Bombay Gin, Grapefruit juice, syrup Refreshing and invigorating, the botanicals in the gin version induce the grapefruit to samba in your glass. Vodka for purists!! Dark and Stormy £12.00 Goslings Black Seal Rum, Ginger Beer, Ginger lime syrup, Angoustra, "Scrappy's Lime Bitters" A classic Bermudan cocktail. Loved in all commonwealth countries, the British navy and of course Caribbean pirates. This will start your evening in proper swashbuckling style! Penicillin £12.00 Macallan Whisky, Kings ginger liquor, honey syrup, lemon juice Created by Sam Ross of Milk and Honey not only is it a cure for everything; the salty peat honey blossom with warming ginger will transport you to any summer Scottish highland meadow of your choice…we highly recommend!! Tommy’s Margarita £10.00 Don Julio Blanco Tequilla, Mezcal, lime juice, agave nectar Created by Julio Bermejobar in Tommy’s Mexican in San Francisco. By using agave nectar instead of triple sec this great classic is smoother than a baby’s bottom. Martinis £10.00 Gin or Vodka? Dry or not? Up or on the rocks? Shaken or stirred? Olive or twist? Dirty or Reverse? We’ll prepare it the way you like! Untitled-24 4 15/07/2016 15:03 BBar A5 Cocktail Menu_Layout 1 24/06/2015 14:27 Page 3 CCOCKTAILOCKTAIL ANDAND DRINKSDRINKS LIST LIS T TimelessBouchard Classics Finlays on Near the Southernmost point of Africa lies a valley named Hemel-en-Aarde (Heaven and Earth) framed by mountains and within sight of the ocean, with frost free, soft, beneficial Vespaweath eMartinir and the most perfect clay shale vineyard soils. Established in 1989, Bouc£12.00hard Finlayson is a boutique winery (125-hectare property currently has 22 hectares under vine) Plymouthdedicated Gin, to mKetelakin gOne win Vodka,es of o uLillettsta nBlancding quality. Located in the wine region of Walker Created by Gilberto Preti at Dukes Hotel in London for Ian Fleming, naturally this becameBay, i nJames the HBond’seme ldrink-en- Aofa choice.rde Va Thelley ultimate ward, martini,an ho uonlyr a fornd super a ha heroeslf from as C ape Town, behind the it ehasnc ha alethalntin tendency!!g coasta l town of Hermanus. BrandyAs one Crustaof our s ister properties, this estate allows us to offer you some of the finest win£12.00e the CourvoisierSouthern H brandy,emisphe rOrangee has t oCuracao, offer. Re nlemonowned juice,wine mAngoustra,aker Pete r Finlayson brings you bitters.Burgun dian-inspired Pinot Noirs and Chardonnays. These sought after wines promise Inventeda style oatf theele gJewelance ofa nthed fSouthlavou rin t hNewat w Orleansill certa 1852inly sbyur Josephprise a nSantina,d delig ht. precursor to Side car and Margarita. It'll refresh and invigorate. White Bottle Glass Carafe Singapore Sling 750ml 175ml 50£12.000ml Tanqueray Gin, Benedictine, Cherry Heering, pineapple Juice, lemonBlanc djuice,e Me rAngoustra,, 2013 SA Grenadine and soda £25.00 £6.00 £18.00 Created around 1915 at the Raffles Hotel in Singapore. A forgotten classic that when madeDelic wellate ftakeslavo uyours ,on c rais satisfyingp finish. exotic flavor journey. Extreme contentment... Walker Bay Sauvignon Blanc. 2013 SA £35.00 £8.00 £23.00 Hemingway Daiquiri £10.00 Characteristics of a great Sancerre. Havana rum 3 years, Maraschino, lime juice, fresh grapefruit CreatedCrocod atile El’s FloriditaLair Ch abarrd oinn nCubaay, 2by0 Constantino13 SA Ribalaigua for £the3 6great.00 £8.50 £24.00 literaryCitrus umavericknderton thates, beingnuan diabeticces of t hadoas ttheed sugaralmo removed.nd. ManhattanMissionvale Chardonnay, 2011 SA £45.00 £10.50 £3£10.000.00 CanadianSuperb b aClublanc eRye an dWhiskey, complex Vermouth,ity. Angoustra Sweet, Dry or Perfect? TheRe donly martini for whisky drinkers. Created by Lady Churchill and brought to America,It is sophisticated and strong just like the family in question. Galpin Peak Pinot Noir, 2012 SA £60.00 £14.00 £40.00 LaTop Paloma Pinot N oir, true Burgundian style. £10.00 Herradura Tequila, fresh lime juice, grapefruit soda CraftedHanni bina thel, 2 heat01 2of StheA Mexican sun, thoroughly refreshing.
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