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While illustrating the emphasizing spiritual inspiration have scope and racial, ethnic, and class Gittens provides a comprehensive been empowering vehicles through diversity of women's public activism, history of the care of dependent, which many American women have they also clarify the conceptual issues delinquent, and disabled children expressed their authority and desire raised by that diversity. in Illinois, focusing particularly on the for equality." —Amanda Porterfield, dilemma raised by both public author of Female Piety in Puritan New "I read this book with tremendous intervention and the lack of it. England interest, finding much that is new and Illus. Cloth, $49.95; Paper, $18.95 Cloth, $32.50; Paper, $14.95 unavailable elsewhere." — Kathryn Kish Sklar, SUNY-Binghamton Cloth, $47.50; Paper, $18.95 Order toll free 800/545-4703 University of Illinois Press. 1325 south oak street. champaign, H6I820 • .•:^™-^l.«;« SWEPT AWAKE! EVERY CHILD HOFFMAN FRONT LINES 12 A WANTED CHILD 3 2 Negotiating Passion 26 Death Takes the Stage: on Campus A Conversation With Choices at the Beginning— WIN SOME/LOSE By Bonnie Pfister Surgeon General and the End—of Life SOME Dr. Joycelyn Elders 5 LOVE MEANS NO By Elayne Clift CHESLER SCORE 8 BOOK REVIEWS 17 EXPORTING A Wolf in Feminist 46 Monica Seles Betrayed HEALING Clothing By Cindy Shmerler 27 The Latest in Rad-Fem FEEDBACK American Rape Crisis Fashion 54 A SIMPLE HUMAN Counselors in Bosnia CUTTING SOME RIGHT By Andrea Wolper RAPPING 22 SLACK 10 60 The History of Black MY UTERUS, Crowd on the Couch Women and Abortion Fibbi Awards for MYSELF Consciousness-Raising on the Country's Best Liars By Loretta J. Ross 32 TV Talk Shows By John Stoltenberg The Good News About Hysterectomy TALKING FEMINIST ON THE COVER: 44 By Elayne Clift Painting by Women Who Love Sex Ratal Olbmski "SICK? IT'S YOUR By Gina Ogden OWN FAULT!" 34 Exposing Health Chauvinism By Fred Pelka NINJUTSU 38 The Power of a Dirty Look By Lisa Susan Skittone ON THE ISSUES • SPRING 19 9 4 •VOLUME III NUMBER TWO FRONT LINES JSSUES VOL III NO.2 SPRING 1994 Publisher/ Editor in Chief MERLE HOFFMAN Editor RONNI SANDROFF RONNI SANDROFF Executive Editorial Consukant LINDA CUTSTEIN BEWARE Editor at Large PHYLLIS CHESLER Special Projects Advisors OF ANNE MOLLEGEN SMITH PHALLIC JOHN STOLTENBERC Assistant Editors DRIFT KAREN AISENBERC SUZANNE LEVIME Contrihuting Editors JILL BENDERLY CHARLOTTE BUNCH VINIE BURROWS A compass needle always drifts to the ELAYNE CLIFT ^JL North, no matter how you turn the instrument. Phallic Drift is the IRENE DAVALL BELL HOOKS I ^L similar, powerful tendency for public discussion of gender issues to FLO KENNEDY ML BI drift, inexorably, back to the male point of view. FRED PELKA ELAYNE RAPPINC Phallic Drift is when television coverage of incest concentrates on the injus- HELEN M. STUMMER tices done to a few falsely accused male victims, while the masses of genuine CAROL WHEELER Designers (female) victims fade to invisibility. BOB CIANO Phallic Drift is when the "radical feminists" invited to talk shows are the women JOSEPH PASCHKE who take the "enough already" male-friendly point of view that the gender wars Photo Editor are won and feminism is already victorious (see "A Wolf in Feminist Clothing" NINA SUBIN Advertising and Sales Director by PhyUis Chesler). CAROLYN HANDEL Phallic Drift is when female sexual desire is worth discussing only in terms of Circulation/Business Consultant how it affects, or threatens, men (see Gina Ogden on "Women Who Love Sex"). WARREN BRAREN Phallic Drift is •when efforts to combat acquaintance rape are labeled puritanism, Miss Grundyism, anti-erotic, and anti-fun—all code words for taking the (male) sport out of sex. Consider the (mostly male) commentators who have expressed outrage that Mary Koss's well-known study of 6000 college students included ON THE ISSUES The Progressive Woman's such questions as, "Have you given in to sexual intercourse when you didn't Quarterly: a feminist humanist magazine of critical want to because you were overwhelmed by a man's continual arguments and thinking, dedicated to fostering collective pressure?" and "Have you had sexual intercourse when you didn't want to because responsibility for positive social change. ON THE ISSUES The Progressive Woman's a man gave you alcohol or drugs?" Conservative educator Allan Bloom notes Quarterly (ISSN 0895-6014) is published quarterly as with alarm that "What used to be understood as modes of courtship are now an informational and educational service of CHOICES seen as modes of male intimidation." Women's Medical Center, Inc., 99-77 Queens Boulevard, Flushing, NY 11374-3317. Well, yes. As Bonnie Pfister's article, "Swept Awake," demonstrates, today's Unsolicited Manuscripts: All material will be read campus leaders have little patience with the old male get-it-any-way-you-can by the editors. For return, enclose a self-addressed, style of seduction. Young women and men activists believe that courtship, 21st stamped envelope with proper postage. Articles should not be more than 2,000 words. All editing decisions century-style, is a consensual arrangement that begins with asking, "may I?" are at the discretion of the editors. Feminist cartoons Open communication is not just a courtesy, but a life-saver in today's arena of are also acceptable under the same provisions. ON THE ISSUES does not accept fiction or poetry. high-risk sex. And far from eradicating eroticism, today's young people think Advertising accepted at the discretion of the that being "swept away" and indulging in too-drunk-to-resist or too-shy-to- publisher. Acceptance does not imply endorsements. protest sex is a lot less sexy than saying "yes" to the partner of your choice and Publisher's Note: The opinions expressed by contributors and by those we interview are not living in a community with a reduced fear of coerced sex. necessarily those of the editors. ON THE ISSUES The reason Phallic Drift is a visible current these days is that another strong The Progressive Woman's Quarterly is a forum where tide is on the horizon. Feminist ideas that have been put forth for the last twen- women may have their voices heard without censure or censorship. ty years have taken hold and reached a certain ripeness and power. They can even Subscription information: 1 year $14.95; 2 yean be exported (see Andrea Wolper's stirring article on American rape counselors $24.95; 3 years $34.95. Institutional rate: Add $10 first in Bosnia). At home and abroad, all is no longer fair in love, or war. year, 55 each additional year. Add $4 per year for Canadian orders; $7 per year foriegn (surface mail) or $20 per year foriegn (air mail). Send to ON THE ISSUES The Progressive Women's Quarterly, P.O. Box 3000, Dept. OTI, Denville, NJ 07834. Second- class postage paid at Flushing, NY and additional mailing office. I Ronni Sandroff Postmaster: Send address changes to ON THE Editor ISSUES The Progressive Woman's Quarterly, P.O.
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