Many of the Photographic Views Received by Chamber of Commerce Will Be Reproduced by the Times THE METAL MARKETS. TODAY AT THE MOVIES. ALHAMBR The Fighting Hope. Raw York Hirer ..7r BIJOU --Motherhood New York on MECIAN When the Fleet Billed. led autoe At IQW AM New York electrolytic copper.. I1S.1SO18.S0 I OÍIÜC- B- I AaVsTlfT BUNA, MDK PAIU CIRCULATION armIN m T mu soutri 35TH YEAR f EL PASO. TEXAS. FRIDAY. AUGUST 6, 1915. ENGLISH SECTION 2 PAGES PRICE. 5 CENTS CARRANZA WILL AGAIN BE CALLED UPON TO LAY DOWN ARMS DEVELOPMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE Why Denv Miss El Paso Her Wish? AGED LEADER AT VERA CRUZ NOW AND BROAD PROGRAM OF NATIONAL I WANT THAT RECOGNIZED AS CHIEF OBSTACLE DEFENSE UNDERTAKEN BY WILSON SCE.NIC TO PEACE AND ORDER IN MEXICO DRIVE President to Confer With Secretaries Daniels and Garrison and Chairmen of Senate and House Committees Before RIGHT Concerted Demand From Nations of North and South America Deciding Upon Recommendations. for End of Strife to Be Addressed to Chiefs of All Military Factions. S asfsPfiSssSitY Convinced Time Has Come for United States to Decide Upon Definite Military Policy and Is Anxious to Avoid First Session of Conference Between Secretary Lansing and Friction Over Question in Congress. Latin-Americ- Diplomats Develops Harmony of Views on Desirability of Peace Congress. By Associated Pmt consulting wllh the chilrmen of the com Cornish. N. H.. Aug. the object tne 01 na- s.Wlth mittees interested in question All .4nr(iiletl to nime a provliloral president and organ- of developing a broad and convincing pro-- tional defense, he would arramre to lee Prea s tactions In ize t government which would have the gram or national aetcnse wnirn win men them before congress convenes In order to Washington,.. Aug. Armed mural support of the united States tad wllh the approval of congress. President unite on a single program or action. Mexico are to he given one more oppor- Latin America. To support sueh a govern- Wilson Is rlannlng to co operate with the When the president sees the chairmen of tunity to sav wliether they are ready to ment an embargo on arms against all who chairmen or the military and naval affairs the four committees he expects to have be- make tin hones) effort among themselves to resist It would be enforced by the co- committees or the senate and house as well fore him the reports now being prepared mptise llielr differences. A message operating'' nations. Further step that as Garrison and Daniels of the by Mr. Garrison and Mr. Daniels. The pressing tlie demand of Norm might finally roncerted he necessary are declared lo have war and navy departments, before heads of the war and navy departments t( BOBUI America mat mere .11.111 m be on carerully outlined by the president, deciding- on the recommendations he will are expected to take part In the conference paten aim restoration or constitutional gov- - but Uiey have net been disclosed. make In his next message to congress. or of In lo explain series conferences order 'riiment. tuidrenseii to an ine ueiiean Villa Willing to fttap Down. ne preBioent 101a i nenas tonigiii inai personally tneir recommendations. and military leaders, probably will while he had made no definite plans for The president has written to Chairman dispatched wlihln a few days as one of An Important part or Mr. Fuller's report Padgett of the house naval affairs commit- the first results of a conference at the concerned negotiations with other Mexican tee inviting htm to meet him on Nr. Wil- tute department today In wnicn tne six leaders conducted during the last two son's return to Washington. Although he nuking diplomats or the Pan American le- months by agents of the 'Washington ad- A I I did not say tonight whether he had writ- gullon corps with Secretary ministration, including Mr. Fuller himself. a III I m L' li - participated li i n ten some letters to the chairmen of the oth Lansing at tne invitation or rrrsiurm w The result of ronrerences with Oenerals HIII1 iw 111 I M er committees, it was reported that be had Felipe Angeles, lilsz Lombardo, Manuel rtlllrt III none so. and General Villa himself were dis- The. president believes the time has come Straight Tnlk for Carranra, closed. All were favorable to the general for the United States to decide on a defi While tlie appeal will be made to til the plan. Villa expressed his willingness 10 nite program of national defense and Is ani Mexican leaders. It will ho intended espe elimínate hlmseir ir pears can be assured. IN NAME mal as little friction as possible devei- cially lor rieiicral Carrontft and his follow- Thus the preliminary negotiations necessa- WARSAW ers, who are opposed to' another peace rily revolve around ritrrania. Unon Ills an- - convection. much depends as to the nature of the declde In bis own mind on the kind or pro- It was learned President Wilson has been final plans.- - gram rooulred until he has thoroughly ex in correspondence with the executives of amined the reports of Mr. Garrison and Mr. Latin American nations, who have urged OF KAISER; SLAV uanieis ano ñas received tne news or con that the mini Stales lake the lead In a gressional leaders. strong position toward Mexico, and tn this GENERAL BOBO TO Through the chairmen of the naval and Informal way "have pledged tholr support to military affairs committees of the two a concert of action. houses, the president expects the members Today conference was given over al- HORDES RETREAT of Ihese committees to give and receive most entirely to hearing a report of con- Ideas before the appropriation bills contain ditions by Paul Fuller or New York, who DISARM ARMY ing army ana navy items come up tor spent several month., in Mexico ss Presi- HIS dent Wilson's personal representative. It The plan of the president Is to consider wa understood the 'groundwork was laid cirerully a program of national derense for further action tomorrow, when the STILL FIGHTING after rrce consultation with others and then eonrcrence will be resumed, which will to throw the entire weight of the adminis- rnnbititilc the first ' or a succession of ADMIRAL CAPERTON REPflltTS BRIGHT tration behind the nolle v unon. moves to end the three years or revolution UN INC PROSPECTS Volt PEACa. IN As already Indicated, the part of his next nn ríteos. HAITIEN REPUBLIC message nevoteo to national aérense is Armed Intervention Net PRESSED BY FOUR to be the most lnanbrtant of the Mentioned STEADILY entire document. Much thought already No action was agreed upon today, and It JtlMaaortsUi unnvrsiooa mat frru ( nas Dcen given try tne president to tne sub- "us armed intervention Washington, Aug. ft. Hopes a peace- MIGHTY ARMIES, RUS- ject since hie arrival here, but he will give as not nienuonen. plainly it was trie for no Indication of bla Ideas until he obtains of the conference to e.thtust peace- ful letllement of tbe disturbances In Haiti more information. He la opposed to a pol- ful means 10 orlng Hie Mexican Tactions to- were brightened today oy receipt of a mes- SIANS MANAGE TO IN- - gether, lollowlng closely "has icy of militarism." but thinks the United what been sage rrom Rear Admiral Capcrton. com- Slates should be adenuate.lv defended. the administration's policy rrom the first LOSSES QN The reports of Secretaries Garrison and and to make It clear lo the world that there manding the American naval forcea at Port FUCT HEAVY Daniels are expected to be ready next week Is no oloet t other than the preservation or an Prince and Cape Haltlen. announcing he or ana win ne luomtttea to tne president by snvureignly Mexico. tha: troops cr neaolvo Bobo, leader of iría ENEMIES; SERVIA MAY BE tnem personally arier ras return to wean Conference tionftdrnllal. Ington. successful revolution, would disarm on At the conclusion the dip- their ofrlval from the cape. Oenertl Bobo'a NEXT TO FEEL FULL lomas informally staled they had accepted men are reported en route rrom Cape Hal- the iiiviution with the stipulation that tlen to Port au Prince and should arrive GENERAL VILLA should be conridenllal until a pro- there In six daya. FORCE OF GERMAN OF gram had been perfected. Secretary Lans- The following abstract of Admiral ing, speaking mr all present, said: report was given out: FENSrVE. 'The informal conference win be re- General Blot left Cape Haltlen for Santo sumed tomorrow ariernoon. The diplomats Domingo on the miming- - of trie font In in. who were present rama into the confer- stent. The troops of General Bobo have JUAREZ VISITOR ence with the distinct understanding that met wllh no runner restetanre in the north Bu 1 asocio tnt Prett It was tn he held absolutely confidential of lliiu and Bobo'a troops are said to be London, Aug. 5. The Germans are In pos apd 'secret." marching to Port au Prince, where they session of Warsaw, capital of Poland, and Seven Nations Represented. will probably arrive In about six days. TO' ST General Bobo'a have prom- line mira largest city in tne Russian iiipui. Meeting with Secretary Lanalng representatives I Bavarian troops entered the city this morn- - ware ised them his troops will disarm upon CONVENTIONALIST MILITARY COIIMAN AiiiliasHinlors Neon or Argentina. Da Oama at au ling, having; taken successively uie monte OER C0HE8 TO BORDER TO CON- of liroitll and Suarez of :hiie Port Prince. lines ana ine outer ano inner loivsasws ui and Ministers "Although Cape Haltlen Is quiet, out- omy FER WITH OFFICIALS.
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