School Board Candidates debate construction issues: Page 10B Salado VVillageillage VVoiceoice Vol. XXIX, Number 4 Thursday, May 4, 2006 254/947-5321 fax 254/947-9479 www.saladovillagevoice.com 50¢ American West director will talk about patriotism in 21st century Environmentalist, history and destiny. Her historian and futurist, best-known book, Legacy Dr. Patricia Limerick, of Conquest, has had a will be the final major impact on the field presenter in the Institute of Western American for the Humanities history. series, Deepening the Dr. Limerick is a American Dream, May frequent contributor 6. Dr. Limerick’s talk, to many publications, “Pride Without Vanity: including the New York Patriotism in the 21st Times, where she was a Century,” will be at the recurring guest columnist Salado Civic Center at 5 last summer. She was also Dr. Patricia Limerick p.m. a consultant to Ken Burns’ She is the Director PBS series “The West.” environmentalism that can of the Center of the One of her current lead the way in dealing American West, located fields of interest is with the coming energy The brilliant colored hibiscus planted with other colorful annuals above is in the at the University of energy sustainability and crisis. garden of Barton and Jeanie Jones. The Joneses have opened their garden to the Colorado, where she the role that the west, The Limerick lecture Second Annual Salado Yard and Garden Tour May 6-7. For details, turn to story is also a professor of including Texas, can play is only available to and color photos on page 6C, this edition. Other yards and gardens on the tour are environmental studies in addressing and solving members of the Institute the private yard and garden of John and Barbara Robertson; the private yard and and history. Dr. Limerick the country’s energy for the Humanities and garden of Joe and Dottie Oliver; the private country garden of Richard Teeler and is an expert on the problems. She believes their guests. Contact the Les McCollum; the historic Baines House bed and breakfast owned by Rod and American West, its past that the history of west Institute office at 947-5729 Sheryl Russell and the public Green Bridge garden. The tour times are 10 a.m.-4 and its future and she has reflects a mix of resources, or email [email protected] p.m. May 6 and 1-4 p.m. May 7. Tickets are $10 and are good for both days. Maps written a wide variety of pragmatism, and business to become a member and will be available leading to each location with a brief description of each garden. books and articles on its emphasis mixed with sign up for the events. Five seek 2 positions as SISD trustee Aldermen set lived in Salado for 13 years, Miriam Ervi is the budgets and taxes, “espe- 50 acres for a new school, full agenda BY TIM FLEISCHER having taught in Salado owner of two stores, The cially with the impending passing a bond and begin- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF schools for 12 of those years. Candy Corner in Temple school finance plans coming ning work on renovating the for May 4 from the legislature.” current facilities. She has 33 years experience Calling the Salado I.S.D. and Killeen. A 17-year resi- “I believe in a sound Dr. Nolan Kinsey has in teaching in every size Salado aldermen have Board of Trustees race a dent of Salado, Ervi has two fiscal policy for the future spent much of his life in school district in Texas, as a full agenda for 6:30 p.m. “race” would be stretching high school age children who growth of the district,” she Salado, growing up here and well as other states. May 4 at the municipal the definition of the term have attended Salado schools said. attending school in the old She has a master’s degree building on Stagecoach as only 53 people have cast since starting kindergarten. Jeff Kelley is a 30-year red schoolhouse. After serv- from Eastern Michigan Uni- Road. early ballots as of press time Ervi has a Bachelor of Arts resident of Salado and a ing in the military, he earned versity. May 2. in Economics. Among the items for graduate of Salado High a bachelor’s degree from “I am here as an educator Early voting in the elec- She is seeking her third discussion are these: School. He has owned and Southwestern University and with a desire to give insight tion of two trustees to three three-year term to the board. • Municipal building operated Salado Plumbing went on to get his master’s into the building process,” year terms on the Salado ISD Ervi equated the role of landscaping for 30 years. He and wife and doctorate from Baylor she said. board began May 1 and con- the school board to that of Charla Kelley, who is a fifth University. Salisbury said that the • Recommendation tinues weekdays 7:30 a.m.-4: the framework of a building: grade teacher at Salado Inter- He is a member of the district is doing a great job from P&Z on Haddon Hall 30 p.m. May 8. On May 9, invisible but vital to the sup- mediate School, have three First Baptist Church of of educating “high level subdivision. the last day to vote early, the port of the structure. children, two of which are in Salado, Salado Lions Club, students and students who • Recommendation polls will be open 7 a.m.-7 She said that the board Salado schools. In addition Phi Delta Kappa and the struggle,” adding that she ZOning Board of Adjust- p.m. at the Salado Civic Cen- has four responsibilities: to his term on the Salado ISD Farm Bureau. would like to see “a greater ter. Election day, the polls select and hire administra- ment on Goodwin setback board of trustees, Kelley also Dr. Kinsey told the group push for the average students will be open 7 a.m.-7 p.m. tors; set local policy; adopt variance request. serves on the Salado United that he retired to Salado after to excel. If a student excels May 13 at the Civic Center. a budget and set the tax rate • Recordings at board Methodist Church board of 30 years in education. in art or ag or home ec or The low voter turnout re- and act as a liaison to the meetings. trustees. He expressed concern another class, it flows into flected the low attendance of community. Kelley said that serv- about the taxable values and the core classes.” • Report on TxDOT the Candidate Forum April Ervi said that in her six ing on the board has taken tax rate in the school district. She told the group that meeting for Salado acqui- 28 at the Salado Civic Cen- years on the board, she has some adjustments. “When Dr. Kinsey told the group that she would work on the board sition and utilities. ter. missed “maybe two meet- you own your own business, he could lend his experience to see that technology is • Municipal Court Fewer than 50 attended ings.” She added that she you make a decision and in education as a teacher and infused into the building technology fee and secu- the Candidate Forum, which continues to seek additional go with it, but on a board, administrator to the board project and that other types gave voters a chance to learn training as a board member. rity fee ordinance. things moves much slower,” of trustees, particularly in of hands-on learning is avail- about the five candidates In addition to many com- • Hester Way drainage he said. “But if we mess up the construction process and able to Salado students. seeking two positions on the mittee assignments, Ervi has issues. (on school board), we don’t budgeting process. Barry Shiller is the board of trustees. All five served as president and vice Other items on the pay the price, the kids and He suggested that the newest candidate to Salado, candidates were in atten- president of the board during taxpayers in the community district could come up with having lived here for about agenda include reports dance at the Forum: Miriam her tenure. pay the price.” a budget that is “maybe $2 seven years. He is an Army from the Chief of Police Ervi, Jeff Kelley, Dr. Nolan She said that her experi- Kelley pointed to accom- million less and still have the veteran, having served in and the Tourism Director. Kinsey, Marilyn Salisbury ence on the board would be plishments during his three best education in the state.” Iraq during Desert Storm. The meeting is open to and Barry Shiller. important in dealing with years on the board: buying Marilyn Salisbury has SEE CANDIDATES, PAGE 5A the public. INSIDE Fourth Bulk Rate CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2B U.S. Postage Paid graders Permit No. 50 CHURCH 10A Salado, TX 76571 CLASSIFIEDS 1C emote FORUM 2A May 13. Subscribe SHOPPING MAP 6B Find out more Today Rooted in Salado SPORTS 6A Since 1979 on Page 1B 254/947-5321 Page 2A, SALADO Village Voice, May 4, 2006 House OK’s five school funding bills; Session thus far termed “cooperative” FORUMFORUM Court order proves excellent motivator An Open Exchange of Ideas The first two weeks of the current Off the special session of the Texas Legislature rocked along at a surprisingly brisk Record rate. With very few partisan outbursts, the House (last Friday) sent five bills by Ken Clapp to the Senate that completed - accord- ing to Speaker Tom Craddick: “The House’s total passage of the Sharp Plan AMERICANS ANGRY and will bring in sufficient revenue to OVER GAS PRICES ensure taxpayers will get the property The normally rowdy Legislature, in tax cut they deserve.” regular or special session, usually sends What Craddick failed to mention in out enough bad-news-vibes to cause his press statement was the hope he and heartburn or worse.
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