W, VILLAOE OF E MEMo TO: Mayor, Trustees, Village Attorneys and Village Clerk FROM: Village Administrator Steve Stricker and Staff DATE: October 2,2015 SUBJECT: Administration Weekly Memo Countv Line Road Bridqe Dedication Geremonv - Saturday. October 3. 10:00 a.m. Please remember that the Dedication Ceremony for the County Line Road Bridge over l-55 is scheduled on Saturday, October 3, at'10:00 a.m., at the Loyola Medical Facility Parking Lot, 6800 North Frontage Road. Plan Commission Meetinq - Mondav. October 5. 7:30 p.m. The next Plan Commission meeting is scheduled on Monday, October 5, at 7:30 p.m. Attached is the agenda for the meeting. Chamber of Commerce Lunch Meetinq - Wednesday. October 7. 11:30 a.m. The next Chamber of Commerce Lunch Meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, October 7, beginning at 11:30 a.m., at the Holiday lnn Countryside, 6201 Joliet Road. Curbside Brush Pickup - Week of October 12 Please be reminded that the fall brush pickup program will begin on Monday, October 12. The entire Village is completed in one week and we ask that residents have their branches at the curb by no later than 7:00 a.m. on October 12. Once the pickup crew completes a street, they will not return to it for late placement of branches. Police Pension Board Meetinq - Tuesdav, October 13. 7:00 p.m. The next Police Pension Board meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, October 13, at 7:00 p.m. Miscellaneous l\4emo 1012t2015 Page 1 of 2 BFPC Meetin q - Wednesday. October 14, 7:00 p.m. The next Board of Fire and Police commissioners meeting is scheduled on wednesday, October 14, at 7:00 p.m. Plan Commission Meetinq - Monday, October 19 7:30 p.m. The second October Plan Commission meeting is scheduled on Monday, October 19, at 7:30 p.m. Veterans Memorial Committee Meetinq - Wednesdav. October 28. 4:00 p.m. The october meeting of the Veterans Memorial committee is scheduled on wednesday, October 28, at 4:00 p.m. Halloween Trick-or-Treat Hours - Saturda y. October 31. 3:00-8:00 p.m. The hours for Halloween Trick-or-Treating on Saturday, October 31, are from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. DMMC Leqislative U pdate Attached please find the DuPage Mayors and Managers conference Legislative update dated September 25, 2015. SS:bp encl Department Heads Miscellaneous Memo 10t2no15 Page 2 ol2 REGULAR MEETING VILI.AGE OF BURR RIDGE PLAN COMMISSION October 5, 2015 7:30 P.M. I. ROLL CALL Greg Tzupek, Chairman Mike Stratis Luisa Hoch Dehn Grunsten Greg Scott Robert Grela Mary Praxmarer Jim Broline, Alternate II. APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES A. September 21,2015 Plan Commission Regular Meeting III. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Z-14-2015: 100 Harvester Drive (Estancia); PUD Amendment and Findings of Fact Requests an amendment to the Estancia Planned Unit Development, Ordinances 4-834-08-04 and 4-834-33-06, to permit the re-subdivision of the three lots to accommodate the construction of additional parking on the currently vacant Lot 3 for the benefit of the three story office building on Lot 2. B. Z-15-2015: 8080 Madison Street (Black & Decker); Special Use and Findings of Fact Requests special use approval as per Section X.F.2.o of the Bun Ridge ZoningOrdinance to permit retail sales of power tools, hand tools, and related items accessory to a warehouse and management office. C. Z-16-2015: 7950 Bucktrail Drive (McNaughton Brothers); Rezoning and Findings of Fact Requests rezoning of a five acre parcel from the R-1 District to the R-2B Single-Family Residence District of the Burr Ridge Zoning Ordinance Iv. CORRESPONDENCE A. Board Report - September 28,2075 October 5,2015 Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals Page2 of2 V. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS A. Preliminary Plat Review (McNaughton Brothers) - Bucktrail Estates VI. FUTURE SCHEDULED MEETINGS A. October 19,2015: The following public hearings are scheduled: o 2-13-2015: 15W300 South Frontage Road (Vega Hospitality); Special Use and Variation o 2-17-2015:78-324 Burr Ridge Parkway (County Line Square); Special Use and Variation B. November 2,20152 The filing deadline for this meeting is October 12,2015 VII. ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: All Plan Commission recommendations are advisory and are submitted to the Mayor and Board of Trustees for review and final action. Any item being voted on at this Plan Commission meeting will be forwarded to the Mayor and Board of Trustees for consideration at their October 12, 2015 Regular Meeting beginning at 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Grunsten is the scheduled Plan Commission representative for the October 12,2015 Board meeting. Barbara Popp From: DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 4:42 PM To: Barbara Popp Subiect: DMMC Legislative Update B.I t LEGISLATIVE illr hl'lHti:ffr f,wd:,1{3.i;rr ' UPDATE !.r I September 25,2015 ! DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference 1220 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, lllinois 60523 )1, (630) 571-0480 I www.dmmc-coq. oro Property Tax Freeze Proposal The House was in session Thursday, September 24 and considered another proposal to freeze property taxes. ln fact, Representative Bradley (D-Marion), the sponsor of HB 685, has introduced the same proposal several times. On Thursday, the House approved an amendment that would enact a permanent property tax freeze on all taxing districts, including home rule units, beginning with the 2016 levy year. Property tax levies would only be able to increase with the approval of local voters. The House also considered an additional amendment to include labor concessions, but the amendment failed by a vote of 0 to 60. As such, HB 685, as amended by HAm '1, is a stand-alone permanent property tax freeze. The bill was not called for a final vote and is currently on 3rd Reading in the House. The Conference lobbyist reports that the Governor's position has not changed and he is expected to veto the bill if it makes it to his desk. This bill appears to be part of the ongoing stalemate between parties. Conference OPPOSES. BIMP Representative Franks (D-Woodstock) has filed a Budget lmplementation Bill (BIMP) for FY 2016 and FY 2017. HB 4300 would raise taxes on employers by an estimated $3 billion and contains more than $1 billion in spending cuts and lottery growth. Among its many provisions, the bill also imposes a 10o/o cut of Local Government Distributive Fund (LGDF) revenue beginning February 1,2016. HB 4300 has been referred to the Rules Committee. Legislative Calendar The state is almost three months into the fiscal year which began on July 1, 2015, but there still appears to be no sign of progress on a budget. The Senate is scheduled to return on Tuesday, October 5, while the House does not return until Tuesday, October 20. lf you have any questions about bills or legislative activity, please contact Executive Director Mark Baloga at (630) 571-0480, ext.223 or [email protected]. You 1 may also contact Policy Analyst Kate Buggy at (630) 57'l-0480, exJ..225 ot [email protected]. For your DuPage legislator's contact information, follow the link below. Senator Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant (D-49, Plainfield) Senator Jacqueline Collins (D-'16. Chicaqo) Senator Michael Connellv (R-21, Wheaton) Senator Thomas E. Cullerton (D-23, Villa Park) Senator Don Harmon (D-39, Oak Park) Senator Linda Holmes (D42. Aurora) Senator Dan Kotowski (D-28. Park Ridoe) Senator Karen McConnauqhav (R-33, West Dundee) Senator Pat McGuire (D-43, Joliet) Senator Matt Murohv (R-27. Palatine) Senator Michael Noland (D-22. Eloin) Senator Chris Nvbo (R-24. Lombard) Senator Jim ObeMeis (R-25. North Aurora) Senate Reoublican Leader Christine Radoono (R-41. Lemont) Reoresentative Steven Andersson (R-65, Geneva) Reoresentative Mark Batinick (R-97. Plainfield) Reoresentative Patti Bellock (R-47, Westmont) Representative Peter Breen (R48, Lombard) Reoresentative Linda Chapa Lavia (D-83, Aurora) Representative Deborah Conrov (D-46, Villa Park) Representative Fred Crespo (D-44, Streamwood) House Republican Leader Jim Durkin (R-82, Burr Ridqe) Reoresentative Marv Flowers (D-31, Chicaqo) Reoresentative l\4ike Fortner (R49. West Chicaoo) Representative Jeann lves (R42, Wheaton) Representative Stephanie Kifowit (D-84, Aurora) Representative Natalie Manlev (D-98, Joliet) Representative Emily l\ilcAsev (D-85, Romeoville) Representative Thomas Morrison (R-54. Palatine) Reoresentative Martin J. Movlan (D-55. Des Plaines) Representative Michelle Mussman (D-56, Schaumburo) Representative Ron Sandack (R-81 , Downers Grove) Representative Grant Wehrli (R-41. Naoerville) Representative Keith Wheeler (R-50. North Aurora) Reoresentative Kathleen Willis (D-77. Northlake) Representative Christine Winqer (R45, Bloominqdale) ABOUT THE CONFERENCE Founded June 19, 1962, the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference is a council of municipal governments in DuPage County, lllinois. Each member municipality is represented by its mayor and manager as voting delegates. The Conference is a not-for-profit organization supported by membership dues and grants. ilililililt 1ilililililil1 2 DuPage ]Uayors and lrlanagers Conterronce '1220 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook, lllinois 60523 www.dmmc-coo.oro r1\J Forward email ,rtfrUrBub6(r!b{ This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] Uodate Profile/Email Address Rapid removal with Safeunsubscribe'" About our service orovider ,-' , -,ier fnrln r!, Cqtb,iC-mef DuPage Nlayors and Nlanagers Conference 1220 Oak Brook Road Oak Brook IL 60523 3.
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