¦ • - ; .,«W.*:' — cGfr - I . L * ' ., ¦ \5 „ ; ¦ >.V./ v' v / '^- .'' . .. - . '. c t ^vy ,-h ^—MMH^^^ _ntBWB«a—saan _s^B_sa»_s —_¦——*—— si—_*¦—¦*¦¦—¦¦¦—s___™__a»«B— _»—a__ ^^ Volum e XVI Watervill e,^a ^i£^S5e>ber. -^\ 25, 1912 Numb er 1 A^~ —¦—-——- \ ; -*——— . / Libk *ri V. ) ¦ • r i . ' ' ¦ . ' ¦ i' ' ' _ i ' Publi shed Wednesda ys durin g the College Year by the Students of Colby College, ! Li i j "FOR COLLEGE GIRLS" '' ! SUITS, -eOHTS , SWEATERS , j GLOVES , \ \ . e©RS ETS , HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. \ I " THE WOMMN.S SHOP " ' I WARDWELL DRY GOODS COMPANY "j { 76 MAIN ST., WATERVILLE MAINE ' ¦ * * ~7/ » WATERV1LESTEAM LAUNDRY Slaaer s 145 MAIN STREET JOHN WEIJLS, D. U. Ho. IS. B. FAEBAR. D, K.E. Hn. Confectionery and Ice Cream. 113 Main Street. Ajjents for Colby "We welcome you back and also to our store." Sidney A. Green Andrew U. Green S. E. WHITS©MB ee. Dealers in . 5. A. & A. B. GREEN . GROCERIES, MEATS, FISH , PROVISIONS I' ltUIT AND CANN1ST> GOODS Telephone 261 81 MAIN STREET COAL HARD AND SOFT WOOD, AND KINDLINGS { WRIGHT & DITSON Waterville , Maine. HEADQUARTERS FOR TlSIilSPHONK , 30 OPWCE, SSI MAIN STKEKT Athletic Supplies CUT FLOWERS College Students o I Unso Bai i and Athletes who lv I MITCH &U & CO, Xawn Tennis /p wan£ fc}ie 1.ea]) $upe- wK&)yM | FLORISTS Gol£ rior articles for the |a) linsiiot iian various sports *|W ' 144- Main Street;, Waterville, Me. Track ana should insist upon X_X moid sports thoge feearino,- the MBfiH root nan Wright & Ditson *„. v<_>/ iiociioy Trade Mark. «• ¦-. "at. off. nnH _MHHHaMnMnMi _M Catalogue Free <^ |fe ^ WRIGHT & DITSON Jt OS C^Sfaiqfield,me. J 344 Washin gton Street \. IP,. H. I-IOAlt, Mannjsor ' BOSTON, MASS. i irivst class in all its appointments. Hath and. J i Toluplionu in ovory room.to Bi>ooial J NEW YORK CHICAGO ^ " attention ttlvon f SAN FRANCISCO \ IJANQUETS and PRIVATE DINNER * PROVIDENCE CAMBRIDGE J PARTIES i .^, ___ _ t .» m ^k_ _ *% m ^ ¦ ,(fc mj i ** ^. ^ % ^ ^ ^ ** * ^ ^ ^ ^. m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *». ^ ^ ** ^ % ^ ^ COLBY STUDENTS ARE INVITED Cfo attend the opening of our >mJS(ew ^Dep artment Ketone about Oct. 7s t. EMERY-BROWN COMPANY \ COLBY MEMORABILIAS < E/ { COLBY PENNANTS J j S. L. PR^E/BI/ j ! COLBY SEALS j i BOOKS , STATIONERY j J 66 Main Street, Waterville, Me. \ j and FINE ART GOODS j \ H. L. KELLEY <& COMPANY j \ College \ > £130 Main Street J ' Waterville , Maine J \ pbotogtapbev j *~™,^ ^ ^™ ,™^^ —^ „ ^J k«««««u%%%««« ^««%«« '•.^wm. ^m.m. ^.m.m.m.^.m.m.m.' THE COLLEGE SUPPLY STORE Wh tJext iJjooks fJrountcLtn j Lens Wh ( 4SIiw ' %Jjanners C^crap ^AJooUs 'JJSi^J ML c, „. Kjtationenj 11Spjl ¦ ¦ m ; t'*v T? _ i A GENERAL COLL EGE SUPPLY mm —¦_«_ _«—__ «__ *_¦«_¦_ __ _Hi__HMM_ *¦_—¦¦___ !H«_nMMNWMIMi —W> H_nMi —W—MBMMM_MHM _H___ IM_IM_M_MB » ~™¦"~™¦—¦—i¦——_¦—»— — mmmmmmm ———— — Send Your Subscriptions for the ECHO at Onee-$1.00. ^^^^ ! Who Makes Your Clothes? ¦ Ask this question of the majority cf Men in College and they will say HEALD-ERVING CO. mtc *—tsrar* Why? Because they guarantee a fit and complete satisfaction or your money back. We .are sole agents for the famous Ed. V. PRICE & CO'S. line. Call and let us show the Fall and Winter j Samples. „^ 8st. HEALD-ERVIN CO. WA™LLE' ; t Clothiers and Haberdashers • j ¦¦¦ • ¦¦ H a^ naaBaBi ^ iBaaa g HnBHB ^ iBBHMM ^ aaiKanaiMa THE EMPIRE RINK Sessions: 1.30 to 4.30, 7.00 to 10.00 WE CATER TO PRIVATE K6tchTHE BELMONTCOLLARS STYLE IN POUR HEIGHTS GLASGOW Z% In. BELM ONT ZH In. PAILTOS FILOM 4,30 to 7 MEDORA ?.Ya in. CHESTE R 2 In. g for 85 ota. CI UETT , PEABOn Y&CO., MaUara _____ _ _ _ __^_^^^^ __^-^^_ I _ _^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ __ ____^___& ^^^^^^^^ _^^^^^^^^^^^^ i SUPPLIES JOHN N. WEBBER , Pres. J. F. PEKCI VAL, Cashier j LLLCTRIC i OF ALL KINDS Zhe \ Central Maine Power Co. p eoples national | Banh 141 MAIN STREET ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Waterville. Maine. CONTENTS. between the quarters of each half .have been shortened from two minutes to one. New Football Rules 1 New Instructors 1 The officials are three: referee, umpire, Football Prospects 2 "Bloody Monday" 2 and linesman. The other changes made Prizes 2 Library Notes 3 are of minor importance. Improvements 3 Football Schedule 3 The object of these alterations has been Sophomore Class ' 3 Y. M. C. A. Reception .. 3 to simplify the rules and to provide Editorial 4 Sunday School Classes 4 chances for a large amount of scoring. New Students 4 ' Football Captain 4 From the spectator's point of view, the . Edward J. Daly 6 Track 6 game will be a return to the old style Y. M. C. A 6 Honors and Prizes 7 game of line plunging and big scores, and Colby Alumnus , 7 .Observant Student 7 for this reason, more popular than ever Women's Division. , , 8 before. THE NEW FOOTBALL RULES. NEW INSTRUCTORS. The most noticeable change in the foot- ball rules this year is the change in the The department of English has been field. The distance from goal line to goal strengthened by the coming of Henry W. line has been shortened from 110 yards to Brown, M. Sc, to whom has been assigned exactly 100! yards. The actual playing divisions, la, lc, and 2a in Rhetoric. space, however, is 120 yards, as ten yards The new instructor has had more than have been added to each end of the field twenty years of experience as a teacher* to cover the new rule regarding the for- For the greater part of the time he has ward pass. The kick-off is made, not been Vice Principal of the New Hampton from the centre of the field as formerly, Literary Institute, acting also as head of • bui on the 40-yard line ; that is, 60 yards the science department there. from the goal towards which the ball is Mr. Brown took his degrees at .Univer- kicked. sity of Maine. He studied two years at Another point of difference is the in- Yale and has been abroad. He is a writer crease in the number of downs—four in- and speaker upon educational and scien- stead of three downs for an advance of ten tific topics ; Director of the New Hamp- yards. The necessary average for each shire Y. M. C. A. camp, upon lake Winne- down is thus cut down from 3 1-3 to 2 1-2 pesaukee ; Secretary of the New Hamp- yards. This will of necessity bring abou t- shire Academy Teachers' Association ; and more fi rst downs and an increased amount a member of the American Association of scoring. • for the Advancement of Science ; the The forward pass this year is unlimited National Geographical Society and other as to distance anil may legally go over I he organizations. goal line, if kept within the 10 yard end Ezra K. Maxfield, one of the new Eng- • zone. The on-side kick has been done lish instructors, is a native of Winthrop, away with altogether. The intermissions Me., and comes to Colby with a large ex- perience of many years of successful FOOTBALL PROSPECTS. teaching. In 1900 Mr. Maxfield graduated from At this time of year the natural ques- Coburn Classical Institute and in 1905 tion that arises in the minds of every from Colby with the degree of B. A. In* Colby student is, What are 'Colby's 1905-06 he was principal of the High chances for a Championship Football school at Waldoboro, Me. From 1906-07 Team this fall ? In view of the fact that he was instructor in Friends Central the old men were slow in returning to school in Philadelphia ; from 1907-08 grad- early practice and scarcely any of the uate student of English at the University freshmen showed up at all until after of Pennsylvania ; from 1908-09 graduate college commenced it is well nigh impos- student of English at Harvard. During sible to make any predictions as to the 1909-10, he was instructor in English at caliber of the team. the Delaware State college ; from 1910-11, To date about thirty-five men have re- he was substitute professor of English at ported. Of the new men, Eustis, Stan- Haverford college. In 1911,he received wood, Dunn, Lowell and Ayer will make his M. A. degree from Harvard and for the strong bids for positions on the team. last year has been instructor in English at So far there has been only the lightest of Simmons college. work given the men and only a few scrim- Owing to the large increase of the num- mages have been indulged in so that any ber of students electing Economics, the correct estimate is out of the question. Board of Trustees at the winter meeting Saturday's game with Hebron will give . voted to secure the services of Dr. F. E. the College the first real opportunity to Wolfe of Dryden, Va., who will devote his get a line on the team. time exclusively to this department. Dr. Wolfe comes to Waterville from "BLOODY MONDAY." Johns Hopkins University where he re- On Monday night the time-honored ceived the degree of Ph.D. in June of this cus- tom of "Bloody Monday" night was ob- year, the subject of his doctor's disserta- served. The Sophomores gathered at tion being, "Admission to American Trade Coburn about midnight and marched up Unions," which is now in press. He re- to the gymnasium, gathering in the fresh- ceived the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1907 men on the way.
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