Group Ownership Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. KSOK(AM) Arkansas City, Christi, KAFX -FM Diboll, KBRQ(FM) Hillsboro, WPBF(TV) Tequesta (West Palm Beach), both FL. Loc KAZY(FM) Winfield and KSOK -FM Winfield, all KS. (All KTHN(FM) Hooks, KKTX -AM -FM Kilgore, KIIZ -FM mMg agreement: KCWB(TV) Kansas City, MO. 100% owned.) Killeen, KKCL(FM) Lorenzo, KCRM(FM) Lubbock, Ownership: See The Hearst Corporation underCross- KFYO(AM)-KZII -FM Lubbock, KKAM(AM) -KFMX -FM Sect. A. Great Trails Broadcasting Corp. 717 E. David Rd., Ownership, Lubbock, KYKS(FM) Lufkin, KIOC(FM) Orange, Dayton, OH 45429. (937) 294 -3333. FAX: (937) 297- Hedberg Broadcasting Group. Box 528, Spirit Lake, 5223. Executives: Alexander J. Williams, chmn; Paul KKMY(FM) Orange, KNCN(FM) Sinton, KKYR -FM Texarkana, KNUE(FM) Tyler, KIXS(FM) Victoria, IA 51360. (712) 336 -5800. FAX: (712) 336 -1634. Addi- M. Hughes, pros; Scot L. Freeman, CFO. tional Numbers: E -mail: grebdeh @aol.com. Execu- Stns: 3TV. WFFT-TV Fort Wayne, IN; WHAG -TV Hag- KCKR(FM) Waco, KKTK(AM) -WACO -FM Waco, KWTX -AM -FM Waco and KIXS(FM) Whitehouse, all TX. tives: Paul C. Hedberg, pres/CEO; Mark P. Hedberg, erstown, MD; and KSVI(TV) Billings, MT. Note: Group VP; Kelly McCarty, sedtreas. also operates KHMT(TV) Hardin, MT under a loc mktg Guyann Corp. Box 1930, Flagstaff, AZ 86002. (520) Stns: 3 AM, 6 FM. KLGA -AM -FM Algona, KUQQ(FM) agreement. 774-5231. FAX: (520) 779-2988. Executive: Guy Chris- Milford, KIHK(FM) Rock Valley, KSOU -AM -FM Sioux Greater Media Inc. Two Kennedy Blvd., East Bruns- tian, pres/owner/gen mgr. Center, KUOO(FM) Spi rit Lake and KAYL -AM -FM Storm wick, NJ 08816. (732) 247 -6161. FAX: (732) 247 -0215. Stns: 2 AM, 3 FM. KFLG -AM-FM Bullhead City, KAFF- Lake, all IA. Executives: Peter A. Bordes, chmn/CEO; Frank Ka- AM-FM Flagstaff and KMGN(FM) Flagstaff, all AZ. (All Ownership: Paul C. Hedberg owns52 %of KUOO(FM) bela, pres; Tom Milewski, COO/exec VP /group VP 100% owned.) and KUOO(FM), 50% of KAYL- AM -FM, 10% of radio; Walter Veth, group VP cable TV; John W. Zielin- Ownership: Guy Christian, 100 %. KIHK(FM) and KSOU -AM -FM and 5% of KLGA- AM -FM. ski, sr VP finance; Milford Smith, VP radio engrg; Alfred Mark P. Hedberg owns 95% of KLGA-AM -FM, 50% of J. Russo, business affrs. Washington counsel: KAYL- AM -FM, 45% of KIHK(FM) and KSOU -AM -FM Schwartz, Woods & Miller. Cable TV. H and 24% of KUQQ(FM) and KUOO(FM). Paul and Ann 2 AM, 12 FM. WMJX(FM) Boston, WSJZ(FM) Kieffaber own 45% of KIHK(FM) and KSOU- AM-FM. Stns: HGF Media Group. Hotel Traylor, 1444 Hamilton St., Boston, WBOS(FM) Brookline, WROR -FM Framing- Ann Hedberg owns 24% of KUQQ(FM) and KUOO(FM). Suite 606, Allentown, PA 18102. (610) 435 -5913. FAX: ham and WKLB -FM Lowell, all MA; WCSX(FM) Bimting- (610) 435 -8918. Executive: Judith V. Fulmer, VP /dir. Heftel Broadcasting Corp. 100 Crescent Ct., Suite ham, WRIF(FM) Detroit and WXDG(FM) Detroit, all MI; Stns: 2 AM, 1 FM, one low -power TV. WKAP(AM) Al- 1777, Dallas, TX 75201. (214) 855 -8882. FAX: (214) WCTC(AM) and WMGQ(FM) New Brunswick, NJ; lentown, WLSH(AM) Lansford and WMGH -FM 855-8881. Executives: McHenry T. Tichenor Jr., WMMR(FM), WPEN(AM) -WMGK(FM) and WXXM(FM) Tamaqua, all PA. Note: Group also owns W09BI William- pres/CEO; David D. Lykes, exec VP /COO/sec; Jeffrey Philadelphia, PA. sport, PA, a low -power TV stn. T. Hinson, VP /CFO /treas; Ricardo del Castillo, sr VP. Ownership: Peter A. Bordes &family, 100 %. Cable TV. sr Ownership: Harold G. Fulmer III, 100 %. Stns: 18 AM, 19 FM. KTNQ(AM) -KLVE(FM) Los An- (See also Cross -Ownership, Sect. A.) geles, KSOL(FM) San Francisco and KZOL(FM) Santa HMH Broadcasting. Box 1559, Lexington, KY 40592. The Green Group. 1601 New Rd., Linwood, NJ 08221. Cruz, all CA; WRTO(FM) Goulds, WAQI(AM) Miami and (606) 253 -5900. FAX: (606) 253 -5903. (609) 653 -1400. FAX: (609) 927-7014. Executives: WQBA(AM) -WAMR -FM Miami, all FL; WIND(AM) Chi- Stns: 1 AM, 4 FM. WXZZ(FM) Georgetown, WVLK- Howard L. Green, pres; Mike Steele, exec VP. cago, WLXX(AM) Chicago and WOJO(FM) Evanston, AM-FM Lexington, WLTO(FM) Nicholasville and Stns: 4 AM, 3 FM, 2 TV. WGYM(AM)-WMGM(FM) At- all IL; KLSQ(AM) Laughlin, NV; WPAT(AM) Paterson, WLRO(FM) Richmond, all KY. lento City, WONZ(AM) Hammonton, WTKU(FM) Ocean NJ; WADO(AM) New York, NY; KUNO(AM) Corpus City, WOND(AM) Pleasantville and WMGM -TV Wild - HSN Inc. Christi (26 %), KICI -FM Corsicana, KMRT(AM) Dallas, wood, all NJ; and WENY- AM -FM -TV Elmira, NY. See SF Broadcasting L.L.C. and Silver King Broad- KHCK(FM) Denton, KAMA(AM) EI Paso, KBNA -AM -FM Ownership: Howard L. Green, 100%. casting. EI Paso, KESS(AM) Fort Worth, KLTP(FM) Galveston, KMRT-FM Granbury, KGBT(AM) -KIWW(FM) Hariin- Group Radio Antenne 8 Inc. 568 boul. St. Joseph, HVS Partners. 31455 Winterplace Pkwy., Salisbury, Roberval, PO, Canada G8H 2K6. (418)275-1831. FAX: gen, KLAT(AM) Houston, KGBT -FM McAllen, MD 21804. (410) 742 -1923. Executives: Ronald J. Gil - KLTN(FM) Port Arthur (Houston), KSAB(FM) Robstown (418) 275-2475. Executives: Marc-Andre Levesque, lenardo, VP; Gisela Huberman, chmn; Thomas Schat- pres; Rosaire Leclerc, pres. (26 %), KLTO(FM) Rosenberg, KRTX(AM) Rosenberg - tenfield, vice-chmn. Richmond, KCOR(AM) -KROM(FM) San Antonio, Stns: 4 AM, 1 FM, pl us 2 rebroadcast stns. CFGT(AM)- Stns: 3 AM, 6 FM. WLBW(FM) Fenwick Island, DE; KPOZ(AM) -KXTN -FM San Antonio and KOVE -FM Win - CKYK-FM Al ma, CJM D(AM) Chibougamau, CHVD(AM) WHBT(AM), WHBX(FM) Tallahassee, and WBZE(FM) nie, all TX. Note: Group also hasa time brokerage agree- Dolbeau and CHRL(AM) Roberval, all Po. Note: FL; WRXS(FM) Ocean City, WQHQ(FM) Ocean City- ment with KSCA(FM) Glendale, CA. CJMD(AM) Chibougamau is rebroadcast by CFED(AM) Salisbury, WAWR(AM) Salisbury & WTGM(AM) -WLVW- Chapais, PQ. CHVD(AM) Dolbeau, PO, is rebroadcast Ownership: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (see FM Salisbury, all MD. (All 100% owned.) listing). by CHV D -FM -1 St. Felicien, PQ. (All stns located in Can- Ownership: Gisela Huberman & Thomas Schatten- ada.) field. Heritage Broadcasting Co of MI. Box 627, Cadillac, Ownership: Gestion Germaine Levesque Inc., 50%; MI 49601. (616) 775-3478. FAX: (616) 775 -3671. Addi- Gestion Tremblay & Leclerc Inc., %. Hall Communications Inc. Cuprak Rd., Norwich, CT 50 tional Numbers: E -mail: mario @tv9and10.com. Web 06360. (860) 887.3511. FAX: (860) 886 -7649. Execu- Site: http: / /www.tv9and10.com. Executive: Mario F. la- Guardian Communications Inc. Box 31440, Cincin- tives: Robert M. Hall, chmn/CEO; ArthurJ. Rowbotham, nati, OH 45231. (513) 931 -8080. FAX: (513) 931-8108. cobelli, pres. pres; Richard P. Reed, exec VP; Edd Monskie, VP Executives: Mark McNeil, pres; Richard David, VP. Stns: 2 TV. WWTV(TV) Cadillac and W W UP-TV Sault engrg; Evelyn Wolf, business mgr, James Reed, VP 2 2 FM. Ste. Made, both MI. Stns: AM, KKIM(AM) Albuquerque, news & progmg/gen mgr. KARS(AM) -KLVO(FM) Belen and KYLZ(FM) Los Lunas, Stns: 7 AM, 10 FM. WNLC -FM East Lyme, Tower, 13355 Noel all NM. Heritage Media Corp. One Galleria WNLC(AM) -WTYD(FM) New London and WICH(AM)- Rd., 1500, Dallas, TX 702 Ownership: Mark F. McNeil, Richard David. Suite 75240. (972) -7380. WCTY(FM) Norwich, all CT; WKGF(AM) -WWRZ(FM) FAX: (972) 702-7382. Executives: Jim Hoak, chmn; Gulf Central Radio Network. Box 707, Columbus, MS Arcadia, WONN(AM) Lakeland and WPCV(FM) Winter David Watthall, pres; Doug Woodrum, CFO; Jack Ro- 39703. (601) 328 -1420. FAX: (601) 328-1421. Execu- Haven, all FL; WNBH(AM) and WCTK(FM) New Bed- binette, pres TV group; Paul Fiddick, pres radio group. tive: J.W. Furr, pres. ford, MA; WKOL(FM) Plattsburgh, NY; WLPA(AM)- Stns: 6 AM, 16 FM, 5 TV. KQRC -FM Leavenworth, KS; Stns: 2 AM, 3 FM. WAJV(FM) Brooksville, WROZ(FM) Lancaster and WEGK(FM) Starview, both WBYU(AM), WEZB(FM) and WRNO -FM New Oceans, WJWF(AM) -WMBC(FM) Columbus and WFOR(AM)- PA; WJOY(AM) and WOKO(FM) Burlington, VT. LA; KCFX(FM) Harrisonville, KXTR(FM) Kansas City, WHER(FM) Hattiesburg, all MS. St., Port KCIY(FM) Liberty, KIHT(FM) St. Louis and WRTH(AM)- Ownership: J.W. Furr. Hanson Communications Inc. 2379 Military Huron, MI 48060. (810) 987 -4100. WIL-FM St. Louis, all MO; WPTZ(TV) North Pole (Plattsburgh), WBBF(AM)- WBEE -FM Rochester and Gulf Coast Radio Partners Inc. Box 6943, Warwick, Stns: 2 AM, 1 FM. WBTI(FM) Lexington, WHYT(AM) RI 02886. (401) 732-5574. Marine City and WPHM(AM) Port Huron, all MI. WKLX(FM) Rochester, all NY; KOKH -TV Oklahoma City, Stns: 1 AM, 4 FM, WXBD(AM) Biloxi, WLRK(FM) OK; KKSN -FM Portland and KKRH(FM) Salem, both Gulfport, WXYK(FM) Gulfport, WXDG(FM) Pascagoula Harpole Broadcasting Holdings of Texas. c/o OR; KIVV -TV Lead and KEVN -TV Rapid City, both SD; and WCPR -FM Wiggins, all MS. KUVA(FM), 1400 Batesville Rd., Uvalde, TX 78801. WGH -AM -FM Newport News and WVCL(FM) Norfolk, Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. KEPS(AM)- KINL(FM) Eagle Pass both VA; WNNE-TV Hartford, VT; KKSN (AM) Vancouver, Gulf South Broadcasters Ltd. 4539 N. 3rd St., and KUVA(FM) Uvalde, both TX. WA; WEMP(AM) -WMYX(FM) Milwaukee and Metairie, LA 70006.
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