SECRETARY ’S PAGES MISSION STATEMENT The American Kennel Club is dedicated to upholding ATTENTION DELEGATES the integrity of Mits IRSeSgiIsOtryN, p romoting thSe TsApoTrtEoMf pEurNebT red dogs and breed - ing for type and function. ® NOTICE OF MEETING FToheu nAdmeed ricn a1n8 8K4e, ntnhel AKCCluba isn d deitds icaafftielida tteo d uoprhgoaldninizga tihoen is natedgvroitcy aotfe itfso rRtehge isptruyr,e p brroemdo dtiong athse as pfaormt iolyf pcuormebpraend iodnog, sadavnad nbcre ecdainng infeo r hteyapeltha nad ndfu wncetilol-nb. eing, work to protect the The next meeting of the Delegates will be held Frioguhntdse od f ian ll1 8d8o4g, othwe nAKCers annd di tps raofmfiloiatete rd eosrpgoansiziabtlieo nds oagd ovwocnaetersfhoripth. e pure bred dog as a family companion, advance canine health and well-being, work to protect the rights of all via Zoom Webinar on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 be - dog owners and 805prom1 oAtrec ore Csopropnosribaltee dDorgiv oew, Snueirtseh 1ip0. 0, Raleigh, NC 276 17 101 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10178 8051 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 276 17 ginning at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time. There will Raleigh, NC Customer Call Center ..............................................................(919) 233-9767 260 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 New York, NY Office ...................................................................................(212) 696-8200 not be a Delegates Forum. Raleigh, NC Customer Call Center ..............................................................(919) 233-9767 Fax .............................................................................................................(212) 696-8299 New York, NY Office ...................................................................................(212) 696-8200 Website ..........................................................................................................www.akc.org Fax .............................................................................................................(212) 696-8299 Website ..........................................................................................................www.akc.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS DELEGATES CREDENTIALS DR. THOMAS M. DAVIES, CHAIRMA N•DOMINIC P. CAROTA, VICE CHAIRMAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS Stephanie S. Brooks, Coral Springs, Fl, Fort RONALD H. CMLAESNSA KOEFR 2, 0C2H1 AIRMA N•DR. THOMAS MC.L DAASVSIE OSF, V2I0C2E 3 CHAIRMAN RITA J. BIDDLE DR. J. CHARLES GARVIN DOCMLAINSISC OP.F C 2A0R1O8 TA SCTELAVESNS OHFA M20B2L0 IN Lauderdale Dog Club DR.J TAHMOEMS ARS. DOAKVIES DANPAIETLR IJC. IAS MMY. TCHR,U EZ SQ. DRT. HJ.O CMHAASR LPEOSW GEARRS VIN WILLIAM J. FEENEY Brian Brubaker, Carlisle, PA, RONALD H. MENAKER KAROCLLYANSNSE OMF. 2M0C2A4 TEER CLASS OF 2022 CLASS OF 2019 DR. CACRLAMSESN OLF. B2A0T2T1 AGLIA Puli Club of America CHRISTOPHER L. SWEETWOOD DR. MICHAEL KNIGHT DHRA. RCOALRDM “ERNE LD.” B TAATTTRAOG LIIIIA RITA J. BIDDLE DR. THOMAS M. DAVIES KARDOOLMYNINNICE PM. C. MARCOATTA EER Rebecca (Becky) Campbell, Dublin, OH, Cen - ANN WALLIN ANN WALLIN THOMAS POWERS RONALD H. MENAKER, ChairmaHnA ERmVEeYri tMu.s WOODING tral Ohio Kennel Club DDEENNIIS B. SPRUNG, Ex Offffiicciioo Edward J. Collins, Scottsville, VA, EXECUTIVE OFFICERS DENNIS B. SPRUNG GIINA M. DINARDO JOTSHEEPOHD VO.R BEA PFFHUILTLOIP, JS R. Anatolian Shepherd Dog Club of America President Executive Secretary Chiief Financial Offiicerr Chiief Executive Offiicerr Jean C. Edwards, Bridgeton, NJ, VICE PRESIDENTS South Jersey Kennel Club JAY WAKS VKICIRES PTREENS BIDAEHNLTKSE BRANDI HUNTER Senior ExecutiKvIe RSTEN BAHLKEV,i cPeu rPerberseidd eCnotnsumer DemanPdublic Relations & Mary Ellen Ferguson, Bernalillo, NM, Vice President & Purebred Consumer Demand Communications General Counsel MARK DUNN, Executive Vice President KEITH FRAZIER, Executive CVYicNeT HPrIAe sBidEeAnGtL, EBS usiness SuppDoOrUt GS eLrJvUicNeGs REN Rio Grande Kennel Club ALEXANDRA ALESKOVSKY Assistant General Counsel Sports & Events Executive Vice PresidenSt H& EILA GOFFE , Government Relations Debbie Phillips, Sun City, AZ, Chief GrowthB ROAffNicDeIr HUNTER , PubMlicA RKe lDatUioNnN s & CommunicHaEtAioTnHs ER MCMANUS Senior Vice President Deputy General Counsel Arrowhead Kennel Club THEREDSOAU CGH LINJUNGREN, ExecuRteivgei sVtircaeti oPnre & sident, Sports & Events Senior Vice PresiHdEeAnTt HER MCMusAtoNmUSe,r Deepvueltoyp Gmeennetral CounsMeAl RI-BETH O’NEILL Anita O’Berg, Goleta, CA, Planning & Operations Sport Services MARI-BETH O’NEILL, S port Services KEITH FRAZIER AIDEN COLIE PAULA SPEBCuTsOinR e, sCso Srpuoprpaotret Services ELIZABETH SOROTA Channel City Kennel Club Senior Vice President Services/NC Facility Ops Marketing DAPHNA STRAUS , Business Development Technology Leslie Puppo Rogers, Salisbury, NC, TIM THOMASSH,E JILuAd gGiOnFgF OE perations DAPHNA STRAUS Government Relations Business Development Salisbury North Carolina Kennel Club TRIAL BOARDS Virginia T. Rowland, Templeton, MA, French APPEALSA TPRPIEAALL BS OTARRIADL BOARTD RIAL BOARD MEMBERS (cnt’dT)R IAL P EBROFAORRDM CAHNACIRES TRIAL BOARD MARTHA FELRTAELNPSHT EDINE,L E DSQE.O, C, EHSAQIR. , CHAIR CHARLES FOLEY THERESAJ DOOSWEPELHL ,B EESNQA. GE, ESQ. Bulldog Club of America BARBARAM WAR. TMHIEAN FEERL,T EESNQS.T EIN, ESQ. MEDORA HARPER BARBATRIMA PCEANRNWY, IELSEQ, .ESQ., CHAIR BARBARBA RPBEANRNAY, WE.S MQ.I ENER, ESQ. DONNA HERZIG LAURIE RAYMJOONHDN, ERSUQS. SELL DANIEL SMYTH, ESQ. CARL HOLDER TRIAL BOARD MEMBERS TRIAL BOARD CHAIRS LAURIE MAULUCCI ALTERNATES You can also read the Secretary’s Pages in the THERESA DROW. KELLA, UESQ A NSELM PERFORMANCE TBRILIALL T EBAOGAURED CHARLES FOLEY DR. ROBERT MYALLD AVID HOPKINS, ESQ., CHAIR EUGENIA HUNTER, ESQ. ROBERT W. MONTLER ROGER HARTINGER HON. JAMES PHINIZY TIM CARWILE, ESQ. LAURIE RAYMMEODNOD,R EAS QH.A RPER ROBERT STEIN JOHN RUSSELL DR. ROBERT MYALL ALTERNATES TRIAL BOARD MEMBERS BETTY-ANNE STENMARK BERNARD SCHWARTZ SYLVIA THOMAS MIKE NECAISE DR. KLBAEUTSTY A-NANSENLEM S TENMARK BILL TEAGUE KATHI BRJOAMWENS WHITE Click here to read the February 2021 issue! AKC GAZETTE 1 FEBRUARY 2021 SECRETARY ’S PAGES Joanne E. Schottinger, MD, Chester, NJ, NOTICE Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America As a result of an Event Committee determi - Bruce Schwartz, Los Angeles, CA, Welsh Ter - nation the following individual stands sus - rier Club of America pended of AKC privileges. It should be noted Timothy Ufkes, Seattle, WA, Olympic Kennel that this determination may still be appealed Club and may be reversed. Upon expiration of the Rachel Wilson, Scituate, RI, Wampanoag Ken - appeal process, an appropriate notice describ - nel Club ing the status of the individual’s suspension, if any, will appear in this column: NOTICE Ms. Mallary Ross (Vancouver, WA) Pursuant to Article VIII of the Charter and By - laws of The American Kennel Club, the follow - NOTICE ing Delegates have either been nominated by Ms. Tabatha Buckley-Bettis (Milaca, MN). Ac - the Nominating Committee appointed by the tion was taken by the Ozarks Kennel Club for Board of Directors on July 14, 2020, or have conduct at its November 8, 2020 event. Ms. been endorsed in writing by the required num - Buckley-Bettis was charged with physical contact ber of Delegates as additional candidates for of an insulting or provoking nature. The Staff such vacancies on the Board of Directors as are Event Committee reviewed the committee’s re - to be filled at the next annual meeting of the port and set the penalty at a three-month event Club on March 9, 2021. suspension and a $300 fine, effective November 8, 2020. Class of 2025: Ms. Buckley-Bettis appealed the decision to Rita J. Biddle, Esq., an AKC Trial Board. The Trial Board denied Ingham County Kennel Club her appeal. (Multiple Breeds) Dominic Palleschi Carota, Pharaoh Hound Club of America NOTICE Patricia M. Cruz, Mr. Tony Roderick (Dighton, MA) Action Heart of the Plains Kennel Club was taken by the New England Beagle Club for Dr. Thomas M. Davies, conduct at its August 29, 2020 event, effective Springfield Kennel Club November 9, 2020. Mr. Roderick was charged Dr. Gregory J. Paveza, inappropriate, abusive, or foul language di - Elm City Kennel Club rected personally at a judge. The Staff Event Thomas Powers, Committee reviewed the Event Committee’s Kennel Club of Beverly Hills report and set the penalty as a two-month AKC GAZETTE 2 FEBRUARY 2021 SECRETARY ’S PAGES event suspension and $200 fine. (Beagles) gates Meeting. CHAPTER 6 NOTICE SECTION 2. The premium list shall contain The AKC’s Management Disciplinary Com - the following: mittee has suspended the following individuals • a list of the officers of the show-giving from all AKC privileges for life and imposed a club and the club address $10,000 fine, for conduct prejudicial to pure - • a list of the members of the Event Com - bred dogs, purebred dog events, or the best in - mittee (there must be at least five) to - terests of the American Kennel Club based on gether with the designation of “ Chair ” their violation of the AKC’s Judicial or Adminis - and the Chair’s address (and “Obedi - trative Determination of Inappropriate Treatment ence Trial Chair ” if an obedience trial is Policy: being held by a club in connection with Effective December 22, 2020: its dog show) Ms. Debra Ritter (Curryville, MO) Multi - • the name (s) of the veterinarian (s) or ple Breeds name of local Veterinary Clinic and Mr. John Roberts (Hagerstown, MD) Mul - whether the veterinarian (s) will be in at - tiple Breeds tendance throughout the show hours or “on call,” NOTICE • the names,
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