Hillel Halkin on King James: The Harold Bloom Version JEWISH REVIEW Volume 2, Number 3 Fall 2011 $6.95 OF BOOKS Alan Mintz The Rebbe and the Yak Ruth R. Wisse Yehudah Mirsky Adam Kirsch Moshe Halbertal The Faith of Reds On Law & Forgiveness Yehuda Amital Elli Fischer & Shai Secunda Footnote: the Movie! Ruth Gavison The Nation of Israel? Philip Getz Birthright & Diaspora PLUS Did Billie Holiday Sing Yo's Blues? Sermons & Anti-Sermons & MORE Editor Abraham Socher Publisher Eric Cohen The history of America — Senior Contributing Editor one fear, one monster, Allan Arkush Editorial Board at a time Robert Alter Shlomo Avineri “An unexpected guilty pleasure! Poole invites us Leora Batnitzky into an important and enlightening, if disturbing, Ruth Gavison conversation about the very real monsters that Moshe Halbertal inhabit the dark spaces of America’s past.” Hillel Halkin – J. Gordon Melton, Institute for the Study of American Religion Jon D. 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REviEwS 13 Hillel Halkin King James: The Harold Bloom Version The Shadow of a Great Rockby Harold Bloom 16 Allan Arkush Next Year on the Rhine German City, Jewish Memory: The Story of Worms by Nils Roemer Minhag America 18 Riv-Ellen Prell The Synagogue in America: A Short History by Marc Lee Raphael 20 Adam Kirsch Red Rosa The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg edited by Georg Adler, Peter Hudis, and Annalies Laschitza 24 Philip Getz The Birthright Challenge Ten Days of Birthright Israel: A Journey in Young Adult Identity by Leonard Saxe and Barry Chazan • Tours That Bind: Diaspora, Pilgrimage, and Israeli Birthright Tourismby Shaul Kelner • How To Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less by Sarah Glidden • What We Brought Back: Jewish Life After Birthright, Refelctions by Alumni of Taglit-Birthright Israel Trips edited by Wayne Hoffman 27 Ruth Gavison The Nation of Israel? 'Am Ke-Khol Ha-'Amim: Likrat Hakamatah Shel Republikah Yiśre'elit (A Nation Like All the Nations: Towards the Establishment of an Israeli Republic) by Moshe Berent 29 Yehudah Mirsky The Audacity of Faith By Faith Alone: The Story of Rabbi Yehuda Amitalby Elyashiv Reichner, translated by Elli Fischer Readings 33 Moshe Halbertal At The Threshold of Forgiveness: A Study of Law and Narrative in the Talmud The Arts 36 Eitan Kensky Yo's Blues Life on Sandpaper by Yoram Kaniuk, translated by Anthony Berris 37 Esther Schor Freedom Riders The National Museum of American Jewish History 39 Elli Fischer & Marginalia Hearat Shuyalim (Footnote) directed by Joseph Cedar Shai Secunda Lost AnD FounD 41 Abba Hillel Silver What is a Jew? The Answer of the Maccabees Exchange 43 Sharon Flatto & Kabbalah in 18th-Century Prague: A Response and Rejoinder Allan Nadler Last Word 47 Abraham Socher Quibbles On the cover: “Holy Yak” by Mark Anderson. LETTERS The Novelties of Hank Greenberg “views” not “practice,” as he acknowledges not being motion of political causes that are justified as being religiously observant. based on religious values. How fantastic, on your Summer 2011 cover, Moses As a neo-Orthodox Jew, Kristol preferred the One senses that Soloveichik understands this but Mendelssohn following the flight of a home run ball rabbinic tradition, with its reverence for the past is reluctant to say so. He would like to claim Kristol off Hank Greenberg’s bat! Only, your wonderful il- and the promotion of religiously ordered lives, to for Orthodoxy, but can’t quite get around Kristol’s lustration of the fantastical would have been a little the secular humanist version of Judaism, promoted lack of interest in halakha. What is disappointing is more realistic if Greenberg’s Detroit baseball jersey by its more liberal adherents. He saw traditional re- that Soloveichik makes such an effort to bring Kris- had only the number 5 on the back. When Green- ligion as perhaps the only way to temper base hu- tol into the Orthodox camp while Orthodox Juda- berg was hitting homers, players didn’t have their man instincts in an open, free market society that ism more broadly has been so unwilling to engage names on their uniforms, and in the early days of not only allows, but actively promotes, morally with the ideas of non-Orthodox Jews who are none- the game there were not even numbers. Numbers problematic indulgences. Kristol’s neo-Orthodoxy theless committed to Jewish tradition. were introduced in 1916 so that fans could match thus contains an explicit socio-political aim. Judah Skoff the players on the field with the numbers on their While there is nothing wrong with this approach, Hoboken, NJ scorecards. It wasn’t until 1960, when television it cannot be described as Jewish Orthodoxy, “neo” fans were without scorecards, that names appeared or otherwise. It is unclear why Soloveichik does not Meir Soloveichik Responds: on baseball uniforms—first on the uniforms of the take Kristol to task on this. Orthodox Judaism re- Judah Skoff queries how I can “claim Kristol” for Chicago White Sox, in fact, when Hank Greenberg quires committed observance of what it believes are Orthodox Judaism when Irving Kristol did not live was sitting in the Chicago front office. the observant life of an Orthodox Jew. This would Tom Putnam be an excellent question, were it not for the fact that Buffalo, NY nowhere in my article do I claim Kristol for Ortho- dox Judaism. What I stress is Kristol’s affinity, in In his perceptive review of Mark Kurlansky’s biog- his teaching and writing, for what he calls Burke’s raphy of Hank Greenberg, Eitan Kensky illuminates “strong deference to tradition, which is the keystone the aesthetic of Greenberg’s determined pursuit of of any orthodoxy.” It is this attitude that Kristol de- excellence. For children of Jewish immigrants des- scribes as “neo-Orthodox,” and it is from Kristol, perately yearning for American acceptance, Green- I argue, that Orthodox Jews can learn a great deal berg’s “baseball Judaism,” requiring (one-time) ob- about our own obligation to make this case to a servance of Yom Kippur ten days after hitting two larger audience—to become, as it were, the Burkes home runs on Rosh Hashanah, vicariously certi- of the Jewish world. fied them as good Jews and loyal Americans. That It is therefore a profound mistake to refer to Hank also became the first major league player to Kristol’s writings about religion and morality as a be drafted into military service in 1941, re-enlisting “right-wing version of Reform Judaism.” First, as the day after Pearl Harbor because “My country I noted in my review, Kristol leveled his critique of comes first,” added to his patriotic luster in the eyes non-Orthodox Judaism when he was a New Deal of American Jews yearning to be Americans first. Democrat, long before he became “right wing.” But Among the flaws in Kurlansky’s book not more importantly, in Reform Judaism’s emphasizing noted by Kensky is the astonishing omission of the moral autonomy of the individual over tradition, Greenberg’s most memorable and consequential it advocates the very moral anthropology that Kris- hit: his pennant-winning, 9th-inning grand slam tol critiques. With the Enlightenment, Kristol writes, in 1945, not long after returning from five years much of the West changed its own attitude about of military service.
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