OP , COLL HAVERFORD NtWS VOLUME 27—NUMBER 20 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE). PA., TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1936 $2.00 A YEAR Van Cleave, Allen History 6 Classed As Top-Notch I Alumni Day Speaker Hugh H. Clegg To Elected Heads Of Course By Two Majors In Field Speak At Alumni Seniors Describe Merits Of History Courses In 1937 Class Record Article Addressed To Prospective Dinner On Mav 2 Majors; Recommend Changes New Editor, Bus. Mgr. Holds High Position In By B. D. Adkins and J. A. Brown It is regrettable that it has been Federal Bureau Of Active In Exint-Cur- Choosing • major is necessarily thought wise to omit the papers ricular Work a personal problem. One can seek traditionally required in Histories Investigation and obtain advice from every up- 5 and 6. We suggest that the train- perclassman on the campus. But in ing received in research of this To Choose Board Soon the final analysis a student can nature is worth a sacrifice In some Other Plans Announced hold no one but himself responsible other aspect of the course. for his decision. We could in this J. W. Van Cleave and W. W. Constitutional History of Eng- Hugh H. Clegg, assistant direc- column list in the order of their land we would advise only for his- Allen, III, were chosen editor and tor of the Federal Bureau of In- importance our reasons for choos- tory majors or prospective law stu- vestigation, will be the main speak- business manager respectively in ing the field we did. But this alone dents. The subject matter Is the Record Board elections of the would be of little value. For what highly technical and sometimes er at the annual dinner to be held Claes of '37 which were held Thurs- those of you who have not made slightly involved. It is excellently in Founders Hall on Saturday. May the decision are interested in Is not treated, but for one not interested 2, at '7 o'clock. Other epeakers will day. Van Cleave won on the first our expectations but the extent to in detailed analysis and critical include Presdient W. W. Comfort, ballot but since there was a tie which our expectations have been investigation, it all !teems a bit ir- for business manager between realised_ relevant. and toalstmaater for the evening will be Arthur H. Hopkins. '05, Allen acid F. E. Nuleen, another History properly is not the ac- American History emphasises cumulation of dates and names but Presider.[ of the Alumni Associa- election had to be held in which one important phase of all historic- a study of the progress and retro- tion. Allen won. al study,—the reaction of men to Presenting no entirely new sub- gressions of the human race. His- events. Covering a shorter period Van Cleave during his freshman tory forme a framework on which ject before the alumni, Mr. Clegg of time, the courses naturally was engaged by the committee in year worked on the News staff and all the rest of the knowledge gain- stress individuals to a greater ex- HUGH 11. CLEGG ed in college can be hung. charge because of his wide speaking wee a member of the freshman tent than do any of the other his. Assistant director of the experience and the fact that his To be specific, the proper inter. torte!s. Politics today, in its broad- track team. As • sophomore he pretation of the European crisis of Federal Bureau of Investiga- address will dot be of a "politico— was on the Haverfordian Board, est sense, is a natural outgrowth of Oen who will speak at the economic" nature. Connected with the present demands a knowledge the political thought of the paid sod in that year held the distinc- of the past- That knowledge can Alumni Day Dinner May 2. the Bureau for ten years, he has tion 4 being elected Editor-in- To understand one it is necessary had a varied experience and comes best be gained through a detailed to be conversant with the other. Chief. This year he resigned that study such as Modern European with a wealth of material for an positlon to become managing edi- Though the present treatment is Interesting talk. history offers. Incidentally, His. good, we feel that the courses tor. He is now assistant manager tory 6 is one course that no student Bill Sharp To Play of the debating team and is on the would be strengthened by the addi- Taught in Sebes!!! should omit. That applies equally tion of supervised reading in re- executive committee of the Junior as well to engineering majors Al Born in Mississippi at the close Claes. Van Cleave entered from lated fields interesting to the in- of the lest century, Mr. Clegg re- to history majors and particularly dividual student.. This would in. For Concert Dance the Country Day School in St. to those interested in philosophy, ceived his A. B. degree from Mill- Louis, where he was vice-chairman elude bulk reading of monographs, saps College (Jackson, Miss.) in government, English and econom- biographies, related histories, etc. of the yearbook. ics. As a purely cultural course Ten-Piece Band Chosen 1920. After teaching Latin, Chem- it is in our opinion unsurpassed. May we here interpose a eugges. istry and Physics in various schools Allen Is Soccer Manager The advantages of Mediaeval bon. If there is a royal road to For March 27 Affair; for several years he went to Wash- Allen has been on the business history are slightly different. Mere learning it can best be achieved by ington, D. C., in 1925, where, the Tickets 06 Sale following year, he received an LL. board of the News since his fresh- remote in time, the course does not sitting in on courses. This method man year and is now assistant have the name keen Interest and of learning his all the advantages B. degree from the George Wash- Bill Sharp and his 10-piece Cas Marten University Law School. business manager. He is also man- immediate application to current, with none of the disadvantages. ager of the Varsity Soccer team tie Harbor Orchestra have been He began his work for the Fed- affairs. But as a basis for a proper! There are just one or two other eral Government that same year and secretary of the Junior Chess. chosen to play at the dance in the prospective and as a background comments we would like to make. when he was appointed a Special Be earns to the College from West- for the cultural beginnings of mod-, The ancient histories we have pur- Gymnasium following the Annual Agent of the Bureau. During tho town. ee% civilization it Is a worthy sup- Posele omitted, since, having not Home Concert on Friday, March next few years be worked with var- The board has been elected un- 'dement to any college student's taken them, we feel unqualified to ious departments of the Bureau, usually early this year, being or- 27. The bend has played at a Co- curriculum. It is worth noting !Meek. Because anybody consider- serving as Junior Administrative tillion Club dance last fall, at the dinarily picked early in May. It that the professor in charge of the in majoring in Kelton' will have Officer and subsequently as Spec- has been organized at this time this course is well qualified on much of taken History 1. we consider no Charity Ball for Cancer Research, ial Agent in Charge of the Wash- comment necessary. year no that the new board might the material offered. held at the Bellevue-Stratford, and ington, D. C., and Chicago, Illin- work with the old board on this at the P. M. C. Junior Prom. ois, field office district. He was ap- year's Record and observe the pointed an inspector in 1930. and According to W. E. Sheppard II, methods of awarding contracts and was promoted to his present office other duties of the Record Board. Washington, Yale Liberals To Heal rice-president of the Cap and Bells in 1932. Club, there will be a program of C.O. ow Pop 5, Cot • eight dances, which will follow the GRAYBILL, GREIF TO SPEAK W. Haviland To Address To Face Debaters Address By Lunt concert immediately. The concert, Phila. Young Friends On which is to be held in Roberts Hall, F. 3. Graybill, graduate student, is scheduled to begin at 8.15 P. M and R. L Greif, '37, will speak at Eli Will Oppose Women Professor To Discuss the next meeting of the Chemistry 'Young And Old Friends' The hosts and hostesses at the Club which is to be held in the In Mock Debate To Present European chance will be President and Mrs. Chemistry Building tomorrow Walter Haviland, headmaster of W. W. Comfort, Mr. and Mrs. M. night at 7:15. The subject of Friends Select School, will speak Be Held March 27 Situation Greif's talk will be "Neutrons." on 'Young Friends and Old Alexander Laverty, and Mr. and Mrs. John C. Leber. while Graybill'a topic will he an- Yriends---Together and Separate." Debates with two more outside In an attempt to clarify and ex- nounced later. at the Cherry Street Meeting At the concert the first ten rows teams are scheduled for thin month plain the international situation o will be reserved seats and the re House, on March 22, at 3:30 P. M. to conclude the debating team's Europe, Professor William E. Lun He will address the Annual Meet- tnaining seats will sell at 81.00.
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