ROSALIA Handbooks ROSALIA Handbooks Practical Experiences in Invasive Alien Plant Control Second, revised and expanded edition Invasive plant species pose major agricultural, silvicultural, human health and ecological problems worldwide, and are considered the most signifi cant threat for nature conservation. Species invading natural areas in Hungary have been described by a number of books published in the Practical Experiences in Invasive Alien Plant Control last few years. A great amount of experience has been gathered about the control of these species in some areas, which we can read about in an increasing number of articles; however, no book has been published with regards to the whole country. Invasions affecting larger areas require high energy and cost input, and the effectiveness and successfulness of control can be infl uenced by a number of factors. The development of effective, widely applicable control and eradication technologies is preceded by experiments and examinations which are based on a lot of practical experience and often loaded with negative experiences. National park directorates, forest and agricultural managers and NGOs in many parts of Hungary are combatting the spread of invasive species; however, the exchange of information and conclusion of experiences among the managing bodies is indispensable. The aim of the present volume is to facilitate this by summarizing experiences and the methods applied in practice; which, we hope, will enable us to successfully stop the further spread of invasive plant species and effectively protect our natural values. Magyarország-Szlovákia Partnerséget építünk Határon Átnyúló Együttműködési Program 2007-2013 Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate rrosaliaosalia kkezikonyvezikonyv 3 aangng jjav.inddav.indd 1 22017. 110:02:150:02:15 The second, revised and expanded edition was supported by Financial support for the fi rst edition has been provided by “Unifi ed “Conservation of priority natural values in ‘Turjánvidék’ Natura protection against invasive alien plants in sand and fl oodplain habitats” 2000 site southern unit” project. In Hungarian „turjános” is called a project. The aim of this project was to control invasive alien species vegetation that is found on soggy, waterlogged areas that are diffi cult to (IAS) in sand and fl oodplain areas of Hungary and Slovakia, between walk through. That is where the name of the project area and the entire 2012 and 2014. Duna–Ipoly National Park Directorate (DINPD) and its Natura 2000 area around it comes from. The conservation project could partner, Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable be launched with the help of the European Union’s LIFE-Nature Fund, Development (BROZ) carried out the following actions: the aim of which is to elaborate and maintain a conservation-oriented habitat management scheme that sets a good example. The Natura • Know-how of former projects and management activities were 2000 network supports the conservation of habitats and species that are compiled, area managers were trained. endangered, rare, or characteristic of Europe’s nature. • Species specifi c treatment was applied to control the most problematic species for conservation in 3 sites in Slovakia and 5 sites Objectives of the projects are to: in Hungary, in fl oodplain and sand habitats. Total managed area in • Inhibit the further desiccation of fl oodplain and riparian habitats the project was 645 ha. through the implementation of water retention plans and water • The most important farming and managing stakeholders of IAS management. control were involved to change attitude and behaviour as well as to • Eradicate the invasive species and replace them with natives if it is exchange professional information. necessary to increase the naturalness of habitats. • Manage and extend the potential habitat of the Hungarian meadow viper, through the land purchase and the conversion of arable lands and forest plantations into grasslands and meadows by grey cattle grazing. • Develop management plans for the military areas, helping the conservation of natural values during the military activities in shooting-range. • Emphasize environmental education, communication activities and monitoring as well. Title of project is “Conservation of priority natural values in ‘Turjánvidék’ Natura 2000 site southern unit” LIFE + Nature project Duration: 01 September 2011 – 31 December 2017 Implementers of project: Duna–Ipoly National Park Directorate www.dunaipoly.hu Hungary Ministry of Defence - Armament and Quartermaster Offi ce www.hmfl u.gov.hu Project was funded by: Budapest Forestry Company European Regional Development Fund www.bp-erdo.hu (www.husk-cbc.eu) WWF Hungary Project identifi cation number: www.wwf.hu HUSK/1101/2.2.1./0052 rrosaliaosalia kkezikonyvezikonyv 3 aangng jjav.inddav.indd 2 22017. 110:02:170:02:17 ROSALIA HANDBOOKS PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES IN INVASIVE ALIEN PLANT CONTROL ROSALIA KÉZIKÖNYVEK Marticsek József (szerk.) (2010): Tájgazdálkodás Pannon gyepeken. Rosalia kézikönyvek 1. – Duna–Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, 244 old. ISBN 978 963 88013 9 5 Frank Tamás és Szmorad Ferenc (2014): Védett erdők természetességi állapotának fenntartása és fejlesz- tése. Rosalia kézikönyvek 2. – Duna–Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, 160 old. ISBN 978 615 5241 12 3 Csiszár Ágnes és Korda Márton (szerk.) (2015): Özönnövények visszaszorításának gyakorlati tapaszta- latai. Rosalia kézikönyvek 3. – Duna–Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, 239 old. ISBN 978 963 86466 8 2 Csiszár Ágnes és Korda Márton (szerk.) (2017): Özönnövények visszaszorításának gyakorlati tapaszta- latai. 2. bővített kiadás. Rosalia kézikönyvek 3. – Duna–Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, 247 old. ISBN 978 615 5241 23 9 ROSALIA HANDBOOKS Csiszár, Á. and Korda, M. (eds) (2015): Practical experiences in invasive alien plant control. Rosalia Handbooks. – Duna–Ipoly National Park Directorate, Budapest, 241 pp. ISBN 978-615-5241-16-1 Csiszár, Á. and Korda, M. (eds) (2017): Practical experiences in invasive alien plant control. 2nd revised and expanded edition. Rosalia Handbooks. – Duna–Ipoly National Park Directorate, Budapest, 249 pp. ISBN 978-615-5241-24-6 VOLUMES OF ROSALIA TANULMÁNYKÖTETEK Barina Zoltán (2006): A Gerecse hegység flórája. (Flora of the Gerecse Mountains.) – Magyar Természettu- dományi Múzeum és Duna–Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igaz gatóság, Budapest, 612 pp. ISBN 963 7093 91 5 Nagy József (2007): A Börzsöny hegység edényes flórája. (Vascular flora of the Börzsöny Mountains.) – Duna–Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, 378 pp. ISBN 978 963 87687 0 4 Halpern Bálint (szerk.) (2007): A rákosi vipera védelme. Tanulmány gyűjtemény. (Studies on the conservation of the Hungarian Meadow Viper.) – Duna–Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, 194 pp. ISBN 978 963 87687 3 5 Dobolyi Konstantin és Kézdy Pál (szerk.) (2008): Természetvédelem és kutatás a Szénás-hegycsoporton. Tanulmánygyűjtemény. (Nature conservation and researches on the Szénás Hills.) – Duna–Ipoly Nem- zeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, 431 pp. ISBN 978 963 88013 0 2 Pintér Balázs és Tímár Gábor (szerk.) (2010): A Naszály természetrajza. Tanulmány gyűj temény. (A natural history of Mt Naszály, Hungary.) – Duna–Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, 817 pp. ISBN 978 963 88013 6 4 Verő György (szerk.) (2011): Természetvédelem és kutatás a Duna–Tisza közi homokhátságon. (Nature conservation and researches on the Sandridge of the Danube–Tisza Interfluve.) – Duna–Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, 521 pp. ISBN 978 615 5241 00 0 Vidra Tamás (szerk.) (2012): Természetvédelem és kutatás a Tápió-vidéken. (Nature conser vation and research in the Tápió region.) – Duna–Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, 656 pp. ISBN 978 615 5241 03 1 Kézdy Pál és Tóth Zoltán (szerk.) (2012): Természetvédelem és kutatás a budai Sas-hegyen. (Nature conser- vation and research in Mt Sas-hegy.) – Duna–Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, 592 pp. ISBN 978 615 5241 04 8 Standovár Tibor, Bán Miklós és Kézdy Pál (szerk.) (2017): Erdőállapot-értékelés középhegységi er- deinkben. Tanulmánygyűjtemény. (Forest state assessment in submontane woodlands.) – Duna–Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, 612 pp. ISBN 978 615 5241 20 8 PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES IN INVASIVE ALIEN PLANT CONTROL Edited by Ágnes Csiszár and Márton Korda Second, revised and expanded edition Duna–Ipoly National Park Directorate Budapest, 2017 Technical manual for national park directorates, area managers of natural areas, nature conservation authorities and NGOs. Manuscript closed in December 2017 Editors: Ágnes Csiszár and Márton Korda Reviewers: Ágnes Csiszár, Botond Mihály, Márton Korda and István Szidonya Translated by László Szilágyi, Ágnes Csiszár Linguistic readers: Andrew Symons and Gábor Kovács Cover design and typography: Németh János Cover photos: Ágnes Csiszár, László Demeter, Márton Korda, Csaba Vadász The first edition was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (HUSK/1101/2.2.1./0052) (www.husk-cbc.eu;www.hungary-slovakia-cbc.eu). The second revised and expanded edition was supported by the “Conservation of priority natural values in ‘Turjánvidék’ Natura 2000 site southern unit” project. The content of this publication does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Magyarország-Szlovákia Határon Átnyúló Együttműködési Partnerséget építünk Program 2007-2013 ISBN 978-615-5241-24-6 © The authors © Duna–Ipoly National Park Directorate All rights reserved. No part
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