record To Serving e Music &Record Industry Vol. 21, No. 1034 April 1, 1961 In the opinion of the editors, this week the following records are the WHO SINGLE PICKS OF THE IVF,Eli CASINO ROYALE IN THE HERB ALPERT and WORLD THE TIJUANA BRASS Whatwill be happening The Alpert brass (Herb and Frankie Laine has his disk Soulfuland moving slice, will be "TheHappening" the Tijuanas) here toot the career all revved up again "Out ofLeftField" from bytheSupremes.It's a catchy themeBurtBach- andthissingalongballad Percy Sledgehasnothing bright, bouncy, lively num- arach composedforthe "Making Memories" will tostopitfromleaping ber about the fickle finger new James Bond pic, farewellwith a large up the chart.Ithas grip- offate and love (Motown 'Casino Royale" (A&M 850). cross-sectionofthebuy- ping mood effect (Atlantic 1107). Title tune of a new ingpublic (ABC 10924). 2396). flick. Oscar, maybe? r 7 7 SLELI1 LDS47 OF THE II ELA Michael Horn's "Strawberry leanWells wails"After TheFiveStairstepskeep Dream," penned by the lad, LovingYou"forallit's right on steppingwith is the first slice from Wes worth here and could turn their rock career and Farrell's new Senate label up with quite aclickfor "Ain'tGonna Rest(Till I and Herb Bernstein has herself and Clyde Otis who Get You)" should move supplied the production produced (Calla 128). them higher on chart than touches. Click (Senate they'veever been (Windy 2101). C 605). ILISUMS OF THE WEEK Mary, Julie and Carol ',wows* manta' HWRNflL Cavort in Blockbuster ANMN1111 CARL041/INIIIM Universal Filmusical, 'Thoroughly Modern Millie.' Decca Label Has the Soundtrack LP. "FrancisAlbertSinatra&An- TonyBennettathisbest on "Dionne Warwick on Stage and tonio Carlos Jobim" is the "Tony MakesItHappen!," a inthe Movies"isan albumful Review of Film Is In straightforward title of this gor- collection of beautiful and some- of exciting Burt Bacharach ar- geous packageofJobim bossa times neglected songs like rangementsfororchestraand nova tunesplusothers. The "Can't Get Out of This Mood." Dionne.Gal is just terrif (Scepter This Issue. toneissoft and the moodis Impeccably done (ColumbiaCL SRM 559). romantic (Reprise F FS 1021). 2653; CS 9453). Spencer"I'mTheGroup newAThe GIANT Man".,Davis from ProducedLicensed byby IslandJimmy Records, Miller Ltd., London, England [1i;ITsED) Labels Urge Congress Date Celebrates Big Broaden Copyright Law 1st Year Expanding WASHINGTON, D. C. - On Testifying in behalf of the Tuesday, March 21, phonographrecord industry were its special Date Records, after an im-Coasters album is already in record companiesurgedCon-counsel, Thurman Arnold,apressive first year of operationproduction. gress to broaden the nation'spartner in the Washington lawsince its reactivation by Colum- In addition, further penetra- copyright law so as to requirefirm of Arnold & Porter; Davidbia Records early in 1966,is tion into the pop rhythm-and- those whose businesses are basedKapp, President of Kapp Record,not resting on its laurels. blues market is expected with on the playing of recordings-Inc., and currently President of According to Ed Mathews,the soon -to -be -released master radioand TV stations,jukeRIAA; Clive J. Davis, VP andManager, Date Records, the la-purchase "I Stand Accused (Of boxes,commercialbackgroundGeneral Manager of CBS Rec-bel is solidifying its successesLoving You)" by the Glories. music services and discothequeords; Alan W. Livingston, Pres-and acquiring new artists andThe female group is produced -to pay royaltiestorecordidentof the Capitol Records;properties to enhance itsfu-by Bob Yorey Productions. companies and performers. Jarrell McCracken, President ofture. In short, through selective The plea was made before aWord Records; Isabelle Marks,master purchasesbacked by Entering Country Senate Judiciary SubcommitteeAssistantSecretaryofDeccathorough promotion and artist Dateisalsoentering the considering revision of the cur-Records; Sidney Diamond, Coun-development, DateismovingCountry- and -Westernmarket. rent copyright law, most of thesel to London Records, Inc., andout on all fronts. Date productMathewsrecentlyannounced provisions of which date back toSpecial Counsel to RIAA, andis distributed nationally by Co-the signing of the promising 1909. ErnestMeyers,theAssocia-lumbia Records' distributors. C&W artist Van Trevor. Testifying wererepresenta-tion's General Counsel. A state- "Despite the fast expansionTrevor'srecordingswillbe tives of the Record Industry As-ment was filed in behalf of Nor-of Date, we are striving to con-producedforDate by Dick sociationofAmerica,whoseman Racusin, VP and Generaltinue the person -to -person con-HurdofStanrichProduc- members make and sell aboutManager of the RCA Victor Rec-tact that has meant so muchtions. Van Trevor has had two 90% of all the recordings in theord Division, who could not beto our success," Mathews com-C&W hits on the Band Box la- United States. present at the hearing. mented regarding Date's posi-bel-"Born to Be in Love With The record companies, while Under current copyright law,tion of prominence in the cur-You" and "Our Side." An al- generally supporting the revi-music publishers and composersrentmarket.Hecontinued,bum containing his current hits sion bill, also testified in oppo-shareroyaltiesaccrued from"The label has enjoyed an ex-is now being prepared for Date sition to a provision that wouldpublic performances - live andceptional track record duringrelease. increase by 25% the royaltiesrecorded - of their music onitsfirstyearofoperation, Other Dateartists,mean- payable to music publishers onradio, TV, theaters, night clubs,primarily because of our abil-while, are also receiving heavy popular records and by 100%and the like. Record companiesitytodealdirectly and de-Date promotion in the label's onclassicalrecordings.Theyandperformingartistshavecisively with new talents." success consolidation. Date has warned that the consequences ofnever before been entitled to re- Buildingonsolidsuccess,just released a new single by such a rate hike would be aceive royalties from the publicDate hasreleaseda secondthe Seagulls, "Twiggs," a song build-up of pressures leading to-performance of their recordings,PeachesandHerbsingle,written for the newly promi- ward increased retail prices ora right that prevailsin most"Close Your Eyes," which is al-nent British model Twiggy. The less musical content per record,areas of the world, except behindreadyheadingfastupthegroup performed the song for a decline in the output of musi-the iron curtain. Juke box own-charts, following the duo's firstTwiggy and a large number of cal recordings, less employmenters are now exempt from payinghit, "Let's Fall in Love." Theirfashion -business luminaries at for musicians and other artistsroyalties to publishers and com-firstalbum,"Let'sFallina party for Twiggy given last and the forced exit from theposers, but the revision bill cur-Love," has just been releasedweekbyphotographerBert industry of smaller, less finan-rently before the Subcommitteeand has hit the charts. Records -Stern in his Manhattan studio. cially stable record companies.would remove that exemption. by Peaches and Herb, who haveA new Cannibal and the Head- The public would be the ultimate beenchristened"TheSweet-hunters single, "Shake a Tail loser, they declared. hearts of Soul" by disk jockeys,Feather" c/w "Fairest of Them Stressed Contributions are independently produced byAll,"isslated for immediate Record industrywitnessesDave Kapralik's Daedalus Pro-release. pointed out that a copyright inductions. Staff Grows Kama Sutra Bows a performance has for many years been vested in other crea- Hit Foundation This increased activity has New Buddah Label tive art forms - musical, dra- made it necessary for Date to matic and literary works, as well Further expanding on a hitexpanditspromostaff.Ed NEW YORK - Kama Sutra,as motion pictures. Theyfoundation, Date has releasedMathews willsoon announce the independent production com- stressed that the creative con-an album by The Arbors, "A (Continued on page 4) pany, will start its own inde-tributions of the record industrySymphony for Susan," which is pendently distributed label, Bud-in pairing the right song withalready on the charts. The way dah Records, to include all cate-the right artist, arranging andfor the LP was paved by the EiiiiiiiiiiminimominommunommithommummE gories of the contemporary mu-orchestrating it so that it bestgroup's hit Date single of the sic scene, from jazz to Latinshows off the performer's talent,same title, which achieved highI Vogue Music American to premium, etc. wasasimportantasfittingchart position and established The Kama Sutra label is dis-actors to roles in motion pic-the Arbors as hitmakers. The E Buys Firms B tributed by MGM Records. tures;thatarranging micro-Arbors'recordingsareinde- Buddah will bow in mid orphones in a studio and engineer-pendently produced by Richard late April, and will have its own E. Carney. It is reported that a deal has ing a recording so as to pro- been consummated whereby distribution. The new label alsoduce the right sound and tone, Theseimportantsolidifica-Lawrence Welk's Vogue Music will have outside producers. pitch,reverberation,etc.,wastions complete, Date is now ex- The new label will be helmed panding further. The label re-has bought the entire catalog of by Kama Sutra principals Philto the record industry what thecently announced the signingSouth Mountain Music from Don proper set design and lighting Costa and Teddy Randazzo. Steinberg, Hy Mizrahi and Artiewas to the production of a
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