Page 711 TITLE 10.-ARMED FORCES § 6953 (i) An aviation pilot of the Naval Reserve or the Sec. 6871. Midshipmen's store, laundry, barber shop, cobbler Marine Corps Reserve may, if qualified under regu- shop, tailor shop, and dairy: disposition of funds. lations prescribed by the Secretary, be appointed an 6972. Chapel: crypt and window spaces. ensign in the Naval Reserve or a second lieutenant 6973. Gifts and bequests: acceptance for benefit 6f Naval in the Marine Corps Reserve, as appropriate. (Aug. Academy. 10, 1956, ch. § 1, 70A Stat. 427.) 6974. Gifts and bequests: acceptance for benefit of museum. HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES § 6951. Location. Revisedsection Source (U. S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large) The United States Naval Academy shall be located § at Annapolis, Maryland. (Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 6915 ----- 34 U. S. C. 841a-841e; 34 Nov. 5, 1941, ch'.468, 1-5, U. S. C. 841h. 55 S tat. 719. § 1, 70A Stat. 428.) Nov. 5, 194i, chi. 468, § 8; added Aug. 4, 1942, chi.547, HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES 15i(hi), 56 Stat. 740. Rsection Source (U. S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large) In subsection (a) the authority to designate student aviation pilots is expressly set forth. The portion of 34 U. S. C. 841h that provides that 6951 ----- 34 U. S. C. 1021. R. S. 1511. student aviation pilots who are qualified civilian avia- tors shall be given a brief refresher course in flight train- The words "United States" are inserted before the ing is contained in subsection (c). The remainder of words "Naval Academy" to state the full title. The word 34 U. S. C. 841h, which provides that such pilots shall "established" is omitted as executed. The words "in the not be considered as having been designated pursuant to 34 U. S. C. 841a---841h, is reflected in subsection (b) State of" are omitted as surplusage. by making that subsection applicable only to student §6952. Civilian teachers: number; compensation. aviation pilots who are not qualified civilian aviators. No other consequences attach to designation as student (a) The Secretary of the Navy may employ as aviation pilots under the particular provisions. In sub- many civilians as professors, instructors, and lectur- section (b) the word "continuous" is omitted as covered by the word "period", and the subsection is written as a ers at the Naval Academy as he considers necessary. condition precedent to designation, because it is so (b) The compensation of persons employed under interpreted. this section is as prescribed by the Secretary. In subsection ((c) the words "enlisted in or transferred he considers to pilot ratings" are omitted as surplusage. (c) The Secretary, to the extent Subsection (e) states expressly the authority to desig- proper, may delegate the authority conferred by this nate aviation pilots, which is implied in 34 U. S. C. 841a, section to any person in the Department of the Navy, 841b, and 841d. re- In subsection (f) the words "pay grade E-5" are substi- with or without the authority to make successive tuted for the words "third grade" in 34 U. S. C. 841b to delegations. (Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, § 1, 70A Stat. conform to the terminology of the Career Compensation 428.) Act of 1949 (37 U. S. C. 231 et seq.). HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES In subsection (h) the words "of the Naval Reserve or the Marine Corps Reserve" are substituted for the words Revised Source (U. S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large) "designated as such in accordance with sections 841a and section S 841b of this title" for uniformity. 6952 ----- 34 U. S. C. 1071 (as applica- Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 756, §7 (a) ble to Naval Academy); (as applicable to Naval Chapter 603.-UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY 5 U. S. C. 412a. Academy), 60 Stat. 854. Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 756, § 39, 60 Sec. Stat. 858. 6951. Location. 6952. Civilian teachers: number; compensation. 6953. Midshipmen: appointment. The words "for the proper instruction of naval per- 6954. Midshipmen: number. sonnel" and the words "be paid out of naval appropria- 6955. Midshipmen: allotment upon redistricting of Con- 'tions" are omitted as surplusage. gressional Districts. In subsection (c) the words "except the authority to 6956. Midshipmen: nomination and selection to fill va- prescribe regulations" are omitted, since 34 U. S. C. 1071 cancies. contains no authority for the Secretary of the Navy to 6957. Admission of foreigners for Instruction: restric- prescribe regulations for the administration of that tions; conditions. section. 6958. Midshipmen: qualifications for admission. 6959. Midshipmen: agreement for length of service. § 6953. Midshipmen: appointment. 6960. Midshipmen: clothing and equipment; uniform allowance. Midshipmen at the Naval Academy shall be ap- 6961. Midshipmen: dismissal for best interests of the pointed by the President alone. (Aug. 10, 1956, ch. service. 1041, § 1, 70A Stat. 429.) 6962. Midshipmen: discharge for unsatisfactory conduct or inaptitude. HISTORICAL AND REvIsION NOTES 6963. Midshipmen: discharge for deficiency. 6964. Hazing: definition; prohibition. This section is included in this chapter without specific 6965. Failure to report violation; dismissal. reference to statutory source to resolve the ambiguities 6966. Course of study. and conflicts existing in the statutes relating to the ap- 6967. Degree on graduation. pointment of midshipmen at the Naval Academy. The 6968. Board of Visitors. word "appoint" has been used in various statutes when 6969. Band: composition. the intent of Congress was to provide authority in the 6970. Storekeeper: detail; returns; inspection of accounts. persons named to "choose," "select," or "nominate" for 0 84049" -57-vol. 1- 47 § 6954 TITLE 10.-ARMED FORCES Page 712 the office of midshipman. These statutes have been col- HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES lected and codified in § 6954 of this title, which reflects the various sources of nominees for "appointment" as sevisd Source (U. S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large) midshipmen and the persons who may so "nominate" them. The actual appointing power resides in the Pres- ident and this implied authority is herein expressed for 6954 (a) 34 U. S. C. 1036a. June 8, 1926, ch. 492, par. 2, (1). 44 Stat. 703; Dec. 1, 1942, clarity and for the purpose of uniformity of expression. 6954 (a) 34 U. S. C. 1037. ch. 650, 56 Stat. 1024; Nov. (2). 24, 1945, ch. 493, 59 Stat. 6954 (a) 34 U. S. C. 1032 (lst 31 586; June 30, 1950, ch. 421, § 6954. Midshipmen: number. (3)-(7). words). §6 (c), 64 Stat. 305; June 3, 6954 (a) 34 U. S. C. 1034. 1954, ch. 251, § 1, 68 Stat. (a) There may be at the Naval Academy at any (7). 168. one time midshipmen as follows: 6954 (a) 34 U. S. C. 1035a. May 28,1928, ch. 820, 45 Stat. (8). 788. (1) 40 selected in order of merit as established by 6954 (b) 34 U. S. C. 1039. Dec. 20, 1917, ch. 5, § 1 (Ist (1). 31 words), 40 Stat. 430; competitive examination from the sons of members 6954 (b) 34 U. S. C. 1032 (32d to 70th Aug. 13, 1946, ch. 962, § 16, of the armed forces who were killed in action or died (2) and words). 60 Stat. 1061; May 16, 1947, (3). ch. 77, § 1 (o), 61 Stat. 100. of wounds or injuries received or diseases contracted 6954 (b) 34 U. S. C. 1033a. Mar. 3, 1903, ch. 1010, 32 Stat. (4). 1198 (2d par.). in, or preexisting injury or disease aggravated by, 6954 (c)-..-34 U. S. C. 1038. June 8, 1939, ch. 195, 53 Stat. active service- 814. Aug. 13, 1946, oh. 962, §16 (a), (A) during World War I or World War II as de- 60 Stat. 1061; May 16,1947, oh. 77,§ 1 (o), 61 Stat. 100; fined by laws providing service-connected compen- June 30, 1950, oh. 421, § 5, sation or pension benefits for veterans of those wars 64 Stat. 305. Dec. 20, 1917, ch. 5, §1 (32d to and their dependents; or 70th words), 40 Stat. 430; Aug. 13, 1946, oh. 962, § 16, (B) after June 26, 1950, and before February 1, 60 Stat. 1061. 1955. Feb. 27, 1936, oh. 89, 49 Stat. 1144; June 6, 1941, oh. 175, The determination of the Veterans' Administration 55 Stat. 246. Nov. 24, 1945, oh. 492, 59 Stat. as to service connection of the cause of death is 586. binding upon the Secretary of the Navy. (2) Five nominated at large by the Vice President. All provisions of law authorizing appointments to the (3) Ten from each State, five of whom are nomi- Naval Academy from various sources are collected in this section. The language is extensively changed to nated by each Senator from that State. meet the needs of this organization of the source ma- (4) Five nominated by each Representative in terial. In those provisions that now authorize "appoint- Congress. ments" by other than the President, the language is changed to indicate (5) Five from the District of Columbia, nominated that the process is one of selection where the law requires selection by competitive exami- by the Commissioners of that District. nation, and to show that other candidates are nominated. (6) Five from each Territory, nominated by the The manner of appointing the selectees and nominees, in Delegate in Congress from that Territory. all cases, is covered in § 6953 of this title. In the case of nominees from States, the District of Columbia, Ter- (7) Six from Puerto Rico, five of whom are ritories, and from Puerto Rico, the qualification that nominated by the Resident Commissioner from the nominees must be from the political subdivisions Puerto Rico and one who is a native of Puerto Rico from which nominated is indicated. The requirement nominated by the Governor of Puerto Rico.
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